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Heitler W. — The Quantum Theory of Radiation |
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-function, Dirac's 71
-function, relativistic 71 262
absorption line 117
Aberration 62
Abraham, angular momentum of light 63
Abraham, theory of electron 17 32
Absorption 39 107 115 142
Absorption coefficient 115
Absorption coefficient experiments 119 124 159 216
Absorption coefficient for X-ravs and -rays 123 158 202 213
Absorption coefficient numerical values 215
Achieser, scattering of light by light 193
Action principle 260
Allen, photoelectric absorption 125 159
Anderson and Neddermeyer discovery of the meson 229
Anderson and Neddermeyer, penetrating power of fast electrons 228
Anderson, Millikan, Neddermeyer, and Pickering, positive electrons, showers 177 187
Angular momentum of light 62 258
Annihilation of positive electrons 189 204 230
Annihilation, experiments 209
Annihilation, one-quantum 210
Annihilation, two-quanta 204
Approximations in radiation theory 27 92 240
Arley, cascade theory 234 237
Benedetti, de, experiments on pair production 202
Beth, angular momentum of light 258
Bethe and Fermi, retarded interaction 98
Bethe and Heitler, Bremsstrahlung and pair production 161 170 197 224
Bethe, Bremsstrahlung and annihilation 212 230
Bethe, Bremsstrahlung and penetrating power of particles 218
Bethe, Bremsstrahlung and screening 170 198
Bhabba and Chakrabarty, cascade theory 234 237
Bhabba and Heitler, cascade theory 234
Bhabba and Hulme, annihilation 212
Bhabba pair production by particles 203
Blackett, energy loss of fast electrons, discovery of the meson 228
Blackett, Occhialini, and Chadwick, positive electrons, showers 177 187 201
Bloch, damping 111
Bloch, penetrating power of particles 218
Bloch, scattering of X-rays 137 159
Bohr and Rosenfeld, measurement of field strength 75
Bohr radius 83
Bohr, frequency relation 56 104
Bohr, penetrating power of particles 218
Bohr, uncertainty relation 58 75
Born, and Infeld, non-linear field theory 33 253
Born, and Peng, quantum, electrodynamics 254
Born, theory of collisions, Born approximation 83 98 120 161 197 219
Bose statistics 64
Breadth at half maximum 35 113 116;
Breit, and Wheeler, pair production by light quanta 204
Breit, retarded interaction 98
Bremsstrahlung 161 232
Bremsstrahlung, energy loss 171 220
Bremsstrahlung, in collision of 2 electrons 264
Bremsstrahlung, straggling 224
Brinkmann, multipole radiation 25
Broadening by collisions 36 116 145
Broadening Doppler effect 116
Brunmgs, annihilation 212
Buckingham see “Hulme”
Burhop see “Massey”
Canonical commutation relations 59 65 261
Canonical equations for wave amplitudes 42 59
Canonical field variables 261
Carlson and Oppenheimer, cascade theory 234
Cascade showers see “Showers”
Cascade units 234 238
Casimir, Compton scattering of bound electrons 149 159
Casimir, line breadth 111
Chadwick see “Blackett”
Chakrabarty see “Bhabba”
Chao, scattering of -rays 159
Coherence, scattering 133 144
Collisions, Bom's approximation see “Born”
Collisions, effect on line breadth 36 116 145
Collisions, energy loss by 173 218
Commutation in second quantization 64
Commutation potentials 262
Commutation relations for field strengths 69 262
Commutation, light quanta and phases 66
Commutation, radiation oscillator 60
Compton absorption coefficient 158 214
Compton effect 146
Compton effect of bound electrons 137 159
Compton effect, angular distribution 154
Compton effect, experiments 156 159 216
Compton effect, influence of damping 251
Compton effect, polarization 154
Compton effect, total scattering 157 201
Compton wave-length 147 192
Compton — Sinion experiment 56
Conservation of charge 1
Conservation of charge angular momentum 63 258
Conservation of charge energy 6 90 92 241
Conservation of charge momentum 6 96 242
Continuity equation 1
Continuous spectrum wave functions 83
Continuous spectrum, transitions to 90 241
Continuous X-ray spectrum 165
Conway, angular momentum of light 258
Correspondence principle 58 63 106 110 114 133 142 176
Cosmic rays, penetrating power 174 227;
Coulomb interaction 51 65 98 246 259
Crane and Lauritsen, absorption, coefficient of -rays 216
Crane and Lauritsen, annihilation of positive electrons 208
Creation of pairs see “Pair production”
Cross-section for annihilation 207 211
Cross-section for annihilation, Bremsstrahlung 164 264
Cross-section for annihilation, Bremsstrahlung, numerical values 17 3
Cross-section for annihilation, Compton scattering 149 251
Cross-section for annihilation, Compton scattering, numerical values 158
Cross-section for annihilation, pair production 196 203
Cross-section for annihilation, pair production, numerical values 200 259
Cross-section for annihilation, photoelectric effect 122
Cross-section for annihilation, photoelectric effect, numerical values 126
Cross-section for annihilation, scattering 37 38 132
Curie and Joliot, positive electrons 201 5
Damping 34 38 110 138;
Damping influence on Compton effect 250 251
Damping, General theory 240
Darwin, angular momentum of light 258
Density function for electron 82 89
Density function for radiation 45 247
Detailed balance, principle of 252
Differential cross-section see “Cross-section”
Dipole moment 25 106 109
Dipole moment, radiation 25 62 106 127
Dipole radiation, magnetic 62 129
Dirac hole theory 187 245
Dirac matrices 85 150
Dirac perturbation theory 87
Dirac quantum electrodynamics 33 253
Dirac wave equation 84 186
Dirac, annihilation 207
Dirac, theory of emission, dispersion 58 102
dispersion 38 130; Scattering”
Diverging integrals 180 191 245;
Doppler effect 62 115
Double Bremsstrahlung 181
Double Bremsstrahlung scattering 178
du Mond, scattering of X-rays 137
Dual nature of light 57 63
Eigenwaves of the radiation field 41 62
Einstein, energy and momentum of particle 14
Einstein, induced emission 105
Einstein, thermal equilibrium 105 107
Electronic radius 32 93
Elimination of intermediate states 241
Elimination of longitudinal field 49 65 259
| Ellis and Mott, internal conversion 127
emission 26 54 104
Energy balance 5 27 31;
Energy balance of electromagnetic field 5 13 32 43 53 60 261
Energy balance, flow 7 13
Energy loss of fast particles, by Bremsstrahlung 171 220
Energy loss of fast particles, by collisions see “Collisions”
Energy loss of fast particles, experiments 218 227
Energy loss of fast particles, numerical values 221
Energy, states of negative energy see “Negative”
Energy-momentum vector 14 18 45 102
Epstein, angular momentum of light 258
Equivalent quanta of fast particle 263 264
Euler, scattering of light by light 193
Excess scattering of -rays 159 203 209 230
Fermi see “Bethe”
Fermi and Uhlenbeck, one-quantum, annihilation 212
Fermi, Coulomb interaction 51 65
Field of moving point-charge 21
Fisk and Taylor, internal conversion 127
Flow of energy see “Energy”
Flow of momentum 7 13
Fluctuations of field-strengths 67 72 183
Fnedrich and Goldhaber, angular distribution of Compton scattering 156
Fock, quantum electrodynamics 58
Four-tensor see “Tension tensor”
Four-tensor of field strength 11
Four-vector of charge current 10
Four-vector of Lorentz force 12
Four-vector of potentials 10
Four-velocity 15 45
Fourier expansion of field 41 59
Fowler see “Hulme”
Franz, Compton effect of bound electrons 159
Free electron, wave function 82 85
Gauge invariance 3 259
Gauge transformation 3 259
Gaunt, continuous X-ray spectrum 162
Goldhaber see “Friedrich”
Gordon see “Klein”
Gray and Tarrant, excess scattering 203 209
Gray, photoelectric absorption 126
H-function 262
Hall, photoelectric effect 126
Halpern, scattering of light by light 193
Hamilton and Peng principle of detailed balance 252
Hamilton and Peng scattering of light by protons 217
Hamiltonian of a particle 45
Hamiltonian of the field 42 50 53 60 65 261
Hamiltonian of the interaction of light with a particle 53 91 260
Harvey see “Jauncy”
Heisenberg and Kramers, dispersion 133
Heisenberg and Pauli, quantum electrodynamics 58
Heisenberg incoherent scattering 137
Heisenberg positive electron 191
Heisenberg uncertainty relation 57 75
Heiting, excess scattering 203
Heitler and Bethe see “Bethe”
Heitler and Bhabha see “Bhabha”
Heitler and Nordheim multiple processes 178
Heitler and Nordheim pair production by particles 203
Heitler and Nordheim retarded interaction 98
Heitler and Peng, divergence-free theory of damping 241 249
Heitler and Sauter, Bremsstrahlung, pair production 161 197
Heitler angular momentum of light 258
Heitler, coherence in electronic collisions 146
Hertzian vector 23 109
Hewlett, scattering of X-rays 159
Higher approximations in radiation theory 93 102 177 194 240
Hoffmann, bursts 232 236
Hole theory 187 245
Honl, scattering of X-rays 137
Hulme and Bhabha see “Bhabha”
Hulme and Jaeger, internal conversion with pair production 127 204
Hulme and Jaeger, pair production, annihilation 212
Hulme, internal conversion 127
Hulme, McDougall, Buckingham, and Fowler, photoelectric effect 126
Hulme, retarded interaction 98
Hupfeld see “Meitner”
Impact parameter, Bremsstrahlung 168 263
Induced emission 39 105 108
Infield see “Born”
Interaction of a positive and negative electron 198
Interaction of light with electrons in negative energy states 187 193
Interaction of light with particles 46 53 91 182 241
Interaction of two particles 51 65 98
Intermediate states 89 241
Intermediate states in the hole theory 190
Internal conversion 127
Internal conversion with creation of positive electrons 204
Invariance see “Lorentz and Gauge invariance”
Jaeger see “Hulme”
Jauncy and Harvey, scattering of X-rays 156
Joliot and Curie see “Curie”
Joliot, annihilation 208
Jordan and Pauh, commutation relations of field strengths 72
Jordan and Pauh, quantum electrodynamics 58
K-electron, wave function 83 121 192
Kinetic momentum 15 45
Kirchhoffs law 115
Kirkpatrick see “Ross”
Klein — Gordon equation 159
Klein — Nishuia formula 154 251
Klein, radiation theory and correspondence principle 58
Klemperer, annihilation 208
Kramers see “Heisenberg”
Krishnan see “Raman”
Kuhn and London, line breadth 116
Lagrangian of the electromagnetic field 260
Landau and Lifshitz and Peierls, light quanta and configuration space 58
Landau and Lifshitz and Rumer, cascade theory 234
Landau and Lifshitz, pair production by particles 203
Landsberg and Mandelstamm, Raman effect 133
Lauritsen see “Crane”
Lauritsen and Read, scattering of X-rays 159
Lifetime 34 112 139
Light quanta 57 61 64 66
Line breadth, collisions 36 116 145
Line breadth, Doppler effect 115
Line breadth, experiments 117 119
Line breadth, natural 34 110 114 141
London see “Kuhn”
Longitudinal waves 48 53 65 259
Lorentz force 1 12 45
Lorentz force of light waves and light quanta 18 61
Lorentz force, broadening by collisions see “Collisions”
Lorentz force, invariance of field equations 1 246
Lorentz force, reaction of the field 29 250
Lorentz force, relation 3 10 47 65 259
Lorentz force, transformations 8
Mandelstamm see “Landsberg”
Massey see “Mott”
Massey and Burhop, annihilation 212
Matrix elements for interaction of radiation with particles 94 241
Matrix elements for interaction of two particles 99
Matrix elements for radiation oscillators 59
Matrix elements for round-about transitions 244
Matrix elements, computation of, in radiation problems 150 180
Maxwell tension tensor 7 13
Mayer — Goppert, multiple processes 177
McDougall see “Hulme”
McMillan, absorption coefficient of -rays 216
Measurement of field strengths 75
Measurement of the position of an electron 57 68
Meitner and Hupfeld, excess scattering 159 203
Meson 181 217 229
Millikan see “Anderson”
Minkowski, line breadth 117
Moller, penetrating power of particles 218
Moller, retarded interaction 98
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