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Taflove A. — Computational Electrodynamics The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method |
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Abouzahra, M. 391 470 582
Absorbing boundary conditions 5 6 8 12 145
Absorbing boundary conditions, Bayliss — Turkel 147
Absorbing boundary conditions, Berenger 181 417
Absorbing boundary conditions, Engquist — Majda 153
Absorbing boundary conditions, Higdon 171
Absorbing boundary conditions, Liao 174
Absorbing boundary conditions, Mei — Fang superabsorption 178
Absorbing boundary conditions, Mur 158 190
Absorbing boundary conditions, numerical stability 90 172 177
Absorbing boundary conditions, Trefethen — Halpern 160
Absorbing boundary conditions, waveguides 195
Active impedance, phased array antenna 503
Adamson 340
Agrawal, G.P. 277
Aharonian, G. 429
Aircraft, entire military fighter model 17 516
Aitchison, J.S. 277
Akaike information criterion 448
Al-Khafaji, A.W. 200
Algorithms, software 9 545
Algorithms, software, benchmarks, Cray T3D 579
Algorithms, software, benchmarks, Intel Delta 558
Algorithms, software, Cray T3D parallel-processing software 570
Algorithms, software, fixed speed-up 553
Algorithms, software, Greedy algorithm 566
Algorithms, software, multiprocessor computers 551
Algorithms, software, parallel FD-TD algorithm 555
Algorithms, software, parallel nonorthogonal FD-TD algorithm 560
Algorithms, software, parallel planar generalized Yee algorithm 561
Algorithms, software, parallelism 551
Algorithms, software, RIP algorithm 565
Algorithms, software, RISC processors 546
Algorithms, software, scaled speed-up 554
Algorithms, software, spatial decomposition 564
Algorithms, software, vector processors 546
Ali, S.M. 391 470 582
Amdahl, G.M. 553 582
American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 544
Ampere's Law, differential form 52
Ampere's Law, integral form 52 72 345
Andersen, J.B. 544
Angelakos, D.J. 391
Antennas 475
Antennas, active impedance, phased array 503
Antennas, characteristics 477
Antennas, fields and radiation patterns 477
Antennas, impedance 479
Antennas, linear superposition 506
Antennas, monopole over ground plane 480
Antennas, motivation for using FD-TD 479
Antennas, Vivaldi phased array 498
Antennas, Vivaldi quad element 498
Antennas, Vivaldi slotline antenna 491
Antennas, Vivaldi, double flare 496
Antennas, Vivaldi, planar element 493
Antennas, waveguide and horn antennas 487
Autoregressive models 447
Auxiliary differential equation method 246
Auxiliary differential equation method, comparison with recursive convolution 254
Auxiliary differential equation method, Lorentz gain materials (lasing media) 270
Auxiliary differential equation method, multiple Lorentzian relaxations 251
Auxiliary differential equation method, nonlinear Lorentz materials 257
Auxiliary differential equation method, results for spatial solitons 266
Auxiliary differential equation method, results for temporal solitons 263
Auxiliary differential equation method, single relaxation dispersion 246
Average properties model for material surfaces 285
Balanis, C.A. 5 32 214 225 390 507 510
Barber, G.C. 510
Barnard, S. 545 583
Baron, J. 33 142 471 509
Bayliss — Turkel operators 147
Bayliss — Turkel operators, cylindrical coordinates 151
Bayliss — Turkel operators, spherical coordinates 148
Bayliss, A. 147 149—151 153 181 188 198 201
Becker, W.D. 471
Beggs, J.H. 320 324 325 326 340 509
Beker, B. 31 79 338 340 542
Benner, R.E. 582
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, boundary condition 181
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, results of numerical experiments 190
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, theory, three-dimensional case 189
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, theory, two-dimensional TE case 182
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, theory, two-dimensional TM case 188
Berenger perfectly-matched layer absorbing, waveguide applications 196
Berenger, J.-P. 6 8 32 78 91 147 181 182 186 187 188 195 196 198 200 202 279 417 429 489 558
Bi, Z.-Q. 201 510
Biological tissue structure interactions 529
Biological tissue structure interactions, human eye 530
Biological tissue structure interactions, human thigh 18 535
Biological tissue structure interactions, hyperthermia, patient-specific models 530
Biological tissue structure interactions, retinal rod 19 535
Blake, R.J. 583
Blaschak, J.G. 31 200
Bleehan, N.M. 543
Blow, K. 277
Body of revolution algorithm 397
Body of revolution algorithm, field expansion 398
Body of revolution algorithm, numerical stability 417
Body of revolution algorithm, off-axis cells, difference equations 398
Body of revolution algorithm, on-axis cells, difference equations 412
Body of revolution algorithm, particle accelerator beampipe, examples 426
Body of revolution algorithm, PML absorbing boundary condition 417
Body of revolution algorithm, surface-conforming patches 410
Body of revolution algorithm, wake potential 424
Boerman, C.R. 509
Borup, D.T. 542 544
Brillouin, L. 249 277
Britt, C.L. 429
Brodwin, M.E. 5 30 92 531 532 533 542
Brooks, J.P. 30 581
Burg algorithm 450
Cable, V.P. 391
Calalo, R. 581
Cangellaris, A.C. 5 31 341 390 391 392 473
Cap, C.H. 581
Capacitor, FD-TD model 459
Carnahan, B. 92 200
Carter, R. 392
Chamberlin, K.A. 509
Chang, A.H. 341
Chang, C.L. 429
Chao, A.W. 429
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations 6
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, classes of FD-TD and FV-TD algorithms 7
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, defense applications 11
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, dual-use applications 14
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, future prospects 29
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, predictive dynamic range 8
Characteristics of space-grid time-domain methods for solving Maxwell's equations, scaling to very large problem sizes 9
Chebolu, S. 471
Chen, C.-C. 542
Chen, C.-T. 542
Chen, J. 341 449 452 471 543 544
Chen, K.M. 542
Chen, S.-Y. 542
Chernin, D. 429
Cherry, P.C. 543
Chin, Y.H. 429
Choi, D.H. 5 31 472
Christensen, D.A. 32 142 472
Chu, P.L. 278
Chuang, H.R. 544
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD 456
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, capacitor 459
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, diode 461
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, inductor 460
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, resistive voltage source 459
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, resistor 458
Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, SPICE linkage 465
| Circuit elements, modeling using FD-TD, transistor, bipolar junction 463
Circuit parameters 432
Clayton, R.W. 471
Computed tomography image analysis tools 534
Contour-path FD-TD modeling, basis 282
Cooper, J. 340
Costen, R.C. 340
Covariance method 447
Covariant and contra variant vector components 355
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software 570
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software, benchmarks 578—580
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software, largest possible problem 581
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software, program design issues 572
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software, programming models 570
Cray T3D parallel-processing FD-TD software, single-processor optimization 576
Cray T3D programming models 570
Cray T3D programming models, CRAFT 570
Cray T3D programming models, PVM 571
Cray T3D programming models, SHMEM 571
Curved surface models, conformal subcell 292
Cwik, T. 33 581 582
Davidson, D.B. 429
De Zutter, D. 341
DeFord, J.F. 429 542
Demarest, K.R. 341
Desem, C. 278
Diagonal split-cell model for PEC surfaces 283
Dib, N.I. 471
Differential capacitance 434
Differential inductance 435
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation 442
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, autoregressive models 447
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, covariance method 447
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, forward-backward method 448
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, nonlinear predictor 451
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, Prony's method 443
Digital signal processing and spectrum estimation, system identification 453
Dimbylow, P.J. 544
Discrete Fourier Transform 210
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials 5 227
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, auxiliary differential equation method 246 257 270
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, Debye relaxation 230 248
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, gyrotropic case 237
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, lasing (gain) media 270
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, Lorentzian resonance 230 248 251
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, nonlinear dispersive media 257
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, plasma, unmagnetized 230
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, precursors 249
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, recursive convolution method 228 237
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, scattered-field formulation 233
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, solitons, spatial 24 266
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, solitons, temporal 23 263
Dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials, total-field formulation 228
Douglas, Jr., J. 92
Dowling, J.E. 542
Drobot, A. 429
Dubard, J.L. 471
Dumey, C.H. 32 142 472
Effing, U. 582
El-Ghazaly, S.M. 5 32 472
Electronic circuits, high-speed 431
Electronic circuits, high-speed, basic circuit parameters 432
Electronic circuits, high-speed, differential capacitance 434
Electronic circuits, high-speed, differential inductance 435
Electronic circuits, high-speed, digital signal processing and spectrum estimation 442
Electronic circuits, high-speed, Gysel microwave power divider, FD-TD modeling results 22 386
Electronic circuits, high-speed, IBM thermal conduction module, FD-TD modeling results 387
Electronic circuits, high-speed, impedance 433
Electronic circuits, high-speed, inductance due to a discontinuity 437
Electronic circuits, high-speed, lumped-circuit elements 456
Electronic circuits, high-speed, multilayered digital interconnect module, FD-TD modeling results 20 21 440
Electronic circuits, high-speed, parallel coplanar microstrips 439
Electronic circuits, high-speed, S-parameters 434
Electronic circuits, high-speed, SPICE linkage 466
Electronic circuits, high-speed, transmission line parameters 432
Electronic circuits, high-speed, Wilkinson microwave power divider, FD-TD modeling results 383
Engquist — Majda one-way wave equations 153
Engquist, B. 91 153 154 161 172 174 180 181 187 188 190 200—202 557
Equivalence theorem, surface 213
Equivalent circuit 438
Exponential time-stepping 77 187
Extended FD-TD formulation 457
Fang, J. 31 178 179 180 181 188 200 202 341 470 473
Faraday's Law, differential form 51
Faraday's Law, integral form 51 72 345
Farhat, C. 567 568 583
Fein, A. 543
Feit, M. 277
Fenn, A.J. 509
Ferraro, R.D. 33 582
Feynmann, R. 1
Finite differences, definition 36
Finite differences, Maxwell's equations, application 63
Finite differences, scalar wave equation, application 38
Finite differences, Yee notation 61
Finite-difference time-domain method, classes of algorithms 7
Finite-difference time-domain method, dynamic range, predictive 8 12
Finite-difference time-domain method, general characteristics 6
Finite-difference time-domain method, history 4
Finite-difference time-domain method, scaling 9
Fisher, R. 429 543
Fixed and scaled speed-ups for parallel algorithms 553 554
Fleck, Jr., J.W. 277
Forsythe, G.E. 92
Forward-backward method 448
Foty, D.P. 277
Fraschilla, J. 509
Friedlander, F.G. 198
Fukai, I. 5 31 274 277 392 472
Fusco, M. 362 392
Gamelin, J. 582
Gandhi, O.P. 31 509 542 543 544
Gauss's Law, differential form 52
Gedney, S. 6 33 343 368 377 383—387 392 545 547—549 581 582
Geppert, L. 582
Ghosh, K.K. 30 581
Gibson, P.J. 508
Gilbert, J. 543
Ginzburg, V.L. 278
Givoli, D. 172 200
Glisson, A.W. 30 542
Goodwin, G.C. 472
Goorjian, P.M. 5 32 33 264 265 277
Gordon, L. 392
Govind, S. 541
Green's functions in two dimensions 225
Green's theorem 147 205
Gribbons, M. 392
Grondin, R.O. 32 472
Guerrieri, R. 582
Gunzburger, M. 198
Gustafson, J.L. 582
Gustafsson, B. 92
Gysel microwave power divider modeling example 22 386
Haggan, V. 472
Hagmann, M.J. 542
Hagness, S.C. 6 32 33 270 275—278 543
Half-space (lossy dielectric) modeling example 316
Hall, W.F. 31 391
Halpem, L. 160 161 167 172—174 176 181 188 190 200 557
Han, L.-T. 341
Harfoush, F. 31 79 331 337—339 340 429 542
Harms, P. 391 471
Harrigan, E. 30 33 472 581
Harrington, R.F. 30
Hasegawa, A. 277
Hawkins, R.J. 278
Hein, S. 392
Heinrich, W. 473
Higdon operator 171
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