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Butcher J. — Numerical Methods for Ordinary Differential Equations |
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-stability 212—213
-equivalence 264
A-stability 71 212 221 244 252 255 310 326 336 340 348 382 395
Adams, J.C. xii 98 359
Alexander, R. 244
Algebraic analysis of order 389
AN-stability 228 235
Annihilation condition 401 403
Arithmetic-geometric mean 36
Axelsson, O. 222
B-series 263
B-stability 233
Barrier, Dahlquist first 335—337 339 364
Barrier, Dahlquist second 342
Barrier, Daniel — Moore 385
Barrier, Ehle 223 226 227
Barrier, explicit Runge — Kutta 258
Barton, D. 108
Bashforth, F. xii 8 359
BN-stability 233—235
Boundary locus 328 329
Brenan, K.E. xiii
Brouder, C. 263
Burrage, K. 118 241 249 357
Butcher — Chipman conjecture 386
Butcher, J.C. 86 116 118 149 175 181 222 223 241 244 249 254 260 263 284 341 357 364 366 386 393 394 400 405 410
Byrne, G.D. 115 364
Calvo, M.P. xiii
Campbell, S.L. xiii
Cash, J.R. 254
Cauchy — Schwarz inequality 52
Chartier, P. 405
Chipman, F.H. 249 386
Christoffel — Darboux formula 251
Coefficient tableau 87
Companion matrix 25
Compensated summation 75 76
Conjugacy 285
Consistency 100 102 301 304—306 308 310 369 373 374 380
Contraction mapping principle 23
Convergence 63 100 102 301 303 306 308 310 369 371 372 374 380
Convolution 30
Cooper, G.J. 179
Covariance 101 370
Curtis, A.R. 179
Curtiss, C.F. 98
Dahlquist, G. 98 230 231 304 336 342—344 346—348 363
Daniel, J.W. 385
DASSL xiii
Davis, P.J. 20
Density of tree 126
Derivative weight 142
Difference equation 31
Difference equation, Fibonacci 33
Difference equation, linear 31 37
Differential algebraic equation xii
Differential equation, autonomous 2 135
Differential equation, chemical kinetics 15
Differential equation, dissipative 11
Differential equation, Hamiltonian xiii 3
Differential equation, harmonic oscillator 17
Differential equation, initial value problem 2
Differential equation, Kepler 4 79 120
Differential equation, linear 25
Differential equation, Lotka — Volterra 18
Differential equation, many-body 7
Differential equation, method of lines 9
Differential equation, mildly stiff 54
Differential equation, Prothero and Robinson 246
Differential equation, restricted three-body 8
Differential equation, Robertson 16
Differential equation, simple pendulum 13
Differential equation, stiff 26 27 58 68 228 291 296 326 336
Differential equation, van der Pol 17
Differentiation 131
Dirichlet conditions 10
DJ-reducibility 230
Donelson, J. 364
Dormand, J.R. 181 194
Doubly companion matrix 405 410
E-polynomial 214 253
Effective order 256 285 348 405
Efficient extrapolation 282
Ehle conjecture see "Barrier Ehle"
Ehle, B.L. 222 223 228
Elementary differential 134 136 141
Elementary differential, independence 146
Elementary weight 140 142
Elementary weight, independence 149
Elliptic integral 36
Error, asymptotic formula 66
Error, constant 318
Error, estimation 72 181
Error, global truncation 61 152 153 248 317 374 379
Error, growth 319
Error, local estimation 85 184 374 393
Error, local truncation 55 60 65 66 72 105 151 153 181 292 308 317 319 377 401
Error, per step 293
Error, per unit step 293 294
Error, rounding 74
Euler, L. 45
Existence and uniqueness 23
Fehlberg, E. 181 191
Feng Kang xiii
finger 72 224
Forest 270
Forest product 270
FSAL property 194 360
G-stability 326 343 344 348
Gaussian quadrature 198 261
Gear, C.W. xii 116 302 350 352 364
Generalized order conditions 172
Generalized Pade approximation 384
Gibbons, A. 108
Gill — Moller algorithm 75 76
Gill, S. 75 86 167
Gragg, W.B. 116 364
Graph 123
Gustafsson, K. 295 296
Hairer, E. xii xiii 72 147 179 202 223 250 260 263 339 341
Hamiltonian 5
Hansen, E. 364
Henrici, P. 75 98
Heun, K. 86
Higham, N.J. 75
Hirschfelder, J.O. 98
Homomorphism 272
Hundsdorfer, W.H. 344
Huta, A. 86 149 175 177
Ideal 283
implementation 242
Internal order 169
Internal weight 142
Iserles, A. xiii 224
Jackiewicz, Z. 393 400
Jacobian matrix xii 28 243 254 296
Jeltsch, R. 230 231
Kahan, W. 75
Kirchgraber, U. 322
Kronecker product 358
Kutta, W. 86 164 174
L-stability 244 245 252 382
Labelled trees 131
Laguerre polynomial 250—252
Lambert, J.D. 304
Lambert, R.J. 115 364
Laplace transform 28
Legendre polynomials 198
| Leone, P. 241
Limit cycles 17
Lipschitz condition 23 59
Lobatto quadrature 179 205
Local extrapolation 181
Lotka, A.J. 18
Lubich, C. xiii 202
Lundh, M. 295
Matrix, convergent 39
Matrix, Jordan 40
Matrix, power bounded 39
Matrix, stable 39
Merson, R.H. 86 181 184
Method, Adams — Bashforth xii 98 102 104 302 315 329 362
Method, Adams — Moulton xii 84 98 102 104 314 362
Method, adjoint 202
Method, Almost Runge — Kutta 366 367 400
Method, backward difference 98 314 316
Method, collocation 236
Method, cyclic composite 364
Method, DESIRE 256 257
Method, diagonally implicit 244
Method, DIMSIM xii 367 394 395
Method, DIMSIM types 395
Method, DIRK 244 395
Method, Dormand and Prince 181 194
Method, Euler xi 45 59 72
Method, Euler convergence 62
Method, Euler order of 63
Method, Fehlberg 181 191
Method, Gauss 221 237 240 248
Method, general linear xii 83 117 357—413
Method, general linear order of 263
Method, generalized linear multistep 117
Method, Gill 167
Method, higher derivative 82 112
Method, Huta 149 175
Method, hybrid 115 364
Method, implicit 83
Method, implicit Euler 57 58
Method, implicit Runge — Kutta 94
Method, IRK stable 409
Method, Kutta 174
Method, leapfrog 322
Method, linear multistep xii 81 97 99 301—355 361
Method, linear multistep implementation 349
Method, linear multistep order of 312
Method, Lobatto IIIA 84 360
Method, Lobatto IIIC 221 240 248
Method, Merson 181 184
Method, mid-point rule 87
Method, modified multistep 116
Method, multiderivative 82
Method, multistage 82 357
Method, multistep 82
Method, multivalue 82 357
Method, Nordsieck 350 353
Method, Nystroem 98
Method, Obreshkov 82 385
Method, one-leg 343 344 347 363
Method, predictor-corrector xii 85 98 102 104 333 362
Method, pseudo Runge — Kutta 115 116 364 365
Method, Radau IA 221 240 248
Method, Radau IIA 221 237 240 248
Method, reflected 202
Method, Rosenbrock 83 113
Method, Runge — Kutta xi xii 79 86 105 123—299 302 360
Method, Runge — Kutta algebraic property 262
Method, Runge — Kutta class 263 268
Method, Runge — Kutta effective order of 287
Method, Runge — Kutta embedded 185
Method, Runge — Kutta equivalence class 263 268
Method, Runge — Kutta explicit 156
Method, Runge — Kutta generalized 275 391
Method, Runge — Kutta group 266
Method, Runge — Kutta identity 268
Method, Runge — Kutta implementation 290
Method, Runge — Kutta implicit 92 196 242
Method, Runge — Kutta inverse 268
Method, Runge — Kutta irreducible 264
Method, Runge — Kutta order of 147
Method, SDIRK 395
Method, singly-implicit 249 251 252
Method, starting 105 302 388
Method, Taylor series 82 107
Method, underlying one-step 320 321 392
Method, Verner 181 193
Method, weakly stable 322
Milne device 104
Milne, W.E. 98 105 322
Moir, N. 405
Moller, O. 75
Moore, R.E. 108 385
Moulton, F.R. xii 98
Munthe-Kaas, H.Z. xiii
Neumann conditions 10
Newton iteration 35 85 197 291 296
Nordsieck vector 409
Nordsieck, A. 350 359
Normal subgroup 283
Norsett, S.P. xiii 72 147 223 244 250 339 341
Nystroem, E.J. 86 98 174
Obreshkov, N. 82
One-sided Lipschitz condition 25 27
Optimal stepsize sequence 181 291
Order 312 387
Order arrow 225 226 341 386
Order barrier 258
Order condition 88 147
Order condition, scalar problems 148
Order star 72 223 224 339 386
Order web 226
P-equivalence 264
Pade approximation 112 215 227
Periodic orbit 18
Perturbing method 285
Petzold, L.R. xiii
PI control 295
Picard iteration 140
Picel, Z. 222
Powers of matrix 39
Preconsistency 100 304 369
Prince, P.J. 181 194
Prothero, A. 245
Quotient group 283
Rabinowitz, P. 20
Radau code xii
Radau quadrature 205
Reduced method 230
Relaxation factor 297
Richardson, L.F. 181
Riemann surfaces 339
Robertson, H.H. 16
Robinson, A. 245
Roche, M. xiii
Romberg, W. 182
Rooted tree 88—90 123
Rooted tree, order of 126
Rosenbrock, H.H. 83 113
Runge — Kutta group 269
Runge, C. 86
Safety factor 293
Sanz-Serna, J.M. xiii
Scherer, R. 202
Schur criterion 328 332
Shampine, L.F. 222
Sheikh, Q.M. 344
Similarity transformation 298
Simplifying assumption 157
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