Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Ore O. — Theory of Graphs |
Предметный указатель |
Alternating augmentation 132
Andreoli 252
ARC 23
Arc, circuit type 54
Arc, completed 55
Arc, connecting 200
Arc, diametral 29
Arc, diametral elongation 31
Arc, Hamilton 53
Arc, longest 31
Arc, radial elongation 31
Ariadne's thread 49
Assignment problem 115
Aumann 258
Automorphism 239
Axiom of Choice 92
Axiom of choice, metric 27
Baebler 77 253
Bagemihl 213 260
Beckman 50 251
Bellman 251
Benado 257
Berge 250 256
Bernstein theorem 114
Birkhoff, G. 245 257 258 267
Birkhoff, G.D. 235 262
Blanusa 252
Bol 61 252
Boruvka 61 252
Bostwick 220
Bott 61 252
Branch 59 64
Branch, weight 65
Bridge 81
Brooks 226 261
Burge 253
Capacity 19
Cartesian sum, product 35
Cayley 59-61 242—244 251 262
Center 29
Center, elongation 31
Center, gravity 30
Center, Hamilton 56
Center, interlocking chain 217
Center, mass 64 65
Chain 92
Chain, interlocking 217
Chain, sum property 96
Chapman 118 255
Chisholm 253
Choice function 92
Choquet 61 252
Chord 233
Chromatic number 224
Chromatic number, decomposition 224
Circuit 23
Circuit, broken 235
Circuit, edge 81 82
Circuit, edge connected 82
Circuit, end 90
Circuit, isomorphic 248
Circuit, rank 67
Circuit, type 55
Closed set 177
Closed set, circuit 82 149
Closed set, strongly cyclically 158
Closure relation 177
Closure relation, transitive 150
Color function 224
Coloration, k- 224
Coloration, polynomial 235
Compact edge separation 154
Comparable 151
Component, complete 135
Component, connected 23
Component, deficient 135
Component, forbidden 103
Component, index 230
Connected, 1-vertex 80
Connected, cyclic edge 150
Connected, k-edge 79
Connective index 89
Correspondence, inverse 26
Correspondence, many-to-one 68
Correspondence, one-to-one 25
Covering, progressive 50
Covering, set 208
Coxeter 245 264
Cross-Out 175
Cross-path theorem 197
Crowe 250
Culik 256
Cycle, directed 26
Cycle, generalized 68
Cycle, order 26
Cyclic interchange 104
Dancing problem 115
Dantzig 53 251 257
de Bruijn 41 226 250 254 261
De Morgan ix
Deficiency 109 159 203
Deficiency, bounded 109
Deficiency, converse 159
Deficiency, d- 140
Deficiency, edge 205
Deficiency, maximal 109
Deformation 164
Deformation, cyclic 133
Deformation, equivalent 164
Degree 10
Degree, local 7 10
Desargues 241
descendent 167
Deviation, edge 30
Deviation, mean vertex 30
Diameter 29
Dickinson 263
Dickson 220
Dilworth 173 174 182 257
Dirac 56 89 91 229 231—233 253 259 261
Distance 27
Distance, measured 50
Domination number 207
Dubreil 195 259
Dubreil-Jacotin 195 259
Dulmage 127 130 255
Duplication 6
Dushnik 178 258
Dziobek 61 252
Edge, , 156
Edge, acyclic 146
Edge, arc designated 199
Edge, attachment (number) 78
Edge, circuit 81
Edge, connecting 78
Edge, connectivity 78
Edge, covering 40
Edge, covering family, number 208
Edge, cross 197
Edge, cut 81
Edge, cyclic 146
Edge, deviation 30
Edge, directed 1
Edge, end points 1
Edge, entering 2
Edge, essential 155
Edge, exterior 78
Edge, incident 2
Edge, incoming 2
| Edge, interior 78
Edge, isomorphic 245
Edge, issuing 2
Edge, multiple 5
Edge, outgoing 2
Edge, separating 81
Edge, separation theorem 202
Edge, sequence 23
Edge, singular exchange related 104
Edge, strongly circuit connected 85
Edge, superfluous 152
Edge, terminal 58
Edge, touching 78
Edge, undirected 1
Egyed 147 256
Eisenhower 73
Elongation, center, diameter, radius, number 31
Equivalence block, singular, non-singular 16
Erdoes 43 56 91 213 219 220 226 250 253 260 261
Euler, V. 38—40 131 250
Everett 258
Exclusion property 97
exit 48
Factor 13
Ferrers 193—196
Ferrers' diagram 195
Fiedler 256
Fitting 251
Five Queens Problem 207
fixpoint 27 69
Fletcher 263
Flood 251
Fodor 213 260
Ford 251
Forest 58
Foster 264
Frucht 240 241 244 245 262—264
Fulkerson 53 251 257
Gaddum 227 261
Gale 143 256
Gallai 56 91 213 253 260
Galois, closure, closed elements 184
Galois, connection, correspondence 183
Galois, involutory, orthogonal, polar, self-dual 187
Galois, perfect 185
Gleason 218 261
Goldberg 81 253
Goodman 218 261
Gottschalk 254
Graph 1
Graph, acyclic 149
Graph, almost first degree 160
Graph, alternating composition 158
Graph, arbitrarily traceable 74
Graph, associated undirected 5
Graph, basis 153
Graph, bipartite 106
Graph, Cartesian sum, product 35
Graph, Cayley color 242
Graph, circuit closed 149
Graph, circuit free 58
Graph, colorable 224
Graph, complement 12
Graph, complete 3
Graph, complete, directed 4
Graph, converse 5
Graph, covering 208
Graph, critical 229
Graph, Desargues 241
Graph, descendent 167
Graph, direct sum 13
Graph, directed 2 145
Graph, directed leaf 149
Graph, edge disjoint 13
Graph, Euler 39
Graph, exclusion 100
Graph, finite 7
Graph, generating 152
Graph, infinite 7
Graph, interchange 19
Graph, intersection 12
Graph, isomorphic 3
Graph, leaf 82
Graph, leaf composition 84 149
Graph, mixed 3
Graph, mutually connected 147
Graph, nearly regular 118
Graph, null 3
Graph, Pappus 241
Graph, permutation 25
Graph, Petersen 240
Graph, planar 6
Graph, Platonic 8—10
Graph, product 33
Graph, regular 10 11
Graph, regular bipartite 117
Graph, reproduction 167
Graph, section 12
Graph, signal relation 220
Graph, singular, singularly related 104
Graph, star 12
Graph, sum 12
Graph, term 126
Graph, transitive closure 150
Graph, transmission 220
Graph, undirected 2
Graph, vertex disjoint 13
Green 81 253
Greenwood 218 261
Group, automorphism 239
Group, complete monomial 240
Gruenwald, G. 254 260
Gruenwald, T. 43 250 259
Grundy 224—226
Grundy function 224
Hadwiger 233 234
Hadwiger's conjecture 233
Hajoes 259
Hall, M. 116 131 254 255
Hall, P. 113 254
Halmos 254
Hamilton, arc 53
Hamilton, center 56
Hamilton, circuit 52
Harary 77 89 253 263
Hausdorff 94
Height 69 70
Heller 251
Henkin 254
Hexagonal condition 195
Higgins 140 142 254 256
Hiraguchi 258
Hoffman 254 257
Homomorphic image 83
Homomorphism 83 149
Homomorphism, connected, disjoint 85
Homomorphism, independent 85
Homomorphism, multiplicity 83
Homomorphism, simple 83
Husimi 253
Husimi tree 89
Immediate successor, predecessor 162
Incidence matching 71 72
Incidence matrix 19
Inclusion property 97
Incomparable 151
Independence number 211 213
Independent edge family 213
Independent order decomposition 174
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