Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Rudakov A.N. — Helices and vector bundles: seminaire Rudakov |
Предметный указатель |
Adjoint action 47
Admissible mutation of a helix 91—92
Admissible pair 1—2 4—5 122
Admissible subcategories 68—73
Algebraic group 45
Anticanonical class 5 23 25 80 94 97
Associative algebra 75 82
Atiyah, M.F. 7 16 18
Automorphism 24 40 97
Bar construction 76
Beilinson, A.A. 75 80
Bicomplex 58
Bimodule 88—89 92
Borel subgroup 47
Branched cover 108—109 111
Branching divisor 108
Brauer — Tits graph 40
Bundle 5 16 93—94 127 131
Bundle, degree of 7—8 10 18
Bundle, determinant of 7—8 16 18—19 21
Bundle, Euler characteristic of 108
Bundle, exceptional 1 5 23—26 29—30 33— 35 41—43 45 50 75 79 97 101—103 105—110 112 115—116 119 121 123—124 129-132 134
Bundle, exceptional pair of 7 43 102 106— 107 109—113 122
Bundle, G- 45—46
Bundle, holomorphic section 15
Bundle, homogeneous 23—24 47—48 116
Bundle, indecomposable 7—8 15—18 45
Bundle, line 8 20 23 25 97 113 119—120 123
| Bundle, quotient 28
Bundle, rank of 7—8 18 23—25 33 35 45
Bundle, rigid 23—25
Bundle, simple 7 12 14 17—19 21 23 25 107 109 111
Bundle, simple pair of 12—13
Bundle, slope of 34 39 42
Bundle, spinor 119
Bundle, stable 1 23 28 33 34 44 101 115—116
Bundle, sub 8—9 15 28 116 130
Bundle, tangent 50 101
Bundle, universal quotient 123
Bundle, universal sub 123
Canonical class 5 34 40 58 60 93 105 113 125
Canonical cone 63
Canonical map/homomorphism 13 15 26 43 60 64 69 78 101 106—107 111 122 129 134—136
Cartan, matrix 47
Cartan, matrix, subalgebra 46
Category 1 46 58 70 75
Category of coherent sheaves 57
Category, abelian 75 81—82
Category, derived 57—59 60 64 67 75 79— 80 85—87 119
Category, quotient 82
Category, sub 57 68 72 78 80 85—87
Category, triangulated 58 62 64 68 75—79 85
Chern, character 24 33
Chern, class 1 23—24 33 108 116
Chevalley generator 46 48—49
Cocycle 29
Cohomology long exact sequence 29
Реклама |