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Skorobogatov A. — Torsors and Rational Points
Skorobogatov A. — Torsors and Rational Points

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Название: Torsors and Rational Points

Автор: Skorobogatov A.


The subject of this book is arithmetic algebraic geometry, an area between number theory and algebraic geometry. It is about applying geometric methods to the study of polynomial equations in rational numbers (Diophantine equations). This book represents the first complete and coherent exposition in a single volume, of both the theory and applications of torsors to rational points. Some very recent material is included. It is demonstrated that torsors provide a unified approach to several branches of the theory which were hitherto developing in parallel.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 2001

Количество страниц: 187

Добавлена в каталог: 22.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Bielliptic surface      158
Brauer group      97
Brauer group of bielliptic surface      158
Brauer group of conic bundle      136—139
Brauer group of elliptic curve      63
Cassels — Tate pairing      125
Cech cohomology, abelian      15
Cech cohomology, non-abelian      18
Chatelet surfaces      134
Contracted product      20
Del Pezzo surface of degree 4      142 153
Del Pezzo surface of degree 5      44—49
Del Pezzo surface of degree 6      132 142
Diagonal cubic surface      92 110 129
Group of multiplicative type      9
Hasse principle      1 98
Hasse principle, counter-examples to      2 110 145
Hyperelliptic curve      86
Inner form      12 20
Lien      170
n-covering      55 58
n-covering, lifting of      57
Obstruction, descent obstruction      105—109 113
Obstruction, elementary      28 36 54 177
Obstruction, fundamental      34
Obstruction, Manin obstruction      101—104 108 113
Obstruction, Manin obstruction, on curves      127 133
Permutation module      10
Poitou — Tate duality      105 115 116 118 178
Rosenlicht's lemma      17
Spectral sequence of Ext's      26 31
Spectral sequence, Hochschild — Serre      15
Spectral sequence, Leray      22 31
Springer's class      34 172
Strong approximation      100
Tate — Shafarevich group      97 104 114 125—130 161 163—165
Torsor      13 41
Torsor over a field      12
Torsor under a semisimple group      54 123
Torsor under a torus      121 130
Torsor under an abelian variety      54—60 125
Torsor, existence of torsors of a given type      31
Torsor, partition defined by      22
Torsor, push-forward of      21
Torsor, twisting of      20
Torsor, type of      24
Torsor, universal torsor      25 30 36 40 44 54 79 91 112 114 116 124 131 176
Torus      9
Torus, quasi-trivial      10
Twisting by fppf descent      20
Twisting by Galois descent      12
Weak approximation      100
Weak approximation, counter-examples to      165
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