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Cox D.A., Little J., O'Shea D. — Using Algebraic Geometry |
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Perfect code 419 424
Permutation matrix 3799381 384 385
Pfister, A. 158 169 471
Pfister, g. 158 471
PID 5 39
Piecewise polynomial function 359 385-388 390 404
Pohl, W. 158 471
Poisson formula 92
Pole 451 452 454 463 466
Pole, order of 451 452 454 466
Poli, A. 414 473
Polyhedral complex 389-391 393 398 402 403 405
Polyhedral complex, cell of see cell of
Polyhedral complex, dimension of see dimension of
Polyhedral complex, edge of see edge of a polyhedral complex
Polyhedral complex, hereditary see hereditary complex
Polyhedral complex, pure see pure complex
Polyhedral complex, pure, hereditary see pure hereditary
Polyhedral complex, simplicial see simplicial complex
Polyhedral complex, vertex of see vertex of
Polyhedral region 359 361 373 374 376 389
Polyhedral region, unbounded 361 376
Polyhedral subdivision 344 (see also mixed subdivision and polyhedral complex)
Polyhedron 291
Polynomial 2
Polynomial ring ( ) 2 165 222 227 231 233 234 359 364
Polynomial splines see splines
Polynomial, relation to polytopes 290 294ff
Polytope viii ix 290ff 316ff 327 336 340 345 346 389
Polytope, convex see polytope
Polytope, dimension of see dimension of
Polytope, edge of see edge of
Polytope, face of see face of
Polytope, facet of see facet of
Polytope, fundamental lattice see fundamental lattice polytope
Polytope, lattice see lattice polytope
Polytope, lift of see lift of a polytope
Polytope, Minokowski sum of see Minkowski sum of polytopes
Polytope, Newton see Newton polytope
Polytope, relation to homogenizing sparse equations 309 313
Polytope, relation to integer programming 359 361
Polytope, relation to sparse resultants 301ff 343 344
Polytope, supporting hyperplane of see supporting hyperplane
Polytope, surface area of see surface area of a polytope
Polytope, vertex of see vertex of
Polytope, volume of see volume of a polytope
Position-over-term see POT order
POT order 201ff 219 223 441
Power method see eigenvalues
Presentation matrix 189ff 197 222 223 226 237
Presentation matrix, of hom( , N) 192 (see also minimal presentation)
Presentation of a module 234 236-238 243 246
Primary decomposition 144 149
Primary ideal 149
Prime field 407
Prime ideal 5 23 136
Primitive element (of a field extension) 412 414 426 431 434 436 445 450 459 460 465
Primitive inward pointing normal see inward pointing normal primitive
Primitive vector in 333 340 341
Principal axis theorem 65
Principal ideal 5 247 425
Principal ideal domain (PID) see FID
prism 326
Product of ideals 22
Product of rings 44 141 149
Product order 15 174 372
Projection map 86 88 119
Projective closure 451 454
Projective curve 451 453 454 457 463
Projective dimension of a module 249
Projective embedding 452
Projective Extension Theorem 86 119
Projective module 194 230-233 245
Projective n-dimensional space ( ) 85 89 108 119 252 266 270 307ff 402 466
Projective variety 18 85 90 252
Projective variety, affine part ( ) 90
Projective variety, part at infinity ( ) 90
Projective, Projective Images principle 308 312
Projective, Projective Varieties in Affine Space principle 90
Puiseux expansion 331
Punctured codes 450 451
Pure complex 389 391 398
Pure, hereditary complex 391 392 394 396 397 402 405
Qhull 348 350
Qi, D. 274 474
QR algorithm 56
Quadratic formula 109
Quadratic splines 387 388 400
Quillen - Suslin Theorem 187 194 231 232
Quillen, D. 187 194 231 473
Quintic del Pezzo surface 288
Quotient ideal (I: ) 6 23 221
Quotient module (M/N) 183 190 206 210 225ff 235 244 440 443
Quotient of modules (M: N) 193
Quotient ring ( ) 35 36 130 182 264 268 269 272 273 276 278 279 285 289 354 356 375 381 383 384 4066408 414 425 427-434 440 436 453 457 465 467
R-module see module
Radical ideal 4 5 22 23 39 43 44 58 59 62 121 465
Radical Ideal Property 4
Radical membership test 171
Radical of an ideal 4 5 20 39 40 171
Raimondo 169 173 175 468
Rank of a matrix 65 69 232 233
Rank of a module 232
Rational function 2 131 252 437 451 452 454 458 463 466
Rational function, field ( ) 252 264 327 328
Rational function, field of a curve see rational function field
Rational function, field of transcendence degree one 449 452 454
Rational mapping 288 466
Rational normal curve 266 287
Rational normal scroll 287
Rational point over 451 452 454 455 457 462-464
Rational quartic curve 240 286
Received word 436 438 445-447
Recurrence relation 437 447
Reduce 39 167 206 240
REDUCE, CALI package 167 206 219 224 240 241
Reduced Gr bner basis see Gr bner basis reduced
Reduced monomial 101 102
Reduced monomial, in toric context 315
Reducible variety 171
Reduction of by (Red( )) 156 157 160 161 163 164
Reed - Muller code 407 449ff
Reed - Muller code, binary 450
Reed - Muller code, once-punctured 458
Reed - Muller code, punctured 458 459 461
Reed - Muller code, unpunctured 461 462 464
Reed - Solomon code 426-428 431-436 444 447 449 450 452 460
Reed - Solomon decoding 435ff 449
Reed - Solomon, extended 449
Rege, A. 122 470
Regular sequence 467
Reif, J. 67 468
Reisner, G. 406
Relations among generators 188 189 193
Remainder 9 10 12 35 365-367 373 382 408 425 429-432 436 443 447 448 458 461
Remainder, in local case 159ff 165 166 168 172 173
Remainder, in module case 202-204 206 212 214
Remainder, remainder arithmetic 35
Remainder, Uniqueness of Remainders 12
Removable singularity 33
Residue classes 226 (see also coset)
Residue field ( ) 226
Resolution, finite free see finite free resolution
Resolution, free see free resolution
Resolution, graded see graded resolution
Resolution, graded free see graded free
Resolution, homogenization of see homogenize a
Resolution, isomorphsim of see isomorphic resolutions
Resolution, length of see length of a finite free resolution
Resolution, minimal see minimal resolution
| Resolution, minimal graded see minimal graded
Resolution, partial graded see partial graded resolution
Resolution, trivial see trivial resolution
Resultant vii-ix 71 290
Resultant, (unmixed) sparse resultant 342
Resultant, and multiplicities 144 145
Resultant, computing 96ff 342ff
Resultant, d-resultant see resultant sparse
Resultant, dense 302
Resultant, geometric meaning 85ff
Resultant, mixed see resultant mixed
Resultant, mixed sparse 342 343 347 348 351 353 354 357
Resultant, multipolynomial viii 71 78ff 298-302 304 307 308 330 343 347 348 353
Resultant, of two polynomials 71ff
Resultant, properties of 80 89ff
Resultant, solving equations via see solving polynomial equations
Resultant, sparse viii 82 106 129 298ff 306ff 330 342ff
Resultant, Sylvester determinant for 71 278
Resultant, u-resultant see u-resultant
Revenue function 360 362 367 368
Richter, P. 32 34 473
Riemann - Roth Theorem 449 458 463 466
Riemann hypothesis 452
Ring, Cohen-Macaulay see Cohen-Macaulay ring
Ring, commutative see commutative ring
Ring, convergent power series see convergent power series ring
Ring, formal power series see formal power series ring
Ring, homomorphism of 44 52 117 120 141 149 275 281 364 367 371 377 378 406 414
Ring, integral domain see integral domain
Ring, isomorphism of 44 137 149 150 406 430 433
Ring, localization of see localization
Ring, Noetherian see Noetherian ring
Ring, of invariants ( ) 281 283 284
Ring, polynomial see polynomial ring
Ring, product of see product of rings
Ring, quotient see quotient ring
Ring, valuation see valuation ring
Robbiano, L. 153 473
Rojas, J.M. x 308 336 342 337 356 473
Rose, L. 385 386 395 398-401 469 473
Row operation 195 196 230
Row operation, integer see integer row operation
Row reduction 422
Roy, M. - F. 63 64 66 67 473
Ruffini, P. 27
S-polynomial 13 14 165 166 207 211 366
S-vector ( (f, g)) 2044206 212-214
Saints, K 436 449 458 471
Saito 274 474
Sakata, S. 436 473
Salmon, G. 83 103 473
Sch nemann, H. 158 471
Schenk, H. 386 401 473
Schmale, W. x
Schreyer s Theorem 212 224 238 240 245 257 395
Schreyer, F. - O. 211 212 273 284 473 474
Schrijver, A. 359 474
Second fundamental theorem of invariant theory 93
Second isomorphism theorem 193
Second syzygies 234 238ff 284
Sederberg 274 278-280 470 474
Segre map 309
Semigroup of pole orders 451 452 454
Semigroup order 152ff 164-166 173
Serre problem 187 194 231
Serre's Conjecture see Serre problem
Serre, J. - P. 187 474
Shafarevich, I. 86 88 90 91 94 474
Shannon s Theorem 420
Shape lemma 62
Shifted module see twist of a graded module
Shipping problem 359 360 363 365 367 368 370
Shurman, J. x
Siebert 158 471
Signature of a symmetric bilinear form over 65 66 69
Simple root 33
simplex 292 294 324 330 347
Simplicial complex 401 404
Singer, M. x
Singleton bound 420 427 462
singular 39 158 167 168 172 178 206 209 210 219 224 240 241 249 366 370 373 432
Singular curve 454
Singular homepage 167
Singular ideal 167 168 172 242 250 370
Singular milnor package 178
Singular module 210
Singular point see singularity
Singular poly 172 370
Singular reduce 172 370
Singular res 242
Singular ring 167 172 209 219 242 250 370
Singular sres 249 250
Singular std 370
Singular syz 219
Singular vdim 168
Singular vector 209 210
Singularity 130 147 148 451
Singularity, isolated 147 148 177 178
Singularity, ordinary double point 150
Skew-symmetric matrix 288
Slack variable 363-367
Sloane, N. 415 427 472
Smooth curve 451 453 454 455 457
Solutions at 108 112 115 144 329 330 part
Solving polynomial equations viii-ix 46 60 327
Solving polynomial equations via eigenvalues viii 51 54ff 122ff 354
Solving polynomial equations via eigenvectors 59ff 127 354
Solving polynomial equations via elimination 24ff 56
Solving polynomial equations via homotopy continuation see homotopy continuation method
Solving polynomial equations via resultants viii ix 71 108ff 114ff 305 329 338 342 353
Solving polynomial equations via toric varieties 313 (see also numerical methods)
Solving polynomial equations, determinant formulas 71 83 103 119
Solving polynomial equations, real solutions 63ff 67
Sparse B zout's Theorem see Bernstein's Theorem
Sparse Polynomial 298 329 330
Sparse resultant see resultant sparse
Sparse system of equations 339 340
Special position 451 452 454 467
Spectral theorem 65
Speder, J. - P. 178
Spence, L. 149 471
Splines viii ix 385ff
Splines, see splines
Splines, bivariate see bivariate splines
Splines, cubic see cubic spline
Splines, multivariate see multivariate splines
Splines, nontrivial see nontrivial splines
Splines, one variable see univariate splines
Splines, quadratic see quadratic splines
Splines, trivial see trivial splines
Splines, univariate see univariate splines (see also piecewise polynomial functions)
Split exact sequence see exact sequence split
Square-free part of p ( ) 39 40 149
Stable quotient of with respect to (I: ) 175
Standard basis of 186 198 199 207-209 219 220 236 242 246 250 255 258 259 261 294
Standard basis of a module over a local ring 223 224 441
Standard basis of an ideal viii 164ff 175-177
Standard form of a polynomial 382 425
Standard form of an integer programming problem 364
Standard monomial 36 382-384 430 431
Standard monomial basis see basis monomials (see also basis monomials)
Standard representative see standard form of
Stanfield, M. x
Stanley, R. 283 284 375 384 405 406 474
Start system 338 339
Start system, dense 339 340
Statistics 375 384
Stetter, H. 55 129 468 474
Stichtenoth, H. 449 452 453 458 463 464 471 474
Stillman 386 401 473
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