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Ahrens T.J. — A Handbook of Physical Constants: Rock Physics and Phase Relations |
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Plagioclase, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Plagioclase, iron partitioning 86
Plagioclase, phase equilibria 170
Plagioclase, rare-earth partitioning 81 83
Plagioclase, trace-element partitioning 76
Plutonic rocks, thermal conductivity 108—112
Poisson’s ratio, polycrystals 211
Polycrystals, elastic constants 210—215
Polycrystals, properties 205
Pore fluid, effect on rock strength 137
Pore fluid, well-logs 30
Pores, acoustic velocity 20
Poroelastic constants, solid/fluid mixtures 219—223
Porosity, acoustic velocity 20
Porosity, effect on thermal conductivity 112—113
Porosity, vs. compressional wave slowness 21
Porous rocks, acoustic velocity and attenuation 20—34
Porphyritic rocks, classification 2
Porphyry, magmatic rocks 2
Pressure see also "Partial pressure"
Pressure solution, constitutive equations 155—160
Pressure solution, interface transport models 159
Pressure, confining, effect on rock strength 137
Pressure, confining, vs. differential pressure 141
Pressure, effect on thermal conductivity 112—113
Pressure, mean, vs. internal friction 133
Pressure, shock-compressed water 51
Pressure, vs. compressional wave velocity 22
Pressure, vs. strength 160
Pressure-volume-temperature properties, water-carbon dioxide fluids 45—72
Primary magma, phase equilibria 171
Protoliths, composition 1
Protoliths, metamorphic rocks 6
Pumice, composition 3
Pumice, equations of state 40
Pyrophyllite, reflectance spectra 181
Pyroxene see also "Clinopyroxene" "Orthopyroxene" "Individual
Pyroxene, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Pyroxene, rare-earth partitioning 78—80
Pyroxene, reflectance spectra 179 185
Pyroxene, subcalcic, trace-element partitioning 74—77
Pyroxene, thermal conductivity 119
Pyroxene, weathering reactions 15
Quartz rocks, power law creep constants 156
Quartz tholeiite, phase equilibria 171
Quartz, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Quartz, magnetic susceptibility 190
Quartz, phase equilibria 174
Quartz, thermal conductivity 120 122
Quartzite, classification 6
Quartzite, equations of state 40
Radiative transfer, reflectance spectra 186
Rankine — Hugoniot equations, silicate rocks 35
Rare earths, partitioning in apatite and merrilite 94
Rare earths, partitioning in hibonite 95
Rare earths, partitioning in iron-titanium oxides 93
Rare earths, partitioning in magnetite 95
Rare earths, partitioning in major rock-forming minerals 78
Rare earths, partitioning in olivines/liquids 76
Rare earths, partitioning in perovskite 96
Rare earths, partitioning in sphene 94
Rare earths, partitioning in zircon 95
Rare-earth oxides, reflectance spectra 180
Rectorite, reflectance spectra 181
Reflectance spectra, minerals 178—188
Reflection coefficient, vs. angle of incidence for compressional waves 30
Regression parameters, partition coefficients for molar olivine/liquid 75
Remanence coercivity, grain-size dependence 193—194
Reuss average, polycrystals 210 212
Reuss average, poroelasticity 221
Reuss average, thermoelasticity 219
Rheology, lithosphere and mantle 127—145
Rheology, rocks 148—165
Rock acoustics, direct detection of hydrocarbons 31
Rock anhydrite, classification 4
Rock dolomite see "Dolostone"
Rock failure 127—147
Rock gypsum, classification 4
Rock properties, mixture theories 205—228
Rock salt, classification 4
Rock strength, factors 136—140
Rocks, classification 1—7
Rocks, equations of state 35 37—42
Rocks, Koenigsberger ratio 200
Rocks, magnetic properties 189—204
Rocks, phase equilibria 166—177
Rocks, rheology 148—165
Rocks, shock waves 35—44
Rocks, thermal conductivity 105—126
Rubidium, partitioning 83—86
Rutile, rare-earth partitioning 94
Rutile, reflectance spectra 180
Sample size, effect on rock strength 139—140
Sand, equations of state 40—41
Sandstone, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Sandstone, amplitude variation with offset 31
Sandstone, classification 4 5
Sandstone, compressional and shear wave velocities vs. temperature 29
Sandstone, compressional and shear wave velocity 223
Sandstone, equations of state 41
Sandstone, extensional wave and shear wave attenuation 28
Sandstone, extensional wave attenuation and modulus vs. product of frequency and viscosity 28
Sandstone, phase velocity and attenuation vs. frequency 25
Sandstone, shear wave slowness 21—22
Sandstone, Stoneley wave slowness and attenuation vs. frequency 26
Sandstone, thermal conductivity constants 116
Sandstone, ultrasonic velocity 224
Sandstone, velocity vs. water saturation 24
Sandstone, water-saturated, compressional wave velocity vs. external confining pressure 22
Saturating fluids, effect on thermal conductivity 112 114
Saturating fluids, thermal conductivity 106—107
Saturation isothermal remanent magnetization, minerals 199
Saturation magnetization vs. temperature 197
Saturation magnetization, minerals 194—195
Saturation remanence, grain-size dependence 193—194
Scaling, effect on rock strength 139—140
Scandium, partitioning 74—78
Scandium, partitioning at ultrahigh pressures 78
Scattering, attenuation 27
Scattering, reflectance spectra 184—186
Schist, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Schist, classification 5
Schreibersite, siderophile element partitioning 86—91
Sediment flux, suspensions 8—9
Sediment flux, suspensions from major regions 10
Sediment flux, suspensions from rivers 9
Sediment mass 8—9
Sediment mass in ocean basins 10
Sedimentary rocks, classification 1 4—5
Sedimentary rocks, equations of state 38—41
Sedimentary rocks, magnetic susceptibility 190
Sedimentary rocks, thermal conductivity 108—112
Sediments, average chemical composition 12—13
Sediments, chemistry and abundances 8—19
Seismic methods, hydrocarbons 30—31
Seismic velocity, polycrystals 215—218
Self-consistent approximation, porous glass 214
Self-consistent effective medium theory, nonspherical inclusions 209 213—214
Self-consistent effective medium theory, spherical inclusions 208 212—213
Self-consistent method, formation factor 209
Series expansion method, permeability 225
Series expansion method, polycrystals 209 214
Serpentine, equations of state 41
Serpentine, phase equilibria 168
Shale, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Shale, amplitude variation with offset 31
Shale, classification 4
Shale, equations of state 41
Shear modulus, mixtures 206
Shear modulus, nonspherical inclusions 213—214
| Shear modulus, polycrystals 210
Shear modulus, spherical inclusions 212—213
Shear stress, vs. normal stress 137
Shear wave attenuation vs. partial pressure of water vapor 25
Shear wave attenuation vs. water saturation 28
Shear wave slowness, vs. compressional wave slowness 21
Shear Wave Velocity see also "Compressional wave velocity/shear wave velocity"
Shear wave velocity, elastic solids 215
Shear wave velocity, poroelasticity 223
Shear wave velocity, vs. azimuth 23
Shear wave velocity, vs. partial pressure of water vapor 25
Shear wave velocity, vs. temperature 29
Shergottite, partition coefficients 77
Shock velocity, vs. particle velocity 36
Shock waves, rocks 35—44
Siderophile elements, partitioning 86—92
Silica, fused, thermal conductivity 122
Silica, thermal conductivity 120
Silicates, magnetic susceptibility 190
Silicates, noble metal partitioning 92—94
Silicates, partitioning 97—98
Silicates, siderophile element partitioning 88—91
Silicic composition, magmatic rocks 2
Siliclastic rocks, classification 4
Silicon nitride, porous, adiabatic elastic moduli 216
Silicon nitride, porous, elastic properties 215
Silicon nitride, porous, shear modulus 217
Single domains, grain size 193
Slate, classification 5
Soil distribution 13
Soil types, description and distribution 14
Soils, chemistry and abundances 8—19
Soils, equations of state 41
Soils, major elements 17
Soils, trace elements 17
Solid/fluid mixtures, Biot — Gassmann theory 219—223
Solid/fluid mixtures, material constants 222
Solnhofen limestone, diffusion flow 151
Solvus, water-carbon dioxide mixtures 65 68
Sound speed see also "Acoustic velocity"
Sound speed water 51 58—60
Specific heat, polycrystals 218
Sphene, rare-earth partitioning 94—95
Spherical inclusions, dielectric constant 207—208
Spherical inclusions, elasticity 212—213
Spinel see also "Beta-spinel"
Spinel, rare-earth partitioning 96
Spinel, thermal conductivity 123
Spodosol, distribution 14
Stishovite, phase equilibria 168
Stokes flow, permeability 225
Stoneley wave attenuation, vs. frequency 26
Stoneley wave slowness, vs. frequency 26
Strain amplitude, vs. attenuation 24
Strain rate, effect on rock strength 138
Strength, vs. pressure 160
Stress see also "Differential stress" "Effective "Normal "Shear
Stress, acoustic velocity 20
Stress, normal, vs. internal friction 134
Stress, rock failure 129
Stress, uniaxial, vs. compressional wave velocity for dry Berea sandstone 23
Stress, vs. depth 136
Strontium, partitioning in major rock-forming minerals 78
Subalkali basalt see also "Tholeiitic basalt"
Subalkali basalt composition 3
Subduction zones, magmatic rocks 2
Subduction zones, phase equilibria 168
Sulfates, magnetic susceptibility 190
Sulfates, thermal conductivity 121
Sulfides, magnetic properties 196
Sulfides, magnetic susceptibility 190
Sulfides, thermal conductivity 120
Sulfur see also "Iron-nickel-sulfur system"
Superparamagnetic domains, grain size 193
Syenitic rocks, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Taconite, classification 5
Talc, phase equilibria 168
Talc, reflectance spectra 184
Tantalum, partitioning 83—86
Temperature see also "Pressure-volume-temperature properties"
Temperature, ambient, thermal conductivity 108—112
Temperature, effect on magnetic susceptibility 192
Temperature, effect on rock strength 139
Temperature, vs. compressional wave velocity 29
Temperature, vs. differential stress 158
Temperature, vs. shear wave velocity 29
Thermal conductivity, mixtures 207—210
Thermal conductivity, rocks and minerals 105—126
Thermal diffusivity, minerals 122—123
Thermal diffusivity, polycrystals 218—219
Thermal divide, phase equilibria 170
Thermal expansion coefficient, polycrystals 218
Thermal expansion coefficient, thermoelasticity 219
Thermal expansion, polycrystals 218—219
Thermal maximum, phase equilibria 169 173
Thermal properties, rocks 105—124
Thermal remanent magnetization, grain-size dependence for magnetite 199
Thermal remanent magnetization, minerals 197—198
Thermal remanent magnetization, vs. composition of titanohematite 199
Thermodynamic functions, water 45 51—57
Thermoelastic constants, polycrystals 218—219
Thermoelasticity, polycrystals 218—219
Tholeiites, phase equilibria 168—169
Tholeiitic basalt see also "Subalkali basalt"
Tholeiitic basalt, composition 3
Titanite, thermal conductivity 118
Titanohematite, grain size and magnetic properties 193
Titanomaghemite, grain size and magnetic properties 193
Titanomagnetite, grain size and magnetic properties 193
Titanomagnetite, room-temperature values of magnetocrystalline and magnetostriction constants 198
Tonalite, phase equilibria 173
Torrongo Granodiorite, chemical composition of weathered portions 17
Trace elements, experimental partitioning 73—104
Trace elements, soils 17
Tremolite, reflectance spectra 184
Troilite, siderophile element partitioning 86—91
Trondhjemite, phase equilibria 173
Tuff, composition 3
Tuff, equations of state 41
Ultisol, distribution 14
Ultra-high pressure phases, actinide partitioning 83
Ultra-high pressure phases, high field strength element partitioning 86
Ultra-high pressure phases, rare-earth partitioning 80—83
Ultra-high pressure phases, siderophile element partitioning 91
Ultra-high pressure phases, trace-element partitioning 76—78
Ultramafic rocks, abundance in continental crust 6—7
Ultramafic rocks, magmatic rocks 2
Ultrasonic velocity, experiments 217
Ultrasonic velocity, hydrocarbons 220—221
Unjacketed bulk modulus, poroelasticity 221
Vanadium, partitioning 74—78
Velocity see also "Acoustic velocity" "Compressional "Compressional "Extensional "Particle "Phase "Seismic "Shear "Shear "Shock "Sound "Stoneley
Velocity vs. water saturation in sandstone 24
Vertisol, distribution 14
Verwey phase transition, minerals 195—196
Vibrational processes, reflectance spectra 180—182
Viscosity, dynamic, vs. attenuation 28
Vitrophyre, composition 3
Voigt average, polycrystals 212
Voigt average, poroelasticity 221
Voigt average, thermoelasticity 219
Volcanic breccia, composition 3
Volcanic breccia, equations of state 37
Volcanic rocks, chemical classification 4
Volcanic rocks, thermal conductivity 108—112
Volcaniclastic rocks, composition 3
Volcanism, phase equilibria 173
Volume see also "Pressure-volume-temperature properties"
Volume carbon dioxide 62—64
Volume, water 47—50
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