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Nayfeh A.H., Pai P.F. — Linear and Nonlinear Structural Mechanics |
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Ring, circular 181 265 513 565 637
Ring, rotating 513 565 637
Ritz method 27 35 36 38—42 45 47 61
Rocking 315
Rope, jump 112
Rotary inertia 14 15 28 31 67 98 179 181 184 189 217 221 223 224 229 236 241 243 270 372 373 377 380 407 400 432 438 465 561 588 598 603 626 633 644
rotating 177 179 376
Rotating, beam 178 246 278
Rotating, disk 23 513 516 517
Rotating, finite 177 237
Rotating, ring 513 565 637
Rotating, virtual 177 207 210 226 355 362 376 563 596
Rotor 6 171 176 178 180 240 245 246 263 264
Saint Venant’s plate theory 544
Saint Venant’s principle 175
Saint Venant’s semi-inverse method 172
Saint Venant’s solution 175
Saint Venant’s warping solution 174—170
Sandwich 192 194 373 402
Saturation phenomenon 74 25 138
SAW 513
Secondary resonances 25 181
Self-equilibrating 6 7 175
Self-excited oscillations 6 23 513
Semiconductor industry 341
Shaker 130 132 267 294 312 313 334
Shear 2 4 8 94 95 174 179 181 186 191 252 270 375 382 485 559 578 590 604 615 616 632
Shear, center 246
Shear, correction factor 173 174 373 374 402 446 561 608
Shear, coupling 269 377 403 456 463 581 628
Shear, deformable beam theory 172 186 187 189
Shear, effects 4 173 174 376 381 456 561 581
Shear, energy average 191 400
Shear, first-order 395 576 579 584 585 588 599—601 626 627
Shear, gcomctric average 191 400
Shear, intensity 384 386 387 390 394 398 400 429 442 574 575
Shear, interlaminar 4 374—376 448 440 561 615 617
Shear, load 190 193 249 251 449 617
Shear, modulus 95 249 376
Shear, mpiane 2 174 358 360 362 363 366 367 417—420 429 440 442 451 452 560 584 588 589 591 600 614 641
Shear, out-of-plane 174 562
Shear, resultant 220 249
Shear, rigidity 98 111
Shear, strength 372
Shear, stress 100 172—174
Shear, third-order 436 594 028
Shear, transverse 2 4 6 173 174 179 184 263 372 373 375—377 380 430 437 436 440 442 444 448 452 454 560—562 573—576 585 588 594 599 601 615 617 620 627 628
Shear, warping 173 175
Shear-deformation theories 4 173 186 372 373 376 378 379 381 383 387 396 417 435 440 560 577 588 593 601
Shear-deformation theories, first-order 173 174 191 372 375 378 400 402 446 501 608
Shear-deformation theories, higher-order 4 172 174 373 377 379 561 615
Shear-deformation theories, layerwise 192 446 562 615
Shear-deformation theories, plates 396 435 442
Shear-deformation theories, refined 378 380 561
Shear-deformation theories, shells 577 588 593 601 608
Shear-deformation theories, third order 172 189 90 374 376 379 402 435 454 456 501 615
Shell 1 2 24 171 355—357 307 371 372 378 380 559—649
Shell of revolution 569
Shell, axisymmeinc 565 641
Shell, circularcylindrical 564 566 576 588 611
Shell, classical, theories 560 566
Shell, comcal 568
Shell, composite 561 615
Shell, cylindrical 24 566
Shell, doubly-curved 571 582
Shell, equations of morion lor cylindrical shells 581 589 631
Shell, equations of motion. Donnell's 014
Shell, laminaicd. panels 501 615
Shell, layerwise shear-deformable 615
Shell, linear shear-deformable 561 577
Shell, nonlinear classical theory of 582
Shell, simplified, theories 603
Shell, spherical 570
Shell, theories 560 605 611 613 614
Shell, twisted circular cylindrical 508 629
Sidebands 270 319 335 336 340
Sidebands, unexplained 319 336
Sine-dwell sweep 13
Singular perturbation 579
Skew plate 379
Slenderness ratio 174 224
Slipping 335
Slow dynamics 270 529
Snapping through 278 318 319 338 339
Softening nonlinearity 163 165 167 178 223 275 277 282 289 296 303 310 330—332 350 381
Softening response, behavior 137 161 282 330—332 350
Solvability condition 58 59 158 160 272—274 279 293 320 348
Spherical shells 564 570 571 629 630 641—053
Spinning, disk 513 517
Spinning, membrane 513
Spring, helical 53—55 121 264
State-space 23 48 377—379 744
State-space, conjugate 600
State-space, engineering 110 248 376 573 578
State-space, Green — Lagrange 177
State-space, inplanc 363 417—419 591
State-space, Jaumann 369 631 632
State-space, local, measures 177 194 213 220 229 251 377 563
| State-space, nonlinear 239
Strain — displacement 4 65 75 76 107 185 186 192 214 215 218 377 383 562 563 582 593 608 612 614 622
Strain — displacement, Cartesian coordinates 76
Strain — displacement, curvilinear coordinates 80
Strain — displacement, cylindrical coordinates 77
Strain — displacement, spherical coordinates 78
Stress 3 4 6 7 28 76 94 110 114 172—175 191 193 218 230 233 235 242 247 249 254 262 371 372 374 376 407 411 416 514 532 533 536 560—562 579 584 599 600 609 612—614 616 617
Stress resultants for beated plates 467 4 8
Stress resultants for circular plates 390
Stress resultants for laminated plates 429 439 441 445
Stress resultants for rectangular plates 384
Stress, engineering 248 376
Stress, Jaumann 46 633
Stress, local measures 7 177 184 220 229 377 563
Stress, residual 532 538 542
Stress-strain relations 65 75 85 96 97 107 168 189 384 390 394 398 429 449 451 467 574 617
Stress-strain relations, anisotropic 86
Stress-strain relations, orthotropic 87
Stress-strain relations, tbermoelastic 412
Stretching (see Midplanc stretching)
String 2 111 112 134
String, approximate equations 114 117
String, attacking tbrce equations 121
String, discretization model 126
String, evaluation of two-equation model 124
String, exact equations 113
String, experiments 132
String, mode shapes 118 19 126
String, modeling of 113
String, modulation equations for 113
String, multiple resonances 138
String, natural frequencies, I 3
String, nonlinear response 112 113 119 125 128
String, Poisson's effect 114—117
String, response to combined parametric and external resonances 137
String, response to primary resonance 121 124—127 129
String, two-equation model 118—121 124 125
String, whirl 112 125 130 132—134
Subcombination resonance 278 291 298 302 304 544
Subdomain method 27 48
Supports 7
Supports, horizontal 148
Supports, moving 137
Surface analysis 355 377 419 420 425
Switch, micro 342
Temperature 8 88 98 412 414 468 544 545 547 550 555
Thcrmopncuniatic 531
Themioelastic 7 96 414
Themioelastic, constitutive relations 88 89 91 96
Themioelastic, coupling 544 547
Themioelastic, damper 544
Themioelastic, equations 412 415
Thermal 88 94 8 412 468 544 545 547
Thermal, effect 98 414 467 468 545
Thermal, load 543 544 549 551
Thin walled structure 4 75 362
Time-averaged Lagrangian 63 64 286 306 651
Timoshenko beam 173 374 179
Torsional 2 6 8 23 180 182 202 226 244 264 278 285 315 379
Torsional, rigidity 168 174 234 235 244
Torsional, variable 240 244
Torsional, warping 174 176 234 235 246 251 253
Transfer, energy 5 3 181 270 319 637
Transformation of cooidinates 17 21 83 102 195 202 360 376 37 417
Transformation of matrix 83 101 103 105 177 198 201 202 203 208 209 217 237 240 256 263 355 357 417 435 466 566 599 605 606 612 622
Transformation of stresses and wains 82
Transverse shear 2 4 6 172—174 179 184 249 371—377 380 386 387 390 394—396 398 400 402 430 432 436 442 444 448 452 454 559 560—562 573—576 579 585 588 594 599 601 617 620 627 628
Trapezoidal-edge effect 560 573
Twist 6 7 180 237 240 245
Twisted 278 568 629 630
Twisted, beam 172 180 200 209 211 212 264
Twisted, blade 176 178
Valve 53 55 57 531
Variation of curvatures 210 365
Variational 41 66 71 218 375
Variational, methods 27 28 42 53 186
Variational, principle 28 374 375 380
Virtual, displacement 55 69 70 109 596
Virtual, principle of 69 110
Virtual, rotations 177 207 208 210 226 355 362 376 563 596
Virtual, work 55 69 70 109 110 140 284—286 298 300 304 306
Viscoelastic 381 544
Viscoelastic von Karman 531 605
Viscoelastic, equations 375 379 380 381 433 434
Viscoelastic, noiilincarity 37 373 379 380 403 425 433 446 563 605—607
Viscoelastic, strains 136 176 177 375 377 404 408 425 446 563 605
Warping 1 6 172—176 194 200 211 213 215 220 233 245 247 248 253 256 261 262 369 377 417 426 435 447 448 452 454—456 560 566
Warping, bending-induced 173
Warping, cxicnsion-reduced 173
Warping, displacement 174 176 194 215 369
Warping, function 175 176 186 192—194 247—251 396 402 436 447 452 454 456 457 562 577 581 615 627-630
Wave propagation 373 374 381
Waves 6 513 505 537
Waves, surface 24 26 637
Weighted residuals, method of 27 35 46 47 53 61 342
Whipping 278
Whirling motion 112 121 125 130 132 134 177
Winkler — Pastcmak foundation 380
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