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IItaka S. — Algebraic Geometry: An Introduction to Birational Geometry of Algebraic Varieties |
Предметный указатель |
Separated scheme 78
Serre 48 120 179 206
Serre duality 206
Set of base points 128
Set of zeros of 152
Severi 182
Sheaf 27—28
Sheaf of Abelian groups 27
Sheaf of Abelian ideals 59
Sheaf of Abelian regular forms 194
Sheaf of Abelian sets 27
Sheaf of Abelian units 151
Sheaf of tensor product 37
Sheaf, ample invertible 235—236 239
Sheaf, associated with etale space 30
Sheaf, Cartier 153
Sheaf, coherent 47—48
Sheaf, constant 28
Sheaf, direct image 52 88
Sheaf, flabby 177
Sheaf, fundamental 166
Sheaf, homomorphism of 29
Sheaf, injective 174
Sheaf, inverse image 144
Sheaf, invertible 150
Sheaf, quasi-coherent 45
Sheaf, quotient 34
Sheaf, R-ample invertible 236
Sheaf, structure 41
Sheaf, tautological 166
Sheaf, very ample invertible 156
Sheafification 30—31 33—35
Signature of I 266
Simple cusp 281
Simple normal cross 257
Smooth at p 329
Smooth boundary 257 320
Smooth completion 258 320
Smooth morphism 249
Smooth part of f 300
Space, etale 30
Space, local ringed 41
Space, noetherian 14 241
Space, ringed 41
Space, Zariski tangent 117
Spec A 4
Special divisor 212
Speciality, index of 212
Spectral sequence 182—183
Spectrum 4
Spectrum, homogeneous 161
Stable under base extension 71 77 86 89—90 93
Stalk of etale space 30
Stalk of presheaf 28
Stein factorization theorem 141—142
Strict transform 256
Strictly birational automorphism group 325
Strictly integral 90
Strictly rational map 134—135 137 325
| Structure morphism 65
Structure sheaf 41
Structure sheaf of projective scheme 165
Support of 47
Support of D 125
surface 100
Surface, affine algebraic 51
Tautological sheaf 166
Tensor product 11 37
Tensor product, presheaf 37
Tensor product, sheaf 37
Theorem A 236 239
Theorem B 236 238—239
Theorem, covering 304 310 341
Theorem, easy addition 303 310
Theorem, fibering 303 310
Theorem, finiteness 234 243 279
Theorem, Stein factorization 141—142
Theorem, uniqueness 311
Total deficiency 211 214
Total quotient ring 10
Transcendental degree 82 98 149
Tsunoda 149 299 318 344
Ueno 312 317 343
Unique factorization domain (UFD) 106—107
Uniqueness theorem 311
Units, sheaf of 151
Universal covering manifold 313
Universal mapping property of localization 8
Universal mapping property of tensor product 11
Universally closed morphism 90—91
Unscrewing lemma 241 243 271
Valuation, discrete 122 124
Variety 95
Variety of elliptic type 311
Variety of fiber type 312
Variety of general type 311
Variety of hyperbolic type 311
Variety of parabolic type 311
Variety, abelian 308
Variety, affine algebraic 51
Variety, algebraic 95
Variety, fibered 299
Variety, nonsingular 120
Variety, ruled 309
Vertical divisor 300
Very ample divisor 156
Very ample invertible sheaf 156
Virtual genus 265
Weber 224
Weierstrass divisor 222
Weierstrass form 222
Weierstrass point 219 220
Weierstrass preparation theorem 115
Weierstrass semigroup 219
Wronski form 221
Zariski 138 247 295
Zariski tangent space 117
Zeros of f 5 12 55 152
Zorn's lemma 6 14—15
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