Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Dorr H. — Efficient Graph Rewriting and Its Implementation |
Предметный указатель |
Abramsky 37
Abstract data type 218
Abstract graph rewriting 85
Abstract interpretation 36 67 70 87 217
Abstract interpretation, label triples 54 137
Abstract interpretation, strong V-structures 65 81 84 206
Abstract interpretation, unique edge labels 46
Abstract interpretation, unique vertex labels 39 100 152
Abstract machine 123 161
Abstract machine, labelled subgraph matching 28 65 86 125 138
add-edge 146 155
add-embedding-edges-in 147 155
add-embedding-edges-out 147 155
add-unique-vertex 145 155
add-vertex 145 155
AGG 89
Aho 160
Albert 4
Algebraic data type 166
Algebraic graph transformation 9
Algorithmic graph rewriting 9 32
AND 106 109
Animation 219
Applicability 19 127 139 149
Applicability, rule set 136
Application dichotomy 108
Application predicate 96 119 139 144 150 157
att-applicability 97
att-rewriting step 98
Attribute 91
Attribute dependencies 118
Attribute evaluation program 119
Attribute function 94 118
Attribute function transformation 96 138 139 147 150 154 155
Attribute name 94 148
Attribute, synthesized 98 118
Bernardi 4
Beyer 89
bin-op 148
Bunke 87 88
Burn 87
Bypassing connected enumeration 89 114 131 161 201
Check operation 27 138 142 150
choose-handle 144 153 157
Collection semantics 104 110
Common sub-expression elimination 160
Common subgraph 220
Common subgraph, largest 126 161
Common subgraph, optimisation 124
Conditional application 104 108 111 120 138
Connected enumeration 25 35
Connected enumeration, augmented 61
Connected enumeration, bypassing 60 86
Connected enumeration, common prefix 127 129
Connected enumeration, existence of a bypassing 64
Connected enumeration, maximum overlap 129 160 217
Connected enumeration, overlapping 132 134
constructor 166 198 207 211
Context edge 18
Context of a rule 17
Context vertex 18 68
Control diagrams 120
Control structure 91 103 137 139
Control structure interpreter 138 149 152
Core abstract machine 138 160 217
Core abstract machine, code generation 149 152
Core abstract machine, implementation 158
Core abstract machine, state 140
Corneil 87
Courcelle 87
Cut-description 14 16
Cut-description, fit of a 16
Dactl 215
Dangling edge 13 21
Dead embedding description 38
Dead rule 38 47 49
delete-edge 146 155
delete-embedding-edges 147 155
delete-vertex 146 155
Denotational semantics 118 120
Derivation 21
Derivation, viable 107
Dewey numbers 133
Drewes 9 87
Dynamic anchor 86
Ebert 2
Ehrig 4 9 87
Elementary programmed graph grammars 121
Embedding description 14 16 17 21 139 154
Embedding description, evaluation 16 146
Embedding edge 138
Embedding phase 139
end-rewriting-step 149 152 154 156
Engelfriet 9 87
Engels 3 32 118 121
EPP 10
exists-edge 143 154
Expression graph 207 212
Extension 27 56 133 138 142 150 157
Extension, mandatory 202 203 220
fail 106 108
Failure semantics 104 118
Fehr 106
Feldmann 4
find-embedding-in 146 155
find-embedding-out 147 155
find-neighbour-backward 142 154
find-neighbour-forward 142 154
find-unique-vertex 141 154
find-vertex 141 154 157
Fixknoten 88
Forest 152
Frame representation 26 59 138 220
Franzke 2
Freund 118 121
Functional programming language 225
Functional programming language, debugging 164
Functional programming language, translation of definitions 176
Functional programming language, translation of expressions 171
G-machine 124
Garey 4
Glauser 87
Goettler 3 32 88 114 119
Gotlieb 87
Gould 10
Gram 124
Graph 11
Graph grammar 4
Graph isomorphism 12
Graph language 21
Graph language, attributed 99
Graph layout 220
Graph monomorphism 12
Graph reduction 164
Graph Rewriting Abstract Machine 124
Graph rewriting environment 136 149 157
Graph rewriting rule 17
Graph rewriting rule, attributed 96
Graph rewriting rule, blocked 102
Graph rewriting rule, conditional 153 157
Graph rewriting rule, reachable 86 88
Graph rewriting rule, underlying unattributed 96
Graph rewriting step 14 20 147
Graph rewriting system 4 21
Graph rewriting system, attributed 99
Graph rewriting system, attributed programmed 6 91 118 125 136
Graph rewriting system, attributed programmed, syntax 150
| Graph rewriting system, modular 109
Graph rewriting system, optimized 149
Graph rewriting system, pivotal 88
Graph rewriting system, programmed, semantics 104 108 112
Graph rewriting system, programmed, syntax 105
Graph rewriting system, programming with 163
Graph rewriting system, reduced 55
Graph rewriting system, specification with 91 163
Graph rewriting system, underlying unattributed 99
Graph, attributed 93
Graph, directed labelled 11
Graph, empty 11
Graph, initial 21 156
Graph, locally unique 88
Graph, underlying 11
Graph, underlying unattributed 94
GraphEd 4
Graphical programming 5 163 214 218
GRAS 161
Habel 87
Haberstroh 118 121
Handle, full 25 139 153 157 161
Handle, initial 26 150 201
Handle, multiple partial 56
Handle, partial 26 63 125 138 161
Hankin 37
Harary 10
Hedin 219
Heyker 87
Himsolt 4 89 161
Host graph 19 138 217
Hybrid programming 218
Identical embedding 21 22 66 68 75 177
Indermark 124
INIT 152
Inner edge 21 69 75
Invariant edge label 44
Invariant vertex label 39
Isomorphic edge 26
Johnson 4
Johnsson 124 164
Kaul 87
Kennaway 215
Klauck 4 89
Korff 9 87
Kreowski 4 9 87
Kuchen 124
Label triple 37 48 65 86 101 220
Labelled subgraph matching 24 56 87 130 217
Labelled subgraph matching, non-branching execution 30 61
Labelling function 17
Labelling function, consistent 128
Lazy evaluation 164 185 214
Left-hand side 17
Legleitner 4
Lewerentz 115 118 121
Lewis II 88
LL(1) grammar 217
Loewe 9 87 89
Loogen 87 124
ltr-analysis 137 see also abstract interpretation label
ltr-applicability 48 54 137
ltr-evaluation 50
ltr-fit 50 54
ltr-rewriting step 51
Mauss 89
McGregor 161
Milner 85
Miranda 165
Nagl 4 9 32 86 87 88 89 103 120
No-operation 120
Node 153
Node label controlled rewriting 9
Non-deterministic choice 104 108 111
Normal order reduction 164 185 213
Optimization 124
OR 106 109 116
p-code 123
Parallel Abstract Machine 124
Parameter, actual 148
Partial application 195
Paste-description 14 16
Pattern matching 124 167
Pattern matching, lazy 190
Paulisch 5
Peyton Jones 124 160 198
pop-handles 143 153 157
Precedence graph grammar 87
Prefix 133
Prefix, longest bypassing 136
Print stack 198 207 210 214
Printing mechanism 198
Program counter 138
PROGRES 5 89 115 119 120 161 225
ProgressGraphCode 161
push-attrib 148 155
push-const 155
push-constant 148
push-param 148 155
Redex 164
Referential transparency 163 169
RETE-algorithm 87
Rewriting sequence 137 138 139 149
Right-hand side 17
Root vertex 25 141
Rooted spanning tree 63
Rozenberg 9
Rozenkrantz 88
Rule 154
Rule expression 104 106
Rule expression, call 106
Rule expression, semantics 107 111
Rule sequence 103
Rule sequence, semantics 108 111
rule set 124 137 149 150
Rule set, optimized application 160
Salkild 124
Schaefer 3 32
Schuerr 4 5 32 89 118 120
Schutte 4
Search instruction 153
Search phase 138
Search space, restricted 132
Search space, restricted, static 129 131
Search tree 129 135 137 149 153 156
Search tree, optimized 158
Search tree, syntax 150
Set-valued edge label 116
Set-valued vertex label 115 174 194
Sharing 164 181 196 213
skip 106 108
sl-graph 116
sl-graph, instance 116
sl-rewriting 115
sl-rewriting rule 116
sl-rewriting step 116 see also set-valued vertex label
Slot 26
Slot, multiple entry 27 60 220
Slot, single entry 26
Spine 174 187 191
Spine stack 187 207 211 213
Spineless Tagless G-Machine 124
Stack Computer 123
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