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Auld B.A. — Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids, Vol. 1 |
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Abbreviated subscripts, definition 27 28 49 52 64 66 87 106 164 165 272 274 292 293 296 299 305 351 355
Abbreviated subscripts, definition, transformations in 73 81 88 195 272 273 275
Acoustic bandshape function 338 339
Acoustic boundary conditions 125 127 133 320
Acoustic field equations 101 103 106 107 143 164 281
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media 246 250 262 263
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, arbitrary direction 250 251 262
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, definition 131 247 249
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, matrix 247 250
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, numerical values 131
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, parallel to k 247 248
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, particle velocity calculations 249
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, piezoelectric media 318 320 323
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, quasilongitudinal waves 247 250
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, quasishear waves 247 250
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, units 131
Acoustic impedance, anisotropic media, wave scattering calculations 186 189 263
Acoustic plane waves 16 18 23 25 47 49 68 71 82 86 89 93 112 115 120 124 129 130 146 147 164 165 168 183 212 257 286 287 289 290 298
Acoustic polarization 3 17 18 69 73 84 86
Acoustic Poynting vector, complex 155
Acoustic Poynting vector, complex, real 145
Acoustic Poynting vector, complex, units 145
Acoustic Poynting’s Theorem, complex 154 159
Acoustic Poynting’s Theorem, complex, real 142 147
Acoustic quality factor (Q) 92 170 171
Acoustic reflection, normal incidence 129 130 186 187 320
Acoustic wave equation (continued), symbolic notation 164
Acoustic wave equation, abbreviated, subscripts 164
Admittance matrix, transducer 329
Akhieser damping mechanism 94
Anisotropy, elastic 84 191 210
Anisotropy, elastic, factor 215 217 219
Anti-reflection layers 188
Attenuation, acoustic, dependence 91 92 94
Attenuation, acoustic, Akhieser mechanism 94
Attenuation, acoustic, average power dissipation density 157
Attenuation, acoustic, average power flow density 157
Attenuation, acoustic, cube edge direction 89 93
Attenuation, acoustic, cube face diagonal direction 93
Attenuation, acoustic, definition 86 92
Attenuation, acoustic, factor 91
Attenuation, acoustic, isotropic medium 170 171
Attenuation, acoustic, numerical values 94 97
Attenuation, acoustic, per microsecond 95
Attenuation, acoustic, poly crystalline scattering 94
Attenuation, acoustic, relation to Q 92
Attenuation, acoustic, thermoelastic mechanism 94
Attenuation, acoustic, units 93 94
Attenuation, acoustic, viscous 89 93 156 157 170 171
Axes, coordinate 60 79 212 297 360 372 379
Axes, coordinate, crystal 60 78 79 82 84 194 195 200 212 297 329 330 360 372 379
Backing plate 325
Birefringence (double refraction) 126
Birefringent medium, definition 85 112
Birefringent medium, definition, polarization changes in 85 86 112 251
Birefringent waves 115
Body force, definition 33
Body force, definition, translational equation of motion 43 45
Body force, definition, units 34
Body torque, definition 34
Body torque, definition, polar media 34 47
Body torque, definition, rotational equation of motion 46
Body torque, definition, symmetry of the stress matrix 47
Body torque, definition, units 34
Bond transformation matrices, inversion of 76
Bond transformation matrices, inversion, strain 75 195 207 208 272 273 275
Bond transformation matrices, inversion, stress 74 77 80 81 195 207 208 272 273 275
Boundary conditions, acoustic 125 127 133 320
Boundary conditions, acoustic, electric field 124 320
Boundary conditions, acoustic, electrical displacement 132
Boundary conditions, acoustic, electromagnetic 124 127
Boundary conditions, acoustic, frictionless 133
Boundary conditions, acoustic, magnetic field 124
Boundary conditions, acoustic, magnetic flux density 132
Boundary conditions, acoustic, mechanically free 133
Boundary conditions, acoustic, particle velocity 125 127 133
Boundary conditions, acoustic, rigid 133
Boundary conditions, acoustic, rigidly bonded 125 127
Boundary conditions, acoustic, stress 125 127 133
Boundary conditions, acoustic, traction force 125 127 133
bulk modulus 185
Capacitance, clamped 322 333
Capacitance, clamped, geometrical 324 333
Characteristic impedance 130 131 175 176 247 249
Christoffel equation 211 212 383
Christoffel equation, anisotropic 211 212
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, cubic 211 212 383
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, definition 165
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, hexagonal 384
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, isotropic 168 169 383
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, orthorhombic 385
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, piezoelectric 291 300
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, stiffened 300 302 304
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, symbolic notation 186
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, tetragonal 384
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, triclinic 211
Christoffel equation, anisotropic, trigonal 384
Christoffel equation, compliance matrix 209
Christoffel equation, cube face diagonal 286 290
Christoffel equation, edge 282 286
Christoffel equation, energy velocity 230 233
Christoffel equation, group velocity 233 234
Christoffel equation, normal surface 236
Christoffel equation, ray surface 234 236
Christoffel equation, slowness curves 215 219 235 385 388
Christoffel equation, stiffness matrix 210
Christoffel matrix, anisotropic 212
Christoffel matrix, anisotropic, definition 165
Christoffel matrix, anisotropic, isotropic 168
Christoffel matrix, anisotropic, relation to the impedance matrix 250
Christoffel matrix, anisotropic, stiffened 302
Circuit bandshape function 338
Clamped capacitance 322 333
Class, crystal, definition 193
Clockwise rotation, definition 19 21
Comma subscript notation 45 299
Compatability equations for strain 132
Complex exponential notation, power flow 150 158
Complex exponential notation, power flow, time-harmonic wave functions 89 90 150 152
Complex, notation 89 90 150 152
Complex, notation, power flow 151 154 175 176
Complex, notation, Poynting vector 154 155
Compliance, abbreviated, anisotropic 195 210
Compliance, abbreviated, compliance-stiff ness relation 66 363 364
Compliance, abbreviated, constant entropy 280
Compliance, abbreviated, cylindrical coordinates 355 356
Compliance, abbreviated, definition 59
Compliance, abbreviated, full subscripts 59
Compliance, abbreviated, isothermal 279
Compliance, abbreviated, isotropic 165 166
Compliance, abbreviated, matrix 66 195 207 210
Compliance, abbreviated, numerical values 60 365 367
Compliance, abbreviated, physical realizability conditions 147 149 184
Compliance, abbreviated, rectangular coordinates 59
Compliance, abbreviated, spherical coordinates 355 356
Compliance, abbreviated, subscripts 66
Compliance, abbreviated, symbolic notation 63
Compliance, abbreviated, symmetry characteristics 195 207 210 360 363
Compliance, abbreviated, transformation in abbreviated subscripts 76 195
Compliance, abbreviated, transformation properties 62
Compliance, abbreviated, transpose symmetry 144
Compliance, abbreviated, units 60 365
Compressional, strain 11
Compressional, strain, wave 17 18 71 73 82 84 89 93 112 115 146 157 158 168 171
Conductive power loss 138 153
Conductivity, transpose symmetry 153
Conductivity, transpose symmetry, units 104
Conservation, electrical charge 105
Conservation, electrical charge, mass 131
Constitutive relation, conduction 104
| Constitutive relation, conduction, elastic 60 66 88 89 101 106 107
Constitutive relation, conduction, electrical 60 104
Constitutive relation, conduction, magnetic 104 282
Constitutive relation, conduction, momentum density 106 282
Constitutive relation, conduction, piezoelectric 271 272 274 279 282 330 340
Conversion efficiency 325 (see also Conversion loss)
Conversion loss, definition 337
Conversion loss, definition, numerical values 339
Conversion loss, definition, units 339
Coordinate axes 60 79 212 297 360 372 379
Coordinate transformations 18 25 355 356
Coordinates, cylindrical 18 31 45 349 354
Coordinates, cylindrical, new 18 19
Coordinates, cylindrical, old 18 19
Coordinates, cylindrical, rectangular 18
Coordinates, cylindrical, right-handed 18
Coordinates, cylindrical, spherical 18 45 350 355
Coupled wave, dispersion relation 285
Coupled wave, dispersion relation formal theory 290 298
Coupled wave, dispersion relation, equations 292 295
Crystal, axes 60 78 79 82 84 194 195 200 212 297 329 330 360 372 379
Crystal, axes, class 193 196 200
Crystal, axes, point group 195 200
Crystal, axes, symmetry 60 191 195
Crystal, axes, system 193 196 200 Hexagonal)
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, cube edge 68 73 89 93
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, cube face 213 217 230 235
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, cube face diagonal 82 86 89 93
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, cube, cube face diagonal 93
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, cube, edge 89 93
Cubic crystal, acoustic attenuation, plane 217 219
Curl, matrix representation 105
Current density, conduction 104
Current density, conduction, source 104
Current density, conduction, units 104
Cusps 235
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, curl 349
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, divergence 349
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, divergence of stress 354
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, elastic compliance 355 356
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, elastic stiffness 355 356
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, gradient 349
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, scripts 351 354
Cylindrical coordinates, abbreviated sub, symmetric gradient 352
Damping, definition 86
Damping, definition, viscoelastic 87
Decibel 94 339
Deformation, definition 4 9
Deformation, definition, elastic 58
Deformation, definition, plastic 58
Deformed position 10
Degenerate waves 69 286
Differential particle displacement 4 6
Dilatation 185
Dispersion relation, Christoffel equation 212
Dispersion relation, Christoffel equation, coupled wave 285
Dispersion relation, Christoffel equation, definition 68
Dispersion, spatial 251 252
Dispersion, spatial, temporal 251 252
Displaced position 2
Displacement gradient matrix, anti, rectangular coordinates 6 7 11
Displacement gradient matrix, anti, symmetric part 13 30
Displacement gradient, definition 6
Displacement gradient, definition, symbolic notation 26
Displacement gradient, definition, transformation properties 21
Displacement gradient, definition, units 10
Displacement, electrical 25 26 104
Displacement, electrical, divergence of 25 105
Displacement, electrical, mechanical 1 7
Displacement, electrical, particle 1 7
Displacement, electrical, piezoelectric constitutive equations 271
Displacement, electrical, units 104
Dissipation 135 (see also Damping)
Distributed sources, body force 179 183 246 342
Distributed sources, body force, piezoelectric 316 317 318 324 342 343
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, cylindrical coordinates 354
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, definition 43
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, full subscripts 45
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, rectangular coordinates 44 45 47 52
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, scripts 51 52
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, spherical coordinates 355
Divergance of stress, abbreviated sub, symbolic notation 43
Divergence of a vector 25
Dot product, second rank tensor with third rank tensor with vector 293
Dot product, second rank tensor with vector 26 41
Double dot product (continued), second rank tensors 142
Double dot product (continued), third rank tensor with second rank tensor 272 293 296
Double dot product, fourth rank tensor with second rank tensor 63 88
Double refraction (birefringence) 126
Dyadic 26 43
Dynamical equations, rotational motion 46 47
Dynamical equations, rotational motion, symbolic notation 43
Dynamical equations, rotational motion, translational motion 43 45 101 106
Elastic constants, definition 59
Elastic constants, definition, stiffened 288 300 304 305 307
Elastic, anisotropy 84 191 210
Elastic, anisotropy, compliance 59
Elastic, anisotropy, constitutive relations 60
Elastic, anisotropy, deformation 58
Elastic, anisotropy, isotropy conditions 165 167
Elastic, anisotropy, limit 58
Elastic, anisotropy, restoring forces 57
Elastic, anisotropy, stiffness 59
Electric energy density 138 153
Electric field, boundary conditions 124 127 320
Electric field, boundary conditions, polarization 112
Electric field, boundary conditions, reflection coefficient 128
Electric field, boundary conditions, transmission coefficient 128
Electric field, boundary conditions, units 104
Electrical charge density, units 105
Electrical charge, conservation of 105
Electrical displacement 25 26 104
Electrical displacement, boundary conditions 132
Electrical displacement, divergence of 25 105
Electrical displacement, piezoelectric constitutive equations 271
Electrical displacement, units 104
Electrical polarization 102
Electrical polarization, piezoelectric constitutive equations 271
Electrical polarization, spontaneous 270
Electrical potential 294 299
Electroacoustic transducers 103 324 340
Electromagnetic boundary conditions 124 127
Electromagnetic field equations 103 104 105 136 281
Electromagnetic impedance, definition 130
Electromagnetic impedance, definition, numerical values 131
Electromagnetic impedance, definition, units 130
Electromagnetic plane waves 109 112 116 120 127 129 139 141 286 287 289 290 298
Electromagnetic Poynting vector, complex 154
Electromagnetic Poynting vector, real 138
Electromagnetic Poynting vector, units 138
Electromagnetic Poynting’s Theorem, complex 152 154
Electromagnetic Poynting’s Theorem, real 136 141
Electromagnetic reflection 127 129
Electromechanical coupling, constants 307 308 322 335
Electromechanical coupling, constants, terms 270 276
Electrostriction 102
Energy conservation 135
Energy density, average 155
Energy density, average, elastic 144
Energy density, average, electric 138 153
Energy density, average, kinetic 143 155
Energy density, average, magnetic 138 153
Energy density, average, strain 144 155
Energy velocity, cubic crystal 230 233
Energy velocity, cubic crystal, definition 222
Energy velocity, cubic crystal, group velocity 229 234 259 260
Energy velocity, cubic crystal, hexagonal crystal 222 223 227 228
Energy velocity, cubic crystal, phase velocity 224
Energy velocity, cubic crystal, slowness surface 224 225
entropy 277 280
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