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Douglas Clark C.Y. — The Electronic Structure and Properties of Matter: An Introductory Study of Certain Properties of Matter in the Light of Atomic Numbers, Being Volume I of a Comprehensive Treatise |
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Surface theory of electrolytic conduction in crystals 21C
Surfaces, liquid, orientated molecules in 15 33Ca b 34
Sutherland, G.B.B.M. XII 98
Swinne, R. I 35 II n IV 6
Tacke, I. 1 4
Tamm, I. IX 18
Tammann's Rule 12A
Tammann, G. V 5
Tanner, C.C. VIII 57
Taylor, A.M. XII 5
Taylor, J.B. XI 14 15
Taylor, N.W. X 16
Temperature dependence of electrical conductivity 21B 22D 23
Term, reversal 10D
Term, spectroscopic, multiplicity of 6 7A 8A
Tetrode entropy constant 36A
Tetrode, H. XII 82
Theory of inner building 3
Theory of lattice loosening 21D
Theory of neutralized spins 10D 12B 28GC
Theory of octets, m 3
Theory of valency volumes 16
Thewlis, J. X 96
Thick films 33Cf
Thin metallic layers, electrical conductivities of 20B
Third law of thermodynamics 36A Ca4
Third transition series, electron distribution in 10D
Thomsen, J. 1 16
Thomson, J.J. I 23 VII 62
Tilted molecules in films 33Cb c d
Tisza, L. IX 4
Titley, A.F. XII 17
Tjabbes, B.T. X 61
Tolman, R.C. X 16 XII 90 109 in
Transition of polar to homopolar linkages 13 14 22 35A C
Transition, series, first 9 10B 27B
Transition, series, fourth 10E
Transition, series, second 9 10C 27B
Transition, series, third 9 10D 27B
Transitional elements 2 3 9 10 16 24B C D E 27B
Transmutation of elements 1
Traube's rule for lowering of surface tension 3—4
Traube, J. XII 68
Trew, V.C.G. X 26
Trillat, J.J. XII 25 39 40 60
Trkal, V. XII 84
Trousdale, E.A. X 93
Trouton's rule 13
True radii 18 igA D
Tubandt, C. IX 22 25 28
Turner, H.A. XII 16
Tutton, A.E.H. VII 14
Tuyn, W. IX 71 84 86
Tyler, E. X 138
Uhlenbeck, G.F. II 10 V 26 X 3
Ultimate Rational Units, Theory of 36A
Unimolecular films 33Ca b
Universe, entropy of 36CC
Unsaturation, influence of on parachors 17Ebi 3
v.Auwers, O. IX 59
Vaidyanathan, V.I. X 40 43
Valency and Multiplicity 12B
Valency, forces, electrostatic 19A
Valency, homopolar 10D 11 12B 28GC
Valency, normal and contra- 3
Valency, of chlorine 12B
Valency, of fluorine 12B
Valency, of nitrogen 12B
Valency, variable 12 A
Valency, variable of transition elements 10Aa
Van Alphen, P.M. IX 73 X 42
Van Aubel, E. IX 78 79
Van der Waals Fields 19A 33
van der Waals, J.D. VII 50
Van Laar, J.J. VII 25 XII 75
van Vleck, J.H. X 34 50
Van't Hofif, J.H. V 19
| Vanselow, W. IX 55 60
Varma, M.R. X 43
Vatter, H. XI 17
Vegard, L. II 20
Villars, D.S. XII 104 106
Viscosities and molecular diameters of gases 17Ea 18A
Vogel, R. IV 11
Vogt, W. IX 49
Voigt, A. VI 6 7 IX 64
Voigt, B. IX 72
Volatility 13 14 15
von Antropoff, A. IX 29
von Grosse, A. VI 20
von Hasslinger, R. IX 17
von Helmholtz, H.L.F. V 1
von Hevesy, G. VIII 54 IX 25 46
von Smoluchowski. VIII 12
Von Stackelberg, M. VIII 55
von Wartenburg, H. VI 2 IX 12
Voogd, J. IX 71 74 75 78 79 85
Wagner, C. IX 50
Wainer, E. 1 6
Walden, P. VI 15
Wallace, C.C. VII 9
Waloff, M. VII 61
Walther, A. IX 33
Ward, A.F.H. IX 21
Watson, W.W. XI 8
Wave numbers, spectroscopic optical 7A
Wave numbers, X-ray 8A
Wave theory of atomic structure 3 6 20B 23Be
Webb, T.J. IX 5
Webster, W.L. X 98 121
Wedekind, E. X 56
Weinbaum, O. IX 62
Weiss domains 28
Weiss magneton 24C 27A3 28C 33
Weiss, P. X 23 39 46 47 59 79 92 104 146
Welo, L.A. X 17 95
Wentzel, G. III 5
Werner, A. I 17 V 2 3
Westerhoff, H. IX 72 80 81
Westgren, A. X 101
Wheeler, P. IX 14
White, H.F. III 13
Whittaker, H. VII 55
Wiebe, R. XII 86 101
Wiersma, E. X 70
Wiinnenberg, E. VII 29 30 33
Wilhelm, J.O. IX 78 94
Wilkins, H. VII 54 56 58 65
Williams, E.H. X 91
Wills, A.P. X 30
Wilsdon, B.H. V 29
Wilson, A.H. IX 48
Wolf, A. X 129
Wolff, H. VIII 46
Woo, S.C. XII 105
Working-spheres 18 I9A B C
Wrapping-up of cations 22 A
Wyckoff, R.W.G. VIII 26
X-ray and Optical Spectra, analogy between 8B
X-ray, shielding constant 8A
X-ray, spectra 8A
X-ray, spin (relativity) and screening doublets 4 8A
X-ray, wave number formula 8A
Yensen, T.D. X 89
Yntema, L.F. 1 5
Young, J.F.T. X 94
Zachariasen, W.H. VIII 32
Zechnowitzer, E. IX 35
Zeeman effect 29130
Zeeman, P. XI 1 2
Zero volumes 17Ea
Zig-zag chains 33CC
Zocher, H. X 9
Zwicky, F. IX 37 XII 3
Zwischenschale 10B
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