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Maugin G.A. — Material inhomogeneities in elasticity |
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Phonon, surface 231
Photon 20 38
Photon, pseudomomentum 205
Physical force 1 65
Physical momentum 9 65 179 205
Physical momentum, balance 73
Physical momentum, equation 116
Physical velocity 44
Piezoelectric ceramics 200
Piezoelectricity 195
Piezomagnetism 195
Piola — Kirchhoff balance laws 63
Piola — Kirchhoff balance laws, first stress 16 64 236
Piola — Kirchhoff balance laws, nominal stress 15
Piola — Kirchhoff balance laws, second stress 16
Piola’s finite strain tensor 46
Piola’s finite strain tensor, transformation 64 74
placement 40
Plastic flow surface 240
Plastic rate of deformation 244
Point, material 40
Polar decomposition theorem 48
Polarization, electric 73 171
Polarization, surface 191
Ponderomotive couple 176
Ponderomotive force 174 179
potential energy 7 21
Power 1
Power, virtual, principle of 6 62
Poynting’s vector 206
Pressure 11
Principle, d’Alembert’s 5
Principle, natural, Hamiltonian 105
Principle, statics 4
Principle, stationary complementary energy 120
Principle, variational 182 189 226
Principle, variational, complementary-energy 118
Principle, virtual power 6 11 62
Projection 76
Projection, canonical 69
Pseudomomentum 20 34
Pseudomomentum, balance of 240
Pseudomomentum, balance of, total 114
Pseudomomentum, conservation of total 191
Pseudomomentum, electromagnetic 183 208 210
Pseudomomentum, global, conservation of 89 194
Pseudomomentum, interpretation 82
Pseudomomentum, material inhomogeneity 78
Pseudomomentum, phonons 205
Pseudomomentum, photons 205
Pseudomomentum, total, Eshelby 183
Pseudomomentum, unbalance 117 180 183
Pull back 76
Quasi-electrostatics 105
Quasi-linear hyperbolic operator 75
Quasi-magnetostatics 195
Quasi-particles 216
Rate, energy-release 32 203
Rate, plastic, deformation 244
Rate, strain 12 50
Rate, strain, Eulerlan 52
Rayleigh surface mode 230
Rayleigh — Bettl theorem 21
Reaction 3
Reductive perturbation method 213
Reference, configuration 15 41
Reference, frame 41
Relativity, general 69 133
Representation, theorem 71
Representation, theorem, Cauchy 72
Retardation, crack growth 203
Rice’s J-integral 32
Riemann — Christoffel curvature tensor 55
Riemannian curvature 128
Riemannian metric 134
Rigid body 12
Rigid body, motion 41 53
Rigid change of frame 53
Rigid displacement 47
Rotation, infinitesimal four-dimensional 110
Rotation, material frame 110
Scalar-valued isotropic function 71
Scale change 86 95 108
Scattering, inverse 224
Schrodinger, nonlinear equation 215
Schrodinger, nonlinear equation, nonlinear system 228
Second gradient theory 99 116 139
Second law of thermodynamics 235
Second Piola — Kirchhoff stress 16 68
Secularity condition 213
Separating duality 13
SH mode 230
Shape-memory alloy 222
Simple material 62
Sine-Gordon equation 213
Sine-Gordon equation, double 215
Sine-Gordon systems 217
Sine-Gordon — d’Alembert systems 223
Singularity, distortion 19
Singularity, force on a 24
Singularity, stress 33
Small-strain 57
Small-strain, approximation 93 245
Small-strain, theory 49
Solids, elastic electromagnetic 170
Solitary wave 214 221
Soliton, envelope 229
Soliton, solution, bright 229
Soliton, solutions, particle-like behavior of 232
Soliton, theory 81 115 215
Soliton, theory, conservation laws in 212
Soliton, topological 217
Soliton-soliton collision 232
Solution soliton, bright 229
Space-time, Newtonian 40
Spin, effects 144
Spin, gravitation, theory 146
Spin, intrinsic 60
Spin, tensor 112
Spin-angular, canonical momentum tensor 145
Standard material 34
State, natural 66
Statics, principle of 4
Stationary complementary energy principle 121
Strain, compatibility 54
| Strain, finite Finger’s 47
Strain, infinitesimal 49
Strain, material, relative finite 48
Strain, measures of 46
Strain, rate 12 50
Strain, rate, Eulerian 52
Strain, small 57
Strain, small, approximation 93 245
Strain, small, theory of 49
Strain, tensor Cauchy — Green 46
Strain, tensor Cauchy — Green, Eulerian 47
Strain, tensor Cauchy — Green, finite Piola’s 46
Strain, tensor Cauchy — Green, Lagrangian 47
Strain, theory 46
Stress 8
Stress, Cauchy 244
Stress, couple 143
Stress, effective, Eshelby 142
Stress, electromagnetic 207
Stress, Eshelby 27 79 129 139 181 242
Stress, first 16 236
Stress, intensity coefficients 203
Stress, Maxwell 31
Stress, Maxwell, mixed 86
Stress, Maxwell, second Piola — Kirchhoff 68
Stress, nominal Piola — Kirchhoff 15
Stress, Piola — Kirchhoff 64
Stress, second Piola — Kirchhoff 16
Stress, singularity 33
Stress, tensor, Cauchy 62
Stress, tensor, Cauchy, nonsymmetric 176
Stress, thermodynamic 67
Stress, thermodynamical 16
Stress, total, Eshelby 183
Structure, discrete 17
Surface, energy 33
Surface, force 17
Surface, mode, Rayleigh 230
Surface, phonons 231
Surface, plastic-flow 240
Surface, polarization 191
Symbol(s), Christoffel 55
Symbol(s), connection 132
Symmetric, free-field, Maxwell 175
Symmetrization procedure 112
Symmetry, generalized 94
Symmetry, material, group 127
System of holonomic coordinates 54
System, integrable 215
System, integrable, exactly 230
System, sine-Gordon 217
System, sine-Gordon — d’Alembert 223
System, Zakharov’s 229
Tensor, Cauchy 8
Tensor, density, dislocation 134
Tensor, energy momentum 103 207
Tensor, interaction 175
Tensor, momentum, spin-angular, canonical 145
Tensor, nonsymmetric Cauchy 176
Tensor, spin 122
Tensor, stress, Eshelby 129 139 240
Test functions 6
Tetrahedron argument 8
Theorem, energy 12
Theorem, Noether’s 100 105 183
Theory, distribution 6
Theory, elasticity, geometrical aspects 125
Theory, field 7—96
Theory, first-order gradient 97 125
Theory, gravitation Einstein — Cartan 144
Theory, gravitation-spin 146
Theory, nonlinear elasticity 220
Theory, second-gradient 99 110 139
Theory, soliton 115 215
Theory, soliton, conservation laws in 212
Theory, wave, conservation laws in 211
Thermodynamical admissibility 236
Thermodynamical stress 16
Thermodynamics, first law of 234
Thermodynamics, second law of 235
Time derivative, convected 174
Time derivative, total 193
Time translations 189
Topological invariant 218
Topological solitons 217
Torsion 128 143
Transformation, Galilean 177
Transformation, Legendre — Fenchel 118 188 240
Translations, time 189
Unbalance, form 78
Unbalance, law 74
Unbalance, pseudomomentum 117 180 183
Uniform expansion 86
Variable, internal (thermodynamic) 234
Variation, Eulerian 98
Variation, Lagrangian 98
Variational derivative 146
Variational formulation 6 103 105 136
Variational Principle 182 189 226
Variational principle, complementary-energy 118
Vector, Burgers 58 198
Vector, Poynting’s 206
Velocity, dislocation 123
Velocity, generalized 192
Velocity, gradient, tensor 51
Velocity, material 45 178
Velocity, physical 44
Virtual configuration 42
Virtual power principle 6 11 62
Virtual work 6
Vis viva 5
Viscoplasticity, elasto- 239
viscosity 239
Wave, Eulerian 36
Wave, ion-acoustic 229
Wave, Lagrangian 36
Wave, monochromatic 35
Wave, solitary 214 221
Wave, theory, conservation laws in 211
Weak formulation 94
Weak formulation, Newton’s law 4
Work, virtual 6
Zakharov, generalized system 230
Zakharov, nonlinear system 228
Zakharov, system 229
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