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Lipson H., Cochran W. — The Determination of Crystal Structures
Lipson H., Cochran W. — The Determination of Crystal Structures

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Название: The Determination of Crystal Structures

Авторы: Lipson H., Cochran W.


The scope of this book is quite simply denned; we have tried to cover the subject of crystal-structure determination from the stage at which a set of structure amplitudes has been obtained to the final accurate positioning of the atoms. Some of the steps—such as the calculation of structure factors and the summation of Fourier series—are routine ones, and are described first, but the last five chapters are concerned with the more difficult problems of the derivation of atomic positions, and in these chapters we have attempted to preserve some degree of logical order in the treatment. Nevertheless, we have emphasized throughout the book that each problem requires individual treatment, and that no single sequence of methods is likely to prove universally successful.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1953

Количество страниц: 345

Добавлена в каталог: 23.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Non-equivalent symmetry elements      42 47
Non-orthogonal crystal axes      278
Non-primitive lattices      24 ff
Normal equations      281
Numerical aperture      205
Oblique system      53
Observational equations      281
One-dimensional crystal      325
Optical activity      119
Optical Fourier synthesis      108 ff 206
Optical properties of crystals      120 191
Optical transform      75 236 245
Order of diffraction      4 17 19
Order-disorder phenomena      50 144
Origin peak, subtraction of      174 188
Origin, arbitrariness of      177 205 210 243 256
Orthogonal axes      279 282
Ott - Avrami method      247 261
Outstanding reflexions      137
Oxalic acid      250 255 259 270
PACKING of atoms, lllf      120
Para-diisocyanobenzene      73
Para-nitroaniline      137
Parallel sections of Fourier synthesis      82
Parameters, structural      10 21 45
Patterson - Tunell stencils      95 96
Patterson function      2 12 33 150
Patterson function, generalized projections of      175 179
Patterson function, shapes of peaks in      170
Patterson function, sharpened      170
Patterson function, subtraction of peaks from      174 188
Patterson function, symmetry of      154
Pauling's rules      117
Penicillin      73 139 221
Penicillin, potassium benzyl      216 221
Penicillin, rubidium/benzyl      187 212 216 221
Penicillin, sodium benzyl      73 140 201 203 221
Pepinsky machine      107 206 244 326
Peptides      197
Phase angle      76 200 220 290
Phase change on scattering      141
Phase of wave      2 11 18 109
Phthlocyanine      207 218 237
Phthlocyanine, nickel      218
Phthlocyanine, platinum      207
Physical optics      1 16
Piezo electricity      28 119 181
Planar molecules      124 137 228
Plane groups      52 53 153
Plane of symmetry      22
Planimeter      321 325
Plug board (Hollerith)      97
Point atoms      102 197 261 295
Point group      23 26
Polarization      8 109 123
Polarizing microscope      28
Pole figure      118
Polymer structures      116
Polypeptide chain      197
Positivity of electron density      246
Potassium dihydrogen phosphate      156 248
Potassium mercury chloride      49
Powder photographs      128 142 285
Primitive lattice      24
Probable error      287
Product function      166
Projected sections      82
Projection of electron density      79 82
Proteins      163 195 206
Proustite      180
Punched-card machines      97 ff 192 282
Purpurogallin      240
Pyroelectricity      28 119 181
QuiNOL-methanol      221
QuiNOL-methanol sulphur dioxide      181 ff 221
R.M.S. deviation      287
Radial distribution      150
Random errors      286
Reciprocal lattice      1 6 71
Reciprocal lattice, weighted      15 73 104 130 238
Reciprocal space      7 124 246 291
Rectangular system      53
Refinement of parameters      199 278
Reflexion of X-rays      5
Refractive index      120
Related structures      193 ff 220
Reproducing punch (Hollerith)      99
Residual (reliability index)      146 307
Resolving power      88 293
Robertson's strips      93 ff
Robertson's strips, mechanical sorter for      96 101
Rock salt      199
Rotation axes      21 46 52
Rounding-off errors      92
Rubber hydrochloride      117
Salicylic acid      189
Satellite peaks (on implication diagram)      161
Sayre's equation      247 265 272
Scattering cross sections      143
Scattering factors      8 16 18 60 73 149
Scattering factors, depression of      141 227
Scattering factors, empirical      63
Scattering factors, unitary      63 251
Sch$\ddot{o}$nflies symbols      318 319
Schwarz's inequality      250 261
Screw axis      24
Selsyn      326
Series-termination errors      290 291
Sign combinations      109 204 244 264 268 273
Sign indicators for Fourier strips      97
Sign relations between F's      270
Significance levels      309
Silicates      113 118
Silver target      142
Sine tables      60 324
Slide rule      320
Slit, diffraction pattern of      17
Sodium benzyl penicillin      73 140 201 203 221
Sodium hydride      144
Sodium hydroxide tetrahydrate      187
Sodium rubidium tartrate      142
Sodium sesquicarbonate      122
Sorbic acid      124
Sorting board for Fourier strips      95 102
Space groups      26 318 319
Space groups, , monoclinic      26
Space lattice      3
Space-group absences      29 57 318
Space-group representations      42
Spacing of lattice planes      5
Spatial considerations      111 213
Special equivalent positions      45 56 60 135
Special form of crystal      28
Sphere of reflexion      31
Spinel      50
Square system      53
Standard crystal, for absolute intensities      133
Standard deviation      287 ff 306
Standard f-curve      63 102
Statistical methods      35 61 134 169 174
Steepest descents      248 284 301 310
Stereochemistry      114 116 121 193 210 221
Stereographic projection      27
Stilbene      116
Strontium chloride hexahydrate      113
Structural parameters      10 21 45
Structural parameters, transformation of      316
Structure amplitude      2 11 29 35
Structure amplitude agreement      145
Structure factor      2 11 29
Structure factor calculation      54 ff 101
Structure factor formulae      54 ff 318 319
Structure factor graphs      65 ff 138 191 193 320
Structure factor machines      320
Structure factor, unitary      251 261
Strychnine hydrogen bromide      186 207
Strychnine sulphate      219
Sub-cell      67
Sub-cell groups      318
Sub-cell units      132
Subdivision of unit cell for Fourier summations      88
Sulphur      60 150
Superlattice      142
Superposition methods      163 ff 167 186
Surface energy      122
Symmetry      21 77
Symmetry elements      23 26 33 36 115 318 319
Symmetry in vector space      154
Symmetry number      271
Symmetry of Fourier synthesis      106
Symmetry operations      21 44
Symmetry operations, two-dimensional      52
Symmetry, external      21 ff
Symmetry, ionic      115
Symmetry, molecular      115
Systematic absences      29 35 41 47 57 233 318 319
Tabulator (Hollerith)      99
Target, X-ray      142
Tartaric acid      185
Tartrate ion      143
Temperature factor      9 61
Temperature factor, anisotropic      278 302
Temperature factor, artificial      215 267 297
Thermal vibrations      9 124
Thermal vibrations, anisotropic      278 302
Thiophthen      128
Three-dimensional Fourier synthesis      105
Three-fold axes      53 69 115
Threonine      192 278
Tide predictor      321 325
Transformation of axes      112 316
Trial-and-error methods      49 75 110 193 199 269
Tribromo-trimethylphosphine gold      207
Triclinic system      23
Triglycylglycine ethyl ester hydrochloride      193 ff
Trilaurin      132
Triphenylene      230 ff
Two-dimensional symmetry operations      52
Two-dimensional symmetry systems      52
Two-fold axis      23
Uniaxial crystals      28
Unit cell      2 7 9 316
Unit cell, dimensions      3 277
Unit cell, projection of      105
Unitary scattering factors      63 153
Unitary structure factor      251 261
Unresolved peaks (Patterson)      14 197
Van der Waals force      111 114 191
Van der Waals radii      114 191 315
Vanadium target      142
Vector-coincidence method      165 186 193
Vector-coincidence set      154 156 163 197
Vector-coincidence space      154
Visual estimations      148 286 290
Water molecules      49 113 115
Wave-lengths, X-ray      7 314
Weighted reciprocal lattice      15 73 104 130 238
Weighted reciprocal lattice section      237 239
Weighting of observations      281 283 310
Weights of Patterson peaks      153
Weissenberg goniometer      133
Wilson's statistical methods      35 61 134 169 174
X-ray goniometer      88
X-ray microscope      108
X-ray photographs      27
X-ray wave-lengths      7 314
Zachariasen's method      274 ff
Zero order of diffraction      20 72 76 136
Zinc      111
Zinc paratoluene sulphonate      216 ff
Zirconium target      142
ZnK$\alpha$ radiation      142
Zone axis      113
Zones of reflexions      36 71 127 135
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