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Neumann J.V. — Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata
Neumann J.V. — Theory of  Self-Reproducing Automata

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Íàçâàíèå: Theory of Self-Reproducing Automata

Àâòîð: Neumann J.V.

ßçûê: en

Ðóáðèêà: Òåõíîëîãèÿ/

Ñòàòóñ ïðåäìåòíîãî óêàçàòåëÿ: Ãîòîâ óêàçàòåëü ñ íîìåðàìè ñòðàíèö

ed2k: ed2k stats

Èçäàíèå: 1st edition

Ãîä èçäàíèÿ: 1966

Êîëè÷åñòâî ñòðàíèö: 388

Äîáàâëåíà â êàòàëîã: 15.11.2009

Îïåðàöèè: Ïîëîæèòü íà ïîëêó | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ññûëêó äëÿ ôîðóìà | Ñêîïèðîâàòü ID
Ïðåäìåòíûé óêàçàòåëü
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator      187—189 209 292
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator, behavior described      187
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator, construction of      188—189
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator, dimensions of      188—189
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator, function of      187
$\overline{1}$ vs. $\overline{10101}$ discriminator, timing considerations for      188—189
29-state finite automaton cell      94 106—108
Acoustic delay line      see “Storage devices”
Analog computers      21 22 36—38 68—70 98
Area $\mathbf{X}$      227 252—253 293
Area $\mathbf{Z}$      227 253 293
Area $\mathbf{Z}$, construction of      256—257
Automata      see “Computers” “Finite “Infinite
Automata theory      10 17—28
Automata theory, biology and      21
Automata theory, communication and control engineering and      21
Automata theory, continuous mathematics and      25—27 97
Automata theory, mathematical logic and      10 19 25 43—45 47—48 49—56
Automata theory, thermodynamics and      28
Automata, artificial      21—25 (see also “Computers”)
Automata, complex      20 32 79
Automata, complexity of      30—37
Automata, complicated      20
Automata, constructed      see “Secondary (constructed) automaton”
Automata, constructing      see “Primary (constructing) automaton”
Automata, construction aspects of      92 et passim
Automata, efficiency of      37—39 91—92
Automata, formalistic study of      91 102
Automata, human nervous system and      9—10 43—49
Automata, logical aspects of      92 et passim
Automata, natural      21—25 64
Automata, non-constructible      291
Automata, probabilistic      99
Automata, self-reproducing      19 21 294—296
Automata, single-cell      111
Automatic programming      5 14—15
Automaton milieu      72—73
Axiomatic method      43—44 76
balance      28 40—41 63
base two      114
behavior      270
Bigelow, J.      12 105
Birkhoff, G.      2 34 59
Bitwise implication      175
Black Box      45
Boltzmann, L.      26 59 60—61
Boltzmann’s constant      66
Boolean algebra      100
Booth, A.D.      16
Brainerd, J.G.      6
Brillouin, L.      68
Burks, A.W.      6 12 37 43 126 262 270 271 291
Calculation chain      24
Cellular automata      see “Cellular structure” “Infinite
Cellular model, description of      106—106
Cellular structure      94 103—106 288
Cellular structure, construction-universality of      92 116
Cellular structure, logical universality of      265—271
Cellular structure, tape unit in      26 293
Cellular structure, tape-reading method in      283
Cellular structure, von Neumann’s 29-state      291—292
Church, A.      261—262
Codd, E.F.      280
Coded channel      180 190—200 227 228 239—243 252 293
Coded channel, behavior described      190—191 227
Coded channel, capacity of in $\mathbf{MC}$      239—241
Coded channel, construction of      192—194
Coded channel, corruption problems in      191 196—198
Coded channel, cyclicity in      198—200
Coded channel, dimensions of      195 242—243
Coded channel, function of      190 191—192
Coded channel, main channel of      193
Coded channel, rule for avoiding corruption in      198
Coded channel, timing considerations for      195—196
Coincidence organ      81
Collision in single reproduction, avoidance of      120—121
Combinatorics      62
Communication channel      60
complexity      22 23 54 58 65—73 79—80 118
Complexity, reliability and      23
Complication      47—48 54—73 78—80
Complication, complexity and      79—80
Complication, degeneration and      79—80
Component size      20
Computation      24 270
Computation, quantity of      26
Computation, size and reliability related      26
Computation, speed of      37—41
Computer components and efficiency      22 66—67 72—73
Computers      32 35—41 75 “Automata” “Digital
Computers, applications of iu science      33—34
Computers, circuits of      15—17
Computers, efficiency of      28
Computers, heuristic use of      3—5 33—35
Computers, human nervous system and      9—10 43—49
Computers, mixed synchronous, asynchronous      8
Confluent states $C_{\epsilon\epsilon'}$      107 136—139 147
Confluent states $C_{\epsilon\epsilon'}$ and the $\cdot$ neuron      130—137 138
Confluent states $C_{\epsilon\epsilon'}$ and the + neuron      136
Connecting loop $C_{1}$      115 180 208 210—213 228 238 246 293
Connecting loop $C_{1}$, lengthening of      216 218—220
Connecting loop $C_{1}$, preliminary description of behavior of      210—213
Connecting loop $C_{1}$, shortening of      222—224
Connecting organ      80
Constructibility      92 156 292
Constructing arm      271—270
Constructing arm, design of      272—276
Constructing arm, double path procedure      273—277
Constructing arm, head of      274
Constructing arm, operation of      274—276
Constructing arm, single path procedure      272—273 277
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$      205—208 238 293
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, design of      279—280 295
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, function of      201—202
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, input-output connections      232—233
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, interconnections with $\mathbf{MC}$      205—206 228—229 232—233
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, postulates for      207
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, schematic description of      206—207
Constructing unit $\mathbf{CU}$, viewed as special type of finite automaton      286
Construction      101—132 288
Construction universality      92 110
Construction universality of cellular structure      286 202
Construction, geometry and kinematics of      101—102
Constructive method      91—92
Control organ $\mathbf{CO}$      227—228 229 230 245
Control organ $\mathbf{CO}$, delay adjustments in      244—245
Control organ $\mathbf{CO}$, operation of      230
Conversion of freely timed sequences to rigidly timed ones      see “Static-dynamic converter”
Crossing lines and paths      see “Wire-crossing”
Crossing organ      262—253
Crossing organ, dock sequences in      202
Crossing organ, used to solve interference problem for $\mathbf{MC}$      263—204
Crystal      108
Crystal lattice      104
Crystalline regularity      93 94
Crystalline structure      132
Crystalline symmetry      103—104
Cutting organ      81
Decision machine      52
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$      175—179
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, behavior described      175
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, characteristic of      176
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, construction of      175—179
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, dimensions of      176—177 178
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, order of      176
Decoding organ $\mathbf{D}(\overline{i^{1}...i^{n}})$, timing considerations for      176 177 178—179.
Degenerative processes      62
Delay area $\mathbf{D}$      246
Delay area $\mathbf{D}$, dimensions of      260
Delay area $\mathbf{W}$      227 241—242 243
Delay area $\mathbf{W}$, construction of      256—257
Delay area $\mathbf{W}$, delay considerations and      257—258 293
Delay line      see “Storage devices”
Delay paths      146
Delay paths, odd      146—147
Delays, single      147
Delays, single, through confluent states      147
Descriptive statement $\mathbf{L}$ for numerical parameters      112—113
Differential equations of self-reproduction      97 106
Diffusion processes      97—98
Digital computers      21 22 35 36 69—70 98
Digital organ      69—70
Digitization      61—62
Dimensionality      104—105
Direct process      107 111 142—145 272
Direct process, need for control by fixed stimulus sequences      143—145
Directed process      135
Distal notation      48
Double line trick      138
Eccles, J.C.      97
Eckert, J.P.      6 8
EDSAC      9
EDVAC      9—11 19 i58 261
Efficiency      28 40 48 67 93
Elementary parts      77
Energy and information      66—67
ENIAC      6—10 19 37 48 65
entropy      59—63 67
Entscheidungsproblem      49 204
Error detection and correction      24—25 73
Error-detecting and -correcting codes      61
Estrin, G.      12
Evolution      79 92—93 99 131
Excitation      44 97—98
Failure      58 70—73
Fatigue      44 96 97—98
Finite automata      108 114—115 267 286
Finite automata, embedded in cellular structure      267—268 293
Flip-flop      174
Flow diagram      13—14 84
Free timing      157
Fusing organ      81
Gene-function      130
Goedel number      55
Goedel, K.      25 53 55—56 125 126
Goedel’s theorems      47 51 53—56
Goedel’s undecidable formula and self-reproducing automata      126
Goldstine, H.H.      4 6 12 37 95 105 279
Gorman, J.E.      262
Goto, K.      16 17
Growth      109 110
Growth functions      139—142
Halting problem      52—53 124—126
Halting problem, undecidability of and Richard’s paradox      125—126
Hamming, R.W.      61
Hartley, R.V.L.      59 61
Heuristic use of computers      3—5 33 35
Hixon Symposium      53 81
Holland, J.H.      99 262 270
Homogeneity      72 103—106
Homogeneity, functional or intrinsic      103—104 106 288
Homogeneity, total      104
Homogeneous medium      103
Hydrodynamics      2—3 34
Hydrodynamics, computers and      3
Idealized computing elements and computer design      9—10
Idealized excitation-threshold-fatigue neuron      96
Idealized neurons      44 ff. 287
Idealized switch-delay elements      25
Infinite cellular automata      108 et passim
Infinite cellular automata, spatial and temporal relations      132—134 152
information      18 20 67 60—03 66 67 78
Information theory      19 27 42 60—68
Inhibitory organ      81
Initial cell assignment      108 152 291
Initially quiescent automata      264 291
Input direction      135
Isotrophy      106 100 288
JONIAC      12
Kemeny, J.      96—96
Keynes, J.M.      59
Kinematics      101
Kleene, S.C.      43 101 123 125
Language, complete epistemological description of      55
Laplace, P.S.      58
Lee, C.Y.      290
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$      112—116 202—204 259 293
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, altering $x_{n}$ in      210—212 224—226
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, described      203
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, function of      203
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, function of $C_{1}$ and $C_{2}$ in lengthening and shortening on      214—216
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, lengthening on      216—220
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, moving its connection with MC      214—226
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, operations on summarized      209—210
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, read-write sequence of operations on      209—210
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, shortening on      220—224
Linear array $\mathbf{L}$, use of for non-numerical (universal) parametrization      110
Logic, formal      42—43
Logical depth      24
logical operators      42 99—101 111
logical organization      20 22 23—24
Logical universality      92 265—271 287 292
Machine language      14—15
Machine-man interaction      5
Main channel of coded channel      193
Maser      10
Mathematical logic      10 19 25 43—45 47—66
Mauchly, J.      6
Maxwell’s Demon      60 61
McCulloch — Pitta neuron nets      43—49 75 80
McCulloch, W.      9 43 77 100 101
McNaughton, R.      270
Memory      39—41 67—68 101 203
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$      115 201—202 205—206 226—250 261—262 293 et
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, $\overline{1010}$ as no-response characteristic      209
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, constructing devices in      264—265
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, control organ $\mathbf{CO}$ in      243—246
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, corruption considerations      253—255
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, delays in control processes in      254—259
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, design modifications of      267 264—265
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, dimensions of      244
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, dimensions of areas $\mathbf{X}$, $\mathbf{Y}$, $\mathbf{Z}$, $\mathbf{W}$      263
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, function of      205—206 231—238
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, interconnections with CU      205—206 228—229 282—233
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, modus operandi on $\mathbf{L}$      207—210
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, operation of      228—229
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, organization of      226—228
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, postulates for      207
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, redesign using double path procedure for reading $\mathbf{L}$      277—279
Memory control unit $\mathbf{MC}$, solution of interference problem in      269—264
Memory, access to      40—41
Memory, capacity of      40—41 68
Memory, hierarchical      23—24 41
Memory, human      39 48—49
Memory, unlimited      113—114
Memory, virtual      68
Mixed analog-digital systems      22 27
Monte Carlo method      6
Moore, E.F.      94 291
Morgenstern, O.      2 59
Morphogenesis      99
Moter organ      80
Muntyan, M.      279
Muscle organ      77 80 31—82
Mutation      87 130
Myhill, J.      291
Natural selection      131
Negation, synthesis of      138
Neighbors, immediate      133
Nervous system      9—10 39 42—48 64
1 2
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