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Askeland D.R. — The Science and Engineering of Materials |
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macrosegregaiion 273
macrosegregaiion, microsegregation 271
Macrosegregation 273 274
Macrosiructure (solidification) 221 242
Magnesium alloys 412
Magnesium alloys, properties 413
Magnetic dipole 672
Magnetic field 674
magnetic moment 672 694
Magnetic particle inspection 810 815
Magnetic permeability 675 694
magnetic quantum number 19
Magnetic resonance imaging 685
magnetic susceptibility 675 694
Magnetic tape 688
Magnetisation 674 675 694
Magnetisation and temperature 685
Magnetisation, application 681
Magnetisation, control 687
Magnetisation, properties 682 683
magnetite 690
Malleable cast iron 382 386 394
Malleable cast iron, heat treatment 387
Malleable cast iron, properties 385
Manganese bronze 416
Maraglng steel 374 394
Marquench 364 394
Martemper 364
Martensire 338 345
Martensire in cobalt 338
Martensire in Cu-Al alloys 417
Martensire in steel 338
Martensire in titanium 427
Martensire, crystal structure 338
Martensire, hardness versus carbon 340
Martensire, properties 339
Martensire, shape memory effect 342
Martensire, tempering 340
Martensite start and finish 320
Mass absorption coefficient 802 815
Mat 573
Matched die moulding 574
Materials processing defects 797
Materials processing methods 10
Materials processing methods of ceramics 466 472
Materials processing methods of composites 573
Materials processing methods of fibres 570
Materials processing methods of polymers 516
Materials processing methods of semiconductors 649
Materials processing methods, casting 234 235
Materials processing methods, forming 193
Materials processing methods, powder metallurgy 131 134
Matrix 281 310
Mean free path 626 667
Mechanical properties 8 15 140
Melanine 532
Melting temperature, fibres 566
Melting temperature, polymers 503
Mer see "Repeat unit"
Metal matrix composite 410
Metallic bond 23 34
Metallic glass 219
Metallography 98 106
Metasilicate 441 483
methane 495
Microalloyed steel 374
Microbiological corrosion 763
Microbiological degradation 770
Microconstituent 281 310
Microconstituent eutectic 292
Microconstituent, eutectoid 330
Microconstituent, primary 295
Microcrack 461
Microfibrils 596 612
Microlaminare 586
Microsegregation 271 275
Microshrinkage 232
Microvoids 784 815
Miller indices 72
Miller indices for directions 48
Miller indices for plants 51
Miller — Bravais indices 54 72
Mirror zone 794
Miscibility gap 288 310
Mixed dislocation 82 106
Mobility 619 667
Mobility in compounds 642
Mobility in semiconductors 636
Modification 299 310
Modification, microstructure 300
modifiers 450 483
Modulus of elasticity 34 145 179
Modulus of elasticity and atomic bonding 30
Modulus of elasticity and melting temperatures 146
Modulus of elasticity in stress-strain diagram 142
Modulus of elasticity of ceramics 476
Modulus of elasticity of fibres 566
Modulus of elasticity of polymers 519 533
Modulus of elasticity of selected materials 146
Modulus of resilience 146 179
Modulus of rupture see "Flexural strength"
Molar solution 753
Molybdenum 431
Monel 266 421 433
Monoclinic unit cell 41
Monomer 491 542
Monotectic 288 310
Montmorillonite 442
Motal oxide semiconductor 648
Mould constant 222
Mullite 478
N-type semiconductor 643
Nanometre 40
Natural ageing 326 345
Necking 145 179
Neoprene 530
Nernst equation 755 779
Neutron radiography 807
Nickel alloys 421
Nickel alloys, compositions 421
Nickel alloys, control of properties 422
Nickel alloys, properties 421
Niobium 431
Nitriding 376 394
Nodulising 389 394
Noncoherent precipitate 322
Nondestructive testing 166 800
Nonequilibrium solidification, eutectic alloys 291
Nonequilibrium solidification, solid solution alloys 256
Nonsioichiometric intermerallic compound 283 310
Nonsioichiometric semiconductor 644
nonstoichiometric 283
Normalising 395
Normalising in cast iron 381
Normalising in steel 356
Notch sensitivity 161 168 180
Nucleation 216 242
Nucleation in bainie 335
Nucleation in cast iron 383
Nucleation in glass ceramics 471
Nucleation in pearlite 335
Nucleation in solid state 316
Nucleation in solidification 216
Nucleation, heterogeneous 219
Nucleation, homogeneous 217
Nucleus 217 310
Nylon 498 500
Octahedral site 59 72
of wood 599
Olivine 441 444 479
| Opacifier 718
Ordered crystal structure 284 310
Orthorhombic unit cell 41
Orthosilicare 441 483
Overage 325
Oxidation 771 730
Oxidation reaction 751 771 780
Oxygen concentration cell 761
Oxygen electrode 752
Oxygen starvation 762 780
p-n junction 645
P-type semiconductor 641
Packing factor 44 46 73
Packing fraction 73
Packing fraction, directions 50
Packing fraction, planes 52
Paramagnetism 677 694
Parison in ceramic glasses 466 483
Parison in polymers 537 542
Particulate composite, true 552
Pascal 142
passivation 767 780
Pauli exclusion principle 20 34
Pearlite 329 345 353
Pearlite and properties 333
Pearlite and transformed temperature 333
Pearlite in cast iron 383
Pearlite, colonies 332
Pearlite, growth 329
Peisson's ratio 147 180
Peisson's ratio of selected materials 146
Periclase 479
Periodic table 23
Peritectic 288 310
Peritectoid 288 310
Permanent mould casting 234
Permeability 675 679
Permittivity 655 667
Perovskite structure 438
Perovskite structure in supetconductors 632
Perspex 517
Peterls — Nabarro stress 83 106
Phase 10 15 249 275
phase diagram 275
Phase diagram and properties 266
Phase diagram, binary 258
Phase diagram, isoinorphous 258
Phase diagram, ternary 305
Phase diagram, unary 250
Phase diagrams, 260
Phase diagrams, 479
Phase diagrams, 46
Phase diagrams, 460
Phase diagrams, 444
Phase diagrams, 445
Phase diagrams, 444
Phase diagrams, 442
Phase diagrams, 452
Phase diagrams, Al-Cu 320
Phase diagrams, Al-Mg 407
Phase diagrams, Al-Sb 283
Phase diagrams, Cu-Al 417
Phase diagrams, Cu-Be 417
Phase diagrams, Cu-Ni 259
Phase diagrams, Cu-Sn 417
Phase diagrams, Cu-Zn 254 417
Phase diagrams, Fe-C 328 354 383
Phase diagrams, Fe-C-Cr 379
Phase diagrams, Fe-C-Cr-Ni 379
Phase diagrams, FeO-MgO 276
Phase diagrams, Mg 251
Phase diagrams, Mg-Al 412
Phase diagrams, Mo-Rh 283
Phase diagrams, Nb-W 277
Phase diagrams, NiO-MgO 259
Phase diagrams, Pb-Sn 289
Phase diagrams, Ti-Al 425
Phase diagrams, Ti-Mn 425
Phase diagrams, Ti-Mo 425
Phase diagrams, Ti-Sn 425
Phase diagrams, Ti-V 429
Phase rule see "Gibb's phase rule"
Phenolic 532
Phonon 728 742
Phosphor bronze 418
Phosphorescence 704 724
Photochromic glass 468
Photoconduction 720 724
photoelectric effect 713
photolithography 649
Photon 697 724
Photonic Systems 721
photoresist 649
Photosensitive glass 468
Physical properties 8 15
Piezoelectricity 661 667
Piezoelectricity in NDT 813
Pigment 536
Pilling — Bedworth ratio 772 780
Pipe (shrinkage) 230
Pitting corrosion 762
Planar density 52 73 86
Planar growth 220 242
Planck's constant 697
Plane strain fracture toughness 164
Planes of a form 53 73
Plaster of Paris 481
Plastic deformation 180
Plasticiser 536 542
Plexiglas 517
plies 603 612
Plywood 603
Point defects 91 106
Point defects in ceramics 443
Polarisation 651 667
Polarisation and frequency 657
Polarisation and temperature 664
Polarisation in corrosion 758 780
Polarisation, dimensional changes 660
Polarisation, mechanisms 651
Polarised molecule 28 35
Polyamide 522
Polybutadiene 529
polycarbonate 529
Polychlorophene 529
Polychromatic glass 468
Polyester 497 534
Polyether sulphone 523
Polyetheretherkerone (PEEK) 520
Polygonisation 202 211
Polyisoprene 529
Polymer 16
Polymerisation 4 16 488
Polymet 578
Polymethyl methacrylate 517
Polymide 523 535
Polymorphism see "Allotropy"
Polyoxymethylene 520
Polyphthalocyanine 636
Polypropylene 517
Polysmide-inside 523
Polystyiene 517
Polyvinyl chloride 517
Polyvinylidene chloride 517
Porcelain 474
Porosity 232 449
Portland cement 603
Pouring temperature 239 242
Power (electrical) 621
Power (of magnet) 683 694
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