Авторизация |
Поиск по указателям |
Kraus E.H. — Essentials of crystallography |
Предметный указатель |
Acid, tartaric 137 155
Albite 8 142 148 156
Albite Law 148
Alum 2
Amorphous structure 1
Amorphous structure, substances 2
Analcite 24
Anatase 99
Anglesite 8
Angular position of faces 14
Anorthic system 138
Apatite 68 151
Apparently holohedral forms 29
Aragonite 8 120 147 148 149
Argentite 24 25
Asymmetric class 142 156
Asymmetric class, group 142
Asymmetric class, system 138
Axes, crystallographic 4 17 43 92 115 126 138
Axes, crystallographic of symmetry 13
Axial cross 4
Axial ratio 7
Axinite 142
Axis, polar 16
Axis, singular 16
Barite 154
Barium nitrate 42
Barium stibiotartrate and potassium nitrate 70 151
Beryl 53 151
Bisphenoids, orthorhombic 124
Bisphenoids, orthorhombic, tetragonal, first order 102 111
Bisphenoids, orthorhombic, tetragonal, second order 111
Bisphenoids, orthorhombic, tetragonal, third order 113
Boracite 32
Brachy bipyramids 117
Brachy bipyramids diagonal 115 138
Brachy bipyramids domes 118
Brachy bipyramids prisms 117
Brazilian law 147
Brookite 120
Calamine 123 154
Calcite 64 65 144 146 151
Cassiterite 99 147 153
Celestite 121
Center of symmetry 14
Chalcocite 120
Chalcopyrite 105 153
Chemical crystallography 2
Chrysoberyl 120
Cinnabar 85
Classes of crystals 14 150
Classification of the thirty-two classes of crystals 150
Clino-axis 126
Clino-axis domes 128
Clino-axis hemi-pyramid 128
Clino-axis prism 128
Clino-axis rhombic system 126
Clino-axis rhomboidal system 138
Clinohedral group 132
Closed forms 6
Cobaltite 36
Coefficients, rationality of 9
Combinations 7
Combinations cubic 23 31 35 38 42
Combinations hexagonal 52 55 64 68 74 76 85 89 91
Combinations monoclinic 131 134 136
Combinations orthorhombic 120 123 125
Combinations tetragonal 98 101 104 108 111
Combinations triclinic 142 143
Common twinning laws 145
Composition plane 144
Compound crystals 144
Congruent forms 16
Constancy of interfacial angles 2
Contact twins 145
copper 24
Correlated forms 15
Corundum 64 65
Crystal faces 2
Crystal forms 6
Crystal habit 4
Crystal system 14
Crystal systems 5
Crystalline structure 1
Crystallization, elements of 8
Crystallized substances 2
Crystallographic axes 4
Crystallographic axes cubic 17
Crystallographic axes hexagonal 43
Crystallographic axes monoclinic 126
Crystallographic axes orthorhombic 115
Crystallographic axes tetragonal 92
Crystallographic axes triclinic 138
Crystallography 2
Crystals 1 2
Crystals distorted 3
Crystals formation of 1 2
cube 19
Cubic system 5 17 150
Cyclic twins 148
Dana’s symbols 11
Deltoid 27
diamond 145
Didodecahedron 34
Dihexagonal bipyramid 48
Dihexagonal bipyramid prism 50
Dihexagonal bipyramid pyramidal class 53 151
Dihexagonal bipyramid pyramids 54
Dihexagonal bipyramid, bipyramidal class 44 151
Diopside 131
Dioptase 89 152
Diploid 34
Distortion 3
Ditetragonal bipyramid 95
Ditetragonal bipyramid prism 96
Ditetragonal bipyramid pyramidal class 99 153
Ditetragonal bipyramid, bipyramidal class 93 153
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class 56 151
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class bipyramids 57
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class prisms 59 72
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class pyramidal class 70 152
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class pyramidal tetartohedrism 70
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class pyramids 71
Ditrigonal bipyramidal class scalenohedral class 60 151
dodecahedron 19
Dodecahedron deltoid 27
Dodecahedron pentagonal 33
Dodecahedron rhombic 19
Dodecahedron tetrahedral pentagonal 39
Dolomite 89
Domatic class 132 155
Dyakisdodecahedral class 32 150
Dyakisdodecahedrori 34
Elements of crystallization 8
Elements of symmetry 12
Epsomite 125 154
Etch-figures 29
Faces, angular position of 14
Fivelings 148
Fluorite 24 145
Form, crystal 6
Formation of crystals 1 2
Forms, congruent 16
Forms, congruent closed 6
Forms, congruent correlated 15
Forms, congruent Enantiomorphous 16
Forms, congruent fundamental 6
Forms, congruent hemi-morphic 16
Forms, congruent open 6
Forms, congruent unit 7
| Fourlings 148
Fundamental forms 6
Galena 24 150
Garnet 25
Geometrical crystallography 2
Gypsum 8 131 147 155
Gyroidal hemihedrism 36
Gyroids 37
Habit prismatic 4
Habit tabular 4
Habit, crystal 4
Halite 24 29
Hematite 64 65
Hemi-bipyramid 127
Hemi-bipyramid clinodomes 132
Hemi-bipyramid domes 140
Hemi-orthodomes 129
Hemihedrism 15
Hemihedrism cubic 26 32 36
Hemihedrism hexagonal 55
Hemihedrism monoclinic 132
Hemihedrism orthorhombic 123
Hemihedrism tetragonal 101
Hemihedrism triclinic 142
Hemimorphic forms 16
Hemimorphic group hexagonal 53
Hemimorphic group monoclinic 135
Hemimorphic group orthorhombic 121
Hemimorphic group tetragonal 99
Hemimorphism 16
Hemimorphism hexagonal 53 70 74 89
Hemimorphism monoclinic 132
Hemimorphism orthorhombic 121
Hemimorphism tetragonal 99 110
Hemimorphite 103
Hemiprismatic system 126
Hemiprisms triclinic 139
Hemiprisms, monoclinic 132
Hemipyramids 127
Hexagonal basal pinacoid 51
Hexagonal bipyramid, first order 45
Hexagonal bipyramid, second order 46
Hexagonal bipyramid, third order 65
Hexagonal bipyramidal class 65 151
Hexagonal hemihedrisms 55
Hexagonal prism pyramid, first order 54
Hexagonal prism pyramid, second order 54 71
Hexagonal prism pyramid, third order 75
Hexagonal prism, first order 50
Hexagonal prism, second order 50 72
Hexagonal prism, third order 67 87
Hexagonal pyramidal class 74 152
Hexagonal system 5 43 151 152
Hexagonal tetartohedrisms 76
Hexagonal trapezohedral class 68 151
Hexagonal trapezohedrons 68
hexahedron 19
Hexoctahedral class 17 150
Hexoctahedron 21
Hextetrahedral class 26 150
Hextetrahedron 28
Holohedral, apparently 29
Holohedrism 15
Icositetrahedron 20
Incline-face hemihedrism 27
Indices, Miller's 12
Iodyrite 55
Iron cross 146
Isometric system 17
Juxtaposition twins 145
Karlsbad law 148
Leucitohedron 20
Limiting forms 23
Macrobipyramids 117
Macrobipyramids diagonal 115 138
Macrobipyramids domes 118
Macrobipyramids prisms 117
magnetite 25 145
Miller's indices 12
Miller's system 12
Mimicry 149
Modified hemi-pyramid 128
Modified pyramid 7
Monoclinic domatic class 132 155
Monoclinic domatic class domes 128
Monoclinic domatic class prismatic class 126 155
Monoclinic domatic class prisms 128
Monoclinic domatic class sphenoidal class 135 155
Monoclinic domatic class system 5 126 155
Monoclinohedral system 126
Monosymmetric system 126
Naumann symbols 11 62
Nepheline 76
Nickel sulphate 109 153
Normal group, cubic 17
Normal group, cubic hexagonal 44
Normal group, cubic monoclinic 126
Normal group, cubic orthorhombic 115
Normal group, cubic tetragonal 93
Normal group, cubic triclinic 138
Oblique system 126
octahedron 19
Octants 17
Ogdo-pyramids 142
Ogdohedrism 15 89
Open forms 6
Ortho-axis 126
Ortho-prism 128
Orthoclase 131 147 148
Orthohemi-pyramid 128
Orthorhombic bipyramidal class 115 154
Orthorhombic bipyramids 116
Orthorhombic bisphenoidal class 123 154
Orthorhombic bisphenoids 124
Orthorhombic domes 118
Orthorhombic pinacoids 119
Orthorhombic prisms 117
Orthorhombic pyramidal class 121 154
Orthorhombic system 5 115 154
Parallel-face grouping 144
Parallel-face hemihedrism 32
Parameters 5
Parametral ratio 5
Penetration twins 145
Penta-erythrite 101
Pentagonal dodecahedron 33
Pentagonal dodecahedron hemihedrism 32
Pentagonal dodecahedron icositetahedral class 36 150
Pentagonal dodecahedron icositetrahedron 37
Pericline law 148
Physical crystallography 2
Pinacoidal class 138 156
Plagiohedral group 36
Plagiohedral group hemihedrism 36
Planes of symmetry 12
Polar axes 16
Pole 53
Polysynthetic twins 148
Potassium tetrathionate 134 155
Praseodymium sulphate 132
Prismatic habit 4
Prismatic habit system 115
Pseudosymmetry 94 149
Pyramid cube 21
Pyramidal group tetragonal 105
Pyramidal group, hexagonal 65
Pyramidal hemihedrism tetragonal 101 105
Pyramidal hemihedrism, hexagonal 55 65
Pyramidal system 92
Pyrite 30 33 35 36 146 150
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