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Thayse A. — Boolean Calculus Of Differences
Thayse A. — Boolean Calculus Of Differences

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Название: Boolean Calculus Of Differences

Автор: Thayse A.


The development of switching circuit theory over the past three decades has mirrored the varying concerns of the logic designers who have had to confront the many problems presented by constantly changing circuit technologies. All too often, yesterday's elegant solution has been rendered obsolete by today's technological breakthrough. It is not surprising, therefore, that the accepted techniques and procedures of present day switching circuit theory too often tend to stand as distinct entities rather than as part of a cohesive whole.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1981

Количество страниц: 143

Добавлена в каталог: 18.11.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Akers, S.      1 28 29 40 45 49 103 120 124 125
Amar, v.      1 29
Ashenurst, R.      120
Bearnson, L.      1 3 29
Beister, J.      110
Bellman, R.      14
Benjauthrit, B.      2
Betancourt, R.      129
Bioul, G.      2 29 47 96 102
Boolean algebra      5 6
Boolean ring      7
Brown, A.      35
Calingaert, P.      51
Complementation      5
Condulmari, N.      1 28
Conjunction      5
Consensus      47 69
Consensus, generalized      47 69
Consensus, iterative      47 69
Curtis, A.      120 121
Davio, M.      1 2 15 29 30 47 49 54 58 75 80 96 102 129
Decomposability      46 120
Degeneracy      31 32 129
Deschamps, J.P.      1 29 30 32 47 48 58 75 80 96 129
Difference      19
Difference, Boolean      28 48 50
Difference, Decreasing      34
Difference, Increasing      34
Difference, Join      31 44
Difference, Meet      29 44
Difference, Multiple      36
Difference, Oriented      34
Difference, Simple      19
Disjunction      5
Displacement      50
Duality      6
Eichelberger, E.      58 96 109
Element, neutral      7
Element, unit      7
Element, zero      7
Envelope      32 33 44 57
Envelope, lower      30 44 48
Envelope, upper      32 44 48
Expansion, canonical      10
Expansion, Galoisian      12 18 33 48 64
Expansion, Hybrid      12
Expansion, Lagrange      10 11 14
Expansion, Newton      12 18 49
Expansion, Redundant      11 16
Expansion, Taylor      12 18 105
Exponentiation, Boolean or Lattice      19
Exponentiation, Ring      37
Expression, Well formed      9
Fadini, A.      2 32
fault      53 111
Fault, Indistinguishable      113
Fault, Multiple      56 114
Fault, Simple      56 114
Fault, Stuck-at-fault      54 102
Fault, Undetectable      113
Flomenhoft, M.      129
Function, $\delta$      39 45 46
Function, boolean      9
Function, decreasing      30
Function, Degenerate      29 30
Function, increasing      30
Function, symmetric      129
Function, test      53 114
Function, Unate      55
Gazale, H.      2
Graetzer, G.      5 6
Hammer, P.      9 50 104
Harrison, M.      47
Hazard      45 108
Hazard, Dynamic      46 58
Hazard, Static      46 58
Hsiao, M.      1 3 29
Huffman, D.      1 80 108
Implicant      17
Implicant, Prime      17
Implicate      17
Implicate, Prime      17
Kaufmann, A.      3
Kodandapani, K.      2
Kohavi, Z.      130
Kronecker matrix product      14
Kuntzmann, J.      3 30 32 69
Lapscher, F.      3 29 32 125 126
Lazarev, V.      35
Lechner, R.      2
Lee, S.      29
Marcus, M.      14
Mc Cluskey, E.      47 69 108
Mc Kellar, A.      29 126
Mc Naughton, R.      129
Minc, H.      14
Mukhopadhyay, A.      102
Muller, D.      1
Naslin, P.      69
Operator, composed      39
Ordering relation      5 6
Pichat, E.      29 126
Piil, F.      35
Piret, Ph.      1 29 49 54
Pradhan, D.      2
Preparata, F.      9
Quine, W.      48 69 129 130
Reddy, S.      102
Reed, I.      1 2 28
Rosenberg, I.      104
Roth, C.      102
Rudeanu, S.      6 8 9 50 104
Sellers, F.      1 3 29
Sensitivity      50 51 53
Shen, V.      29 126
Si, S.      129
Sikorski, R.      5
Smith, J.      102
Stone, M.      8
Susskind, A.      129
Switching network, Combinatorial      96
Switching network, Easily testable      102
Switching network, Three level      58 96
Switching network, Two level      58 79 102
Symmetry      128
Talantsev, A.      1 35
Tang, Y.      29
Thayse, A.      1—3 15 29 30 40 45 48 50 58 69 70 75 80 96 102 104 123 126 129 130
Tison, P.      2 47 69
Tosic, Z.      2
Tucker, J.      35
Unger, S.      108 130
Vector, Extended state      15 62
Vector, state      14
Vector, Test      53
Weiner, P.      28 126
Yau, S.      29
Yeh, R.      9
Ying, C.      129
Young, H.      35
Zadeh, L.      2
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