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Douglas Clark C.Y. — The Electronic Structure and Properties of Matter: An Introductory Study of Certain Properties of Matter in the Light of Atomic Numbers, Being Volume I of a Comprehensive Treatise |
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Molecular, field, theory of 27A 28
Molecular, refractions 17D
Molecular, refractions and atomic radii 19C
Molecular, volumes 17
Moles, E. VII 36 46 VIII 56
Monk, G.S. XI 7
Moseley, H.J.G. I 3 III 16
Mott, N.F. XI 28
Mugdan, S. VI 1
Muller, J.F. IX 29
Mulliken, R.S. V 27 X 72 73 XI 7
Multiplicity of spectroscopic terms and valency 12B
Multiplicity of spectroscopic terms, general 6 7A
Multiplicity of spectroscopic terms, odd and even 7A
Multiplicity of spectroscopic terms, X-ray 8A
Mumford, S.A. VII 53
Munzing, E. IX 25
Murphy, E.J. 1 6
Myristic acid, films of 33Cd F
Nagaoka, H. 1 9 XI 6
Negative Minimal Loading 15
Neon isotopes, Zeeman effect of 30
Nerast, W. IX 47
Nernst's heat theorem 36A Ca4
Nevgi, M.B. X 41
Niggli, P. VII 13
Nishiyama, Z. IX 11
Nitric oxide, paramagnetism of 27D
Nitrogen, diamagnetism of 26B
Nitrogen, valencies of 12B
Niven, C.D. IX 93
Nix, F.C. IX 97
Noddack, W. 1 4 6
Nordheim, L. IX 9 54
Normal photoelectric effect 20D
Nowakowski, A. XII 25
Noyes, W.A. V 20 23
Nuclear charge, effective 3
Nuclear spin 36A Bb
Nucleus, atomic 1
Number, atomic 1
Ochsenfeld, R. X 86
Octets, theory of 3
Odd-electron molecules 24B 27D
Oddo, G. VI 16
Oil films on water 33B Ca b
Onnes, H.K. IX 71 76 77 84 86 88 X 64
Oosterhuis, E. X 64
Optical and X-ray spectra, analogy between 8B
Orbital magnetic quantum number 4 5
Orbital precession 26A 29 32
Orbits, circular and elliptical 4
Orbits, penetration of 7 A 9
Orbits, quantized 3 4
Organic liquids, surface energies of 34
Organic molecules, magnetic properties of 25 26B.C
Orientation of molecules at surfaces 33Ca b 34
Orientative effects 33D
Ortho- and para-molecules 36A Bb
Oseen, C.W. X 84
Otto, J. VIII 18
Owen, M. X 8
Oxley, A.E. X 6 33
Oxygen, paramagnetism of 27D
Palmitic Acid, films of 33Cc d
Paneth, F. I 7 iI 15 VI 14 VII 4
Papish, J. 1 6
Parachors 17Ebi seq
Parachors, periodicity of 17Eb4
Paramagnetism ioAb D 24A3 27
Particle size and magnetic properties 26E 28A
Partridge, E.G. IX 30
Pascal, P. X 9 23 24
Paschen, F. III 9 IV 15 XI 26
Paschen-Back effect 31
Patrick, W.A. XII 44
Patterson, H.S. 1 10
Pauli principle 5 28GC
Pauli, W. II 17 X 32 69 XI 5
Pauling, L. VIII 7 33 34 41 43 X 35 74
Peaker, C.R. XII 31
Pease, R.N. VIII 4
Penetration of orbits 7A 9
Pennycuick, S.W. VII 53
Periodic law 2
Periodic state of matter 33Ce
Periodicity of entropy 36Q
Perrier, A. X 64
Perrin, J. XII 37
Peschard, M. X 102
Peters, K. 1 7 n
Phillips, J.W.C. VII 53
Phipps, T.E. IX 30 XI 15 21 23 25
Photoelectric conduction 20D
Phragmen, G. X 101
Piccard, A. X 69
Pirani, M. VI 21
Pitt, A. IX 94
Piutti, A. I 11
Plotnikow, W.A. IX 15
Pohl, R. IX 19 56
Polar linkage 11 12A 19A 33D
Polarization 19A 22A 33
Polyatomic molecules, entropies of 36BC
Pope, W.J. VII 8
Potter, H.H. X 85 99 104
Powell, F.C. X 106 128
Pre-homalic phase 33Ca d
Preston's rule 29
Prideaux, E.B.R. VII 57
principal quantum number 4 5
Principal series of line spectra 4 7A
Principle of equal spacing 17Ea
Probability and entropy 36CC
Protein films 33Cd
Quantized Orbits 3
Quantum defect 7A 9 19C
quantum mechanics 12B 19C G 26A 28GC 33D
Quantum numbers 3 4 5 6 7A 27B C 29
Quantum numbers atomic, inner 6 27B C 29
Quantum numbers, atomic, magnetic 27B 29132
Quantum numbers, atomic, orbital 6 27B C 29
Quantum numbers, atomic, spin 6 27B C 29
Quantum numbers, electronic, azimuthal 4 5
Quantum numbers, electronic, inner 4 5 7A
Quantum numbers, electronic, principal 4 5
Quantum numbers, electronic, principal, effective 7A
Quantum numbers, electronic, radial 5
Quantum numbers, electronic, serial 4 5
Quantum numbers, electronic, spin 4 5 6
Quantum numbers, electronic, spin, magnetic 4 5
Quantum numbers, electronic, spin, orbital 4 5
Quittner, F. IX 40 41 44
Rabinowitsch, E. VI 14 VII 4
Rabinowitsch, M. IX 17 63
Radial quantum number 5
Radius ratio 19C
Raikes, H.R. VIII 52
Raman, C.V. X 43
Ramsay, W. VII 6
Ranganadham, S.P. X 25 26
Rankine, A.O. VII 21 VIII 2
Rao, S.R. X 25 43
Rare earth ions, colour of 10D
Rare earth ions, paramagnetism of 10D 27B
Rare earths 2 9
Rare earths, and periodic classification 10D
Rare earths, electron distribution in 10D
Rasch, E. IX 32
Ray — Chaudhuri, D.P. X 21
| Rayleigh, Lord. XII 6 7
Recurrence phenomenon 17A
Reed, J.B. VII 54
Reicheneder, K. X 38
Reinders, W. IX 3 4
Reinhold, H. IX 22 25
Reis, A. VI 11 12 XII 76
Relativity doublets, X-ray 4
Remanence 28
Repulsive fields 19A D
Residual affinity 11
Resonance, theory of 28GC
Reversed terms 10D
Rice, J. XII H
Richards, T.W. VI 27 XII 56
Richardson, S.S. X 77
Rideal, E.K. XII 11 18 20 21 22 32 34
Riding, R.W. I 11
Rindtorff, E. IX 28
Ring formation, influence of on parachors 17ED2
Rinne, F. VIII 25
Ritz, W. III 3
Roberts, L.E. XII 12
Roberts, R.W. X 77
Robertson, R. IX 20
Rodebush, W.H. V 33 XI 18 XII 89 95
Rogers, R.A. 1 5
Rognley 6 X 93
Rokotjan, W.E. IX 15
Rosenbohm, E. X 18
Rosenheim, O. XII 16
Rotation, paramagnetic 27E
Rubinowicz, A. III 1
Rudorf, G. IV 11
Ruff, O. VI 1 3 10
Rupert, E.F. XII 80
Russell, H.N. IV 15
Rutherford, E.I. 1 VII 6
Rydberg constant 7A
Rydberg, J.R. III 2 7
Ryschkewitsch, E. VI 21 IX 11
Sachse, H. X 117 134
Sackur, O. XII 81
Sadron, C. X 88
Samuel, R. IV 4 9 X 5
Sapper, A. VII 33
Saunders, F.A. IV 15
Schachenmeier, R. IX 95
Scharf, K. IX 62
Scheffers, H. X 112
Scherrer, P. X 70
Schibbe, G. IX 22
Schmid, R. X 70
Schneiderhan, K. X 113
Schofield, R.S. XII 22
Schottky, W. IX 52 58
Schubin, S. IX 18
Schulman, J.H. XII 32
Schulz, H. VI 2
Schulze, A. IX 13 45
Schwendenwein, H. VIII 9
Screening Doublets, X-ray 4
Screening of electrons 3 7A 8A 9 19C
Second transition series, electron distribution in 10C
Segregative effects 33D
Seith, W. IX 34
Seitz, W. VI 25
Selection principles, for quantum numbers 7A 29
Semi-polar linkage 12C 14 i7Ea b3
Serial quantum number 4 5
Serres, A. X 58
Seubert, K. 1 14
Sharp series of line spectra 4 7A
Shaw, E.J. XI 23
Sheppard, S.E. IX 55 60
Shielding constants 19C
Shih, J.W. X 20
Shubnikow, L. X 114
Sidgwick, N.V. V 30 VII 60 64 X 13
Silicon, electrical conductivity of 21E
Silsbee's hypothesis 23Bd
Silsbee, F.B. IX 83
Silver salts, crystal structures of 17C 21A
Silver salts, diffusion constants of 21D
Silver salts, electrical conductivity of 21A B C D
Silver salts, fused, electrical conductivity of 22C
Silver salts, molecular volumes of 17C
Simon, F. VIII 19
Simson, C.V. VIII 19
Singh, B. X 14
Sippel, A. VII 56
Sivaramakrishnan, G. X 25
Size screening constants 19C
Sizoo, G.J. IX 74 76 77 86
Skinner, H.W.B. XI 26
Slater, J.C. VIII 37 40 X ' XII 53
Smekal, A. VII 3 IX 36 37 40 42 44
Smith, C.J. VII 21
Smith, H.E. XII 44
Smith, H.G. II 12 IV 14
Smith, J.D.M. 1 21 II 7
Smith, J.H. X 77
Smith, J.W. XII 48
Smits, A. I 8 9 XII 46
Soap films 33Ce
Sodium-like atoms 7B
Solid condensed films 33Ca d
Solutions, magnetic properties of 25
Sommer, A.L. 1 6
Sommer, L.A. IV 16
Sommerfeld, A. I 34 II 4 6 8 10 15 III 1 6 IV 17 V 14 IX 8 X 50 XI 4 5 19
Sone, T. X 37
Sorensen, A.J. X 82
Space-filling constants 18B
Specific heats, change at the Curie point 28C Gc
Specific heats, variation with temperature 36A
Spectroscopic classification of the elements 9
Spectroscopic ground terms 6
Spencer, J.F. X 26
Spierer, C. XII 38
Spin quantum numbers 4 5
Spins, theory of neutralized 10D 12B 28GC
Spontaneous magnetization, theory of 24B 28
Staigmuller, H. I 22
Stammreich, H. I 9
Standard atomic radii 19C
Stark, J. V 6
Stearns, J.C. X 132
Steiner, W. IX 55
Stern, O. XI 10 11 12 22 25 XII 83
Stern, T.E. IX 8 XII 91 96 99
Stern-Gerlach experiment 31
Stewart, T.D. X 16
Stieglitz, J. V 21
Stierstadt, O. X 120
Stoessel, R. X 70
Stokes'law and atomic diameters 19D
Stoner.E.C. II 8 IV 7 X 1 36 50 55 56 71 78 103 136 139 143
Storch, H.H. XII 107
Strain constants in ring formation 17Eb2
Straubel, R. VI 9
Stripped atoms 7B 8B
Stromholm, D. V 15
Sub-groups, electronic 4
Sucksmith, W. X 78 99 104 127
Sugden, S. VII 48 51 54 55 56 57 58 61 65 66 VIII 2 X 14 XII 59
Sulphates and selenates, molecular volumes of 17A
Superconducting points 23A3
Superconductivity 23B
Surface tension 15 33Ca b 34
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