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Debye P. (ed.) — The Structure of Molecules. Transl W Deans |
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Formaldehyde, binding energy of hydrogen atom in 127
Formaldehyde, predissociation of 126—127
Franck, J. 98 102 103 104 108 115 118 121 148 150 181
Frank — Condon principle 58 98—102 118 119 181
Free rotation 1—21
Frerichs 134
Fumaric acid 18 20
Fundamental state of molecule 27
Fundamental tones 27 74 79 85
Fundamental vibrations in Raman effect 58
Fundamental vibrations of carbon dioxide molecule 60
Gadolinium, fluorescence lines of 62
Galactose, aldehyde-pyranose equilibrium of 13 14
Gibson, G.E. 111
Glucose, aldehyde-pyranose equilibrium of 13 14
Graham 137
Gross structure 24
Grundstrom 152
Halides 115 116
Halides, binding constants of hydrogen 37
Halides, dissociation of alkali 105 106 107 108
Halides, methyl 38 44 46 47 102 181
Halides, nuclear frequencies of hydrogen 37
Halogens, repulsion curves in 102
Hanle, W. 70 90
Harmonic binding 79
Harmonic binding, potential of 36
Harris, L. 131
Hassel 7
Hedfeld, K. 30
Heisenberg, W. 65 83 106
Heitler — London method for stability 164—165
Heitler — London valency theory 110 116 168 169 171 173 174 177 178
Heitler, W. 59 102 110 156 158 164 165 169 171 173 174 176
Helium 170
Henri, V. 24 25 89 121 129 136 146 149 153
Hermite polynomials 57 72
Herold, W. 1 8 11 14
Herzberg, G. 24 59 102 109 110 127 148 150 153 155 156 158 159 164 167 168 169 172 176 181
Heteronuclear molecules 172
Heteropolar molecules 102 104
Hiickel, E. 20 21 179
Hill, E.L. 65
Hinshelwood 124
Holmberg 17
Homonuclear molecules 148 158 163
Homonuclear molecules, molecules, ortho-or para-symmetry of 156
Homonuclear molecules, stability of diatomic 167 et seq
Homopolar binding and Raman effect 83
Homopolar molecules 102 104
Hopneld 129 134
Huckel, W. 8
Hulthen, E. 115 116 152
Hund, F. 26 66 83 86 116 155 157 158 159 161 163 165 166 167 168 169 170 174 175 178 180
Hutchinson 124
Hydrides 115 116 118 119 150—152 172 173 179
Hydrides, binding constants of diatomic 36 37
Hydrides, internuclear distances in diatomic 32 33
Hydrides, nuclear frequencies of diatomic 33
Hydrocyanic acid type of molecule 47 48 49
Hydrocyanic acid, internuclear distances in 31
Hydrogen 169
Hydrogen and sulphur vapour, photo-chemical reaction between 140
Hydrogen halides, binding constants of 37
Hydrogen halides, internuclear distances in 37
Hydrogen halides, nuclear frequencies of 37
Hydrogen, moment of inertia of 59
Hydrogen, nuclear spin of 30
Hydrogen, ortho-and para- 156
Hydrogen, repulsion curve in 102
Imides 21
Inert gases and nitrogen, similarity of 171
Infra-red photography 29
Infra-red spectra 23 26 27 31 32 48 54 58
Infra-red spectra, selection rules for 78
Infra-red spectrum of calcite 94 95
Instability, Oldenberg's criterion for 116—118
Intensity distribution in band spectra 98
Intensity distribution in Raman spectra 59 91 92
Intensity of scattering 68 69
Intensity rules for Raman effect 83 84 95
Intensity, alternations in rotational bands 30 31 59 158
Intensity, variations in continuous absorption regions 106 107 112
Intensity, variations in vibrational bands 100 101 133 136
Interferometry, molecular 8 12 23 28 33 39 53 54
Intermediate states 55 56 58
Internuclear distance 24 26 36 38 40 41 66 102 109 112 115 144 165 167 168
Internuclear distance, and succession of electronic shells 165—167
Internuclear distance, in acetylene 30
Internuclear distance, in ammonia 30
Internuclear distance, in carbon-nitrogen-oxygen compounds 33 35
Internuclear distance, in chlorine derivatives of methane 39
Internuclear distance, in diatomic hydrides 32 33
Internuclear distance, in hydrocyanic acid 31
Internuclear distance, in hydrogen halides 37
Internuclear distance, in methyl halides 38
Internuclear distance, in polyatomic molecules 33
Internuclear distance, in tetrachlorides 39
Internuclear distance, in water 31
Internuclear distance, interferometric measurement, of 8 12 28
Internuclear distance, probability curve for 99
Iodine monochloride, dissociation of 111
Ionic binding 107
Ionic molecule 103 104—109 116
Ionic molecule, potential curve of 105
Ionization potential 105
Irradiation 18 65
Irradiation, of acetaldehyde 122
Irradiation, of ammonia 127 128
Irradiation, of benzaldehyde 124 125
Irradiation, of carbon disulphide 129
Irradiation, of formaldehyde 126
Isomerism, cis-trans 19 20 179
Isomerism, rotational 4—6 11
Isomorphism 93
Isosterism 31 35 159 160
Jablonski, A. 112
Jevons, W. 129 130
Kapuscinski, W. 119
Kemble, E.C 65
Kettering 91
Kirkbride 126
Koernicke, E. 113
Kofler 128
Kohlrausch, K.W.F. 27 41 90 96
Kramers — Heisenberg dispersion formula 55 56 58 59 65 92
Kramers, H.A. 26 65
Kratzer, A. 27 102
Krishnamurti, P. 83
Kronig, R.de L. 59 118 119 143 146 147 149 150
Kuhn, H. 103 106 108 112 114
Kuhn, R. 8
Kuhn, W. 127 128
Lambrey 131
Landsberg 93
Lattice, vibrations of 93 95
Lennard — Jones, J.E. 161 168
Lenz, W. ioo
Leontowitsch, M. 87 93 95
Light absorption see “Absorption”
Light scattering see “Scattering”
Lindquist, F.C 111
Lithium 170
Lochte — Holtgreven, W. 172
London, F. 102 109 115 116 164 165 169 171 173 174 176
Loomis, F.W. 170
Loose binding 101 107 112
Loosening electrons 168—171 174
Loosening electrons, in polyatomic molecules 178
Magnesium hydride, predissociation of 150—152
| Maleic acid 18 19 20
Mandelstamm 93
Manneback, C 58 59 60 65 85 92
Mannose, aldehyde-pyranose equilibrium of 13 14
Mathieu functions 82
Mattossi, F. 94 95
McLennan, J.C 115
Mecke, R. 23 29 30 31 40 49 54 88 131 155 156 172 176
Mercury hydride 116 118 119 173
Mercury vapour 112
Meso-forms of stereo-isomers 5—12 14—17 19 20
Mesoid form 16
Methane type of molecule 47 50 51 52
Methane, band spectrum of 31
Methane, chlorine derivatives of 39 see “Methylene “Chloroform” and
Methane, halogen derivatives of 44 45 see “Methylene”
Methyl chloride, valency vibration of 44
Methyl halides 38 181
Methyl halides, molecular data for 46 47
Methyl halides, nuclear frequencies of 38
Methyl halides, repulsion curves in 102
Methyl iodide 181
Methylene chloride, valency vibrations of 44
Meyer, C.F. 48
Meyer, L. 3
Miiller, L.A. 108
Molecular interferometry see “Interferometry”
Molecular refraction and Raman effect 84
Molecular structure and Raman effect 55—61 65—96
Molecular structure and valency 155—181
Molecular structure, methods of investigating 95—96
Molecule, atomic 103 109—112 116
Molecule, bent 46
Molecule, diatomic see “Diatomic molecules”
Molecule, fundamental state of 27
Molecule, heteronuclear 172
Molecule, heteropolar 102 104
Molecule, homonuclear 148 156 158 163 167
Molecule, homopolar 102 104
Molecule, internal motions of 97 143
Molecule, ionic 103 104—109 116
Molecule, non-polar 98 104
Molecule, polar 18 104
Molecule, polyatomic see “Polyatomic molecules”
Molecule, stability of see “Stability”
Molecule, triatomic see “Triatomic molecules”
Molecule, van der Waals 112—116
Moment of diatomic molecule 24 36
Moment of hydrogen 59
Moment of inertia of polyatomic molecule 25 26
Moment of inertia, calculation from interferometric measurements 28
Moment of nitrogen 59
Morse 168
Mrozowski, S. 112
Mulliken 111 152 155 159 161 165 167 168 169 172 173 175 176
Multiplicity of molecular state 155 156
Naeshagen 7
Naude, S.M, 137 138 150
Neon 172
Niederhoff 14
Nitric oxide 34 172
Nitric oxide, stability of 177 178
Nitrogen 171
Nitrogen and acetylene, similarity of 31 176 180
Nitrogen and inert gases, similarity of 171
Nitrogen peroxide, absorption spectrum of 25 131—134
Nitrogen peroxide, predissociation of 131—134
Nitrogen peroxide, stability of 177
Nitrogen, moment of inertia of 59
Nitrous oxide, Raman spectrum of 88
Non-polar molecule 98 104
Norrish 126 133
Nuclear frequency 24 25 38 67
Nuclear frequency, of chlorine derivatives of methane 39
Nuclear frequency, of diatomic hydrides 33
Nuclear frequency, of diatomic molecules 33—35 36
Nuclear frequency, of diatomic oxides 34
Nuclear frequency, of hydrogen halides 37
Nuclear frequency, of methyl halides 38
Nuclear frequency, of tetrachlorides 39
Nuclear spin of hydrogen 30
Nuclear velocities 67
Nuclei, statistics of 59 156 158
Nusbaum, R.E. 170
Odd electronic states 156
Odd terms 59
Oldenberg, O. 115 116 117 118 119 145 146
Ortho-hydrogen 156
overtones 27 29 74 85
Overtones, in Raman effect 57 58
Overtones, selection rules for 79 85
Oxides, nuclear frequencies of diatomic 34
Oxygen 171
Oxygen and formaldehyde, similarity of 176
Oxygen, energy of dissociation of 111 134 136 159 "
Oxygen, stability of 177 178
P-branch 150 151 152
p-electrons 36 161
Para-hydrogen 156
Parachor 35
Parker, E. 88 128 134
Paschen 134
Patkowski, J. m
Pauli principle 160
Pauling, L. 82
Pearse 150 151 152
Petri, K. 3
Phosgene, dissociation of 127
Phosphorus 180
Photochemical decomposition of acetaldehyde 122
Photochemical decomposition of ammonia 127 128
Photochemical decomposition of benzaldehyde 124 125
Photochemical decomposition of formaldehyde 126
Photochemical decomposition of nitrogen peroxide 133
Photochemical reaction between sulphur vapour and hydrogen 140
Placzek, G. 32 65 83 85 88 89 92 96
Polar binding and Raman effect 83
polar molecules 98 104
Polarizability 56 57 58 63 64 66 67 68 83 86
Polarizability, series for 84 85
Polarizable ion 83
Polarization in Raman spectra 69—71
Polarization rules 79
Polarization rules, for crystals 95
Polyatomic molecules, band spectra of 23—54
Polyatomic molecules, binding constants of 37
Polyatomic molecules, binding in 176—180
Polyatomic molecules, classification of electronic terms 175
Polyatomic molecules, difficulties of investigating and analysing spectra of 24 25 26
Polyatomic molecules, electron transitions in 180—181
Polyatomic molecules, electronic bands of 24
Polyatomic molecules, internuclear distances in 33
Polyatomic molecules, loosening electrons in 178
Polyatomic molecules, moments of inertia of 25 26
Polyatomic molecules, predissociation of 121—142 153
Polyatomic molecules, proper frequencies of 32—54
Polyatomic molecules, stability of 177
Polyatomic molecules, term scheme for 175—176
Polyatomic molecules, valency in 176—180
Potassium vapour 114
Potential curves 98 et seq
Potential curves, of atomic molecule 110
Potential curves, of ionic molecule 105
Potential energy of vibrating molecule 73
Potential maxima 12 118
Potential minima 2 4 6 11 12 164
Predissociation 116 121—142 143—153
Predissociation, limit of 121 122 126 127 128 129 130 134 135 136 141 149 151 152
Predissociation, of acetaldehyde 122—124
Predissociation, of ammonia 127—128
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