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Vassiliev V.A. — Applied Picard-Lefschetz Theory |
Предметный указатель |
Adapted coordinates 98 150
Adjoint strata 76
Admissible chain 89
Algebraic body 111
Algebraic integrability 111
Arnold class 261
Arnold class, localized 270
Arnold class, projective 261
Arnold class, reduced 266 271
Arnold orientation 257
Base of deformation 45
Basic stratum 299
Bifurcation diagram of functions 63
Big monodromy group 268
Bistable equivalence 172
body 111
Body, algebraic 111
Body, non-singular 111
CAP 120
Cauchy problem 142
Caustic 63
Chain subanalytic 89
Chain subanalytic, admissible 89
Characterizing function 193
Charge, standard 255
Clemens structure 232
Codimension of a complete intersection 71
Cohomological bundle 29
Cohomology group of a local system 216
Complete intersection 71
Completely infinite reflection group 284
Completely real singularity 51
Complex link 82
Conditional integral 291
Corank of a singularities 57
Cuspidal edge, generic 126
Davydova — Borovikov condition 149 150
Deformation 45
Deformation of a complete intersection 72
Deformation, equivalent 47
Deformation, induced 47
Deformation, miniversal 48
Deformation, versal 47
Degenerate point 115
Diffusion of waves 144 145
Direct image of a local system 215
Discriminant 46
Discriminant of a complete intersection 73
Discriminant, real 65
Distinguished basis 42
Distinguished system of paths 40
Distinguished system of paths, perfect 278
Dual local system 218
Dual projective space 116
Dual set 79
Dynkin diagram 45
Element representable by a cap 120
Element representable by a vanishing cycle 120
Elliptic polynomial 258
Elliptic singularities 60
Equivalent deformations 47
First type cycle 279
First type point 279
Formal lacuna 166
Formal lacuna, even, odd 166
Fundamental solution 142
Fundamental solution, principal 143
Gauss — Manin connection 29
Generating family 122
Generating family, projective 148
Generating function 122
Generating function, projective 146
Generic cuspidal edge 116
Generic hyperplane 82
Gradient ideal 47
Graph of separatrices 51
Harm 96
Herglotz — Petrovskii — Leray integrals 151
Holomorphic lacuna 145
Holomorphic sharpness 145
Homological bundle 29
Homological covering 291
Homology group of a local system 216
Homology group with coefficients in the local system 216
Hyperbolic operator 142
Hyperbolic polynomial 140 256
Hyperbolic potential 258
Hyperbolic singularities 60
Hyperbolicity domain 141 257
Hyperplane arrangement 298
Hyperplane arrangement, basic 299
Hyperplane arrangement, essential 298
Hypersurface 35
Hypersurface, projectively dual 116
Imaginary cone 299
Induced deformations 47
Infertile segment of the queue 213
Integration cycle 291
Integration cycle, tame 291
Intersection matrix 44
Isolated singularity 37
Isolated singularity of a complete intersection 71
Lacuna 144
Lacuna, - 145
Lacuna, holomorphic 145
Lacuna, local 137 145
Lacuna, strong 145
Laplace operator, standard solution of 255
Le number 83
Lefschetz thimble 50
Leray class 153
Leray coboundary operator 35
Leray cycle 153
Local algebra 48
Local lacuna 137 145
Local lacuna, projectivized 149
Local Petrovskii class 157
Local Petrovskii condition 156
Local system 215
Local system, dual 218
Localized homology group 157
Locally finite chain 216
Maxwell set 63 196
| Milnor fibration 33
Milnor number 38
Milnor number of a complete intersection 71
Miniversal deformation 48
Mirage 306
Modality 58
Monodromy group 29
Monodromy representation 29
Morse function 38
Morse lemma 38
Morse singularity 38
Morsification 39
Morsification, strict 39
Morsification, virtual 209
Natural orientation 255
Negative index 173
Newton — Coulomb potential 255
Non-parabolic point of a stratum 80
Non-singular body 111
Obstructing germ of a curve 127
Obstructing stratum 127
Open stratum 298
Order complex 301
Orientation sheaf 215
Parabolic point 115
Parabolic singularities 60
Parts of a partition 79
Perversity 91
Petrovskii class, even 165
Petrovskii class, local 157
Petrovskii class, odd 165
Petrovskii condition 154
Petrovskii condition, local 156
Petrovskii cycle 153
Petrovskii local cycle, even 165
Petrovskii minus-condition 193
Petrovskii plus-condition 193
Picard — Lefschetz formula 33
Point of finite type 156
Potential 252
Potential function 255
Primary stratification 76
Principal fundamental solution 143
Projective duality 115
Projective generating family 148
Projective generating function 146
Proper cone 142
Proper modality 61
Purse 206
Pyramid 195
Quasihomogeneous function 59
Real discriminant 65
Real function 51
Regular adjacency of strata 76 77
Resolution of singularities 225
Resonance 292
Riemannian covering 217
Sabirization 51
Second type cycle 279
Second type point 279
Semialgebraic subset 78
Semianalytic subset 78
Separatrices 51
Separatrices, lower and upper 51
Separatrix diagram 51
Sharpness, - 145
Sharpness, holomorphic 145
Simple loop 40
Simple singularities 57
Simple tangency 80 266
Simplicial resolution 302
Singularity 37
Singularity, completely real 51
Singularity, elliptic 60
Singularity, hyperbolic 60
Singularity, isolated 37
Singularity, isolated, of a complete intersection 71
Singularity, Morse 38
Singularity, Morse, stratified 92
Singularity, parabolic 60
Singularity, simple 57
Singularity, unimodal 60
Small monodromy group 268
Space of momenta 137 144
Stabilization 44
Stable front 148
Stable singularity 148
Standard charge 255
Standard charge with density 256
Stratified Morse function 92
Stratified Morse singularity 92
Stratified submersion 78
Stratum 76
Strictly hyperbolic polynomial 140 256
Strictly Morse function 38
Strong lacuna 145
Subanalytic chain 89
Subanalytic subset 78
Swallowtail 46
Tarski — Seidenberg lemma 78
Thom Isomorphism 217
Thom isotopy lemma 78
Transversality 77
Transversality to a stratified set 77 80
Trivial extension 224
Trivial point 117
Tube operator 35
Two-index polynomial 200
Tyurina number 73
Unimodal singularities 60
Vanishing cell 35
Vanishing cycle 42
Vanishing sphere 33 41
Versal deformation 47
Vertex of an arrangement 299
Vieta map 62
Virtual Modification 209
Wave front 137 145
Wave front, stable 148
Whitney conditions 76 77
Whitney stratification 77
Whitney umbrella 88
Zone 252
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