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Baker R.C. — Linear Electronics in Control Systems |
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Proportional-control control systems see "Feedback control systems"
PRV ratings of center-tapped transformer circuits 9
PRV ratings of diodes 7
PRV ratings of diodes in polyphase rectification 10
PRV ratings of full-wave rectifiers 9
Pulse shaping 216—218
puts see "Programmable unijunction transistors"
Q point 34—35 36—38 42—43
Q point in AC amplification 36—38
Q point of class B stage load line 74
Q point on load line of transistor load loop 34—35 66—67 74
Q point, difficulty of predicting in common-emitter stages 45—46
Q point, difficulty of predicting in common-emitter stages, resistors as solution for 46—50
Q point, effect on elements in transistor equivalent circuits 42 66
Quadrant values 162
Quadrants in motor speed control see "Four-quadrant motor speed control"
Quiescent value see "Q point"
Radio-frequency interference 163 167
Ratings of diodes 7
Ratings of diodes, reduced 10
Ratings of power semiconductors 77 81
Ratings of transistors 33—35
Recovery time in rectifiers 8
Rectification 6—8
Rectification, full-wave 9
Rectification, peak repetitive voltage during 7
Rectification, polyphase 10
Rectification, provided by power supplies 10
rectifiers 6
Rectifiers in electronic power supplies 10 146
Rectifiers, bridge 9 141 147 169 182
Rectifiers, full-wave 9
Rectifiers, full-wave, in regulated power supplies 146
Rectifiers, full-wave, in single-direction motor speed controls 182 190
Rectifiers, half-wave 6
Rectifiers, selection of 8
Reduced current ratings in rectifiers 10
Reduction of 3
Reference voltage in regulated power supplies 148 149
Reference voltage, circuits for 56 129
Reference voltage, effect on output voltage 24 147
Reference voltage, specifying zener diodes as 98
Regeneration 211
Regenerative braking 154 211
Regulated power supplies 16—23 146—149 168 169
Regulated power supplies, base current and output voltage in 148
Regulated power supplies, current limiting in 150
Regulated power supplies, schematic of 147
Regulated power supplies, sense lead placement in 152
Regulators see "Voltage regulators"
Relays in voltage comparators 132
Relays, solid-state see "Solid-state relays"
Relays, transistors as 32
Resistance see "Input resistance and Output resistance"
resistivity 1 2
Resistivity of crystal structures 2
Resistors in common-emitter stages 46—49
Resistors in common-emitter stages, effect on voltage gain 50 59
Resistors in junction field-effect transistor amplifiers 69
Resistors in operational amplifiers 118—119 120 131
Resistors in zener-regulated power supplies 19 22
Resistors in zener-regulated power supplies, calculating power ratings of 20
Resistors, bleeder 61
Resistors, heat conversion in 102
Resistors, viewing 95 186 192
Resistors, viewing, in direct armature feedback systems 190
Reverse bias 4
Reverse bias in depletion zone of bipolar junction transistors 28
Reverse bias in JFET channel 64
Reverse bias in P-N junction diodes 15 138
Reverse bias in SCRs 153 154
Reverse breakdown voltage of light-emitting diodes 138
Reverse breakdown voltage of silicon diodes 7 153
Reverse breakdown voltage of silicon-controlled rectifiers 153
Reverse current during avalanche breakdown 5
Reverse current during avalanche breakdown, usefulness of 15
Reverse voltage and saturation current 4
Reverse voltage during avalanche 5
rfi see "Radio-frequency interference"
Ripple reduction in regulated power supplies in IC regulators 149
Ripple reduction in regulated power supplies in zener regulators 16
RMS see "Root-mean-square"
RMS values as 103
Root-mean-square 103—104
Root-mean-square in selecting transformers 14
Root-mean-square, mathematical expression of 103
Root-mean-square, measuring with digital multimeters 105—110
Saturated drain-to-source current 65
Saturation in bipolar junction transistors 31 32 45 74 75 148
Saturation in bipolar junction transistors, versus cutoff 32
Saturation in diodes 4
Saturation in junction field-effect transistors 65
SCRs see "Silicon-controlled rectifiers"
Semiconductors 1—3
Semiconductors, role of P-N junction in 4
Semiconductors, troubleshooting with oscilloscopes 96
Sense leads in regulated power supplies 152
Set point circuits in heating controls 169
Set point circuits in phase-control systems 192
Shells, Electron 1 2
Silicon integrated circuits see "Integrated circuits"
Silicon, electrical properties of 2
Silicon-controlled rectifiers in motor speed controls see "Chapters 16—18"
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, maximum gate current of 155
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, phase control of 154—160 192—203
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, PUT firing of 193—195 202 203
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, UJT firing of 156 157
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, versus triacs 162
Silicon-controlled rectifiers, wave shapes with 154 155 159 160 185—187 191 192 198 211
Single-direction motor speed control see "Motor speed control"
Sinusoidal output of common-emitter stages 58—59
Sinusoidal output of common-emitter stages, effect of bypass capacitors on 58
Sinusoidal output, finding RMS value of 103—104
Sinusoidal output, measuring with digital multimeters 105—110
Slew rate in operational amplifiers 123—124
Solid-state circuitry, attaining high power in 11
Solid-state circuitry, versus vacuum tubes 11 66
Solid-state relays 163—164 165
Source terminals in N-channel junction field-effect transistors 64
sources see "Current cources voltage
Specifying, IC-regulated power supply components 149—152
Specifying, power amplifier components 80—83
Specifying, transistors 35
Specifying, transistors for AC amplifiers 38
Specifying, zener-regulated power supply components 17—20
Speed control of motors see "Motors"
Speed set point 201
Square-wave generators 132—134
Static voltage 68
Step-down transformers 10
Step-down transformers with single-capacitor filters 11
Summing amplifiers see "Operational amplifiers"
Supply voltage for operational amplifier circuits 114 115 121 131
Supply voltage for transistor amplifier/control circuits 29—35 55 66 72 74—76
Supply voltage for voltage reference circuits 130
switches see also "Triacs"
Switches, thyristors as 153
Switches, transistors as 32
Tachometers in motor speed controls 182 183
Tachometers in motor speed controls, electromechanical 213—215
Tachometers in motor speed controls, optical 215—219
TC see "Temperature coefficients"
Temperature see also "Case temperature"
Temperature coefficients in zener diodes 23—25 56 149
Temperature coefficients in zener diodes, Change in polarity of 25
Temperature of resistors 102
Temperature, ambient temperature in transistors 81
Temperature, effect on beta value in common-emitter stages 46
Temperature, effect on resistivity 2
Temperature, effect on resistivity, in bipolar junction transistors 58
| Temperature, effect on zener diodes 23 56
Temperature, junction 8 77 80
Temperature, product of electrical energy 102
Temperature, stability in differential amplifiers 116
Test instrumentation 87
Thermal energy 2
Thermal resistance 8 78
Thermal resistance of heatsinks 78—80
Thermal resistance of power transistor mountings 82—83
Thermocouples as temperature sensors 168
Thermocouples, amplifiers for 169—170
Thevenin equivalent circuits 39—40
Thevenin's theorem 39 43
Thevenin's Theorem, applied to voltage dividers 47—48
Thyristors 71 153 see "Triacs" "PUTs"
Thyristors in heating controls 166—172
Thyristors in lighting controls 162 163
Thyristors in motor controls see "Chapters 16—18"
Thyristors, heatsinks for 178
Thyristors, power dissipation in 174—175
Thyristors, power dissipation in, calculating 175
Time-base generators in oscilloscopes 88—89
Transfer characteristics of junction field-effect transistors 65 67
Transfer function 124
Transformers for reading I-V curves 97
Transformers in regulated power supplies 146
Transformers with single-capacitor filters 11
Transformers, center-tapped 9
Transformers, determining AC ratings for 103
Transformers, effect of high peak currents on 13—14
Transformers, selection of 14
Transformers, selection of, in zener-regulated power supplies 17
Transformers, self-protecting aspect of 13
Transformers, step-down 10
Transistors, bipolar junction see "Chapter 3"
Transistors, bipolar junction, as amplifiers 36—38 41—44 50—53 57—59 72—76 114 115 117 118
Transistors, bipolar junction, as amplifiers, specifying 38
Transistors, bipolar junction, as basis for electronic computation 32
Transistors, bipolar junction, as control elements 29—32
Transistors, bipolar junction, base current as control 29 31 32
Transistors, bipolar junction, cost of 33 38
Transistors, bipolar junction, curve tracers for 100
Transistors, bipolar junction, failure of 33 34 82 99
Transistors, bipolar junction, heatsinks in 78
Transistors, bipolar junction, high- versus low-voltage 33
Transistors, bipolar junction, in large-signal amplifiers 71—72
Transistors, bipolar junction, in switching mode 32
Transistors, bipolar junction, in zero-voltage switches 164—165
Transistors, bipolar junction, mounting 83 84
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type 27
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, as choice for amplifier 38 42—43 72
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, as part of SCR equivalent circuit 154
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, CE output characteristics of 30
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, determining quality of 28
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, determining ratings of 28
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, emitter and collector layers in 27
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, I-V characteristics of 99
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, schematic of 29
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, versus phototransistors 139
Transistors, bipolar junction, NPN type, versus PNP type 29 56 75
Transistors, bipolar junction, pass 149
Transistors, bipolar junction, plotting curves of 98—99
Transistors, bipolar junction, PNP type 29
Transistors, bipolar junction, PNP type, as part of SCR equivalent circuit 154
Transistors, bipolar junction, PNP type, in current sources 56 171 194
Transistors, bipolar junction, PNP type, usefulness of 29
Transistors, bipolar junction, PNP type, versus NPN type 29 56 75
Transistors, bipolar junction, principles of 27—29
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of 33—35 38 81
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of, maximum collector current 33—34 58
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of, maximum dissipation 34 35 81
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of, maximum dissipation, comparison with field-effect transistors 68
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of, minimum beta 35 46—47 56
Transistors, bipolar junction, ratings of, minimum beta, as counterpart to transconductance 65—66
Transistors, bipolar junction, saturation in 31 45 148
Transistors, bipolar junction, series pass 146—147
Transistors, bipolar junction, specifying 35 38 80 81
Transistors, bipolar junction, unijunction see "Unijunction transistors"
Transistors, bipolar junction, versus field-effect transistors 64 68
Triacs 71 161
Triacs as solid-state relays 163
Triacs, applications of 162 164 165 170 178
Triacs, gating modes of 162
Triacs, versus silicon-controlled rectifiers 162
Triggered sweep 88 89
Troubleshooting semiconductors 96
True RMS 108—110
Tubes see "Vacuum tubes"
Two-directional motor speed controls see "Motor speed controls"
UJTs see "Unijunction transistors"
Unijunction transistors 156—157
Unijunction transistors in ramp generators 171
Unijunction transistors in SCR phase control 159
Unijunction transistors in single-direction motor speed controls 184
Unijunction transistors, programmable 193—194
Unijunction transistors, programmable, early and late firing of 195
Unijunction transistors, programmable, in motor speed control 194 195
Unijunction transistors, programmable, voltage dividers for 193 194
Vacuum tubes in early oscilloscopes 87
Vacuum tubes, inductors with 11
Valley voltage 158
Vertical amplifiers in oscilloscopes 88 91
VIC see "Voltage-to-current conversion"
Virtual ground in inverting amplifiers 125
Voltage comparators 132 216
Voltage comparators in error amplifiers 170 173
Voltage comparators in ZVS ICs 165
Voltage dividers for CE stages 47 48
Voltage dividers for programmable unijunction transistors 193 194
Voltage feedback 196
Voltage followers 124—125 129 194 201
Voltage gain 37 41 47 50 see
Voltage gain in amplifiers 37 47 67 88
Voltage gain in common-emitter stages 50 59 72
Voltage gain in emitter-follower stages 52 59
Voltage gain in junction field-effect transistors 67
Voltage gain in multi-stage amplifiers 58 59
Voltage gain in voltage followers 125
Voltage gain, determination by AC analysis 59
Voltage gain, effect of resistors on 50 59 119
Voltage gain, independence from device variations 50
Voltage limiting 26 121
Voltage references 16 24—26 55—57 147—149
Voltage references, operational amplifiers as 129—130
Voltage regulators in regulated power supplies 151—152
Voltage regulators, zener diodes as 16—21 145
Voltage sources in voltage reference circuits 56
Voltage sources, effect of varying 56
Voltage sources, zener diodes as 16—21
Voltage-to-current conversion 130
Voltage-to-current conversion, BIFET op amps for 130—132
Voltage-variable resistance see "Field-effect transistors"
Voltmeters 99 100 104
Voltmeters, oscilloscopes as 88 93
VVR see "Voltage-variable resistance"
Wire size in inductors 11
X-Y plotters 96—97
Zener diodes see "Chapter 2"
Zener diodes as level shifters 57 60
Zener diodes as voltage references 16 24—26 56 129
Zener diodes as voltage references, buffer amplifiers in 24
Zener diodes as voltage references, current sources in 24 55 56
Zener diodes as voltage sources 16—21
Zener diodes in square-wave generators 132 133
Zener diodes in voltage reference circuits 21—26 129
Zener diodes, avalanche breakdown in 5 8 15
Zener diodes, breakdown characteristics of 15 21 25 60 98
Zener diodes, doping of 8 15
Zener diodes, effect of temperature variation on 23 56
Zener diodes, effect of varying load current on 23
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