Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Reisig W., Rozenberg G. — Petri Nets |
Предметный указатель |
Algebra 114 775 117 129 135-137
allocation 104 106
Allocation cycle free 104 105 106
ARC 15 30 41 42 61 64 67 69 70 72 77 101 106 115 120 129 137 140
Capacity 61 63 64 67 74 83 91 94 127 134 137
CASE 3 4 18 19-25 38 48 55-57 112 114 775 116-120 129 136 137
Case class 22 23
Case graph 18 25 29-32 41 42
Causality 2 32
Coincidence 4 46 50
Complement 25 26 87 90 91
Complement of a relation 34
Complementation 26 27 31 38 65
composition 39 40
Concession 18 21 24 29
Concurrency 1 30 32 33 38 49 50 51 83
Condition 2-4 16 18 21 22 24-26 30 32 38 48 55 57 61 64 112
Condition/event-system 18 21 22 23-32 37 38 42 45 46 48 52 55-58 64 75 77 93 111-113 117 119 120 121 128
Condition/event-system, complete 25 26-28 38
Conflict 21 29 32 51
Confusion 21 101
Contact 19 64
Contact-free 18 25 27 28 31 37-39 41 42 46 47 52-54 57 58 64
Contact-free, cyclic 23 24 25 28 54
Contact-free, isomorphic 24 25
Contact-free, live 23 24 25 28
Coverability graph 61 66 67 68-75
Covering sequence 67 69 70
Cut 34 35-37 39 44
CYCLE 55 108 109
Deadlock 98 99 100 102-107
Decomposition 42 43 44
Element 15 16 23 25 32 33 35 37 139
Element, isolated 15 22
Equation system 77 94
EQUIVALENCE 24 25 27-30 37 39 56 57 119 122
Event 2-4 13 16 18 19 21-25 32 37 38 46 48 51-53 55 58 64 113 115 119 122 123
Event, detached 19 20
Event, enabled 18 24-26 29 30 56 116 119 120
Event, occurring 4 18 19 23 32 38 46 48-50 122 123
Fact 55 56 57 59 77 93 94 119 120 121 123 133-138
Flow relation 15 38
Formula, equivalent 56 57 119 121
Formula, of propositional logic 55 56 57
Formula, over a P/E-net 119 120
Formula, valid 55 56 57 120 121
Free choice net 61 101 102-105 107
Graph 28 33 66 67 140 141
Graph of a function 140
Graph, isomorphic 29
Graph, strongly connected 28
Iring rule 61 63 65
Lifeness 71 73 74 77 89 98 99 101 104 107 108
Line 34 35-37 41 44 50 53
Mapping 140
Mapping characteristic 125 126 140
Marked graph 61 108 109
Marking 63 65 67-72 76 77 80 83 87 92-95 104-106 124 725 137
Marking, dead 72 100
Marking, detached 106 107
Marking, initial 63 64 66 83 91 92-94 107 109 110 725 133
Marking, live 74
Marking, properly reached 106 107
Marking, reachable 66 67 69 86 93 94
Marking, reproducable 74 77 95
Marking, unordered 69 70
Matrix 65 66 74 79 83 92-94 124 129 131 132-134 136 137 142
Multirelation 126 127 129 130 131
Multirelation, positive 127
Multiset 126 127 129 130 131
Multiset, empty 127
Multiset, positive 126
| Net 14 75 16 21 22 71
Net, isomorphic 16
Net, marked 98 100 103
Net, pure 15 23 65
Net, simple 15 22
Node 67 68 71 72
Normal form 122 129
Occurrence net 32 35 36 37 39 42 44 47
Partial order 32-36 140
Partial order, bounded 34 35-37
Partial order, K-dense 35 36 37
Path 28 30 32 41-44 67 108 141
Permutation 42 43 44
Petri net 1
Place 2 6 16 61 62 64 68 73 74 77 81 88 90 91 98 99 104 109 127 137
Place/transition-net 61 62 63-75 77 79 80-82 87 88 92-94 98 128
Place/transition-net, bounded 82 95 96
Place/transition-net, contact-free 64 65 66 81
Place/transition-net, covered by S-invariants 81 82 96 97
Place/transition-net, covered by S-invariants by T-invariants 96
Place/transition-net, live 73 74 75 80 82 95 96 98 108-110
Place/transition-net, safe 98 109 110
Postcondition 4 18 21
Postset 75 26 113
Precondition 4 18 21 38
Predicate 112 113 115 117 119 123
Predicate/event-net 14 111 112 114 775 116 117 119-125 128 129
Predicate/event-net, equivalent 122
Preset 75 26 98 101 113
Process 20 32 37 38-47 50 53 54 57 75
Process, elementary 40 41 43 45
Process, empty 41
Process, isomorphic 38 39 40
Reachability problem 73
Region 33 34
Relation 2 139
Relation net 111 124- 126 727 129 132-134
Relation net, schemes 135-137
Relation, reflexive 33 34
Relation, symmetric 33 34
Relation, transitive 33 140
S-element 14 75 16 18 32 35-38 44 48 52 61 111 123
S-invariant 77 79 80 81 83 86 87 91 94 96 100 108 112 124 132 133 134 136 138
Safeness 108 109
Self-loop 75 63 91 92
Similarity relation 33 34 44
Slice 36 37-41 46 47 54 76
State machine 53
STEP 18 19 20 21 22 24 28 30 39 41
Synchronic distance 46 47 48 49-54 57-59 61 75
Synchronic distance, weighted 52 58 59
System Properties 1 71 77 82
T-element 14 75 18 32 37 41 42 47 53 55-57 61 93 111 113 119 120 134 137
T-invariant 77 94 95 96
T-invariant, realizable 95 96 97
Term 114 775
Token 3 7 16 18 48 61 77-81 83 88 91 94 98 104 108 111 112 124 126 128
Token, individual 7 13 111
Transition 2 6 16 61 62 65 69 73 77 80 83 88 96 99 102 103 108 125 127 132
Transition, enabled 63 65 67 68 72 74 81 84 87 93 99- 104 128 132 134 136 138
Transition, firing 6 61 63 65 66 77-80 84 93 94 98 101 104 124 131
Transition, live 73 84
Transition, M-dead 72 75
Trap 98 99 100 102- 107
Unboundedness 71 75 81 89
Unboundedness, simultaneous 71
Unification 42 43
Valuation 775 116 119 120 122 129
Variance 46 47 76
Vector 65 80 81 131 133 138 142
Vector, characteristic 79 81 94 108 142
Weight 61 65 64 77 78 80
Реклама |