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Heitler W. — The Quantum Theory of Radiation |
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Momentum balance see “Conservation”
Momentum of a particle 12 46 82 85
Momentum of the field 5 13 60
Mott and Ellis and Massey, atomic collisions 83 102 218
Mott and Ellis and Taylor, internal conversion 127
Mott and Ellis, Bremsstrahlung 161 166
Mott and Ellis, internal conversion 127
Multiple processes 178
Natural line breadth see “Line breadth”
Neddermeyer see “Anderson”
Nedelski see “Oppenheimer”
Negative energy states 86 147 186 245
Nishina see “Klein”
Nishina, Tomonaga, and Tamaki, annihilation 212
Nishina, Tomonaga, Sakata, and Kobyasi, pair production 197 203
Nordheim see “Heitler”
Nordheim, pair production by particles 203
Occhialini see “Blackett”
Omission in the hole theory 191 194 245
Omission of diverging terms 241
Omission of self-energy 33 185 246
Oppenheimer see “Carlson”
Oppenheimer and Nedelski, internal conversion, I 204
Oppenheimer and Plesset, pair production 196
Oppenheimer, Bremsstrahlung 162
Oppenheimer, pair production by particles 03
Oppenheimer, self-energy 181
Oscillator radiation see “Radiation”
Oscillator strength 133
Oscillator, classical, absorption, emission, etc. 26 38 54 106 133 142
Pair annihilation see “Annihilation”
Pair production by -rays 158 189 194 214 232 258
Pair production by -rays, experiments 201 216
Pair production by -rays, numerical values 200 259
Pair production by particles 203
Pair production by two light quanta 192 204
Pauli see “Jordan” “Heisenberg”
Pauli, polarization of light quanta 62
Pauli, spin matrices 85
Peierls see “Landau”
Pemn, annihilation 212
Pemn, parr production 204
Penetrating power of -rays 213
Penetrating power of fast particles 217
Peng see “Born” “Hamilton” “Heitler”
Perturbation theory 87 245
Phase of light quanta 67 69 134
Phase of light quanta relations, scattering 134 144
Phase of light quanta shift in resonance fluorescence 38 145
photoelectric effect 119 158 202 214
Photoelectric effect, absorption edge 124
Photoelectric effect, angular distribution 123
Photoelectric effect, experiments 124
Photoelectric effect, L-shell 127 214
Photoelectric effect, numerical values 126
Planck's law 56 108
Planck, quantization of light waves 56
Plesset see “Oppenheimer”
Polarization of light waves and light quanta 42 62 258
Polarization of the radiation emitted, of scattered radiation, etc. see “Emission” “Scattering” etc.
Polarization of the vacuum 191 245
Positive electron 86 186 230; “Pair
Potentials 2 19;
Potentials, commutation relations 262
Poynting vector 5 26 60 63 263
Probability for energy loss 225 228;
Proper time 9
Quadripole moment 25 109
Quadripole radiation 25 62 109 127
Quantization of the field 19 53 58 261
Racah, Bremsstrahlung, pair production 172 197
Radiation oscillators 42 54 58 92 259
Radius of electron see “Electronic”
Radius of K-shell 83
Raman and Krishnan 133
Raman effect 133
Range of fast particles 223
Range of positive electrons 231
Reaction of the field 2 26 46 92 102 110 138 241
READ see “Lauritsen”
Resonance fluorescence 38 137
Rest energy 14 33 247
Retardation 24 31 92 110 128
Retarded interaction 53 98 245
Retarded potentials 3 19 102
rose see “Uhlenbeck”
Rosenfeld see “Bohr”
Rosenfeld and Solomon, zero point energy 60
Rosenfeld, line breadth 111
Rosenfeld, quantum electrodynamics 58 98
Rosenfeld, self-energy of electron, light quanta 181 185
Ross and Kirkpatrick, scattering of X-rays 137
Round-about transitions 244
Rumer see “Landau”
Sauter see “Heitler”
Sauter, continuous X-ray spectrum 161
Sauter, photoelectric effect 125
| Scalar potential 2 48
Scattering see “Dispersion”
Scattering by bound electrons 130 159
Scattering by free electrons 37 136 146 249
Scattering by oscillator 38
Scattering of light by light 193
Scattering of X-rays 135 159
Scherzer, continuous X-ray spectrum 162
Schutz, line breadth 117
Scott and Uhlenbeek, fluctuations in showers 240
Screening, Bremsstrahlung and pair production 167 197
Self-energy 32 54 66 76 241 246
Self-energy of light quanta 185 194
Self-energy, transverse 66 181 244
Self-force 29 110
Serber, cascade theory 234
Shape of line see “Line breadth”
Showers 161 177 181 217
Showers, cascade theory 229 232
Showers, cascade theory, numerical data 237
Simons and Zuber, positive electrons 201
Skobelzyn and Stepanowa, pair production 204
Snyder, cascade theory 234
Solomon see “Rosenfeld”
Solomon, annihilation 212
Sommerfeld, Compton effect of bound electrons 159
Sommerfeld, continuous X-ray spectrum 162 167
Spherical waves 62 127 258
Spontaneous emission 103 105 140 142
Spur 87 151 183
Statistics of light quanta 64
Stepanowa see “Skobelzyn”
Stobbe, photoelectric effect 124
Stopping power see Penetrating power” “Energy
Straggling 219 223 227
Stuckelberg, pair production by particles 203
Subtraction see “Omission”
Sugiura, continuous X-ray spectrum 162
Superposition, principle of 64 194
Tarrant see “Gray”
Tarrant, scattering of X-rays 159
Taxnm, Raman effect 133
Taxnm, Raman effect, Klein — Nishina formula 154
Taylor see “Mott” “Fisk”
Tension tensor 7 13
Test body 77
Thermal equilibrium of radiation 105 107 204
Thibaud, annihilation 208
Thibaud, annihilation, scattering of X-rays through small angles 57
Thomson formula 37 157 249
Transformation see “Lorentz”
Transformation theory and the hole theory 191
Transition probability 90 248
Transition probability for absorption 107 115 141
Transition probability for annihilation 208 230
Transition probability for emission 107 113 140
Transition probability for other processes see “Cross-section”
Transition probability of hydrogen lines 117
Transverse self-energy see “Self-energy”
Transverse waves 5 41 58 259
Uhlenbeck see “Fermi” “Scott”
Uhlenbeck and Rose, internal conversion 204
Uncertainty relation 57 69 113
Uncertainty relation for field strengths 72
Uncertainty relation for light quanta 67 134
Unsold shape of -line 117 119
Vector potential 2 19 41 59 65
Waller, dispersion 133
Waller, dispersion damping 249
Waller, dispersion self-energy 181
Wave equation 82 84
Wave equation for potentials 3
Wave functions for free electron 82 86
Wave functions for K-electron 83
Wave zone 22 63
Weingeroff, line breadth 117
Weisskopf and Wigner, line breadth 111
Weisskopf, resonance fluorescence 139
Weisskopf, resonance fluorescence positive electron 191
Weisskopf, resonance fluorescence self-energy 184
Weizsaecker — Wilhams method 174 263
Weizsaecker, v., uncertainty relation 69
Wentzel classical theory of electron 253
Wentzel, scattering of X-rays 137 159
Wheeler see “Breit”
Wiechert potentials 19
Wigner see “Weisskopf”
Williams, Bremsstrahlung 174; see “Weizsaecker — Wilhams method”
Williams, Bremsstrahlung excess scattering 203
Williams, Bremsstrahlung pair production by particles 203
Williams, Bremsstrahlung penetrating power 218
Wilson, energy loss of fast electrons 228
Wilson, theory of damping 249
X-rays scattering 135 159
X-rays, continuous spectrum 165
Zero point energy fluctuations of field 67 72 183
Zero point energy, momentum 60 61
Zuber see “Simons”
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