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Auld B.A. — Acoustic Fields and Waves in Solids, Vol. 1 |
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Equations of motion, rotational, motion 46 47
Equations of motion, rotational, symbolic notation 43
Equations of motion, rotational, translational motion 43 45 101 106
Equilibrium position 2 10
Equivalent circuit (transducer), distributed, circuit 339
Equivalent circuit (transducer), distributed, Krimholz — Leedom — Matthaei model 341
Equivalent circuit (transducer), distributed, Mason model 339 340
Equivalent point diagram 193 196 200
Euler angles 82
Extensional strain 11
Faraday rotation, acoustic 255 256
Faraday rotation, acoustic, condition for 25 3
Faraday rotation, acoustic, definition 250 252
Faraday rotation, acoustic, electromagnetic 254 255
Faraday rotation, acoustic, relation to dispersion 251
Frequency response, curve 323
Frequency response, curve, function 336
Frictionless boundary 133
Full subscripts, definition 27 28 49 52 64 66 87 271 299
Fundamental mode 345
Fundamental resonance 336
Geometrical capacitance 324 333
Gibbs function 278 279
Group (symmetry), definition 193
Group (symmetry), definition, equivalent point diagram 193 196 200
Group (symmetry), definition, generator 193 195 206
Group velocity, cubic crystal 233 234
Group velocity, cubic crystal, definition 227 228 259
Group velocity, cubic crystal, energy velocity 229 234 259 260
Half wave plate 250
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, (6mm) X-cut transducer 329 333 345
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, (6mm) Z-cut transducer 343 345
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, acoustic propagation, X-axis 112 115
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, Christoffel equation 384
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, electromagnetic power flow, X-axis 139 141
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, electromagnetic propagation, X-axis 109 112
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, energy velocity 222 223 227 228
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, slowness curves 227 228 388 391
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, uniaxial property 116
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, X-axis 146 147 155 158
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, X-propagation 296 298 300 302
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, XZ-plane 147
Hexagonal crystal, acoustic power flow, XZ-propagation 302 305
Hooke’s Law, abbreviated subscripts 66 67 87
Hooke’s Law, abbreviated subscripts, full subscripts 59 61 87
Hooke’s Law, abbreviated subscripts, including damping 86 88
Hooke’s Law, abbreviated subscripts, qualitative statement 58
Hooke’s Law, abbreviated subscripts, symbolic notation 63 88 101
Immittance matrix, transducer 329
Impedance (continued), motional 336 343 345
Impedance (continued), radiation 336 343 345
Impedance (continued), relation to reflection coefficient 186 187
Impedance (continued), specific 131
Impedance (continued), transformation equation 187 263
Impedance (continued), transmission line 175
Impedance (continued), wave 130
Impedance, acoustic 131 176 246 250 318 320 323
Impedance, acoustic, characteristic 130 131 175 176 247 249
Impedance, acoustic, electrical input, transducer 324 325 333 337
Impedance, acoustic, electromagnetic 130
Impedance, acoustic, intrinsic 130
Impedance, acoustic, matching transformers 188
Impedance, acoustic, matrix, transducer 328
Impedance, acoustic, mechanical 333
Inertia, moment of 46
Inertial forces 43 57 72
Interference 181 323
Internal energy 276
Intrinsic impedance 130
Inverse velocity surface, definition 212
Inversion symmetry 192 194 200 270 281
IRE angles 81
Irrotational field 294
Isotropic, Christoffel equation 168 169 383
Isotropic, Christoffel equation, slowness curves 385
Isotropy, bulk modulus 185
Isotropy, bulk modulus, constants 167
Isotropy, bulk modulus, effect on piezoelectricity 281
Isotropy, bulk modulus, elastic 165 167
Isotropy, bulk modulus, Lam 6
Isotropy, bulk modulus, Poisson’s ratio 185
Isotropy, bulk modulus, Young’s modulus 185
Krimholz — Leedom — Matthaei transducer, model 341
Lam 6
Lam, constants, definition 167
Lam, definition 13 14
Lam, effects 47
Lam, physical significance 14
Longitudinal wave 73 179 183 214 217
Longitudinal wave, definition 73
Longitudinal wave, excitation by distributed body forces 179 183
Magnetic energy density 138 153
Magnetic field, boundary conditions 124 127
Magnetic field, boundary conditions, reflection coefficient 128
Magnetic field, boundary conditions, transmission coefficient 128
Magnetic field, boundary conditions, units 104
Magnetic flux density, boundary, conditions 132
Magnetic flux density, boundary, divergence of 105
Magnetic flux density, boundary, units 104
Magnetostriction 102
Mason transducer model 339 340
Mass density, inertial effect 43
Mass density, inertial effect, nonlinear effects 43
Mass density, inertial effect, numerical values 68 358 359
Mass density, inertial effect, units 68 358 359
Mass, conservation of 131
Material deformation, definition 4 9
Material particle, definition 1 33
Material particle, definition, displaced position 2
Material particle, definition, equilibrium position 2
Matrix, acoustic impedance 246 250
Matrix, acoustic impedance, admittance 329
Matrix, acoustic impedance, Bond strain transformation 75 195 207 208 272 273 275
Matrix, acoustic impedance, Bond stress transformation 74 77 80 81 195 207 208 272 273 275
Matrix, acoustic impedance, Christoffel 165 168 212 250
Matrix, acoustic impedance, column 20
Matrix, acoustic impedance, coupled wave equation 296 297
Matrix, acoustic impedance, curl 105
Matrix, acoustic impedance, displacement gradient 6 7 11
Matrix, acoustic impedance, elastic compliance 66 195 207 210
Matrix, acoustic impedance, elastic stiffness 66 167 195 207 210
Matrix, acoustic impedance, identity 20
Matrix, acoustic impedance, immittance 329
Matrix, acoustic impedance, impedance 328
Matrix, acoustic impedance, inversion of Bond matrices 76
Matrix, acoustic impedance, matrices 66
Matrix, acoustic impedance, orthogonal 20
Matrix, acoustic impedance, permittivity 25
Matrix, acoustic impedance, piexoelectric stress 275
Matrix, acoustic impedance, piezoelectric strain 272
Matrix, acoustic impedance, relaxation 106 107
Matrix, acoustic impedance, rotation 13 30
Matrix, acoustic impedance, strain 9 11 13
Matrix, acoustic impedance, stress 39
Matrix, acoustic impedance, stress matrices 274
Matrix, acoustic impedance, transformation 20
Matrix, acoustic impedance, transpose 13
Matrix, acoustic impedance, viscosity 87 88 155 170 210
Maxwell’s equations 103 104 105 136 281
Mechanical impedance, definition 327 333
Mechanically free boundary 133
Mohr’s circle 53 54
Moment of inertia 46
Momentum density, constitutive, relation 106
Monoclinic crystal, acoustic propagation, Z-axis 258
Neper 93
Newton’s law 43
Nondegenerate waves 85 112 115 251
Nonlinearity, mass density 43
Nonlinearity, mass density, strain 10
| Nonlinearity, mass density, strain-stress 58
Nonreciprocity 255
Normal mode, transmission line 176 183 246 317 324
Normal surface, cubic crystal 236
Normal surface, cubic crystal, definition 226 227
Normal surface, cubic crystal, ray surface 226
Orthogonal matrix 20
Orthogonality, acoustic wave polarizations 115 123 219 220 237
Orthogonality, acoustic wave polarizations, E and H in an electromagnetic wave 112 119
Orthorhombic crystal, Christoffel, equation 385
Orthorhombic crystal, Christoffel, slowness curves 401 405
Overtone mode 346
Particle displacement, definition 2
Particle displacement, definition, differential 4 7
Particle displacement, definition, gradient 6 7 11
Particle displacement, definition, polarization 3
Particle displacement, definition, strain-displacement relation 10
Particle displacement, definition, symbolic notation 26
Particle displacement, definition, transformation properties 20 22 24
Particle displacement, definition, velocity 106
Particle velocity, boundary conditions 125 127 133
Particle velocity, boundary conditions, polarization 113 115 123 219 220 237
Particle velocity, boundary conditions, reflection coefficient 129 130 320
Particle velocity, boundary conditions, transmission coefficient 130 321
Particle, definition 1 33
Permeability, free space 104
Permeability, free space, transpose symmetry 138
Permeability, free space, units 104
Permittivity (continued), numerical values 104 380 382
Permittivity (continued), symmetry characteristics 379
Permittivity (continued), transformation properties 117
Permittivity (continued), transpose symmetry 138
Permittivity (continued), units 104 381
Permittivity, clamped 322
Permittivity, clamped, constant strain 274 322
Permittivity, clamped, constant stress 272
Permittivity, clamped, definition 25
Permittivity, clamped, free space 104
Permittivity, clamped, matrix 25
Phase front 227
Phase velocity, average energy density 155 222
Phase velocity, average energy density, average power flow density 155 222
Phase velocity, average energy density, definition 16
Phase velocity, average energy density, energy velocity 224
Phase velocity, average energy density, magnetic values 68 69
Phase velocity, average energy density, surface 226
Physical realizability conditions, compliance 148 149 184
Physical realizability conditions, stiffness 148 184
Pictorial field representations, field line, diagrams 15 18
Pictorial field representations, field line, grid diagrams 15 18
Piezo magnetism, biased 103
Piezo magnetism, biased, intrinsic 102
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, definition 271
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, full subscripts 271
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, matrix array 272
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, numerical values 275 375
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, scripts 272 273
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, subscripts 272
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, symbolic notation 272
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, symmetry characteristics 280 372 374
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, transformation properties 271
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, transpose symmetry 279
Piezoelectric strain constants, abbreviated, units 275 375 376
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, definition 274
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, matrix array 275
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, numerical values 275 377 378
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, subscripts 274
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, symbolic notation 274
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, symmetry characteristics 280 372 374
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, transpose symmetry 279
Piezoelectric stress constants, abbreviated, units 275 377
Piezoelectricity (continued), converse effect 102
Piezoelectricity (continued), coupled wave equations 292 295
Piezoelectricity (continued), direct effect 102
Piezoelectricity (continued), distributed piezoelectric sources 316 317 318 324 342 343
Piezoelectricity (continued), inversion symmetry 270 281
Piezoelectricity (continued), isotropy 281
Piezoelectricity (continued), one-dimensional model 265 270
Piezoelectricity (continued), piezoelectric stiffening 288 305 307
Piezoelectricity (continued), piezoelectric strain equations 271 273 279 282
Piezoelectricity (continued), piezoelectric stress equations 274 279 282
Piezoelectricity (continued), quasistatic equations 299 331
Piezoelectricity (continued), resonators 323 324
Piezoelectricity (continued), slowness curves 307 309 310 311
Piezoelectricity (continued), stiffened elastic constants 288 300 304 305 307
Piezoelectricity (continued), stiffening 317
Piezoelectricity, acoustic impedance 318 320 323
Piezoelectricity, acoustic impedance, biased 103
Piezoelectricity, acoustic impedance, constitutive relation 271 272 274 279 300 340
Plane wave, acoustic 16 18 23 25 47 49 68 71 82 86 89 93 112 115 120 124 129 130 146 147 164 165 168 183 212 257 286 287 289 290 298
Plane wave, acoustic, compressional wave 72
Plane wave, acoustic, electromagnetic 109 112 116 120 127 129 139 141 286 287 289 290 298
Plane wave, acoustic, quasiacoustic 285 286 287 289 290 298
Plane wave, acoustic, quasielectromagnetic 285 286 287 289 290
Plane wave, acoustic, shear wave 47 49
Plastic, deformation 58
Point transformation 192
Poisson’s ratio, definition 185
Poisson’s ratio, definition, numerical values 185
Polar media, definition 47
Polar media, definition, effect on symmetry of the stress matrix 47
Polarization, birefringent medium 85 86 112 251
Polarization, birefringent medium, circular 3 69 71 85 86
Polarization, birefringent medium, electric field 112
Polarization, birefringent medium, electrical 270 271
Polarization, birefringent medium, equation 213
Polarization, electronic 270
Polarization, elliptical 3 69 71 85 86
Polarization, Faraday rotation 251
Polarization, ionic 270
Polarization, linear 3 17 18 69 73 84 86
Polarization, longitudinal 73 115
Polarization, orthogonality 112 115 119 123 219 220 237
Polarization, particle displacement 3
Polarization, particle velocity 113 115 123 219 220 237
Polarization, rotary activity 251
Polarization, transverse 73 115
Poly crystalline damping 94
Potential, electrical 294
Power flow deflection, acoustic 147 222 236 313 314
Power flow deflection, acoustic, electrogmagnetic 141
Power flow, average 140 151 155 156 157 222
Power flow, average, complex acoustic 154 155 176 222
Power flow, average, complex electromagnetic 154 175
Power flow, average, complex, definition 151
Power flow, average, instantaneous, definition 150
Power flow, average, quasistatic 314
Power flow, average, reactive 151
Power flow, average, real acoustic 145 314
Power flow, average, real electromagnetic 138
Power flow, average, resistive 151
Power loss, conductive 138 153
Power loss, conductive, viscoelastic 144 154 157
Poynting vector, complex acoustic 155 221
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, complex electromagnetic 152 154
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, complex piezoelectric 312
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, quasistatic approximation 312 313
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, real acoustic 145
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, real electromagnetic 138
Poynting vector, complex acoustic, real piezoelectric 311
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic 154 158
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, complex electromagnetic 152 154
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, complex piezoelectric 312
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, definition 135
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, quasistatic approximation 312 313
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, real acoustic 142 147
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, real electromagnetic 136 141
Poynting’s Theroem, complex acoustic, real piezoelectric 310
Pulse echo technique 260 261
Pure mode (continued), symmetry directions 236 240 406
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