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Askeland D.R. — The Science and Engineering of Materials |
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Fatigue strength 168 179
Fatigue test 166 179
Feldspar 471
Fermi energy 624
Ferrimagnetism 678 693
Ferrite 328 345
Ferrite (in ceramics) 689
Ferroelectricity 663 666
ferromagnetism 677 693
Fertile stabilising clement, in cast iron 383
Fertile stabilising clement, in stainless steel 378
Fibre optics 721
Fibre pull-out 579
Fibre, aspect ratio 563
Fibre, characteristics 566
Fibre, manufacture 570
Fibre, properties 566
Fibre-reinforced composites, failure 569
Fibre-reinforced composites, orientation 564
Fibre-reinforced composites, properties 576
Fibreglass 558
Fick's First Law 115 133
Fick's second law 126 133
Fick's second law in carburising 127
Field effect transistor 648
Filament winding 574 590
firing 472 483
First stage graphitisation 387 394
Flame retardant 536
Flexural modulus 151 179
Flexural strength 150 179
Flexural strength in ceramics 151 475 580
Flexural strength in composites 151 580
Fluidity 407 433
Fluorescence 704 724
Fluorite structure 64
Flux, in ceramics 483
Flux, in diffusion 115 133
Flux, in heat transfer 736
Flux, magnetic 675
Foam 540
Folded chain model 504
for selected materials 636 640 642
Formaldehyde 532
Forsterite 445
forward bias 646 666
Fracture mechanics 163 179
Fracture mechanisms 784
Fracture toughness 163 179
Fracture toughness and structure 320
Fracture toughness in ceramics 453 476 580
Fracture toughness in composites 580
Fracture toughness in selected materials 165
Frank — Read source 190
Free energy, formation of oxides 771
Free energy, strain energy 316
Free energy, surface free energy 216 316
Free energy, volume free energy 217 316
Freezing range 258 274
Frenkel defect 94
Functionality 542
Functionality in ethylene 492
Functionality in phenol 492
Fusion welding 239
Galvanic attack 758
Galvanic cell 758
Galvanic series 759 779
Gamma ray radiography 806
Gas constant 92
Gas porosity 232 241
Gate (in transistor) 648
Gel 475
Geometric isomer 526 542
Gibb's phase rule 250 274
Gibb's phase rule in binary systems 261
Gibb's phase rule in three-phase reactions 288
Gibb's phase rule in unary systems 250
Glare 586
Glasphalt 611 612
Glass formers 450 483
Glass forming 466
Glass transition temperature in ceramics 450 483
Glass transition temperature in polymers 503 542
Glass-ceramics 470 433
Glasses 39 72 219 450
Glasses and soda 452
Glasses in polymers 504
Glasses, composition 469
Glasses, fracture 794
Glasses, metallic 219 688
Glasses, oxygen-silicon ratio 453
Glasses, short-range order 39
Glasses, silicates 450
Glaze 481
Goodman relationship 170
grain 9 97 105
Grain boundary 97 106
Grain boundary and corrosion 760
Grain boundary diffusion 124 133
Grain boundary, energies 10
Grain boundary, liquid metal attack 748
Grain growth 130 133 203
Grain refinement 219 24
Grain refinement in aluminium 407
Grain size strengthening 103 219
Graphite in cast iron 381
Graphite stabiliser 382
Graphite, crystal structure 439
Graphitic corrosion 749 779
Green sand mould 234
Grey cast iron 381 384 394
Grey cast iron, properties 384
Griffith flaw 453 483
Grossman chart 372
Growth, from liquid 220
Growth, from solid-stare 317
Guinier — Preston zone 324 345
Gutta-percha 527
Gypsum 480
H coefficient 365
Half value layer 817
Half-life 806
Hall — Heroult process 401 433
Hall — Petch equation 98 106
Hall-cell 753
Hard magnet 683 693
Hardenability 367 394
Hardenatility curve 370 394
Hardenatility curve for selected steels 370
Hardness 154 179
Hardness and strength 158
Hardness, Brinell 154
Hardness, Knoop 157
Hardness, microhardness 156
Hardness, Rockwell 157
Hardness, Vickers 156
Hardwood 597
Heal stabiliser 536
Heartwood 597 612
Heat affected zone 211
Heat affected zone in age hardenable alloys 327
Heat affected zone in cold-worked metals 207
heat capacity 729 742
Hemicellulose 595 612
Heterogeneous nucleation 219 241
Heterogeneous nucleation, effect on grain size 219
Hexagonal close-packed 46
Hexagonal close-packed, characteristics 46
Hexagonal close-packed, effect of c/a ratio 90
Hexagonal unit cell 46
| Hexamethylene tetramine 498
Holes 624 666
Homogeneous nucleation 217 241
Homogenisation heart treatment 272 274
Homopolymer 516 542
Honeycomb 588 591
Hooke's law 145 179
Hot crack 797
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) 475
Hot melt adhesive 535
Hot pressing 475
Hot shortness 272 274
Hot shortness in age hardenable alloys 322
Hot shortness in eutectic alloys 305
Hot working 207 211
HSLA steels 374
Hume — Rothery rules 254 274
Hybrid composite 577
Hybridisation 625 666
Hydrogen bond 28
Hydrogen electrode 751
Hydrogen embitterment of copper 12
Hydrogen embitterment of steel 799
Hydroplastic forming 471 483
Hypereutectic alloy 293 309
Hypoeutectoid alloy 330
Hysteresis loop in magnetism 681 693
Hysteresis loop in polarisation 663 666
Impact energy 159 179
Impact properties 160
Impact properties and crystal structure 16
Impact properties and temperature 161
Impact properties and true stress strain 161
Impact properties in polymers 514
Impact properties, notch sensitivity 161
Impact test 159 179
Impressed voltage 767 779
in stainless steel 769
in steel 377
Index of refraction 709 724
Index of refraction and dielectric constant 710
Index of refraction, table 710
Inductance 675
Ingot 227
Ingot structure 227 241
Inhibitors 766 779
Initiator 492
Injection moulding 538
Inoculation 219 241 394
Inoculation in cast iron 383 384 389
Inoculation, eutectic grains 297
Insulator 650
interatomic spacing 30 34
Interdendritic shrinkage 232 241
Interfacial energy 321 345
Intergranular corrosion 760 779
Intergranular fracture 787 815
Interlantellar spacing 309
Interlantellar spacing and properties of pearlite 332
Interlantellar spacing and strength 332
Interlantellar spacing and transformation temperature 334
Interlantellar spacing, eutectic 297
Interlantellar spacing, eutectoid 332
Interlantellar spacing, growth rate effect 297
Intermediate oxide 450 483
Intermediate solid solution 283 309
Intermetallic compounds 29 34
Interplanar spacing 58 72 84
Interstitial 58 72 93 106
Interstitial diffusion 113 134
Interstitial in ceramics 438
Interstitial, sites in unit cells 58
Interstitialcy 93 106
Intrinsic semiconductor 636 667
Invar 587 733
Investment casting 234
ionic bond 26 34
Ionic bond in ceramic compounds 61
Ionic radius 61
Iso-strain conditions 560
Iso-stress conditions 560
Isomer 526
Isomorphons phase diagram 258 278
Isomorphons phase diagram, strength relationship 266
Isoprene 527
Isoractic 524
Isothermal anneal 359 394
Isothermal heat treatment 359
Isothermal plot 306 309
Isothermal transformation 333 345
Isothermal transformation diagram see "TTT diagram"
Iterdiffusion 129 133
Izod test 159
Jiggering 472
Joining of ceramics 475
Jominy distance 370 394
Jominy distance and bar diameter 372
Jominy distance and cooling rate 371
Jominy test 370 394
Kaolinite 441
Kevlar 520 566 577 586
Keying agent 570
Kinetics 317
Kinetics, TTT curves 333
Kirkendall effect 129 134
Kroll process 424
Lack of fusion defect 797
Lamellar structure 309
Lamellar structure in eutectics 291
Lamellar structure in eutectoids 329
Lamellar structure in polymers 229
Laminar composite 583
Laminar composite, bimetallics 587
Laminar composite, capacitors 584
Laminar composite, cladding 587
Laminar composite, laminates 586
Laminar composite, manufacture 584
Laminar composite, microlaminate 586
Laminar composite, rule of mixtures 583
Laminates 586
Larson — Miller parameter 176 179
Laser 705 724
Latent heat of fusion 217 241
Lattice 39 72
Lattice imperfections 80
Lattice parameter 40 72
Lattice points 39 71
Leathery polymer 504
Lever law 263 274
Lever law in eutectics 295
Lever law in eutectoids 332
Light-emitting diode (LED) 705 724
Lignin 595 612
Limited solubility 253 274
Linear absorption coefficient 713 724
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion 731 742
Linear coefficient of thermal expansion of various materials 732
Linear density 50 72
Liquid erosion 776
Liquid impingement 777 779
Liquid metal attack 748
Liquid penetrant inspection 812 815
Liquid-crystal polymer 521 542 566
Liquidus plot 306 309
Liquidus temperature 258 274
Load 140 179
Local solidification time 227 242
Long-range order 39 72
Lorentz constant 737 742
Luminescence 703 724
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