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Sipser M. — Introduction to the Theory of Computation |
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#SAT 359
, Turing-unrecognizability 194
, undecidability 175
278 282
undecidability 173
2DFA see "Two headed finite automaton"
2DIM-DFA see "Two dimensional finite automaton"
2SAT 275
3COLOR 275
3SAT 329
Accept state 34 35
Acceptance problem for CFG 156
Acceptance problem for DFA 152
Acceptance problem for LBA 177
Acceptance problem for NFA 153
Acceptance problem for TM 159
Accepting computation history 176
Accepting configuration 129
Accepts a language, meaning of 36
Acyclic graph 344
Adjacency matrix 237
Adleman, Leonard M. 381 384
Aho, Alfred V. 381 385
Akl, Selim G. 381
Algorithm, complexity analysis 226—231
Algorithm, decidability and undecidability 151—168
algorithm, defined 142—144
Algorithm, describing 144—147
Algorithm, Euclidean 239
Algorithm, polynomial time 234—241
Algorithm, running time 226
Allen, Robin W. 382
Alon, Noga 381
Alphabet, defined 13
Alternating Turing machine 348
Alternation 348—354
Ambiguity 97—98
Ambiguous grammar 97 196
Amplification lemma 337
AND operation 14
Angluin, Dana 381
Anti-clique 27
Approximation algorithm 333—335
Argument 8
Arithmetization 361
Arity 8 205
Arora, Sanjeev 381
ASPACE(f(n)) 349
Asymptotic analysis 226
Asymptotic notation, big-O notation 226—228
Asymptotic notation, small-o notation 228
Asymptotic upper bound 227
ATIME(t(n)) 349
Atomic formula 205
Automata theory 3 see "Regular
Average-case analysis 226
Baase, Sara 381
Babai, Laszlo 381
Bach, Eric 382
Balcazar, Jose Luis 382
Basis of induction 2 3
Beame, Paul W. 382
Big-O notation 226—228
binary function 8
Binary relation 8 9
Bipartite graph 304
Blum, Manuel 382
Boolean circuit 321—329
Boolean circuit, depth 367
Boolean circuit, gate 322
Boolean circuit, size 367
Boolean circuit, uniform family 367
Boolean circuit, wire 322
Boolean formula 249 283
Boolean formula, minimal 319
Boolean formula, quantified 284
Boolean logic 14—15
Boolean matrix multiplication 368
Boolean operation 14 204 249
Boolean variable 249
Bound variable 284
Branching program 343
Branching program, read-once 345
Brassard, Gilles 382
Bratley, Paul 382
Breadth-first search 234
Brute-force search 235 238 241 248
Cantor, Georg 160
Carmichael number 340
Carmichael, R.D. 382
Cartesian product 6 46
CD-ROM 294
Certificate 243
CFG "Context-free grammar"
CFL see "Context-free language"
Chaitin, Gregory J. 215
Chandra, Ashok 3 82
Characteristic sequence 164
Checkers, game of 294
Chernoff bound 338
Chess, game of 294
Chinese remainder theorem 339
Chomsky normal form 98—101 121 156 240
Chomsky, Noam 382
Church — Turing thesis 143—144 231
Church, Alonzo 2 143 206
Circuit-satisfiability problem 328
Circular definition 65
Clause 251
CLIQUE 27 245
Closed under 45
Closure under complement P 271
Closure under complementation, context-free languages, non- 120
Closure under complementation, regular languages 85
Closure under concatenation, context-free languages 121
Closure under concatenation, NP 271
Closure under concatenation, P 271
Closure under concatenation, regular languages 47 60
Closure under intersection, context-free languages, non- 120
Closure under intersection, regular languages 46
Closure under star, context-free languages 121
Closure under star, NP 272
Closure under star, P 272
Closure under star, regular languages 62
Closure under union, context-free languages 121
Closure under union, NP 271
Closure under union, P 271
Closure under union, regular languages 45 59
CNF-formula 251
Co-Turing-recognizable language 167
Cobham, Alan 382
Coefficient 143
| Coin-flip step 336
Complement operation 4
Complexity class, ASPACE(f(n)) 349
Complexity class, ATIME(t(n)) 349
Complexity class, coNL 300
Complexity class, coNP 247
Complexity class, EXPSPACE 310
Complexity class, EXPTIME 282
Complexity class, L 295
Complexity class, NC 369
Complexity class, NL 295
Complexity class, NP 241—248
Complexity class, NPSPACE 281
Complexity class, NSPACE(f(n)) 278
Complexity class, NTIME(f(n)) 245
Complexity class, P 234—241 247—248
Complexity class, PH 354
Complexity class, PSPACE 281
Complexity class, SPACE(f(n)) 278
Complexity class, TIME(f(n)) 229
Complexity theory 2
Complexity theory, Church — Turing thesis 143—144 231
Composite number 242 339
Compositeness witness 341
Compressible string 218
Computability theory 2
Computability theory, decidability and undecidability 151—168
Computability theory, recursion theorem 197—203
Computability theory, reducibility 171—194
Computability theory, Turing machines 12 5—142
Computable function 190
Computation history, context-free languages 181—182
Computation history, defined 176
Computation history, linear bounded automata 177—180
Computation history, Post correspondence problem 183—189
Computation history, reducibility 176—189
Computational model 31
Computer virus 202
Concatenation of strings 14
Concatenation operation 44 47 60—61
Configuration 128 129 296
Conjunction operation 14
Conjunctive normal form 251
coNL 300
Connected graph 11 145
CONp 247
Context-free grammar, ambiguous 97 196
Context-free grammar, defined 94
Context-free language, decidability 156—158
Context-free language, defined 93
Context-free language, efficient decidability 240—241
Context-free language, inherently ambiguous 98
Context-free language, pumping lemma 115—119
Cook — Levin theorem 249—330
Cook, Stephen A. 248 382
Cormen, Thomas 382
Corollary 17
Correspondence 161
Countable set 161
Counterexample 18
Counting problem 359
Cross product 6
Cryptography 372—377
Cut edge 334
Cut, in a graph 273 334
Davis, Martin 143
Decidability see also "Undecidability"
Decidability of 156
Decidability of 152
Decidability of 154
Decidability of 155
Decidability of 157
Decidability, context-free language 156—158
Decidability, regular language 152—156
Decidable language 130
Decider, deterministic 130
Decider, nondeterministic 140
Decision problem 334
Definition 17
Degree of a node 10
DeMorgan's laws, example of proof 20
Depth complexity 367
Derivation 92
Derivation, leftmost 98
Descriptive complexity 215
Deterministic computation 47
Deterministic finite automaton, acceptance problem 152
Deterministic finite automaton, defined 35
Deterministic finite automaton, emptiness testing 154
Deterministic finite automaton, minimization 275
DFA see "Deterministic finite automaton"
Diagonalization method 160—167
Diaz, Josep 382
Difference hierarchy 276
Digital signatures 374
Directed graph 12
Directed path 12
Disjunction operation 14
Distributive law 15
Domain of a function 7
Dynamic programming 240
Edge of a graph 10
Edmonds, Jack 382
Element distinctness problem 135
Element of a set 3
Emptiness testing for CFG 157
Emptiness testing for DFA 154
Emptiness testing for LBA 179
Emptiness testing for TM 173
Empty set 4
Empty string 13
Enderton, Herbert B. 382
Enumerator 140—141
Equality operation 15
Equivalence relation 9
Equivalent machines 54
Erdoes, Paul 381
Error probability 336
Euclidean algorithm 239
Even, Shimon 382
Exclusive or operation 15
Existential state 348
Exponential bound 228
Exponential, versus polynomial 234
EXPSPACE-completeness 313—319
Factor of a number 339
Feller, William 382
Fermat test 340
Fermat's little theorem 340
Feynman, Richard P. 382
Final state 35
Finite automaton 278
Finite automaton, automatic door example 32
Finite automaton, computation of 40
Finite automaton, decidability 152—156
Finite automaton, defined 35
Finite automaton, designing 41—44
Finite automaton, transition function 35
Finite automaton, two dimensional 196
Finite automaton, two headed 196
Finite state machine see "Finite automaton"
Finite state transducer 87
Fixed point theorem 203
Formal proof 209
Formula 204 249
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