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White H.E. — Introduction To Atomic Spectra
White H.E. — Introduction To Atomic Spectra

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Название: Introduction To Atomic Spectra

Автор: White H.E.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1934

Количество страниц: 457

Добавлена в каталог: 06.09.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Kronig, R.de L.      205 208 329
Kruger, P.G.      32
Krypton      83 274
Krypton, fine structure of      277
Krypton, nuclear moment of      372
L-radiation defined      301
L-series, x-rays, Moseley law for      305
L-series, x-rays, photographs of lines      303
L-series, x-rays, wave-lengths      304
Ladenburg, R.      413 424 427
Laguerre polynomials, derivatives of      67
Lande, $\Gamma$ permanence rule      242
Lande, A.      73 184 331
Lande, g factor      154 156 286
Lande, g factor, complex spectra      286
Lande, g factor, formula for      157 210
Lande, g factor, strong field      240—242
Lande, g factor, tables of      158 442
Lande, g factor, very strong field      241 242
Lande, g factor, weak field      240—242
Lande, g factor, Zeeman effect      157 216 286
Lande, interval rule      194 246
Lande, interval rule in complex spectra      255
Lande, interval rule in hyperfine structure      354
Lande, interval rule, graphical representation      195 255
Lande, interval rule, vector model for      185 195 256
Lang, R.J.      267 350
Langer, R.M.      327 388
Lanthanum      83
Lanthanum, hyperfine structure of      370
Lanthanum, nuclear moment of      372
Laporte, O.      280 350
Larmor precession      52 125
Larmor precession in the Zeeman effect      157
Larmour theorem      51 157
Larsson, A.      300
Laue, M.      299
Laue, pattern      300
Lead      83
Lead, fine structure of      200
Lead, nuclear moment of      372
Lead, Zeeman effect of      223
Legendre polynomials      61
Lenard      92
Lewis, G.N.      132 137
Lindsey, G.      329
Line breadths, causes for      418
Linnik, W.      301
Lithium      80—82
Lithium, doublet fine structure      116
Lithium, doubly ionized      29
Lithium, doubly ionized, term values for      134
Lithium, effective quantum number for      89
Lithium, energy level diagram for      77 87
Lithium, nuclear moments of      372
Lithium, probability-density distributions for      101 110 111
Lithium, singly ionized, energy level diagram for      209
Lithium, term values for      88
Lithium-like atoms      339
Liveing, G.      4
ll-coupling      185
Lo Surdo, A.      401
London, F.      424
Lorentz, classical treatment of Zeeman effect      152
Lorentz, H.A.      152 428
Lorentz, unit for Zeeman effect      158
Loring, R.A.      223
LS-coupling      186 190
LS-coupling to jj-coupling      279 281 283 284
LS-coupling, $\Gamma$ factors      190 191 246
LS-coupling, $\Gamma$ permanence rule for      243
LS-coupling, $\Gamma$ sum rule for      244 245
LS-coupling, g factors for      157 216 240 241 287
LS-coupling, g permanence rule      239 240
LS-coupling, g sum rule for      241
LS-coupling, intensities for      206
LS-coupling, interaction energy for      191
LS-coupling, Paschen — Back effect for      224
LS-coupling, selection rules for      203
LS-coupling, sum rules for intensities      206
LS-coupling, vector model for      191
LS-coupling, Zeeman effect for      286
Lutecium      83
Lutecium, nuclear moment of      372
Lyman, T., series in helium, He II      31 32
Lyman, T., series in hydrogen      14 30 33
M-series x-ray lines, photographs of      305
Mack, J.E.      350
MacMillan      353
Magnesium      81 82 176
Magnesium, energy level diagram for      179
Magnesium, ionized, energy level diagram for      98
Magnesium, photographs of triplets in      174
Magnetic energy for Zeeman effect      157 217
Magnetic moment of atoms with one valence electron      155
Magnetic moment of atoms with two valence electrons      215
Magnetic moment of atoms with two valence electrons, jj-coupling      217
Magnetic moment of atoms with two valence electrons, LS-coupling      216
Magnetic moment of nucleus      359
Magnetic moment of orbital electron      52 155
Magnetic moment of proton      361
Magnetic moment of spinning electron      155
magnetic quantum number      158 218
Magnetic quantum number, complex spectra      292
Magnusson, T.      301
Manganese      82 250 270
Manganese, energy level diagram for      271
Manganese, fine structure in      271 273
Manganese, multiplets in      272
Manganese, nuclear moment of      372
Margenau, H.      432
Mark, H.      410
Masaki, O.      393
Masurium      83
McLay, A.B.      363 368
McLennan, J.C.      363 368
Mechanical moment, defined      52
Meggers, W.F.      285 353 364
Meissner, K.W.      393
Mercury      83 176
Mercury, energy level diagram      179
Mercury, hyperfine structure      384
Mercury, hyperfine structure, term perturbations in      399
Mercury, isotope structure in      384
Mercury, nuclear moments of      372
Metastable state      96
Meyer, H.T.      313
Michelson, A.      132 428
Minkowski, R.      401 426
Modified Moseley diagram      335
Modified Moseley diagram for isoelectronic sequence      341 344 348
Moller, F.L.      93
Molybdenum      83
More, K.      353 382
Morse, P.M.      72 211 217
Moseley, diagram for a single atom      348
Moseley, diagram, isoelectronic sequence      333 341 344 348
Moseley, diagram, modified      335
Moseley, diagram, x-rays      311 321
Moseley, diagram, x-rays, K-series      302
Moseley, diagram, x-rays, L-series      305
Moseley, diagram, x-rays, satellites      325
Moseley, H.G.J.      302
Multiplets in calcium      181
Multiplets in manganese      272 273
Multiplets in titanium      269
Multiplets, defined      179
Multiplets, photographs of      250 340 345 346
Multiplets, x-ray structure      323
Murphy, G.M.      37
Natural breadths      420
Natural breadths of energy levels      423
Natural breadths of spectrum lines      425—427
Natural breadths, formulas for      422
Natural breadths, observed in copper      427
Nebular lines      266
Neodymium      83
Neon      81 82 274
Neon, fine structure of      277
Neon, series in      18
Nickel      82 250
Nitrogen      81 82 259
Nitrogen, energy level diagram for      260
Nitrogen, fine structure in      260
Nitrogen, multiplets in      262
Nitrogen, nuclear moment of      372
Nonpenetrating orbits      100 103 105
Normal doublets      123
Normal states, of atoms      277
Normal Zeeman triplet      151 152 219
Notation, electron orbit      48
Notation, electron orbit for hyperfine structure terms in jj-coupling      356
Notation, electron orbit for hyperfine structure terms in LS-coupling      356
Notation, jj-coupling      196
Notation, LS-coupling      185
Notation, odd and even terms      204
Notation, series      10 13
Notation, two-electron systems      185
Notation, x-rays      308
Nuclear g factors      361 363
Nuclear g factors, calculation of      371
Nuclear g factors, table of      372
Nuclear magneton defined      359
Nuclear moments, table of      372
Nuclear spin      353 361 363 365
Odd terms, defined      187 204
Optical cross-section of atoms      430
Optical doublets      332
Optical doublets, irregular doublet law      337
Optical doublets, regular doublet law      338
Ornstein, L.S.      119 160 220
Orthohelium      209
Osgood, T.H.      301
Osmium      83
Oxygen      81 82 266
Palladium      83
Parhelium      209
Paschen — Back effect, complete      231—235
Paschen — Back effect, complex spectra      290
Paschen — Back effect, hydrogen      168
Paschen — Back effect, hyperfine structure      376
Paschen — Back effect, interaction energy for      225
Paschen — Back effect, jj-coupling      223 228
Paschen — Back effect, LS-coupling      223 224
Paschen — Back effect, magnetic energy for      164
Paschen — Back effect, normal triplet      168
Paschen — Back effect, one electron      162
Paschen — Back effect, pattern for jj-couplmg      227
Paschen — Back effect, pattern, for LS-coupling      227
Paschen — Back effect, photograph of      169
Paschen — Back effect, principal series doublet      165
Paschen — Back effect, selection rules for      168 227
Paschen — Back effect, vector model for      163
Paschen, F.      11 13 18 31 132 139 153 163 169 227 267 331
Pauli, exclusion principle      188 236 293
Pauli, g permanence rule      239
Pauli, g sum rule      222 241
Pauli, W.      124 222 231 239 353
Pauling, L.      102 106 109 231 318 322 330 358
Penetrating electron orbits      100 103 104 178 339
Pentad of multiplets      189
Perihelion of electron orbit      44
Periodic table      79 81—83 86
Perturbations in copper      391
Perturbations of energy levels      387
Perturbations of terms      386
Perturbations, conditions for      390
Perturbations, nature of      390
Pfund series in hydrogen      14 30 33
Phase integral      24 27 43 49 50
Phase space diagram      24 27 45
Phosphorus      81 82 259
Phosphorus, nuclear moment of      372
Photographs of absorption spectra      17
Photographs of anomalous Zeeman effect      152 291
Photographs of Back — Goudsmit effect      381
Photographs of Balmer series of hydrogen      531
Photographs of complex spectra      250
Photographs of Doppler effect      419
Photographs of flash spectrum of sun      5
Photographs of hydrogen fine structure      132 137
Photographs of hyperfine structure      352 353
Photographs of interference of x-rays      301
Photographs of isoelectronic sequences      332 340 345 346
Photographs of isotope structure      353
Photographs of Laue pattern      300
Photographs of Lyman series of hydrogen      32 37
Photographs of manganese multiplets      273
Photographs of multiplets      250
Photographs of octet multiplet      250
Photographs of Paschen — Back effect      169
Photographs of principal doublets      332
Photographs of principal series of sodium      17
Photographs of probability-density distribution for hydrogen      71 146
Photographs of quartet multiplets      250
Photographs of quintet multiplets      250
Photographs of septet multiplets      250
Photographs of sextet multiplets      250 273
Photographs of solar spectrum      3
Photographs of Stark effect      411 417
Photographs of stellar spectrum of hydrogen      5
Photographs of triplet multiplets      174 180 250
Photographs of vanadium spectrum      349
Photographs of x-rays      300 301 303 305
Photographs of x-rays, absorption edges      306 307
Photographs of x-rays, diffraction      300 301
Photographs of x-rays, interference      301
Photographs of x-rays, L-series lines      303
Photographs of x-rays, M-series lines      305
Photographs of x-rays, satellites      303 305
Photographs of Zeeman effect      152 291
Pickering series      20 35
Planck, constant h      23 24
Planck, constant h, harmonic oscillator      23
Planck, constant h, quantum theory      23 24
Platinum      83
Polarization of atom core      105 106
Polarization of spectrum lines, Zeeman effect      151 160 219
Polonium      83
Potassium      82 250 332
Potassium, doublet fine structure      116
Potassium, energy level diagram of      87
Potassium, probability-density distribution for      101
Potassium, series in      4
Potassium-like atoms      336
Potential curves, for atoms in collision      432
Praseodymium      83
Praseodymium, nuclear moment of      372
Precession, orbital      104 133
Pressure broadening of spectrum lines      431—433
Pressure shift of spectrum lines      431—433
Preston's law      151
Principal series for alkali metals      116
Principal series, anomalous      391
Principal series, discovery      6
Principal series, Paschen — Back effect      167
Principal series, triplet      175
Principal series, Zeeman effect of      160
Probability-density distributions for electrons in helium      212
Probability-density distributions for electrons in hydrogen      59 61 140
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