Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Skorobogatov A. — Torsors and Rational Points |
Предметный указатель |
Bielliptic surface 158
Brauer group 97
Brauer group of bielliptic surface 158
Brauer group of conic bundle 136—139
Brauer group of elliptic curve 63
Cassels — Tate pairing 125
Cech cohomology, abelian 15
Cech cohomology, non-abelian 18
Chatelet surfaces 134
Contracted product 20
Del Pezzo surface of degree 4 142 153
Del Pezzo surface of degree 5 44—49
Del Pezzo surface of degree 6 132 142
Diagonal cubic surface 92 110 129
Group of multiplicative type 9
Hasse principle 1 98
Hasse principle, counter-examples to 2 110 145
Hyperelliptic curve 86
Inner form 12 20
Lien 170
n-covering 55 58
n-covering, lifting of 57
Obstruction, descent obstruction 105—109 113
Obstruction, elementary 28 36 54 177
Obstruction, fundamental 34
Obstruction, Manin obstruction 101—104 108 113
| Obstruction, Manin obstruction, on curves 127 133
Permutation module 10
Poitou — Tate duality 105 115 116 118 178
Rosenlicht's lemma 17
Spectral sequence of Ext's 26 31
Spectral sequence, Hochschild — Serre 15
Spectral sequence, Leray 22 31
Springer's class 34 172
Strong approximation 100
Tate — Shafarevich group 97 104 114 125—130 161 163—165
Torsor 13 41
Torsor over a field 12
Torsor under a semisimple group 54 123
Torsor under a torus 121 130
Torsor under an abelian variety 54—60 125
Torsor, existence of torsors of a given type 31
Torsor, partition defined by 22
Torsor, push-forward of 21
Torsor, twisting of 20
Torsor, type of 24
Torsor, universal torsor 25 30 36 40 44 54 79 91 112 114 116 124 131 176
Torus 9
Torus, quasi-trivial 10
Twisting by fppf descent 20
Twisting by Galois descent 12
Weak approximation 100
Weak approximation, counter-examples to 165
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