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Zhang Y. — Visual Information Representation, Communication and Image Processing |
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Introceptive sensor 436
Inverse distance methods 102
ISDN 318 328
K-means algorithm 14
K-nearest-neighbor rule 451
Kalman filter 112 121 364—366 386
Karhunen — Loeve Transform (KLT) 106
Knowledge 98 102 117
Knowledge base 478
Knowledge-based approach 441 443
Kohonen's self-organizing feature map 14
Kolmogorov — Smirnov normality test 427
Lagrangian multiplier 36
Laplacian pyramid 394
Layered coding 169
LDA 449
Learning, AA-learning 436 444
Learning, automated animal-like learning 436
Learning, comprehensive learning 444 446
Learning, developmental learning 436
Learning, Q-learning 432 435 472
Learning, R-learning 472
Learning, reinforcement learning 432 472
Learning-based approach 442 443
Least square method 108
Level-building 466 467
Living machine 437
Lloyd — Max conditions 14
Local coherency 347 353
Logarithmic complexity 452
Longevity 481
Loop filter 327
Luminance 320
M-search 19
Macroblock 321
Magnetic resonance imaging 101
MAP (maximum a posteriori) 51 55 57
MAP (maximum a posteriori), clustering 55
MAP (maximum a posteriori), enhancement 57
Mapping 102
Mapping, mapping functions 107
Markov decision process 461
Markov random field 73 78
Markov source 83
Masking function 23 24 25
Mathematical morphology 79 523
Mathematical morphology, conditioned dilation 79 80
Mathematical morphology, connected component 80
Mathematical morphology, intersection 80
Mathematical morphology, structuring element 79 80
Maximum likelihood estimate 416
MDC (multiple description coding) 171
MDF 450 457
Media analysis and recognition 229
Media analysis and recognition, comparison of DAR and DVMAR 230—231
Media analysis and recognition, DAR (Document Image Analysis and Recognition) 229
Media analysis and recognition, DVMAR (Digital Video Media Analysis and Recognition) 227 229
Media representations 229
Media representations, analog media 230
Media representations, content recognized media 230
Media representations, digitized media 230
MEF 450 457
Memory fade factors 463
Mesh, animation 291
Mesh, articulation model 100 104 105
Mesh, boundary 137 142 146 149 158
Mesh, design 130 134 135 137 143 J 154
Mesh, ellipsoidal model 109
Mesh, face model 101 103 104 107 114
Mesh, facial articulation model 105
Mesh, generic face model 101
Mesh, geometric articulation model 104
Mesh, geometric model 100
Mesh, geometry 130 133 137 143 146
Mesh, head model 114 119 125
Mesh, hierarchical meshes 101
Mesh, local parametric models 109
Mesh-based modeling 130 135 153
meshes 101
MF (model fitting)-estimator 417
Microblocks 321
Min-max estimator 416
Minimum-error Bayesian classification 417
Model 98
Model, model deformation 101
Model, model fitting 101 102
Model, model parameters 99
Model, motion 132 133 143 146
Model, muscle model 105
Model, parametric models 116
Model, physical-based models 104 105
Model, polygonal meshes 100 101
Model, polygonal model 101
Model, quadrilateral meshes 103
Model, rectangular meshes 101
Model, surface meshes 100
Model, surface models 102
Model, tracking 130 133 135 137 152 155
Model, triangular meshes 100
Model-based, model-based approach 97 98 108 114
Model-based, model-based coding 97 99
Model-based, model-based paradigm 125
Model-based, model-based techniques 125
Model-based, model-based video compression 100
Moire 490 514
Morlet wavelet 344
Mosaicking 387 399
Mosaicking, composition 389 396
Motion 98
Motion coder 275 279
Motion compensation 10 319 322 325 327 329 332 333 339 394
Motion estimation 27 131 134 143 325 328 392
Motion estimation, confidence measures 393
Motion modeling 131 133
Motion vectors 10
Motion, global motion 123
Motion, motion prediction 109
Motion, nonrigid facial motion 108 109 113 1 123 125
Motion, nonrigid motion estimation 114
Motion, rigid head motion 108
MPEG-2 255
MPEG-2 Systems 263 271
MPEG-4 129 133 251 255
MPEG-4 Audio 263 294—297
MPEG-4 Functionality 264
MPEG-4 System 272
MPEG-4 Terminal 256
MPEG-4 Video 256 269 273 274
MPEG-7 311
MSE (mean square error) 40
MSE (mean square error), HVS-weighted MSE 46
Multilevel dithering (multitoning) 492 513
Multiplexing 256 304
Multipoint control unit, (MCU) 206
Multipoint controller (MC) 206
Multipoint processor (MP) 206
Multipoint videoconferencing 205
Multipoint videoconferencing, centralized 210
Multipoint videoconferencing, continuous presence 207
Multipoint videoconferencing, distributed 210
Multipoint videoconferencing, switched presence 207
Multiresolution 394
Multistage predictor 195
N-effector 436
N-sensor 436
Natural and synthetic 129 150 160
Nearest-neighbor condition 13 21
Neighborhood system 52 65
Neural net 109
News video parsing, indexing and browsing 245
| Node point coordinate coding 146
Non-symmetric mask 508 509
Object mesh 289
Object recognition 452
Object-based coding 130 156
Object-based mesh 130 134 135 137
Object-based representation 129
Object-based tracking 135 136
Optic flow 108
Optic flow, optic-flow equations 109
Optic flow, optic-flow-based methods 109
Optimality, causal stages optimality 21
Optimality, overall optimality 20
Ordered dither 489
Ordered dither, clustered-dot dithering 489
Ordered dither, dispersed-dot dithering 489
Orthographic projection 110 115
Outlier process 415
Packet loss 167
Packetization 179
PAL Image Manager (PIM) 527
PAL-I 524
Parametric coder 296
Parke head model 125
Partial modeling 419
PCA 449
Perceptual grouping 50 68
Perceptual scalar quantization 48
Perceptual vector quantization 48
Performance comparison 86
Performance comparison, coding efficiency 78
Performance comparison, Peak Signal-To-Noise Ratio (PSNR) 86
Personal presence system 218
Pixel Aspect Ratios (PAR) 335
Pixel-domain combining 208
POCS (projection onto convex sets) 184
Poisson distribution 79
Polytopal vector quantizer 12
Pose 98 123
Pose, global head pose 113
Pose, pose estimation 110
Positional information 81
Positional information, overhead 81
Postfiltering 366 367 374 375
Postfiltering process 502
Postprocessing 179
Potential net 109
Prediction 181
Prediction, motion-compensated 181
Prediction, temporal 181
Predictive residual vector quantizer 32
Principal component analysis (PCA) 105 107
Principal frequency 496—498
Printer curve 508
Prioritization 169
Probability density estimation 424
Probability density function 17
Profiles 307
Profiles, audio profile 308
Profiles, systems profile 309
Profiles, video profile 307
Proprioceptive sensor 436
Pruning techniques, optimal pruning 23
Pruning techniques, top-down pruning 23
PSNR (peak signal-to-noise ratio) 62 402
Public service telephone network (PSTN) 318 328 333
Quadtree 34 36
Quadtree, decomposition 36
Quadtree, optimal quadtree 36
Quadtree, quadtree-based VQ 34 37
Quadtree, quadtree-VQ encoder 37
Quantization 9 85 323 325 328 329 336 340
Quantization, optimal bit allocation 73 86
Quantization, quantization error 12 17
Quantization, residual quantization 17
Quantization, scalar quantization 9 85
Quantization, uniform 85
Quantization, vector quantization 11
Quarter common intermediate format (QCIF) 320
Radial, radial basis function 102
Radial, radial basis methods 103
Radial, radial functions 103
Radial-average power spectrum (RAPS) 491
Rate-distortion optimization 23 36
Real Time 100 125 126
Real time, real-time applications 107
Reconstruction 164
Recovery 188 189
Recovery, coding mode 189
Recovery, motion vector 188
Redundancies 69 165
Redundancies, crossband 69
Redundancies, intraband 69
Redundancies, psychovisual 69
Redundancies, symbol coding 69
Region of interest 68
Region, salient feature 68
Regression tree 449
Render 100 105 120 123
Residual vector quantization 17
Residual vector quantization, codebook design 22
Residual vector quantization, optimality conditions 20
Residual vector quantization, pruned variable-block-size RVQ 23
Residual vector quantization, search techniques 18
Residual vector quantization, structure of RVQ 19
Residual vector quantization, variable-block-size RVQ 22
Residual vector quantizers (RVQ) 18 19 22 23
Resynchronization 286
Retransmission 193
Retransmission, multicopy 197
Retransmission, without wait 194
Reversible VLC 287
Roberts edge detector 537
Robot manipulator 458
Robot sitter 440
Robust entropy coding 178
Robust estimators 415
Robust video 285 287
Rosette 514
Rotation matrix 112
SAIL 459 469
Scalability 170 266 283 284 285 294 448 451
Scalable video 283 287
Scalar quantization 45 47 48
Scalar quantization, Lloyd — Max 56
Scene description 256 301 303
Sequential search 18
Shape coder 275 277
SHOSLIF 451 446
Shot 231
Shot detection algorithms 234—243
Shot detection algorithms, edge pixel comparison 236
Shot detection algorithms, histogram comparison 236
Shot detection algorithms, pixel value comparison 235
Shot detection for gradual transition 237
Shot detection for gradual transition, edge model fitting 239
Shot detection for gradual transition, edge pixel comparison 239
Shot detection for gradual transition, twin-comparison 238
Shot detection for MPEG compressed video 239
Shot detection for MPEG compressed video, DCT coefficient-based shot detection 240
Shot detection for MPEG compressed video, hybrid algorithm 242
Shot detection for MPEG compressed video, motion-vector-based shot detection 242
Shot, shot attributes 231
Shot, shot detection 234
Shot, shot length distribution 232
Significance field 78
Significance map 80
Significance map, marker 80
Significance-link 74 82
Significance-link, child 74
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