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Taflove A. — Computational Electrodynamics The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method |
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Riley, D.J. 341 543
Rittweger, M. 582
Rodohan, D.P. 582
Rodriguez, J. 582
Roselli, L. 473
Rozzie, T. 201
Rubin, B.J. 392
Rudolph, T. 581
S parameters 434
Saewert, G.W. 397 429
Sano, E. 5 32 473
Sathiaseelan, V. 33 507 542
Saunders, S.R. 582
Scalar wave equation 35
Scalar wave equation, derivation of finite differences 36
Scalar wave equation, dispersion relations 40
Scalar wave equation, finite-difference approximation 38
Scalar wave equation, magic time step 38
Scalar wave equation, numerical dispersion 41
Scalar wave equation, numerical group velocity 45
Scalar wave equation, numerical phase velocity 42
Scalar wave equation, numerical stability 46
Scalar wave equation, propagating wave solutions 35
Scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm 135
Scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, application to lossy dielectric structures 136
Scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, application to PEC structures 135
Scattering and radar cross section, examples 512
Scattering and radar cross section, examples, aircraft, entire military fighter 17 516
Scattering and radar cross section, examples, cube, PEC 512
Scattering and radar cross section, examples, double sphere, PEC 301 515
Scattering and radar cross section, examples, T-shape, PEC 514
Scattering and radar cross section, examples, winglike object, PEC 299 515
Schaubert, D.H. 509 542
Schelkunoff equivalence principle, FD-TD hybrid models using 522
Schelkunoff, S.A. 225 511 522 523 525 542
Schiavoni, A. 201
Schneider, M. 31 225
Schwartz, B. 390
Scott, Jr., W.R. 32 340 507
Seitz, C.L. 582
Semi-implicit formulation 64 232 235 457
Senior, T.B. 340
Shang, C.C. 429
Shankar, V. 5 31 362 391
Sheen, D. 344 390 391 470 582
Shennan, G.C. 277
Sheppard, R.J. 543
Shibata, T. 5 32 473
Shin, R.T. 340
Shlager, K. 341
Shorthouse, D.B. 341
Shuley, N.V. 341
Siemann, R.H. 429
Silberberg, Y. 5 32 277
Simon, H.D. 583
Simoni, D. 33 582
Simpson, L. 142 341 543
Sin, K.S. 472
Slotted PEC screen, subcell model 286
Smith, F.W. 543
Smith, G.S. 32 306 311 313 314 318—320 324 326 340 471 507 509
Smith, M. 392
Smith, P.W. 277
Soliton models, spatial 24 266
Soliton models, temporal 23 263
Sommerfeld, A. 148 149 151 152 198 249 251 277 279
Sorrentino, R. 473
Spatial decomposition algorithms for efficient parallel processing 564
Spatial decomposition algorithms for efficient parallel processing, Greedy algorithm 566
Spatial decomposition algorithms for efficient parallel processing, RIP algorithm 565
Spectrum estimation 442
SPICE 462 465 466
Standler, R. 31
Steich, D. 274
Stratton, J.A. 355 391
Strickel, M.A. 33
Strikwerda, J.C. 92
Strumpen, V. 581
Stutzmann, W.L. 507
Subcell models 5 281
Subcell models, average properties 285
Subcell models, basis 72 282
Subcell models, Beggs method 320
Subcell models, curved PEC surface 292
Subcell models, diagonal split cell 283
Subcell models, Kellali's extension 326
Subcell models, Lee method 327
Subcell models, Maloney — Smith method 314
Subcell models, material sheet 304
Subcell models, material surface 300
Subcell models, numerical stability 338
Subcell models, Prony's method 315 324
Subcell models, relativistic motion 331
Subcell models, slot in PEC screen 286
Subcell models, surface impedance 312
Subcell models, wire 288
Sui, W. 6 32 142 472
Suli, E. 390
Sullivan, D.M. 5 31 507 509 542—544
Sun, X.H. 582
Sundstrom, A. 92
Supraconvergence 344
Surface equivalence theorem 213
Surface impedance boundary condition, subcell models 312
Surface impedance boundary condition, subcell models, dispersive 312 322 327
Surface impedance boundary condition, subcell models, monochromatic 320
System identification 453
Sze, S.M. 472
Szuts, E.Z. 543
Tadros, K. 582
Taga, T. 544
Thiele, E.T. 32 33 200 201 477 492 493 495—497 499 500—502 504—506 508 509
Thiele, G.A. 507
| Thomas, V.A. 33 468 470 472
Time-domain near-to-far-field transformation 219
Tirkas, P.A. 5 32 341 510
Toftgard, J. 544
Toland, B. 6 32 472 473 510
Tong, H. 472
Tong, L.S. 392
Tooley, J.R. 200
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm 111
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, basic ideas 111
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, calculation of the incident field 121
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, extension to three-dimensions 126
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, one-dimensional example 114
Total-field/scattered-field formulation of the FD-TD algorithm, two-dimensional example 117
Transistor (bipolar junction), FD-TD model 463
Transmission line parameters 432
Transverse electric mode 55 57 72 88 117
Transverse magnetic mode 54 56 71 82 117
Trefethen — Halpem generalized absorbing boundary conditions 160
Trefethen, L.N. 160 161 167 172—174 176 181 188 190 200 557
Troy, J.B. 33 542
Tsao, C.-K. 542
Tsuei, Y.-S. 473
Tsunekawa, K. 544
Tufts, D.W. 471
Tulintseff, A. 390
Turkel, E. 147 149 150 151 153 181 188 198 201
Turner, C.D. 341 543
Ulrych, T.J. 471
Umashankar, K.R. 5 30—33 79 142 224 291 293 338 340 391 429 508 513 514 518 519 521 524 527 528 541 542
Van Bladel, J. 341
Van Duzer, T. 202 471
Varadarajan, V. 582
Vielva, L.A. 471
Vivaldi slotline antenna models 491
Vivaldi slotline antenna models, active impedance of the phased array 503
Vivaldi slotline antenna models, eight-quad-element phased array 498
Vivaldi slotline antenna models, planar element 493
Vivaldi slotline antenna models, quad element 498
Vivaldi slotline antenna models, two-element pair 496
von Neumann, J. 46 373
Wait, R. 583
Wake functions and potential 424 425
Walker, L.R. 509
Wang, C.-Q. 544
Wasow, W.R. 92
Waveguide absorbing boundary conditions 195
Waveguide and horn antenna models 487
Waveguide and horn antenna models, three-dimensional open-ended waveguide 489
Waveguide and horn antenna models, two-dimensional horn, conformally modeled 487
Waveguide source conditions 138
Waveguide source conditions, pulsed electric field bard source 138
Waveguide source conditions, resistive source and load conditions 141
Waveguide source conditions, total-field/reflected-field formulation 140
Weiland, T. 429
Weiner, A.M. 277
Wendroff, B. 390
Wenzel, W.A. 429
Whinnery, J.R. 202 471
White, J.A. 390
Wiesbeck, W. 473
Wilcox, C.H. 198
Wilkes, J.O. 92 200
Wilkinson microwave power divider modeling example 383
Williams, J.W. 201
Wilson, L.C. 391
Wilson, P.B. 429
Wilton, D.R. 30 541 542
Wire (thin) subcell model 288
Wolff, I. 472 582
Wong, H.L. 174 200
Wood, D. 277
Wright, D.B. 341 390
Wu, C. 201 471 510
Wu, K.-L. 201 471 510
Wu, L.-K. 341
Wyns, P. 277
Xue, D. 470
Yang, B.P. 200
Yee algorithm basics 59
Yee algorithm basics, concepts 59
Yee algorithm basics, divergence-free nature 76
Yee algorithm basics, exponential time-stepping 77
Yee algorithm basics, finite differences and notation 61
Yee algorithm basics, finite-difference expressions for Maxwell's equations in three dimensions 64
Yee algorithm basics, interpretation as Faraday's and Ampere's Laws in integral form 72
Yee algorithm basics, reduction to two-dimensional TM and TE modes 71
Yee algorithm basics, semi-implicit approximation 64
Yee algorithm basics, space region with a continuous variation of material properties 67
Yee algorithm basics, space region with a finite number of distinct materials 68
Yee algorithm basics, space region with nonpermeable materials 70
Yee algorithm basics, updating coefficients 67
Yee algorithm extensions, absorbing boundary conditions 145
Yee algorithm extensions, body of revolution algorithm 397
Yee algorithm extensions, dispersive, nonlinear, and gain materials 227
Yee algorithm extensions, fourth-order accurate spatial differences 102
Yee algorithm extensions, generalized 369 376
Yee algorithm extensions, incident wave source conditions 107
Yee algorithm extensions, near-to-far-field transformation 203
Yee algorithm extensions, nonorthogonal and unstructured grids 343
Yee algorithm extensions, numerical dispersion 96 101
Yee algorithm extensions, numerical stability 88 359 367 373 417
Yee algorithm extensions, planar generalized 377 382
Yee algorithm extensions, subcell models 281
Yee, K.S. 4 5 7 29—31 51 59—63 65 66 72—77 79—82 88—91 93 95 96 99 101—106 108 111 112 115 140 142 158 171 177 178 187 188 232 282 295 298 303 314 316 321 330 331 335 338 340 341 368—370 374 376—378 382 392 395 490 542 561 570 583
Yook, J.-G. 471
Yoshida, N. 274
Yuan, Y.F. 200
Yule — Walker algorithm 450
Zhang, X. 5 31 470 473
Zhao, L. 392
Ziolkowski, R.W. 5 31 32 277 391 429
Zivanovic, S.S. 341
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