Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Hein J.L. — Theory of Computation: An Introduction |
Предметный указатель |
Turing machine, tape 382
Turing machine, universal 393
Turing machine, unsolvable problems 431
Turing, A. 382 426 555
Turing-computable 400
Two-valued logic 203
Type of a function 25
Ug see “Universal generalization”
UI see “Universal instantiation”
Ullman, J.D. 553
Unary relation 72
Unbounded register machine 402
Uncountable 32
Undecidable 425
Unfolding 64
Unification algorithm 218
Unifier 216
Union, bag 15
Union, properties 12
Union, set 12
Unit element 102
Universal closure 145
Universal generalization 163
Universal instantiation 159
Universal quantifier 138
Universal relation 72
Universal Turing machine 393
Universe of discourse 14
Unordered tree 22
Unrestricted grammar 437
Unsatisfiable 143
Unsolvable 425
Upper bound 85
URM see “Unbounded register machine”
Vacuously true 4
Valid 143
Vector 15
| Vector algebra 104
Venn diagram 11
Venn, John 11
Vertex 19
Vertex, degree 19
Vertex, indegree 19
Vertex, outdegree 19
Vertex, sink 19
Vertex, source 19
Walk 20
Warren, D.S. 250 555
Weak-head normal form 453
Wegman, M.N. 228 554
Weight 20
Weighted graph 20
Well-formed formula 38
Well-formed formula, first-order predicate calculus 139
Well-formed formula, higher-order logic 172
Well-formed formula, language 38
Well-formed formula, propositional calculus 119
Well-founded induction 94
Well-founded order 85 86
Well-founded set 86
Well-ordered set 87
Wff see “Well-formed formula”
While rule 194
Whitehead, A.N. 202 555
Winograd, S. 468 552
Worst case function 467
Worst case input 467
Worst case lower bound 467
Worst case optimal algorithm 467
Wos, L. 228 555
Wright, Frank Lloyd 323
Y combinator 452
Zero element 101
Zero-order logic 173
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