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White H.E. — Introduction To Atomic Spectra |
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Probability-density distributions for electrons, Dirac theory of 140
Probability-density distributions for electrons, Schroedinger wave equation for 59 61
Prokofjew, W. 424
Proton, magnetic moment of 361
Quantum for calcium 180
Quantum for rubidium 112
Quantum in anomalous series 388
Quantum in isoelectronic sequences 337
quantum mechanics 54
Quantum numbers 26
Quantum numbers, azimuthal 43
Quantum numbers, inner 117
Quantum numbers, magnetic 52 158
Quantum numbers, radial 43
Quantum numbers, Stark effect 402
Quantum numbers, total 26 45
Quantum of energy states 23
Quantum theory, introduction to 23
Quantum, defect 89 108 109
Quartets, Moseley diagram for 344
Quartets, photographs of 345
Quintets, Moseley diagram for 344
Quintets, photographs of 346
Rabi, I.I. 361 373
Racah, G. 362 383
Radial factor, probability density 64
Radial quantum number 43
Radium 83
Radon 83
Ramb, R. 393
Ramberg, E.G. 327
Ramsauer, G. 413
Reduced mass of the electron 34
Reduced terms, x-rays 316 321
Regular doublet law 318 338
Regular doublets, x-rays 316
Relative intensities 205
Relative intensities for jj-coupling 207 439—441
Relative intensities for LS-coupling 206 439—441
Relative intensities for multiplets 207 439—441
Relative intensities for related multiplets 208
Relative intensities, formulas for 206
Relative intensities, tables of 439—441
Relativity, doublet correction for 133 135 136
Relativity, doublet correction for, x-rays 315 316
Relativity, orbital precession due to 133
Residual, Rydberg denominator 19
Resonance lines, definition 6
Rhenium 83
Rhenium, nuclear moment of 372
Rhodium 83 248
Rhodium, nuclear moment of 372
Richtmyer, F.K. 303 324 325
Richtmyer, R.D. 324
Ritas combination principle 15
Ritschl, R. 357
Ritz series formula 16 18
Roentgen 299
Roentgen, rays, discovery of 299
Rosenthal, J.E. 383
Rowland, H.A., map of solar spectrum 3
Ruark, A.E. 70 133 403
Rubidium 83
Rubidium, doublet fine structure 116
Rubidium, electron-density distribution for 100 101
Rubidium, energy level diagram for 87
Rubidium, nuclear moment of 372
Rumpf, atom 184
Runge, C. 153
Runge, denominator for Zeeman effect 153
Runge, law 9 10
Running terms, defined 13
Russell — Saunders coupling 186
Russell, H.N. 11 179 185 205 235 265 267 296 353 387 397
Ruthenium 83
Rutherford, L.M. 25
Rydberg — Schuster law 8 10 171
Rydberg, constant 7 28
Rydberg, constant, variation with mass 35
Rydberg, denominator 18 89
Rydberg, J.R. 5 9
Rydberg, series formula 7
Sadler, C.A. 301
Samarium 83
Sambursky, S. 119 120
Satellites in optical spectra 11
Satellites in optical spectra, photographs of 174
Satellites in x-ray spectra 324
Satellites in x-ray spectra, Moseley diagram for 325
Satellites in x-ray spectra, photographs of 303 305
Saunders, F.A. 179 185 397
Scandium 82 250 262 332 340 345
Scandium, energy level diagram 263
Scandium, ionized atom 188
Scandium, ionized atom, energy level diagram of 263
Scandium, multiplets in 262
Schlapp, R. 401 406
Schroedinger, E. 106 138 401
Schroedinger, wave equation 54
Schroedinger, wave equation, solution of 56
Schuler, H. 383 398
Schuster, A. 3 9
Schuster, Rydberg — Schuster law 8 10 171
Schutz, W. 430
Schwartzchild, K. 401 408
Screening constants, x-rays 317 318
Screening doublets, x-rays 316 319
Screening effect, external 314
Screening effect, internal 314
Screening effect, x-rays 314
Second-order Stark effect 402
Selection principle 90
Selection rules for Back — Goudsmit effect 378
Selection rules for complete Paschen — Back effect 235
Selection rules for doublets 117
Selection rules for hyperfine structure 356
Selection rules for hyperfine structure, Zeeman effect of 375
Selection rules for jj-coupling 203
Selection rules for LS-coupling 203
Selection rules for Paschen — Back effect 168
Selection rules for Paschen — Back effect, jj-coupling 230
Selection rules for Paschen — Back effect, LS-coupling 227
Selection rules for Stark effect, complex spectra 417
Selection rules for Stark effect, strong field 409
Selection rules for Stark effect, weak field 407
Selection rules for triplets 176
Selection rules for x-rays 301 324
Selection rules for Zeeman effect 219
Selection rules for Zeeman effect, complex spectra 289
Selenium 83
Self-consistent field 100
Self-reversal of spectrum lines, photographs 250
Series, anomalous 386
Series, formula for 89
Series, formula for, for ionized atoms 98
Series, limits in two-electron systems 200
Series, limits, germanium 199
Series, limits, negative 181
Series, notation 10
Series, perturbations 386
Shane, C.D. 137
Sharp series, discovery of 6
Sharp triplets, photographs of 174
Shells, Electron 79 85
Shenstone, A.G. 11 394 395
Shortley, G.H. 280
Siegbahn, M. 299 301 306 329 330
Silicon 81 82
Silicon, fine structure 200
Silver 83 306 307
| Singlets, irregular doublet law for 342
Singlets, series of 171
Slater, J.C. 70 110 209 281 390
Snyder, C.P. 248
Sodium 81 82
Sodium, critical potentials 94
Sodium, dispersion electrons for 424
Sodium, doublet fine structure of 116
Sodium, effective quantum numbers for 90
Sodium, energy level diagram for 77 87
Sodium, nonpenetrating orbits for 103
Sodium, nuclear moment of 372
Sodium, penetrating orbits for 103
Sodium, principal series of 117
Sodium, probability-density distribution for 101
Sodium, series relations in 10
Sodium, series relations in, discovery of 4
Sodium, term values of 88
Sodium, Zeeman effect of 152
Sommerfeld, A. 42 106 147 205 249 315 321 322 404
Sommerfeld, elliptic orbits 42 132 138
Space quantization 48
Space quantization, Paschen — Back effect 163
Space quantization, Zeeman effect 159
Spark lines, defined 21
Spark lines, photographs of 349
Spectral terms, derivation of 187 196 236 238 296
Spectral terms, notation 185 196 204 308 356
Spedding, F.H. 132 137
Spherical symmetry 75
Spherical symmetry, electron distribution for 142
Spin-relativity doublets, x-rays 315 316
Spin-spin coupling 186
Spinning electron 114 121 124 127 129 139
Spinning electron, magnetic moment of 124
Ss-coupling 252
Stark effect 401
Stark effect, complex spectra 412
Stark effect, energy levels for, in helium 414
Stark effect, energy levels for, in strong field 409
Stark effect, first-order, defined 402
Stark effect, forbidden lines 412
Stark effect, helium 414
Stark effect, hydrogen 407
Stark effect, line breadths, due to 418 434
Stark effect, orbital model for 403
Stark effect, photographs of, in helium 417
Stark effect, photographs of, in hydrogen 431
Stark effect, second-order, defined 402
Stark effect, selection rules for 407 417
Stark effect, vector model for 407
Stark effect, weak field for 404
Stark effect, weak field for, energy levels for hydrogen 406
Stark, J. 401 414
Stenstroem, W. 324
Stern, O. 51 361 373
Stoner, E.C. 80
Stoney, G.J. 3
Strong-field Zeeman effect 162
Strontium 83 176
Strontium, ionized, energy level diagram 98
Strontium, nuclear moment of 372
Strontium, photographs of triplets 174
Subordinate series 6
Subshells of electrons 80 85
Sulphur 81
Sum rules for factors 244 245
Sum rules for g factors 222 241 242
Sum rules for line intensities 205—207
Sum rules for Zeeman effect 220 222 241 242
Takamine, T. 410
Tantalum 83
Tantalum, hyperfine structure 353
Tantalum, nuclear moment of 372
Tate, J.T. 94
Tellurium 83 307
Temarium 83
Temperature, correction for intensities 206
Temperature, effect on spectrum lines 419
Terbium 83
Terbium, nuclear moment of 372
Terms, defined 13 78
Terms, derivation of 186 187 196 292 296
Terms, perturbations of 387 391 392
Terms, perturbations of, hyperfine structure 398
Terms, quantum defect for 89 108 112 180 337 388
Thallium 83
Thallium, doublet fine structure in 115
Thallium, energy level diagram for 115
Thallium, hyperfine structure in 367
Thallium, hyperfine structure in, observed 362
Thallium, nuclear moment of 372
Thibaud, J. 301
Thiele, J. 424
Thomas, L.H. 102 126
Thorium 83
Tin 83 307
Tin, fine structure of 198 200
Tin, nuclear moment of 372
Titanium 82 260 267 332 340 345 346
Total quantum number, defined 26 45
Transitions between energy levels 33 90
Transitions between orbits 29
Transitions for fine structure 77
Triad, great calcium triad 180 181 201
Triad, multiplet 180
Triplet fine structure 11 173 175
Triplet fine structure, defined 11
Triplet fine structure, irregular doublet law for 342 343
Triplet fine structure, Moseley diagram for 344
Triplet fine structure, multiplets 189 250
Triplet fine structure, photographs of 174 250 340
Triplet fine structure, selection rules for 176
Triplet fine structure, series 171
Trumpy, B. 424
Tungsten 83
Tungsten, isotope structure 353 382
Tungsten, nuclear moments of 372
Turner, L.A. 11
Two-electron systems 184
Two-electron systems, factors for 191
Two-electron systems, sum rule for 244
Two-electron systems, branching rule for 202
Two-electron systems, complete Paschen — Back effect for 231
Two-electron systems, coupling schemes for 189
Two-electron systems, derivation of terms for 187
Two-electron systems, even terms for 187 204
Two-electron systems, fine structure for 193 201
Two-electron systems, g factors for 216 217
Two-electron systems, g sum rule for 222 241
Two-electron systems, Hund's rule for 194
Two-electron systems, intensity rules for 206
Two-electron systems, jj-coupling for 191 196 200
Two-electron systems, Lande interval rule for 194
Two-electron systems, ll-coupling for 185
Two-electron systems, LS-coupling for 186 191 200
Two-electron systems, odd terms for 187 204
Two-electron systems, Paschen — Back effect for 223
Two-electron systems, Pauli exclusion principle for 188 236
Two-electron systems, quantum mechanical model of 211
Two-electron systems, quantum numbers for 184 185 187 218
Two-electron systems, Russell — Saunders coupling for 186
Two-electron systems, spin-spin coupling for 186
Two-electron systems, terms arising from 187 188 254
Uhlenbeck, G.E. 121
Unquantized states 33
Unsold, A. 75 138
Uranium 83
Urey, H.C. 37 70 121 133 403
Van der Tuuk, J.H. 324
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