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Nayfeh A.H., Pai P.F. — Linear and Nonlinear Structural Mechanics |
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Hopf bifurcation, normal form of 289 290
Hopf bifurcation, secondary 23 319 336
Hygro-thermal effect 98
Hygro-thermal effect, expansion coefficient 98 468
Identification 377
Imperfect 7 381 499
Imperfection 312 381 499
Incommensurate 302 319 336 340
Inconsistency 186 220
Inextensionality 222 225 240 565 638
Initial-value methods 35 48 52 142
Intcrlaminar shear stress 4 193 374 375 377 448 440 561 615 617
Integrability 107
Interaction 313
Interaction, coefheient 122 323 565 638
Interaction, modal 5 23 25 181—183 270 373 376 377 381 498 544 564 565 569 630 637 638
Interaction, nonlinear 183
Interaction, stretching-bending 137
Interaction, structure-fluid 8
Interaction, wave-mode 27
Internal resonance 58 122 152 153 158 161 180—183 272 292 298 318 323 324 331 504 508 522 550 551 639
Internal resonance, cables 137 138
Internal resonance, circular plates 504
Internal resonance, combination 183
Internal resonance, cylindrical shells 564 566 630 638 639
Internal resonance, huckled beams 316
Internal resonance, multiple 137 138
Internal resonance, near-square plates 524
Internal resonance, one-to-one 26 112 137 138 150 181—183 286 319 323 499 503 513 529 565 636 637
Internal resonance, spherical shells 5 4 641 648 649 653
Internal resonance, strings 112 122
Internal resonance, three to-onc 183 323 324 544
Internal resonance, two-to-one 25 26 137 1 38 150 163 167 183 323 564 566 630 638 641 648—650 653
Invariant 84 90 288
Invariant, manifold 524
Invariant, transformation 83 87 288
Jaumann, strains 215 251 252 366 369 376 382 428 439 458 583 593 594 590 616 631 632 643
Jaumann, stresses 254 382 429 467 596 633
Kantorovich method 378 379
Kirchhoff’s kinetic analogy 199 207
Lagrange multipliers 231
Lagrangian 4 25 54 61 63 64 71 76 136 138 139 225 226 252 284—286 298 300 304 306 554 594 634 640
Lame parameters 35 563
Laminated, beams 8 174 179 180
Laminated, plates 4 8 372—374 376—381 446—448 454 456 528 544 624
Laminated, shells 561 564 615 629
Lamination 738
Lamination, angle-ply 180 182 377 378 380 381 544
Lamination, anisotropic 172 175 183 226 235 254 372—374 380 417 447 561 015
Lamination, cross-ply 373 378—380 405 406 412 564
Lamination, layerwise 192 440 615
Laplace transform 13 374
Layerwise, shear-dcfontuble shell theory 615— 630
Layerwise, shear-deformable beam theory 172 192—194
Layerwise, shear-deforniahle plate theory 376 377 446—467 562
Levy solution 377—379 470 471
Limit cycle 5 23 25 26 112 289 290 310 319
Limit cycle, penod-thrcc 319 336 337 340
Limit cycle, period five 319 336 337 340
Limit cycle, period-one 335—337 339—341
Limit cycle, period-six 319
Limit cycle, period-two 335—337 339 340
Lindstcdt — Poincarc method 379 565 637
Linearcontirtuous systems, analysis of 27
Locking, frequency 336 340
Logarithmic decrement 133 313
Ludwicfc foundation 179
Macromechamcs 7
Magnetic 4 24 111 171
Magnetoelastic 8
Material stiffness matrices 94
Mathcmatica 290
Mathieu-type equation 24 564
Membrane 1—3 474 522 531 559 500 594
Membrane, circular 474—47 499
Membrane, elliptic 474 480 481
Membrane, equations 474
Membrane, force 562 566
Membrane, modes and frequencies of spherical shell 647 648 652 653
Membrane, natural frequencies 474—481
Membrane, neai-circular 474 477 480
Membrane, rectangular 499
Membrane, spinning 513
Membrane, square 499
Membrane, strain energy 635
Membrane, stress 2
Memory disk 513 510
Microbeam 341—353
Microbeam, applications of 342 345 346 351
Microbeam, icsonutor 342
Microbeam, microswitch 342
Microbeam, natural frequencies of 345
Microbeam, nonlinear resonance frequency 349—351
Microbeam, pull-in voltage 345 352 353 541 542
Microbeam, reduccd-order model 351
Microbeam, response to primary resonance 346
Microbeam, static deflection 342
Microcracking 8
Microelectroniechajiical 341
Microplate 469
Micropum 531—543 545
Midplane stretching 4 181
Midplane stretching in beams 181
Midplane stretching in columns 181
Midplane stretching in microbeams 342 345
modal 17 34 35 18
Modal, coordinates 17 21 34
Modal, coupling 5 26 181 182
Modal, damping 8 9 18 123 127 638
Modal, excitation 21
Modal, intensity 175 384 385 440 442 400 584 600 624
Modal, interactions 5 23 25 181—183 373 376 377 498 544 564 565 637
Modal, matrix 17
Modal, method 27 48 217 429
Modal, shaker 207
Modal, structure 180
Modal, U amplitudes 72 132
Multiple sealed, applied JO cantilever beams 271 278 284
Multiple sealed, applied lo rotating disks 524
Multiple sealed, applied to axisymmetric shells 565 637
Multiple sealed, applied to bucklcd beams 319 324 328
Multiple sealed, applied to cables 138 139 152 161
Multiple sealed, applied to circular plates 506
Multiple sealed, applied to cylindrical shells 565 638
Multiple sealed, applied to heated plates 544 550
Multiple sealed, applied to microbeams 346
Multiple sealed, applied to orthotropic plates 381
Multiple sealed, applied to rings 565 637
Multiple sealed, applied to spherical shells 564 565
Multiple sealed, applied to strings 112 113 121 127
Multiple sealed, method of 26 57 61 152
Natural frequencies for 5 9—13 15 23 30 52 58 181
Natural frequencies for annular plates 491 498
Natural frequencies for bucklcd beams 317 321—323 330 332 335
Natural frequencies for cables 146 148—150 164
Natural frequencies for cantilever beams 179—182 244 267 270 278 286 294 296 299 303—305 308 313 379
Natural frequencies for circular plates 482—487 503
Natural frequencies for classical plate theory 372 407 432
Natural frequencies for classical shell theory 561
Natural frequencies for composite beams 179 379
Natural frequencies for composite plates 373
Natural frequencies for cylindrical shells 635 636
Natural frequencies for elliptic membranes 480 481
Natural frequencies for elliptic plates 487 491
Natural frequencies for heated plates 543 544 548—551 555
Natural frequencies for inhomogeneous heains 179
Natural frequencies for membranes 474 477
Natural frequencies for microbeams 342 345—348 350 353
Natural frequencies for microplates 531 532 534—536 542 543
Natural frequencies for near-circular membranes 481
| Natural frequencies for near-circular plates 491
Natural frequencies for prismatic beams 181
Natural frequencies for rectangular phtes 469—474
Natural frequencies for shear-deformable beams 179
Natural frequencies for spherical shells 646 652
Natural frequencies for strings 119 126 130 133
Navicr solution 378 470
Ncwton — Raplisoti 142
Newton 9 14 65—68 114 178 184 217 310 562
Newtonian 604
Newtonian, approach 192 382 387 400 563 576 604
Newtonian, coordinate 72 75
Newtonian, formulation 189 233 262
Nonclassical effects 1 6 7 174
Nonlinear 1 2 4
Nonlinear dynamics of annular plates 412
Nonlinear dynamics of beams 267
Nonlinear dynamics of buckled beams 318
Nonlinear dynamics of cables 137
Nonlinear dynamics of cantilever beams 24 182 267 278 291 304
Nonlinear dynamics of circular plates 499
Nonlinear dynamics of composite plates 373 380
Nonlinear dynamics of cylindrical shells 563—565 637
Nonlinear dynamics of douhly-curved shells 564
Nonlinear dynamics of heated plates 544
Nonlinear dynamics of microbeams 346
Nonlinear dynamics of panels 562
Nonlinear dynamics of plates 376
Nonlinear dynamics of rotating disks 524
Nonlinear dynamics of rotating rings 565 637
Nonlinear dynamics of spherical shelis 641—653
Nonlinear dynamics of strings 113 119 125 129—135
Nonlinear dynamics of systems 24 183
Nonlinear dynamics of valves 53
Nonlinear response of annular plates 544
Nonlinear vibrations of buckled beams 317—319 321 338
Nonlinear vibrations of cablcs 111
Nonlinear vibrations of cantilevcr beam 178
Nonlinear vibrations of cantilever plates 379
Nonlinear vibrations of circular plates 41 498—513
Nonlinear vibrations of composite plates 380 381
Nonlinear vibrations of cylindrical shells 564
Nonlinear vibrations of doubly-curved shells 564
Nonlinear vibrations of heated plates 469 544
Nonlinear vibrations of microplates 469
Nonlinear vibrations of near-square plates 527—531
Nonlinear vibrations of panels 381
Nonlinear vibrations of plates 469 528
Nonlinear vibrations of rotating disks 513—527
Nonlinear vibrations of sandwich plates 373
Nonlinear vibrations of shells 563 564
Nonlinear vibrations of strings 112
Nonlinear vibrations of valves 56
Nonlinear, analysis of continuous systems 53 373 562
Nonlinear, boundary conditions 4 186 344
Nonlinear, discrete systems 22
Nonlinear, elastic characteristics 53
Nonlinearities 4 24—26 53 61 65 121 163 178 223 278 299 309 317 319 327 330 332 506 634
Nonlinearities, classification of 4
Nonlinearities, curvature 223
Nonlinearities, electric 4 531
Nonlinearities, geometric 4 7 65 136 168 169 174 176—179 194 223 229 251 278 298 355 375—377 531 562 563 605 622
Nonlinearities, inertia 4 177 178 180 223 275 277 278 289 298 310 438 598
Nonlinearities, von Karman 563 606
Nonplanar dynamics 267
Nonplanar dynamics in the response of cables 137
Nonplanar dynamics in the response of cantilever beams 180—182 284—291 304-312
Nonplanar dynamics in the response of rings 565 638
Nonplanar dynamics in the response of taut strings 112
Nonstationary, parametric 178 223
Nonstationary, responses 278 565 637
Normal form 298 290
Orthonormalization 52 379
Orthotropic 87—89 94 95 97 372 373 377—381 406 412 415 447 454 544 627 628
Parametric excitation 24 112 181 223 268 270 284 319 565 637
Parametric resonance 179 267 537
Parametric resonance, combination 25 137 267 269 278 279 281—284 303 548 549
Parametric resonance, principal 24 26 137 267 269 270 273 285 286
Peeling stress 1 4 6
Period, -demultiplying bifurcation 319
Period, douhling bifurcation 23—26 112 181 318 319 332 335 336 339 564
Period, halving bifurcation 112
Period, multiplying bifurcations 23 24 26 182
Piecewise linear 374 561
Piezoactuator 448 741
Piezoceramic 450
Piezoelectric 98 376 377 446—448 450—452 456 464—467 53
Plates, asymptotic expansion 379 565 637
Plates, circular 355 373 375 379 38 388 389 395 401 411 412 481—488 498—513 517 524 532 536-543
Plates, composite 372—381 403 447 454 456 469 527 528
Plates, cylindrical bending of 372 377
Plates, governing equations 372 375 382 387 395 400 403 425 445—447 498 501
Plates, heated 544
Plates, internal resonance 499 503 504 508 5 3 519 529 550 551
Plates, micro 531—543
Plates, near circular 487
Plates, near square 499 527—529
Plates, rectangular 372 377—380 382—387 395 401 403—408 417 418 426 435 469—473 499 527 544 563
Plates, section 182 268 269 340 341
Plates, spinning 513 517
Plates, von Karman sequations 375 379—381 433 434 328 544
Polar, coordinates 335 389 395 408 411 415 474
Polar, decomposition 110 215 252 366 376
Polarization voltage 342
Posthucklinj 1 4 5 23 171 176 318 319 375 381 562
Precnned 263 278
Pretwisted beams 180 278
Primary resonance of 12 25 57 61 62
Primary resonance of buckled beams 319 324 328 331
Primary resonance of cablcs 137 138 152 153 158 161 164
Primary resonance of cantilever beams 81 268 269 291 292 306 312
Primary resonance of circular plates 503 504
Primary resonance of cylindrical shells 566 638
Primary resonance of douhly-curved shells 564
Primary resonance of miciobeams 346
Primary resonance of panels 38
Primary resonance of rotatingdisks 516 322 524 526
Primary resonance of spherical shells 564 645 650
Primary resonance of taut strings 112 121 124—127 129
Principle ot virtual work 69 70 110
Prismatic 169 175 181 189—191 223 246 247 249
Pseudo areleugth 288
Pseudo-state plane 268
Pull-in voltage 344 345 352 353 536 537 541—543
Pump, micro 531—543 545
PVDF 376
Radius of gyration 179 224 225 317
Ramherg Osgoodfoundation 179
Random vibration 8 137 138 268 381
Rayleigh — Ritz method 378
Rcissncr — Mindlin theory 372 373 370
Rcissner’s variational principle 28 380
Reconstitution, method of 139
Rectilinear coordinates 355 392 563
Reduced-ordcr model 53
Reduced-ordcr model, buckled beam 330 331
Reduced-ordcr model, microplate 531 54 543
Reduced-ordcr model, niicrobeam 342 345 351 353
Reduced-ordcr model, rotating disk 523 742
Refined sliear-dcformablciheortcs 370 378 561
Resonator 342 346 353
Rigid-body 65 66 69 72 100 105 229 246 251 232 256 257 263 593 560
Rigid-body, displacement 107 251
Rigid-body, rotation 65 98 110 207 208 214 256 362 596
Rigid-body, transformation 256
Rigid-body, translation 110 214 259 368
Rigidity 6
Rigidity, bending 28 178 470 532
Rigidity, shear 98 111
Rigidity, torsional 168 174 234 235 244
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