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Borceux F., Janelidze G. — Galois Theories |
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# 8
245 294
112 125
108 122
107 121
170 280
-group 329
2-category 288
AB 128
Admissible class 117
Admissible, relatively-adjunction 117
Algebra 15
Algebra, etale 23
Algebra, split 98
Algebra, strongly separable 315
Algebra, universal 329
Algebraic algebra 17
Algebraic element 1 17
Algebraic extension 1
Atomic subobject 280
Bikernel pair 297
Bilimit 291
bool 71
cat 321
Category of families 186
Category, extensive 194
Category, finitely well-complete 149
Category, internal 102 225
Category, internal discrete 246
Category, Mal'tsev 330
Category, simplicial 320
Central extension 134
Central, double-extension 329
Chevalley fundamental group 213
Chinese lemma 19
CLoCo 201
Clopen 51 69
Codiscrete groupoid 321
Cogroupoid 110
Colim 242
Colimit, universal 269
Commutator 128
Commutator, elementary 128
Compact-open topology 323
Compatible family 267
Complex, singular 320
Conjugate elements 3
Connected component 168 193
Connected groupoid 213
Connected object 187 188
Connected space 168 186
Connected subset 168
Connected, locally path space 217
Connected, locally simply space 323
Connected, locally space 197
Connected, open component 186
Connected, path space 217
Connected, semi-locally simply space 324
Connected, simply space 217
Coproduct, disjoint 270
Coproduct, free completion 189
Cov(B) 207
Covering map 205
Covering morphism 207
Covering, localic 295
Covering, trivial map 205
Covering, universal 211
Cross-section 319
CTop 186
CW-complex 321
Decomposition, precategorical 251
Derivative 4
Descent datum 297
Descent, effective 91
Descent, effective structure 254
Descent, Galois 98
Descent, geometric morphism of effective 297
Descent, morphism of Galois 162 211
Descent, relative Galois 118
Descent, relative morphism 118
Diagram fundamental of a functor 316
Differential equation 328
dim[L:K] 1
Discrete opfibration 325
Disjoint coproduct 270
Effective descent 91
Effective descent structure 254
Entourage 170
Epimorphism, split 219
Equivalent germs 319
Equivalent paths 217
Et(B) 319
Etale 200
Etale geometric morphism 296
Etale internal presheaf 296
Etale map 77 197
Etale-presheaf 296
Extension 134
Extension which splits 23
Extension, algebraic 1
Extension, central 134
Extension, double central 329
Extension, Galois 8
Extension, normal 6
Extension, Picard — Vessiot 328
Extension, separable 5
Extension, universal central 135
Extension, weakly universal central 134
Extensive category 194
Factorization system 144
Faithfully flat 93
Fibration 193
Fibration, discrete 325
| Filter 65
Filter, proper 65
Filter, ultra 65
Finitely well-complete 149
FixG 8
Flat 93
Fraction groupoid functor 321
Free coproduct completion 189
Froebenius condition 295
Functor essentially surjective on the objects 247
Functor, internal 103
Functor, pseudo 289
Fundamental diagram of a functor 316
G-Prof 56
G-set 27
Galois closed object 210
Galois connection 9
Galois descent 98
Galois extension 8
Galois group 8
Galois groupoid 112 125 212
Galois subextension 36
Galois theorem 9 28 46 62 112 125 258 295
Galois, external theory 323
Galois, morphism of descent 162 211
Galois, topological group 40
Gal[L:K] 8
Gal[L:K]- 28
Geometric morphism 274
Geometric morphism of effective descent 297
Geometric morphism, etale 296
Geometric morphism, hyper connected 280
Geometric morphism, open 295 297
Germ 319
GR 127
Groth 289
Grothendieck topos 267
Group, Chevalley fundamental 213
Group, internal 138
Group, perfect 138
Group, Poincare fundamental 213
Groupoid, codiscrete 321
Groupoid, connected 213
Groupoid, fraction functor 321
Groupoid, fundamental 322 325
Groupoid, Galois 112 125 212
Groupoid, internal 103 228
Groupoid, localic 296
Groupoid, open localic 296
Grpd 321
Hopf formula 144
Ideal 1 15 66
Ideal, maximal 66
Ideal, proper 66
Ideal, regular 74
Idempotent 72
Injective, locally 197
Internal category 102 225
Internal discrete category 246
Internal F-presheaf 245 294
Internal functor 103
Internal group 138
Internal groupoid 103 228
Internal natural transformation 103 104 232
Internal precategory 241
Internal presheaf 103 229 242 302
Internal pseudo-precategory 294
K(a) 18
K(l) 2
K-Alg 21
K-homomorphism 4
Lifting problem 217
Lifting property 218
Lifting, path equivalence 219
Lifting, path property 218
Light map 178
Lim 242
Limit, two dimensional 239
LOC 277
Local section 319
Locale 75
Localic covering 296
Localic topos 268
Locally connected space 197
Locally in 201
Locally injective 197
Locally path connected space 217
LoCo 197
Mal'tsev category 330
Map, light 178
Map, monotone 178
Minimal polynomial 2 17
Modification 243 290
Module, faithfully flat 93
Module, flat 93
Monotone map 178
Morphism of G-Sets 27
Natural transformation, internal 103 104 232
Nearness 173
Nerve 320 321
Normal extension 6
Object, connected 187 188
Object, Galois closed 210
Object, split 162 258
Open geometric morphism 295 297
Open map 295
Opfibration, discrete 325
Path 217
Path connected space 217
Path equivalence lifting 219
Path, locally connected space 217
Path-lifting property 218
Perfect group 138
Picard — Vessiot extension 328
Pierce spectrum 73
Pierce structural space 77
Poincare fundamental group 213
PreCat 242
Precategorical decomposition 251
Precategory, internal 241
Precategory, internal discrete 246
Presheaf 102
Presheaf, etale internal 296
Presheaf, internal 103 229 242 302
Presheaf, separated 267
prof 71
Profinite G-space 56
Profinite space 47 50 51
Progroup 328
Progroupoid 326
PS 244
Pseudo-functor 289
Pseudo-limit 292
Pseudo-natural transformation 290
Pseudo-natural-transformation 290
PsNat 244
Purely inseparable 329
R-alg 80
Reflection, left exact 156
Reflection, semi-left-exact 162
Replete subcategory 150
Ring 73
Section, local 319
Separable 329
Separable closure 98
Separable extension 5
Separable, strongly algebra 315
Separated presheaf 267
Set 90
Sh(B) 319
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