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Sipser M. — Introduction to the Theory of Computation |
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Recursion theorem 197—203
Recursion theorem, fixed-point version 203
Recursion theorem, terminology for 201
Recursive language see "Decidable language"
Recursively enumerable see "Turing-recognizable"
Recursively enumerable language 130
Reducibility 171—194
Reducibility, mapping 190—194
Reducibility, polynomial time 250
Reducibility, via computation histories 176—189
Reduction 171 191
Reduction, mapping 191
Reflexive relation 9
Regular expression 63—76
Regular expression, defined 64
Regular expression, equivalence to finite automaton 66—76
Regular expression, examples of 65
Regular language 31—83
Regular language, closure under concatenation 47 60
Regular language, closure under intersection 46
Regular language, closure under star 62
Regular language, closure under union 45 59
Regular language, decidability 152—156
Regular language, defined 40
Regular operation 44
Rejecting computation history 176
Rejecting configuration 129
Relation 8 204
Relation, binary 8
Relatively prime 238
Relativization 318—321
Reverse of a string 14
Rice's theorem 175 196
Rinooy Kan, A. H. G. 383
Rivest, Ronald L. 382 384
Robinson, Julia 143
Roche, Emmanuel 384
Root in a tree 11
Root of a polynomial 143
Rule in a context-free grammar 92 94
Rumely, Robert S. 381
Ruzzo, Walter L. 383
SAT 254 282
Satisfiability problem 249
Satisfiable formula 249
Savitch's theorem 279—281
Schabes, Yves 384
Schaefer, Thomas J. 384
Scope 284
Scope, of a quantifier 205
Secret key 372
Sedgewick, Robert 384
Self-reference 198
Sentence 284
Sequential computer 366
Set 3
Set, countable 161
Set, uncountable 162
Sethi, Ravi 381
Shallit, Jeffrey 382
Shamir, Adi 384
Shen, Alexander 384
Shmoys, David B. 383
Simple path 11
Sipser, Michael 384 385
Size complexity 367
Small-o notation 228
Space complexity 277—304
Space complexity class 278
Space complexity of nondeterministic Turing machine 277
Space constructible function 306
Space hierarchy theorem 307
SPACE(f(n)) 278
Spencer, Joel H. 381
Star operation 44 62—63 272
Start configuration 129
Start state 34
Start variable, in a context-free grammar 92 94
State diagram, finite automaton 34
State diagram, pushdown automaton 104
State diagram, Turing machine 132
Stearns, Richard E. 383
Steiglitz, Kenneth 384
Stinson, Douglas R. 385
String 13
Strongly connected graph 12 304
Structure 205
Subgraph 11
Subset 4
Subset of a set 3
Subset-Sum 246 268
Substitution rule 92
Substring 14
Sudan, Madhu 381
Symmetric difference 155
| Symmetric relation 9
Szegedy, Mario 381
Tableau 325
Tarjan, Robert E. 385
Tautology 350
Term, in a polynomial 142
Terminal 92
Terminal in a context-free grammar 94
Th( ) 206
Theorem 17
Theory, of a model 206
Tic-tac-toe, game of 302
Time complexity 225—271
Time complexity class 245
Time complexity of nondeterministic Turing machine 233
Time complexity, analysis of 226—231
Time constructible function 310
Time hierarchy theorem 311
TIME(f(n)) 229
TM see "Turing machine"
TQBF 284
Transducer, finite state 87
Transducer, log space 297
Transition 34
Transition function 3 5
Transitive closure 368
Transitive relation 9
Trapdoor function 377
Tree, leaf 11
Tree, parse 92
Tree, root 11
Triangle in a graph 272
Tuple 6
Turing machine 125—142
Turing machine, alternating 348
Turing machine, comparison with finite automaton 126
Turing machine, defined 128
Turing machine, describing 144—147
Turing machine, examples of 130—135
Turing machine, marking tape symbols 134
Turing machine, multitape 136—138
Turing machine, nondeterministic 138—140
Turing machine, oracle 211
Turing machine, schematic of 126
Turing machine, universal 160
Turing reducibility 211—212
Turing, Alan M. 2 125 143 385
Turing-decidable language 130
Turing-recognizable language 130
Turing-unrecognizable language 167—168
Turing-unrecognizable language, 194
Two dimensional finite automaton 196
Two headed finite automaton 196
Ullman, Jeffrey D. 381 383 385
Unary function 8
Uncountable set 162
Uncut edge 335
Undecidability of 5 160
Undecidability of 158
Undecidability of 175
Undecidability of 179
Undecidability of 173
Undecidability of 172
Undecidability of 175
Undecidability of Post correspondence problem 184
Undecidability, diagonalization method 160—167
Undecidability, via computation histories 176—189
Undirected graph 10
UNION operation 4 44 45 59—60
Unit rule 99
Universal quantifier 284
Universal state 348
Universal Turing machine 160
Universe 205 284
Useless state in PDA 170
Useless state in TM 195
Valiant, Leslie G. 381
van Leeuwen, Jan 385
Variable in a context-free grammar 92 94
Variable, Boolean 249
Variable, bound 284
Variable, start 92 94
Venn diagram 4
Verifier 243 355
Vertex of a graph 10
virus 202
Vitanyi, Paul 383
Wegman, Mark 382
Well-formed formula 204
Williamson, David P. 383
Window, in a tableau 256
Winning strategy 288
Wire in a Boolean circuit 322
Worst-case analysis 226
XOR operation 15 324
Yannakakis, Mihalis 384
Zuckerman, Herbert S. 384
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