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Zuo K. — Representations Of Fundamental Groups Of Algebraic Varieties |
Предметный указатель |
—variety 10
—equivariant map 25
Abelian variety 63 89 114 118
Affine Weyl group 61
Albanese map 63 92 96 116
Algebraic curve 18 115
Algebraic curve, affine 19 62 91 101
Algebraic group, absolutely almost simple 12
Algebraic group, absolutely simple 12
Algebraic group, affine 10
Algebraic group, almost k—simple 12
Algebraic group, k—simple 12
Algebraic group, reductive 11
Algebraic group, semisimple 11
Algebraic surface 105 110
Algebraic variety 1 4 10
Algebraic variety, higher dimensional 57
Algebraic variety, projective 83 106
Algebraic variety, quasi-projective 13
Algebraic variety, smooth projective 110
Algebraically solvable 11
Ample line bundle 102
Apartment 22
Automorphic forms 111
Blowing up 83 96 121
Bochner type formula 115
Bogomolov's Lemma 120
Bruhat — Tits building 21
Castelnuovo — de Franchis — Ran's Theorem 65
Characteristic polynomial 60 92
Chern class 1 52 53
Chern-hyperbolic 109
Compact Kaehler manifold 7 26 27
Compact Kaehler manifold, quasi-compact 25 64
Compactification 42 43
Compactness property 60 91
Complex variations of Hodge structure 101 116
Complexified differential 61 97 116
Connection 52
Connection, flat 53
Controlled growth at infinity 27 41
Covering, finite etale 106 111
Covering, ramified 103 112
Covering, universal 1 25 100
Curvature form 56 119
Degree, parabolic 54
Derivative 26 28 36
Dilation 20
Direct product 10
Discrete valuation 17 20
Distance function 29 44
Eigenform 84 93 97
Elliptic elements 44
Energy 25
Energy minimizing 33 36 45 48
Energy, finite 4 27 28
Energy, infinite 27
Euclidean factor 27 43
Factorizations for nonrigid representations 83
Factorizations for p-adic unbounded representations 97
Fibration 4 121 123
Filtered local system 54
Filtration 54
Flat 22
Function field 19
Fundamental group 1 16 42 88 103
Galois closure 14 24 61
Galois morphism 57 58 59
Generalized eigensubsheaves 84 94
Geodesic ray 29 50
Green's Torelli theorem 102
Griffiths classifying maps 102
Group scheme 13
G—representations 12
Harmonic Hermitian metric 1
Harmonic ma, pluri-harmonic 4 8 26 42
Harmonic map 39 40
| Hermitian — Yang — Mills-metric 1 53
Higgs bundle 1 4 53
Higgs bundle, filtered 54
Higgs bundle, poly-stable 1 53
Higgs bundle, stable 53
Hodge bundle 116
Holomorphic 1-form 60 63 93 97
Homotopy exact sequence 15
Hyperbolic element 44
Iitaka fibration 113
Invariant Riemannian metric 25
Irregularity 122
Isometry group 21
Isotropy group 22
Jordan equivalent 13
Kaehler form 25 26
Kodaira dimension 104 107 113
Lefschetz type theorem 63 65
Linear system 102 113
Linearization of affine groups 11
Local system 102
Margulis theorem 5
Maximal bounded subgroup 22
Moduli spaces 12
Morphism of algebraic groups 10 11
Non-archimedean norm 18
Nonpositive curvature 25 27 33
Normal algebraic subgroup 14 15 105
Normal crossing divisor 13 25 103
p-adic, bounded 18 20
p-adic, metric 2
p-adic, norm 20
p-adic, unbounded 17
Parabolic element 51
Pluricanonical form 109 111 112
Poincare metric 45
Proper algebraic subgroup 23
Properness criterion 67 74 78
Punctured disk 31 33
Quasiisometry 30
Radical 11
Reflections 23
Regular point 60
Regularity condition 54
Representation, big 105 110 113
Representation, p—adic 52 60
Representation, reductive 7 53
Representation, tautological 19
Representation, Zariski dense 13
Residually finite 15
Residue field 17
Residue map 95
Restriction of scalars 12
Riemann surface 42 52 53
Rigidity theorem 3 4
Semi Kaehler form 121
Semisimplification 13
Seshadri's geometric reductivity theorem 13
Shafarevich conjecture 5
Shafarevich morphism 104
slope 53
Spectral variety 57 93 97
Stabilizing at infinity 27 36 41
Stein-factorization 87 89 92 100 116
Symmetric space 29 32 41
Torus 11
Totally geodesic subspace 27 43
Uniformly bounded denominators 19
Unipotent 11
Unipotent radical 12
Universal categorical quotient 13
Valuation ring 17
Vector bundle 1
Vector bundle, flat 25 53 55 84
Vector bundle, poly-stable 1
Vertices 21
Zariski closure 83 121
Zariski's main theorem 90
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