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Amit D.J. — Field theory, the renormalization group, and critical phenomena |
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-emergence of 196—197
-expansion 197 208 214 219 220 228—266 274 277 280 312 320 333 335 342 364—365 373
103 105
-subspace 367
-model 107—108 174—196
-model, interactions 370
-model, linear 366
-model, non-linear 366—381
-model, partition function of 366
-model, renormalization of 378—380
't Hooft, G. xv 42 79 148 155 161 188 227 246 250—251 269
Abe, R. 146
Abers, E.S. xv 34 52 102
Achiam, Y. 309
action 106 142 145 366 368 379
Aharony, A. 269 309 341
Ahlers, G. 269
Albeverio, S. 32
Amit, D.J. 102 146 188 269 341 363 381
Analytic continuation: in number of components 343
Analytic continuation: in number of dimensions 148 248 257
Analytic continuation: in time 34 40 41
Anisotropy 9 184 346 361
Anisotropy mass 182 183 346 361
Anisotropy-cubic 66 324—328 330 343
Antiferromagnetism 4 6 14 19 24 94
Aref'eva, I.Ya. 375 381
Ashkin, J. 32
Asymptotic: behavior 243 278—279 311 342 343 374 376—377
Asymptotic: behavior infrared 203 327
Asymptotic: behavior ultra violet 203
Asymptotic: freedom 201—205 219 229 240—243 374
Asymptotic: region 214 241 313 349 354
Azakov, S.I. 381
Baker, G.A. 32
Balian, R. 79 322
Barber, M.N. 308
Bardeen, W.A. 381
Bare parameters 14—15 164 321 352
Bare theory 162 190—192 212 214—217 220 227
Bare theory renormalization group equation for 214—217 227
Berezinskii, V.L. 381
Berlin, T.H. 32 104 146
Bervillier, C. 227 269 320 322
Bi-critical point 179 346—361
Bjorken scaling 204
Bjorken, J.D. 46 52 204
Bogoliubov, N.N. xv 53 179 188
Born term 285 287
Bosons 67 94 185
boundary conditions 278
BPHZ procedure 179—184 188
Brezin, E. xv 54 79 146 188 227 267 269 277 278 308 309 322 341 365 381
Brillouin zone 22 24
Broken symmetry see “symmetry”
Bruce, A.D. 341
Burfod, R.J. 309
Callan — Symanzik equation 189 190 212 214 243—246
Callan — Symanzik equation homogeneous 214 226
Callan, C.G.Jr. 53 227
Callen, H.B. 102
Carneiro, C.E.I. 343 363
Characteristic equations 198 242 335 355
Characteristics, solution by 197—198 225 242 355 356
Charge 324
Chen, J.-H. 341
Coexistence: curve 5 314 318 364—365
Coexistence: region (two phase) 112
Coleman — Weinberg mechanism 274 324 330—339
Coleman, S. 10 32 102 145 188 199 227 229 269 341 365
Commutator, equal time 45
Compressibility 4
Confinements 204
Constraint on field magnitude 365—366
continuum limit 375
Contraction: in graphs 64 71 82 83
Contraction: tensorial 174 187 231 252
Coordinate space 54—66 72—74 106
Corrections, logarithmic 204—205 243
Correlation function, energy 21 199 210—212
correlation length 4 20 27 160 178 186 190 206—208 214 278 319 321 335
Correlation length of non-linear -model 375
Correlation length, infinite 96 324 330—332
Correlation length, longitudinal 174
Correlation length, transverse 96 174 354 376
Correlations 3 11 96
Counterterms 167—169 174 179—185 186 348
Coupling constant: dimension of 149 171
Coupling constant: flow of 198 201—205 209 216—217 237—238 242 327—328 330—331 336 338 343 356
Coupling constant: negative 329—339
Coupling constant: several 274 328
Coupling constant: space 324
Coupling constant: temperature as 373—374
Critical: dimension, lower 274
Critical: exponents 4—9 14—15 27—28 108—109 132 200—201 205—212 217—218 228—266 278 310—311 316—318 347 349—350 376—377
Critical: exponents, exponents, effective 357—361
Critical: isochore 318
Critical: isotherm 318
Critical: line 170
Critical: mode 365
Critical: number of dimensions 148 154—157 169 171 229 240—243 248 281 329 373
Critical: phenomena 27 3
Critical: point 5 15 110 115 132 135 159—160 208 267 300 318 341 364 375
Critical: region 7 160 164—166 189—227 249 318 342 364
Critical: temperature 110 132 162 347
Critical: temperature, above 164—166 205—208 225 321 324
Critical: temperature, below 164 208—210 225 321 364
Critical: temperature, shift in 351
Critical: theory (massless) 162 190—199 200 211 215 229 250 303 324—337
Crossover 127 274 342—362
Crossover, exponent of 343 344 346—350
Crossover, function 343 350—361
Crossover, Gaussian to critical 343
Crossover, high to low symmetry 343
Crossover, high to low temperature 365 375
Crystaline order 339
Cutoff: dependence 114 117 119 123 147 189
Cutoff: dilation of 216
Cutoff: finite 115 117 119 122 186 238—240
Cutoff: intrinsic (microscopic) 15 24 113 117 147—148
Cutoff: scale of 216 227
David, F. 381
De Dominicis C. 87 102 146 309
DeGennes, P.G. 32
Density of bacteria 199
Derrida, B. 308
Des Cloizeaux, J. 32
Di Castro, C. 54 79
Diagramatic rules 60—61 66 71—72
Dilution, Lagrangian for 396
Dilution, probability 346
Dilution, quenched 346
Dilution, random 343
Dimension of space: above four 111 155 196 224
Dimension of space: below four 26—28 114—115 119—121 143 157 161 186 193 196—197 214 251 286
Dimension of space: continuation in 195—196 222 248
Dimension of space: critical see “Critical number of dimensions”
Dimension of space: four 196 219 243 280 324
Dimension of space: lower critical 365
Dimension of space: one 365
Dimension of space: six 196
Dimension of space: three 242
Dimension of space: two 365 368—369 372—375 377 378
Dimension of space: upper critical 365
Dimension of x 241
Dimension of x, temperature 367
Dimensional analysis 148—150 152 153 158 180 185 193 196 198 201 206 211 212 238 282 287 313 318 379
Dimensional regularization see “Regularization”
Dimensional transmutation 324
Dimensionful parameter 241 324 337 374
| Dimensionless coupling 324 329—330 373
Dimensions of operators: anomalous 199—201 204 228 229 280—282 287 292 293 297 302 305 311 345 375
Dimensions of operators: canonical (engineering) 148—150 153 169 180 185 198 200 224 282—288 296 307 345 373
Dimensions of operators: composite 280—288 297 302
Dimensions of operators: matrix of 305
Dirac operator 43
Disordered state see “Symmetric state”
Divergence: degree of 152—154 156
Divergence: infrared 372
Divergence: internal 120 125 152 179
Divergence: logarithmic 119—121 124—125 144 156 190 197
Divergence: primitive 151—157 169 179—180 185 231 248 279 306 372 380
Divergence: quadratic 118—119 125 162—163 169 283
Divergence: ultra-violet 119—123 143 152—158 162 185 279 372
Divergence: ultra-violet logarithmic 114 249 372
Dolan, L. 145
Domany, E. 188
Domb, C. xv 8
Drell, S.D. 46 52
Droplet model 6
Dyson equation 86
Dyson, F.J. 33 53
Eigenvalue 302 304—306
Eigenvector, left 304 306
Einhorn, M.B. 341
Electrodynamics, scalar 14 181 324 329
Electromagnetic potential 329
Elitzur, S. 381
Emery, V. 341 363
Energy density 28 344
Energy, mean 20 21
Energy-energy interaction 343 344
entropy 3
Equation of state 5 93 208—210 243 267 311—315 321 364—365
Equation of state, renormalized 166 311—313
Equations of motion of Bose field 44
Equations of motion, renormalized 292 300—308
expectation value 324 368—369
Exponent: 5—9 28 109 212 236 298 318 320 343 344 346
Exponent: 5—9 108 210 236 312—315 318—320 377
Exponent: 5—9 31 209 312—315 318—320
Exponent: 5—9 27 108 146 200—201 208—210 217 230—237 256 266 317—320 337
Exponent: 4—9 27 108 132 143 208 210 236—237 312 318—320 347
Exponent: 4—9 27 108 201 206—208 218 233—236 255 266 317—320 377
Exponent: 239 277 311
Exponent: 301—305
Exponent: effective 357—361
Exponents see “Critical exponents”
Extremum properties 92
fermions 43 67
Ferrer, M. 322
Ferro-electric 14
Ferro-magnetic coupling 18
Ferromagnet: dipolar 243
Ferromagnet: uniaxial 12
ferromagnetism 4 6 24
Feynman integral: analytic continuation of 195—196 223
Feynman integral: with cutoff 247—248 257—259
Feynman parameters 222 264
Feynman, R.P. 50 52
Field: boson quantum 41—52
Field: complex 12—14 182 329
Field: continuous 14 31 169
Field: dimensionless 368 376
Field: direction 331 333 337 340 367
Field: electromagnetic 14
Field: equation, classical 106
Field: equations, operator 42 44 48
Field: external 50 68 87 92—94 110 134 136 164 182 365 369 373
Field: external, magnetic 5 6 12 16—22 31 93—94 110 171
Field: external, staggered 4
Field: incoming 43 48
Field: massive vector 67
Field: multi-component boson 13 63—66 87 91—94 107—108 126 171—174 183 233—236 302 303 324—328 331 343 346 364—367
Field: non-abelian gauge 204—205
Field: order-parameter 11
Field: outgoing 48
Field: scale of 116 316 337 373
Field: space, internal 367
Field: theoretic methods 273 274
Field: theory: Euclidean 25—28 40 47 54
Field: theory: free 26—28
Field: theory: quantum 15 25 33—52 103 105 111—114 117 229
Field: vector 67
Field: with high spin 67
Fields, classical 87—96 106—108 134 139—142
Finite size see “Scaling finite 274
Finite system 278 279
Fisher, M.E. 6 8 10 79 269 308 309 341
Fixed point: approach to 201—205 217
Fixed point: at 278 377
Fixed point: cubic 327—328 344
Fixed point: domain of attraction 203 217 323 324
Fixed point: Gaussian 218—219 236 240 326
Fixed point: infrared stable 202—205 217 236 239—241 269—270 323 374—375
Fixed point: Ising 294 343 344 345
Fixed point: non-trivial 218 237—240 246 280 365 375
Fixed point: O(M)-symmetric (Heisenberg) 325—328 330 335 342 344
Fixed point: spherical 218
Fixed point: stability to high operators 282 291
Fixed point: stable 328 343
Fixed point: ultraviolet stable 202—203 237 240 374
Fixed point: zero-temperature 365 374—375 377
Flow diagram 328—331 342
Flow diagram equation 329 339
Flow diagram function 311 330 337 339 374
Flow diagram, of bacteria 199
Flow diagram, on logarithmic scale 336
Flow diagram, topography 328 343
Flow diagram, trajectory 329 335
Fluctuations 7 8 11 14—15 29 82 103 109 113 332 365
Fluctuations, amplitude 365—367
Fluctuations, of -fields 367
Fluctuations, phase 365—366
Fock, space 48
Free energy 5—9 15 31 83 92—93 108 110 134 136 139—143 329 332—335 337
Free energy, bare 333
Free energy, divergences 333
Free energy, extremum 324 335
Free energy, one loop 333 340
Free energy, renormalized 333
Fresnel integral 36
Fried, H.M. 42 46 52
Functional: derivative 50
Functional: equation 303—304
Functional: integrals 16 18—27 33—41 367
Gas liquid system 94
Gauge invariance 67
Gauge theory, non-abelian 374 378
Gelfand, I.M. 32
Gell–Man, M. 33 53
Generating functional 26—27 68 303 373 378
Generating functional, divergent part of 379—380
Geometric description 337—339
Ginzburg criterion 109—111 143 277
Ginzburg, V.L. 145
Goldschmidt, Y.Y. 363 381
Goldstein, H. 102
Goldstone bosons 96 103 108 136 178 364—365 368 375
Goldstone bosons, theorem 87 94—96
Goldstone, J. 94 102
Golner, G.R. 269
Graph: faithful representation of 128—135
Graph: one particle irreducible 86—90 101 141 225 370
Graph: symmetry factor of (combinatorial) 61 65 73—74 77 99 109 143 174 231
Graph: tadpole see “Tadpole”
Graph: vacuum 56—60 74 77 83 141 145
Graphs, Taylor expansion of 121 179
Green function: causal 41 46 52
Green function: connected 82—85 123 168 304 378
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