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Yam T.Y. — Lectures on Modules and Rings
Yam T.Y. — Lectures on Modules and Rings

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Название: Lectures on Modules and Rings

Автор: Yam T.Y.


This new book can be read independently from the first volume and is intended to be used for lecturing, seminar- and self-study, and for general reference. It is focused more on specific topics in order to introduce the reader to a wealth of basic and useful ideas without the hindrance of heavy machinery or undue abstractions. This volume is particularly user-friendly with its abundance of examples illustrating the theory virtually at every step. A large number of carefully chosen exercises serves the dual purpose of providing practice to newcomers to the field, and offering a rich additional source of information to experts. A direct approach is used in order to present the material in an efficient and economic way thereby introducing the reader to a considerable amount of interesting ring theory without being dragged through endless preparatory material.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1999

Количество страниц: 561

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Leung, K.H.      x
Levasseur, T.      201
Levitzki, J.      112 332 339
Li, M.S.      372
Linearly compact (l.c.) module      527—529
Linearly compact ring      528
Local Frobenius algebra      §15D 421—422 453
Local ring      xviii 84 100 104 §5F 418—419 421—422 453—454 526
Localization of injectives      319—320
Localization of Kasch rings      285—286
Locally free module      57
Locally split      163
Loewy series      346
Loewy, A.      346
Lopez-Permouth, S.R.      227
Ludgate, A.T.      314
Macaulay, F.S.      107
MacDonald, I.G.      106
MacLane, S.      459
Maison, C.J.      479
Mal'cev's Theorems      291—292
Mal'cev, A.I.      287 290—293
Malcolmson, P.      8
Marks, G.      x
Martindale III, W.S.      357 383 404
Martindale ring of quotients      §14 385
Maschke's Theorem      xviii 329
Maschke, H.      xviii 329
Matlis duality      526
Matlis — Papp — Faith — Walker Theorem      82
Matlis' Theorems      89 104 526
Matlis' Theory      §31 104
Matlis, E.      82 89—90 104 114 460 526 537
Matrix units      461—462
Matsumura, H.      113 151
Maximal ring of quotients      §13 366
McConnell, J.C.      45 74
McCoy rank      16
McCoy, N.H.      16 195
Meet-irreducible      84 120 331 421
Menal, P.      313
Mewborn — Winton Theorem      252
Mewborn, A.C.      252
Minimal prime      117 330—331 335—337 343 351—352
Modified Flatness Test      125
Modified Injectivity Test      63 72
Modified Projectivity Test      56 63 72
Module category equivalence      §17B
Mohamed, S.H.      227 361
Montgomery, M.S.      x 8 18 19 396 398
Morita context      §18C
Morita dualities      §19D 520
Morita equivalent rings      472 482 491—492 504
Morita I, II (for dualities)      520—521 534
Morita I, II, III (for equivalences)      §18D
Morita invariant property      482 492 501—502
Morita ring      503
Morita theory (duality)      1 117 §19
Morita theory (equivalence)      1 51 54 232 267 329 §18
Morita's characterization of generators      503
Morita, K.      1 51 54 117 232 267 329 459—460 503 525 533
Moulton, D.      x
Mueller, B.J.      53 227 361 460 525 527 529 531—532 534
Mueller, W.      515
Muller's Theorems      531—532
Murray, F.J.      5
Murray, W.      x
N-cancellation      474
Nagao, H.      92
Nagata's example      200
Nagata, M.      110 112 143 200—201
Naimark, M.A.      516
Nakayama automorphism      §16E
Nakayama permutation      §16A 426
Nakayama's example      429
Nakayama, T.      92 365 383 407 417 420 422 426 429 434 437 443 445 453 456—457
Neanderthal, X.      x
Nesbitt, C.      407 445 453 456—457
Neumann, B.H.      293
Neumann, J. von      xviii 5 265
Nguyen, N.      x
Nicholson, W.K.      70 119 382
Noether, E.      101—102 118 115 287 300
Noether, M.      102
Noetherian module      14 118 211 523 526
Noetherian ring      89 102 105—106 §5G 332—333 §12C
Nonsingular module      247 259 269 501
Normal closure      395
Normalizing element      394
Northcott, D.G.      105
Ojanguren, M.      55
Onodera's Theorem      531
Onodera, T.      460 525 527 529 531
Ore condition      303
Ore localization      287 299 318
Ore, O.      287 300 303
Osima, M.      460
Osofsky — Smith Theorem      223
Osofsky's examples      79—80 197 371 514
Osofsky, B.L.      x 79 80 114 197 204 223—224 249 285 359 509 514—515 523 539 540
Papp, Z.      80 82
Paratrophic matrix      451
Pascaud, J.      457
Passman, D.S.      324 388 392 401—403
PI-algebra      305
Picard group      §2D 203 476
Picard, C.E.      34
Pilz, G.F.      479
Pontryagin duality      516
Pontryagin, L.S.      516
Poonen, B.      x
Priifer's Theorem      115
Priifer, H.      66 103 115 128 146 163
Primary decomposition      117—118
Primary ideal      117 353
Prime avoidance      195 283 339
Prime ideal      xviii 85 88 315 331
Prime module      85
Prime radical      xviii
Prime ring      xviii 316 327 330 495
Principal indecomposable      79 92 423—425 428—429
Principal right ideal domain (PRID)      43 65 294 472
Principally injective module      70
Procesi, C.      344
Progenerator      54 473 484
Projection      264
Projective cover      76 540
Projective dimension      168
Projective equivalence      167
Projective module      §2
Prufer domain      43 128 146 222 268
Prufer p-group      76 103 276
Pseudo-Frobenius (PF) ring      365 514
Pure exact sequence      §4J 162
Pure submodule      153 162—164 243
QF-ring duality      517
QI (quasi-injective) module      §6G §13A
QI-envelope      239
Quasi-continuous module      245—246
Quasi-Frobenius (QF) algebra      432
Quasi-Frobenius (QF) ring      365 §15 409 511
Quaternions      323 468—470 479
Quillen, D.      38 177 492
Radical of a module      99 161 537
Rank condition      9 18—19
Rational extension      272
Rational hull      §8B 276
Rationally complete module      277—279
Ravel, J.      244
Reduced rank      §7C 327
Reduced ring      xviii 59 249 338 344 377 404
Rees, D.      105
Reflexive module      144 413 519—522 526
Regular element      xviii 30 325—326 336 348—351 356
Regular local ring      195
Regular sequence      174 202
Reiner, I.      45 450
Renault, G.      324 359
Reznick's anagram      300
Reznick, B.      300
Rickart, C.E.      260
Right Artinian ring      5 49 88 90 322 457 507 533 540
Right Bezout domain      305
Right denominator set      300 317
Right fir      45
Right global dimension      168
Right Goldie ring      §11 324
Right hereditary ring      42 49—50 72 124 169 188 §7E 350
Right Kasch ring      189 §8C 280 371 423 511 514 539
Right maximal ring of quotients      §13
Right Noetherian ring      7 81—82 120 132 184 194 304 349
Right nonsingular ring      247 262 266 275 324 362
Right order      304 320
Right Ore ring/domain      13 266 303—305 308 310—313 342
Right perfect ring      187 229—230 321 540—541
Right permutable      300 317
Right PF-ring      514—515
Right PP-ring      249 261
Right principally injective ring      119 382 412
Right regular module      2
Right regular ring      199 201
Right reversible      300 317
Right Rickart *-ring      265
Right Rickart ring      §7D 270—271 350 377
Right ring of fractions      299
Right self-injective ring      §3B 98 262—263 321 359 362 365 377 426 538
Right semihereditary ring      43 188 §7E
Right singular ideal      247 252—253 362
Right T-nilpotent      340
Rim, D.S.      457
Rings admitting dualities      525 526 533—534 540
Rio, A. del      504
Rizvi, ST.      227
Robinson, A.      297
Robson, J.C.      45 74 112 288 344—345 464 468 479
Rosenberg, A.      96 116
Rota, G.-C.      x
Rotman, J.      x 22 156
Rowen, L.H.      156 158 383
Samuel, P.      84 195
Sandomierski's Theorem      266
Sandomierski, F.L.      242 266 540 541
Schanuel module      29 56
Schanuel's lemma      50 §5A 178
Schanuel, S.      29 165—166 178
Schelter, W.      201
Schmickler-Hirzebruch, U.      vii
Schmidt, O.Ju.      85
Schmidt, S.E.      x
Schoepf, A.      74—75
Schreier, O.      347
Schroeder — Berstein for injectives      116
Schroeder, E.      116
Self-injective ring      §3B 67 226
Semi-artinian module      269
Semilocal Kasch ring      283 285
Semilocal ring      xviii 7 38 200 356 363—364 476 495
Seminormal      41
Semiperfect ring      161 363—364 492 523—524
Semiprimary ring      xviii 111 §5E 495
Semiprime ideal      xviii
Semiprime right Goldie ring      324 330 342 344 346
Semiprime ring      xviii 324 §11D 343 §14A
Semireflexive module      144
Semisimple ring      xviii 111 224 241 262 324 378
Serre subcategory      520
Serre — Auslander — Buchsbaum Theorems      194 198
Serre's Conjecture      38 177 492
Serre, J.-R.      38 122 177 194 197 520
Shapiro, D.B.      x 3 23
Sharifi, R.      x
Shepherdson, J.C.      19 233 294
Shock's Theorems      234 244 272
Shock, R.C.      234 244 252 272 329 354
Simon, J.J.      504
Simple (Wedderburn) components      xviii 330 343
Simple injectives      §3H
Simple module      xviii
Simple ring      12
Singular module      247 269 501
Singular submodule      §7 327
Skew polynomial ring      295 308 398
Small object      501
Small submodule      74
Small's examples      46 169 204 354—355
Small's Theorems      263 267—268
Small, L.W.      x 18 45—47 169 203 204 263 267—268 283 288 305 328 339 344—345 349 354 368
Smith, R.R.      223 227 418
Smith, T.L.      x
Socle      xviii 242 251
Soublin, J.R.      143
Sridharan, R.      55
Stably finite ring      5 7 18—19 293
Stably free module      203
Stafford, J.T.      201 354
Stallings, J.R.      504
Standard module      100 117
Steinitz Replacement Theorem      209
Steinitz, E.      209
Storrer, H.H.      272
Strong rank condition      10 12 19 135 319
Strongly $\pi$-regular ring      321—322
Strongly indecomposable module      84
Strongly regular ring      297—298
Strooker, J.R.      18 203
Subdirectly irreducible rings      158 419 454 539
Subject Index      555
Support      58
Suslin, A.A.      38 177 492
Swan, R.G.      x 39 42 59 201
Symmetric algebra      §16F 441 456—457
Symmetric ring of quotients      385
Tachikawa, H.      443
Talintyre, T.D.      345 349
Tate, J.T.      365
Third Dual Theorem      519
Thrall, R.M.      407
Tor-functor      186—187
Torsion submodule      163 319
Torsion-free module      44 73 127 146 222 319
Torsionless module      144—146 413 510—511 519—520
Total ring of quotients      59 303
Trace ideal      51
Trace map      17 504
Trivial extension      37 68 282 312 513
Trjitzinsky, W.J.      300
U-torsionless      519
Uniform dimension      §6 209 234 316 528
Uniform module      §3F 84 235
Unimodular Column Lemma      21
Unique factorization domain (UFD)      56 164 198 203
Unit-regular element      270
Utumi, y.      207 226 240 272 357 359 380
V-ring      97 98
Valette, J.      457
Vamos, R.      119 505 534 537
Varadarajan, K.      213
Vasconcelos, W.V.      18 161
Vazirani, M.      x
Villamayor's Theorem      129
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