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Stedman G.E. — Diagram Techniques in Group Theory |
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rotation 98
2j phase 33 75
2jm factor 85
2jm symbol 29 68 74
3j phase 34 41 78
3jm factor 87
3jm symbol 33 68 76
3Kk symbol 100
6j symbol 43 78
9j symbol 44 79
Abragam, A.A. 97
Abrikosov projection 204
Abrikosov, A.A. 179
Adams, B.B. 219
Agrawala, V.K. 70
Aitchison, I.J.R. 277 279
Aitken, A.C. 118
Andrews, D.L. 153
Anticlockwise ordering 4
Antisymmetric symbol 7 118
Arima, A. 63
ARMs 130
arrow 6 128
Axe, J.D. 229
Barnes, S.E. 179
Barrie, R. 235
Barron, L.D. 152—153 168
Bates, C.A. 260
Becher, P. 278
Bell, J.S. 63
Bennett, C.L. 199
Bethe — Saltpeter equation 237
Bickerstaff, R.P. 78
Biedenharn — Elliott sum rule 46
Biggs, N.L. 1
Billy, N. 219
Bipartite 11 36 39 99
Birefringence 172
Biritz, H. 27 274
Bishton, S.S. 219
Black, R.J. 98 107
Blockley, C.A. 253
Bloembergen, N. 173
Boerner, H. 109
Bolotin, A. 27
Borcherds, P.H. 173
Bra 57 58 69 87 89
Briat, B. 171
Briggs, J.S. 219
Brink, D.M. 11 27
Brinkman, H.C. 269
Brueckner, K.A. 181
Buckingham, A.D. 152
Burgos, E. 219
Butera, P. 151 275
Butler, P.H. 32 47 70—71 75—79 85 97 131 158
Callen, H.B. 199
Canning, G.P. 151 275
Casimir operator 145
Causality 199
Centrosymmetric system 164
CHARACTER 72 100 106
Character Orthogonality Theorem 79 103 107
Cheng-Tian Feng 63
Chevron 58
Chiral anomaly 277
Chiral effect 159 164 168
Chiral system 164
Chiroptical process 168
Churcher, C.D. 171—172 177
Class sum 106
Clebsch — Gordon coefficient 28 52 67 73
Clebsch — Gordon series 28 137
Cohen-Tannoudji, C. 153
Coleman, A.J. 109 121—122
Commutativity 29 31 51 68
Compton scattering 279
Condon, E.U. 34 49 61 76
Conjugacy, anti- 34 54 86 160
Conjugacy, bra, ket 62
Conjugacy, group element 99
Conjugacy, irrep 30
Conjugacy, left 54
Conjugacy, node 54 63 132 154
Conjugacy, right 54 62
Conjugacy, self- 34 54 86 160
Conjugate bases 133
Conjugate pair coupling 160
Conjugation lemma 34 77 86
Conjugation Theorem 173
Contraction 190
Contravariant, covariant 5 53 130
Conzett, H. 153
Cooper, F. 254
Cornwell, J.F. 70 137—138 141 143 149—150
Cotton — Mouton effect 172
Coulomb interaction 221
Coulson, C.A. 152
Craig, D.P. 153 168
Craigie, N.S. 153
Creutz, M. 218
Crichton, J.H. 219
Crossing 3
Crystal field theory 224
Cvitanovic, P. 49 110 119 127—130 136—139 151 267 274—276
Damhus, T. 70
Danos, M. 48
de Figueiredo, I.M.B. 153
Debye — Waller factor 241
Degeneracy 238 242
Derome — Sharp lemma 34 77
Derome, R. 34 77
Determinant 20
Diagram, bipartite 11 36 39 99
Diagram, closed 4
Diagram, commutative 51
Diagram, connected 195
Diagram, disconnected 195
Diagram, Feynman 5 140 274—282
Diagram, Goldstone 182
Diagram, invariant 50
Diagram, irreducible 197
Diagram, open 4
Diagram, vacuum fluctuation 195
Dichroism 172
Dirac, P.A.M. 262
Dolgov, A.D. 277
Doniach, S. 179
Downer, M.C. 229
Duality transformation 102
Dynamical constant 157
Dynkin index 149
Dyson equation 198 237 250
E1, E2 (electric dipole, quadrupole) 155
Elastic scattering 237
ElBaz, E. 11 16 27 44 57 219 274
Electron-phonon interaction 200
Electron-phonon interaction, time-even 200
Electron-phonon interaction, time-odd 247
Electroweak theory 278
Elliott, J.P. 70
Energy shift 187
Energy variable 211
Energy width 187
Englman, R. 242
Evolution operator 185 189
Exchange 222 261
Exchange, virtual phonon 262
Fano, U. 40 76
Faraday effect 170
| Fermion loop 192
Fetter, A.L. 179
Feynman, R.P. 1 5 6 179 182 199 218 279
Fletcher, J.R. 201
Fluctuation-dissipation theorem 199
Fractional parentage coefficient 61
Franck — Condon principle 239
Friedberg, R. 153
Frobenius — Schur invariant 83
Fujimoto, Y. 183
Gaudin, M. 190
Gauge choice 153
Gaunt’s theorem 38 43 69 80
Gauthier, N. 248—250
Geometrical factor 158
Gilmore, R. 138
GKD (Generalised Kronecker Delta) 17 119
Golden Rule 156 199 230 234
Goldstein, G.R. 153
GOT (Great Orthogonality Theorem) 36 43 69 73 79 103
Graham, C. 153
Grange, P. 232
Graph theory 1
Green’s function 183 235
Grewe, N. 219
Griffith, J.S. 70
Group, average 37 73
Group, compact 150
Group, dimension 137
Group, operator algebra 98
Group, rotation-reflection 165
Group, simple phase 78
Group-subgroup reduction 83
Gruber, B. 151
Gyro tropic effect 168
Haase, R.W. 145
Ham reduction factors 244—261
Ham, F.S. 238 242
Hamer, C.J. 218
Hamermesh, M. 70 109
Harary, F. 1 11
Heine, V. 70
Horejsi, J. 277
Huang, K. 277
Huang, K.-N. 219
Hugenholtz, N.M. 219
Inner product 150
Integrity basis theory 267
Intensity parametrisation 226
Interference 233 238 255
Invariance 30 35 50 68
inversion 164
Irrep 27 71
Irrep, adjoint 136
Irrep, basis functions 71
Irrep, character 72 100
Irrep, complex conjugate 30 71
Irrep, contragredient, defining, fundamental 126
Irrep, identity 72
Irrep, matrix representation 72
Irrep, operator restriction 98
Irrep, orthogonal 77 83
Irrep, repetition label 73
Irrep, symplectic 77 83
Irrep, true 98
Isoscalar factor 87
Isospin 24
ITO (irreducible tensor operator) 56 60 89
ITO (irreducible tensor operator), coupled operators 60
ITO (irreducible tensor operator), creation operator 60
ITO (irreducible tensor operator), from group element 107
ITO (irreducible tensor operator), hermitian and time reversal conjugate 59 92
ITO (irreducible tensor operator), unit 91
Jackiw, R. 277
Jackson, J.D. 279
Jacobi relation 141
Jahn — Teller systems 238 242—261
Jarvis, P.D. 252
Jauch, J.M. 277 279
Jerphagnon, J. 153
JLVn theorems, general 38 42 54—55 69 82 182
JLVn theorems, JLV1 12 73
JLVn theorems, JLV2 13
JLVn theorems, JLV3 14
Jost, R. 125
Jucys, A.P. 11 12 26 44 50
Judd, B.R. 60 63 219 226 229 252 267
Kawabata, A. 230
Kennedy, A.D. 27 127 140 275—276
Kets 56—58 69 87 89
Kibler, M. 70
Killing form 148
Killingbeck, J. 70
Kirchhoff’s laws 196
Kittel, C. 25
Klein, O. 279
Koster, G.F. 70
Koutecky, J. 63
Kramers — Kronig relations 199
Kronecker product of irreps 28 73 136
Kronecker product of permutations 18
Kronecker product, irrep repetitions 73
Kronecker product, symmetrised 80
Kubo, R. 199
Kuo, T.T.S. 219
Kuramoto, Y. 218
Kwok, P.C. 210
Lagrange, J.-L. 125
Lamb, W.E. 153 233
Landau, L. 109
Lande factors 219
Langhoff, P.W. 180
Lawson, R.D. 63
Lax, M. 70 99
Leader, E. 278
Leech, J.W. 36 70
Leggett, A J. 178
legs 3 130
Lehmann spectral representation 187
Leung, C.H. 260
Level splitting algebra 98
Levi-Civita symbol 7
Lie algebra, generators, group 136—150
Lifetime, linewidth 187 238
Ligand field theory 224
Lindgren, I. 27 180 182
Line 2—3
Linked cluster expansion 195
Livanova, A. 109
Llewellyn Smith, C.H. 277
Lorentz covariance, invariance 6 274
Lulek, T. 70
Luypaert, R. 153
Mandula, J.E. 109 275
Manson, N.B. 171
Martin, D.H. 261
Mason, S.T. 219
Matrix 19
Matrix, eigenvalues 20
Matrix, interchange, permutation 42 75 78
Matrix, rotation 27
Matrix, trace 20
Matsubara, H. 179
Mattuck, R.D. 187 200
McClain, W.M. 152
MCD (Magnetic Circular Dichroism) 170
McKenzie, B.J. 65 210 230 263
Merzbacher, E. 180
Messiah, A. 63 109
Metric 54 129 133
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