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Jaeger F.M. — Lectures on the principle of symmetry and its applications in all natural sciences
Jaeger F.M. — Lectures on the principle of symmetry and its applications in all natural sciences

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Название: Lectures on the principle of symmetry and its applications in all natural sciences

Автор: Jaeger F.M.


The present book originated in a series of lectures delivered by the author during the winter and spring 1916—1917 at the University of Groningen, The matter of these was afterwards augmented by the contents of some addresses held about ten years ago at the University of Amsterdam, and by that of some others delivered in various places in this country and in America. In response to a desire, repeatedly expressed by some of his friends, the author has finally resolved to publish these lectures in bookform Only in occasional passages, however, does it betray this devious course of development.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Математика/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Издание: 1st edition

Год издания: 1917

Количество страниц: 333

Добавлена в каталог: 20.08.2009

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
$\alpha$-Acrose      287
$\alpha$-Bromobutyric acid      275
$\alpha$-Cloro-butyric acid      275
$\alpha$-Ethoxy-propionic acid      221
$\alpha$-Fructose      284 285
$\alpha$-Glucosides      221 3
$\alpha$-Hydroxy~butyric acid (isobutyl-ether of)      275
$\alpha$-Hydroxy~isobutyl-butyrate      275
$\alpha$-Methyl-glycoside      219 290 3
$\alpha$-Nitro-camphor (sodium-salt)      273
$\alpha$-Phenantroline-derivatives      107
$\alpha-\alpha'$-Dimethyl-succinic acid      214
$\beta$-Cholestanol      216
$\beta$-Glucosides      221
$\beta$-Methyl-glycoside      219 290
$\omega$-Bromo-camphoric-anhydride      223
1-2-3-5-Tribromo-toluene      135
1-2-4-6-Tribromo-toluene      135
1-4-Diketo-2-5-dimethyl-piperazines      247
1-Amyl-3-nitro-phtalic ether      224
2-5-Dimethyl-cyclopentane      1
2-5-Dimethyl-diketo-piperazine      247 2
2-6-Dimethyl-diketo-piperazine      247
2-Amyl-3-nitro-phtalic ether      224
4-Oximino-cyclohexane carboxylic acid      254
a-c-Tetrahydro-papaverine-$\beta$-tartrate      216
Abderhalden (E.)      220
Abnormal behaviour (of crystals)      179 192
Abnormal substitutions      276
Absence (of symmetry-centre)      46 101 102 104
Absorption (of light)      205 303
Acanthodesmia prismaimm      68 69
Acanthometra      68
Acanthostaurus      68
Accelerating effect (of solvents)      298
Aceto-nitrile (as solvent)      278
Aceto-phenone (as solvent)      296 297 298
Acroleine-bromide      287
Actinomma drymodes      45
Actinoptychus const ell atus      64 68
Actinoptychus heliopelta      64 68
Active acids and bases (fission by)      210 216
Activity (optical)      106 107 235 256 257 260 263
Adansonia Baobab      60
Adaptation      6 158
Adrenaline      218 219
Adriani (J. H.)      222 223
Aesthetic action (of symmetry)      2 3 4 5 68
Affinity (residual)      276
Affinity-constants (of antipodes)      211 283
Aggregates (of crystals)      167 168
AHo-cinnamic acid      255
Alanyl-glycine      275
Albumine      285
Alcaloids      213
Aldoses      287
Aliquot number (of operations)      80
Alkali-sulphates (acid)      192
Alkyl-groups (substitution by)      135
Allen (F. J.)      286
Allenheria Gayoni      220
Allyl-iodide      282
Alum      6 179
Aluminium-tartrate      226
Amethyst      222
Amino-acids      278
Amino-succinic acid (hydrochloride)      273
Ammon ium-pheny      1
Ammonia      274
Ammonium-bimalate      203 258
Ammonium-bromo-camphor-sulphonate      212
Ammonium-lithium-sulphate      181 182
Ammonium-malate      207 224
Ammonium-phenyl-amino-acetate      278
Ammonium-racemate      202 217
Ammonium-sodium-racemate      198 201 207 266
Ammonium-sodium-tartrates      281
Ammonium-tartrate      207 220 224
Ammonium-zinc-lactate      206
Ampare (A. M.)      104
Amphibole      62 63
Amplitude      149 150 152
Ampmthetras elegans      64 68
Amyl-benzoyl-formate      301
Amyl-carbamate      224
Amyl-gly cerate      289
Amyl-iodide      292
Amyl-lactate      289
Amyl-mandelate      301
Analcite      176 179 187 188
Analytical expression      9 150 157 158 164 226
Ananassa sativa      156 158 161 163
Anaxonia      69
Angle (characteristic)      19 22
Angle (enclosed)      26
Angle (glancing)      144 147 148 149
Aniline (as solvent)      296
Aniline (substitution-products of)      195
Animals (symmetry of)      3 34 35 45 55 60 64 67 164 195
Anisaldazine      169
Anisotropy (of liquids)      168 169
Annona tripetala      68
Anomalies (geometrical)      180
Anomalies (optical)      172 179 180 182 184
Antipodes (crystal-forms)      199 260 261 262
Antipodes (physical properties)      199 202 203 204 205 206 211 228
Antipodes (resolution into)      200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 228
Antirrhinum maius      196
Antoni (W.)      219
Apatite      62 179
Apex (growing)      161 196
Apophyllite      179 187 188 189 190
Apparent symmetry      120 166 180 193
Appiani (G.)      218
Approximate forms      119 120 170
Approximate symmetry      119 120 170 171 172 173 193
Arabinose      285
Aragonite      173 174
Architecture (symmetry in)      2 3 4 5 6
Aristotle      7
Armstrong (E. F.)      220
Armstrong (H. E.)      276
Arnold (A.)      255
Arrangement (atomic)      228 244 245 246 247 269 278
Arrangement (periodical)      133 134 154 156 157
Arrangement (symmetrical)      4 5 17 108 111 133 134 152 154 160
Arrhenius (S.)      276
Arsenic      140 141
Art (rdle of symmetry in)      2 3 4 5 6
Artificial synthesis      283 285 286 287 299
Aschan (O.)      223 232 233 249
Ascidiae      54 59 61
Asparagine      206 207 218 219
Aspartic acid      273 274 276
Aspergillus Wentii      220
Aspidistra elatior      59
Assemblages (of equal spheres)      138 139 140 141
Asterias ruber      61
Asteroblastus stellatus      60 64
Asterocanthion      45
Astrocyathus paradoxus      61 64
Asymmetric atoms      228 230 232 239 260 261 268 272 275 276 277 278
Asymmetric figures      35
Asymmetric forces      288
Asymmetric objects      35
Asymmetric synthesis (partial)      222 285 286 287 289 295 299
Asymmetric synthesis (total)      107 289 299 300 301 302 303 304
Asymmetry      23 35 276
Asymmetry-product      237 238 239
Atavism      196
Atomic relations      153 154
Atoms (asymmetric)      228 230 232 239 260 261 268 272 275 276 277 278
Atropine      218
Aubletia caseolaris      61
Aulacodiscus Grevilleanus      64 68
Auliscus crucifer      64 68
Auliscus elegans      64 68
Aulisous cratifer      64 68
Aulosphaera elegantissima      56
Aulosphaera icosaedra      45
Aureasectio      157 158 159 164 195 196
Aurelia insulinda      35
Auto-racemisation      224 228 266 267 296
Autonomy (of crystal-units)      133 136 141
Autunite      185
Axis (helicoidal)      12 17 18 21 28 30 110 124 125 140
Axis (mirror-)      19 23 24 25 29 30 48 49 50 52 53
Axis (of isotropy)      22 34 42 72 87 88 89 103
Axis (of pseudo-symmetry)      119 120
Axis (of rotation)      3 8 13 14 19 21 22 34 41 42 72 87 88 89 103 110 116 123 124 125
Axis (of the 1st order)      3 7 8 12 13 14 17 18 19 21 22 26 33 41 42 72 87 88 89 103 110 116 123 124 125
Axis (of the 2nd order)      19 23 24 25 29 30 48 49 50 52 53
Axis (period of)      22 117
Axis (screw-)      12 17 18 21 28 30 110 124 125 140
Axis (symmetry-)      3 8 13 14 19 21 22 26 33 34 41 42 72 87 88 89 103 110 116 123 124 125
bacteria      216 218
Badamia Commersoni      61 62 68
Baeyer (A. Von)      250
Bain (A. M.      254
Bakhuis Roozeboom (H. W.)      203 204 215 222
Balcom (R. W.)      283 295
Bannisteria versicolor      46
Barium-nitrate      44 179
Barker (Th. V.)      168 252 264
Barkow (C.)      255
Barlow (W.)      74 109 123 136 137 138 141 152 181
Barrow (F.)      278
Bart rum (C. O.)      286
Baryto-calcite      173 174
Basyrin (M.)      214
Baumhauer (H.)      185 187
Bayliss (W. M.)      220
Becke (F.)      176 177 257
Beckenkamp (J.)      123 153 168 174 193 194
Becquerel (H.)      303
Beensch (L.)      202
Ben Saude (A.)      177 187
Benitoite      189
Benzaldehyde-cyanhydrine      282 295 298
Benzene-derivatives (isomeric)      55
Benzile      181 189
Benzilic acid      294
Benzoyl-formic acid      282 301
Benzyl-mandelic ether      219 295
Beryll      67 68 179
Beryllium      140 141
Beryllium-aluminate      172 173
Beryllium-oxide      141
Beyer (P.)      223
Biddidphia pulchella      64 68
Bignania echinata      58
Biichliolzia maritima      46 72
Biilmann (E.)      255 275 276 278
Bijl (A. J.)      143
Bilateral symmetry      4 54 195
Bile-acids      284
Binary axis      14 15 22 23 36 37 38 39 40 43 67 79 97 105 124
Biological description      3 34 35 40 45 46 54 55 58 59 60 61 62 64 67 68 69 72 83
Biot (A.)      180
Birkeland (A.)      106
Bischoff (C. A.)      200 214
Bismuthum      105 106
Bivalent elements      141
Blasius (E.)      123
Blastoidea      54 60
Blood-albumine      285
Blossom-diagrams      34 35 59 60 61
Blossoms (symmetry of)      34 35 55 59 60 61 195 196
Bnmella gvandiflova      54
Bo de wig (C.)      252
Bodlaender (A.)      181
Body (human)      9
Boehm (R.)      252
Boeke (H. E.)      83
Boldyrew (A. K.)      17 19 21 26 30 126
Bollemont (E. G. de)      222
Bombicci (L.)      167
Bondajef (N.)      79
Bonnet (Ch.)      155
Boracite      72 179 185 186 187 189
Born (M.)      272
Botvyllus Marionis      59 64
Botvyllus polycyclus      59 64
Bourquelot (E.)      220
Boyd (D. R.)      282 300
Bragg (W. H.)      77 97 109 143 144
Bragg (W. L.)      146 147 152
Braun (A.)      155 156 160 161 163
Brauns (R.)      177 184 185 188 189
Bravais (A.)      25 73 109 118 122 126 127 128 129 130 134 155 156 157 160 161 164 165 170 193
Bravais (L.)      155 156 160 161 164 165
Bredig (G.)      220 283 295 296 298
Brereton Evans (C. de)      266
Brewster (D.)      179 184
Brezina (A.)      185
Bridel (M.)      220
Broeglie (M. de)      146
Brogger (W. C.)      177
Bromlite      173 174
Bromo-camphor-carboxylic acids      297
Bromo-camphor-sulphonic acid      213
Bromo-tartrates (of complex salts)      213
Bromoform (as solvent)      228
Bromosuccinic acid      225 274
Brown (H. T.)      284
Brucine      213 254 292 293
Brucine-biracemate      216 292
Brucine-malate      292
Brucine-methyl-ethyl-malonatc      292
Brucine-tartrates      292
Brucine-valeratc (acid)      292
Brucite      169 189
Bruni (G.)      224
Btmosphaera siphonophora      68 83
Buchner (E.)      219 250
Bud (terminal)      161
Bulb (X-ray-)      147
Burkhardt (W.)      87
Byk (A.)      302 303
Cadmium      138 140
Cadmium-su Iphide      141
Caesium-dithionate      179 181
CaitUya marginata      195
Calamine      170
Calcite      69 70 93 98 99 100 101
Calcium-bimalate      258
Calcium-chloro-aluminate      174
Calcium-dithionate      179 181
Calcium-glycerate      273
Calcium-racemate      217
Calcium-thiosulphate      35 36
Caldwell (R.)      280
Caleidoscope      3 30
Caleidoscopical figures      3 30
Campanula medium      60
Campho-carboxylic acids      283 296 297
Camphor      282 283 296 298
Camphor a offioinavum      59
Camphor-$\beta$-sulphonic acid      213 280
Camphor-derivatives      213 222 223
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
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