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Faugeras O., Luong Q., Papadopoulo T. — The Geometry of Multiple Images: The Laws That Govern the Formation of Multiple Images of a Scene and Some of Their Applications |
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Projection matrix see “Perspective projection matrix”
Projection, plane 181 182 197 420 425 426
Projection, ray 182 183 194 195 429 430 433 443 448
Projective basis 18 33 52 67 80 81 82 84 85 95—97 105 111 121 182 192 197 302 351 357 362 366 376 383 390 475 485 486 514 519
Projective basis, canonical 67 165 181 183 363 448 474 476 536
Projective basis, change of 86 87 115 207 208 362 364 381 530
Projective canonical representation see “Canonical representation”
Projective completion 93 95 98 99 117—119 122
Projective completion of the affine line 94 98
Projective completion of the affine plane 94—97 119
Projective completion of the affine space 94 164 197 207 383
Projective coordinates 5 6 13 14 18 34 67 79 80 81 83 95—98 100 102 108 112 116 118 121 179 180 182 187 195—197 202 207 232 261 264 269 305 317 364 365 368—370 376 381 384 398 420 460 470 485 486 504 514 520
Projective group 67 86 92 99 120 124 361 503
Projective hyperplane 66 89 91 106 266 369
Projective hyperplane at infinity 68 93 98
Projective invariant xv 11 33 34 43 65 67 86 104 119 121 125 193 243 248 360 369 370 404 405 486
Projective line 7 11 50 89 92 96 98 100 106 107 135 158 159 190
Projective line, dual 115 165 166 350 352 354
Projective linear 18 24 216 233 261
Projective morphism 83 84 99 180 186 195 225 253 255 261 269 311 433
Projective morphism, infinity 279 281 286 381 387—391 393 395 397 544 545 568
Projective morphism, planar 252 254 272 273 274 276 279 286 295 306 308 362 369 381 425 435 508
Projective parallax 35—37 368 374 377
Projective parameter 87 103 110 111 121 213 267 391
Projective plane 6 33 55 66 89 90 92 97 136 159 162 185 189 201 261 304 365 433
Projective plane, dual of 350 423 446 570
Projective point 11 18 78 79 89 190 486
Projective reconstruction 31 33 34 39 42 51 59 329 346 365—368 405 531 537 589
Projective space 6 10 29 40 66 90 132 162 185 196 385 532 567
Projective space, dual of 106 215 261
Projective space, general 6 66 78
Projective stratum 360 362—380 503—525 560 565 569
Projective subspace 66 67 88 132 134
Projective transformation see “Homography”
Projectively, dependent 79
Projectively, independent 79 89 389
Pseudo-inverse 190 311
QR decomposition 14 211 213 228 568
Quadratic transformation 249 304 306 312 468
Quadric 67 112 303 537 588
Quadric, absolute 69 115 117 122 396 569—572 589 590
Quadric, degenerate 113 569
Quadric, dual 113 116 118 569
Quadrifocal constraint 505
Quadrifocal tensor 506 536
Quaternion 285 535 580
Radial distortion 233 235 236 238
RANSAC 332 334 488
Reciprocal transformation 304
Reduced projection matrix 225 228 231 293 297 467 516 565
Renormalization technique 353
| Residual 330 332 333 354 479 492 494 525 526 589
Retinal plane xxiii 11 17 19 21 44 84 178 184 191 227 239 252 260 266 272 276 277 292 296 369 387 406 425 426 429 433 438 454 459 463 533 570 588
Rigid displacement see “Affine rigid displacement”
Robot navigation 290 376 382 392
Rotation matrix 281 285 298 456 528 543 545 584
S-matrix see “Special matrix”
Scaled orthographic see “Weak perspective”
Self-calibration 31 56 57 60 65 310 313 380 467 531 537 540—591
Self-calibration, degeneracies 582—588
Similarity see “Vector similarity” “Affine
Similarity invariant see “Euclidean invariant”
Singular value decomposition 213 284 372 517 546 555 574 589
Skew 14 41 55 210 211 215 216 228 229 238 398 544 547 563 571 590
Special matrix 30 33 38 276 278 362 403 404 507 510 527
Standard deviation 331 334 477
Standard deviation, robust 332
stereo xv 20 106 260 267 335 336 346 348 352 372 376 377 379 465
Stereo, rig 30 270 289 312 337 361 376 391 393 503 529—535 537
SVD see “Singular Value Decomposition”
TRANSFER 35 44 48 50 59 413—415 439 440 460 463—467
Transposition 103 129
Trifocal axes constraint 442 444
Trifocal constraint 45 47 50 482 485 486 488 491 492 494 496 505
Trifocal epipolar constraint 442 446 450 493
Trifocal extended rank constraint 445 446 450 489
Trifocal horizontal constraint 444
Trifocal line 416 418 424 439 507
Trifocal matrix 49 420 429 431 435 446 448 454 459 462 472 490 492 510
Trifocal plane 44 45 379 413 422 439
Trifocal rank constraint 442 446 450 451
Trifocal tensor xxiv 45 51 419—425 441 446 471 496 510
Trifocal tensor, Euclidean 411 454—459 467
Trifocal tensor, parametrization 483—491
Trifocal vertical constraint 442 446 450
Trilinearity 44 466 475
Tukey function 331 337
Umbilic 117 119
Vanishing line 38 175 202 206 291 292 310
Vanishing point 5 10 13 19 20 175 202 205 222 288 377 388 389 391 397 399
Variance 327 564
Vector, canonical xx 87 95 131 158 159 162 164 168 187 191 200 442
Vector, canonical, dual 159 162 181
Vector, canonical, orthonormal 74
Vector, norm 74
Vector, similarity 75 77
Vector, space xix 130 132 134 139 143 146 168
Vector, space, complex 76
Vector, space, dual 146 147 150
Vector, space, Euclidean 74
Weak calibration 261 285 310
Weak perspective 220 222 224 229 468 536
Zoom 2 56 222 233 548 576
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