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Mackenzie K.C.H. — General Theory of Lie Groupoids and Lie Algebroids |
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Предметный указатель |
Lie algebroid, direct product 156
Lie algebroid, direct sum over fixed base 110
Lie algebroid, pullback 157 269
Lie algebroid, semidirect product generalized 173
Lie algebroid, tangent prolongation 369
Lie algebroid, totally intransitive 100
Lie algebroid, transformation 151 see action"
Lie bialgebroid 447
Lie bialgebroid of Poisson groupoid 448
Lie bialgebroid triangular 455
Lie bialgebroid, double of 471
Lie bialgebroid, morphism of 454
Lie derivation law 272 275
Lie derivative 261
Lie derivative of multisections 307
Lie functor 125
Lie group bundle 11
Lie group bundle, gauge 11
Lie group bundle, inner 11 20
Lie pseudoalgebra 144 177
Lie Rinehart algebra 145 308
Lie subalgebroid 164
Lie subalgebroid, restriction 165
Lie subalgebroid, wide 109
Lift, within Lie algebroid coupling 273
Linearization of groupoid action 169
Local system of coefficients 226
Local triviality of Lie algebroid 205 317
Local triviality of Lie groupoid 15 50
Locally constant morphism 240
Locally constant rank 240
Maurer — Cartan equation 101 164 182 191
Monodromy bundle 214
Monodromy groupoid 214 216
Monodromy projection 214
Morphism induced on bisections 27
Morphism of Atiyah sequences induced 98
Morphism of LABs 104
Morphism of LGBs 11
Morphism of Lie algebroids 158
Morphism of Lie algebroids base-preserving 100
Morphism of Lie algebroids induced 124 160
Morphism of Lie algebroids over 100
Morphism of Lie algebroids, action 176
Morphism of Lie groupoids 12
Morphism of Lie groupoids base preserving 12
Morphism of Lie groupoids covering 51
Morphism of Lie groupoids local 217
Morphism of Lie groupoids, action 38 82
Morphism of Poisson groupoids 428
Morphism of principal bundles produced 21
Multisection 304
Multivector field right-invariant 412
Neighbourhood symmetric - 31
Normal subgroupoid system 70
Normal subgroupoid system uniform 76
Object 4
Object inclusion map 4
Obstruction class of Lie algebroid coupling 277
Obstruction cocvcle for Lie algebroid coupling 274
Obstruction to lifting of structure group 331
Orbit 34
Orbit partition 33
Orbit transitivity 32
Pairing of double vector bundles 353
Parallel section 236
Parallel translation 234
Path connection 228
Path connection produced 233
PBG-groupoid 80
PBG-Lie algebroid 173
Pith 37 468
Poisson action 467
Poisson codifferential 406
Poisson cohomology 387
Poisson homology 406
Poisson map 385
Poisson map complete 405
Poisson structure 382
Poisson structure induced by Lie bialgebroid 453
Poisson structure linear 389
Poisson structure linearized 398 405
Poisson structure opposite 399
Poisson structure regular 387
Poisson structure semi-direct 393
Poisson structure, symplectic leaves of 387
Poisson structure, tangent lift 395
Poisson structure, tangent prolongation of 395
Poisson submanifold 385
Poisson vector bundle xvii 389
Poisson — Lie group 410
Principal bundle 9
Principal bundle produced 21 50
Pseudogroup of local bisections 27
Pullback of Lie algebroid 157
Pullback of Lie groupoid 64
Pullback of vector bundle 54
Quotient of Lie algebroid 168
Quotient of Lie groupoid 73
Quotient of vector bundle 57 58
| Quotient of vector bundle over group action 87
Realization of Poisson manifold xvi143
Reduction 41
Reduction connected 30 51
Reduction of Lie algebroid 109
Relation 401
Relation dual 402
Representation of a Lie algebroid 107
Representation of a Lie algebroid central 273
Representation of a Lie algebroid derivative 172
Representation of a Lie algebroid induced 137
Representation of a Lie algebroid trivial 108
Representation of Lie groupoid 43
Restriction 259
Restriction map 290
Restriction of extension 290
Restriction of Lie algebroid 165
Restriction of Lie groupoid 14
Retroversal 266 277
Reversal isomorphism 361 137
Reverse, of a path 8
Right-translation 5 24
Right-translation local 25
Schouten algebra 304
Section A-parallel 254
Section admissible 50
Section atlas 16
Section core of groupoid 417
Section core of double vector bundle 347
Section decomposing 16
Section linear 389
Section projectable 60
Semi-linear isomorphism 51
Semidirect product of Lie algebroids 270
Semidirect product, general of groupoids 84
Semidirect product, general of Lie algebroids 173
Semidirect product, general of Lie groupoids 78
Set-groupoid 5
Side bundle 340
Source projection 4
Spectral sequence of transitive Lie algebroid 288
Spectral sequence of van Est 334
Splitting of exact sequence of vector bundles 187
Splitting of fibration of Lie algebroids 171
Splitting of fibration of Lie groupoids 79
Standard complex 260
Star 49
Structure equation 200
Subbundle system 58
Subgroupoid base 14
Subgroupoid identity 14
Subgroupoid identity-component 29
Subgroupoid inner 14
Subgroupoid Lie 13
Subgroupoid Lie embedded 14
Subgroupoid Lie locally trivial 41
Subgroupoid Lie wide 14
Subgroupoid normal 60
Subgroupoid stabilizer 10
Submanifold coisotropic 398
Submanifold Lagrangian 429
Submanifold Poisson 385
Submanifold transversal, of base 34
Svstem of local data 211
Symplectic structure 386
System of transition data 318
Tangent pairing 117
Target projection 4
Test case 211
Torsion of Koszul connection in Lie algebroid 154
Transition forms 206 318
Transitivity component 32
Transversal 266 277
Transversal back 309
Transversal flat 266
Tulczyjew isomorphism 364 394
Tulczyjew isomorphism groupoid 134
Unity 5
Vector bundle Poisson, xvii xvii 389
Vector bundle, Hermitian line 314
Vector bundle, tangent prolongation of 110
Vector field affine 377
Vector field Hamiltonian 383
Vector field homological 177
Vector field left-invariant 131
Vector field linear 113
Vector field multiplicative 372
Vector field right invariant -saturated 121
Vector field right invariant local 123
Vector field vertical 120
Vector field, complete lift of 119
Vector field, right invariant 120
Vector field, star 375 379
Vector field, vertical lift 112
Versal 66 83
Vertex bundle 17
Vertex group 5 49
Vertical bundle of a double vector bundle 341
Vertical bundle of a submersion 36
Weak pullback 83
Zero double 341
Сhange of Lie algebroids 289
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