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Maugin G.A. — Material inhomogeneities in elasticity |
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Finite strain, Finger, tensor (Piola) 46
First law, Newton’s 41
First law, thermodynamics 60 234
First order gradient theories 97 125
First Piola — Kirchhoff stress 16 236
Flux, energy 88
Force(s) 1
Force(s) on an inhomogeneity 27
Force(s), at-a-distance 8 17
Force(s), configurational 24 120
Force(s), contact 8 12 17
Force(s), dissipation, material 242
Force(s), driving 219
Force(s), electric, Peach — Koehler 198
Force(s), impressed 3
Force(s), inhomogeneity 115 180 225 240
Force(s), inhomogeneity, material 85
Force(s), internal 2 11 16 19 63
Force(s), material in anelastic materials 234
Force(s), material, Eshelby’s concept 17
Force(s), material, inhomogeneity 78
Force(s), Mathisson’s 145
Force(s), on a singularity 24
Force(s), on an electric charge 30
Force(s), parallelogram of 4
Force(s), Peach — Koehler 19 20 122 135
Force(s), physical 65
Force(s), ponderomotive 174 179
Force(s), surface 17
Form, unbalance 78
Formula, Nanson’s 50
Formulation, balance of linear momentum 84
Formulation, canonical 192
Formulation, canonical, Hamiltonian 113
Formulation, incremental 247
Formulation, material, of Maxwell’s equations 177
Formulation, variational 6 103 105 136
Formulation, weak 94
Four-dimensional rotations, infinitesimal 110
Fracture, electroelasticity 194
Fracture, magnetoelasticity 194
Frame, crystallographic 132
Frame, laboratory referential 172
Frame, material, rotation 110
Frame, reference 41
Frame, rigid change 53
Free energy, Helmholtz 236
Free-field, symmetric stress, Maxwell 175
Frenkel — Kontorova model 214
Functions, test 6
Galilean approximation 174
Galilean transformations 177
Gauchy — Green strain tensor 46
Gedankenexperiment 6
General relativity 69
Generalized J-integral 246
Generalized momenta 192
Generalized symmetries 94
Generalized velocities 192
Global pseudomomentum conservation 80
Global reference configuration 43
Gradient, configuration 43
Gradient, deformation 44
Gradient, velocity tensor 51
Group property 140
Hadamard’s condition 75
Hamiltonian action 97 182
Hamiltonian formulation, canonical 113
Hamiltonian, natural principle 105
Hardening modulus 240
Helmholtz free energy 236
Holonomic system of coordinates 54
Holonomy 54
Homogeneity of elastic material 70
Hyperbolic quasilinear operator 75
Hyperstress 117 142
Hyperstress, Eshelby 142
Impenetrability condition 43
Impressed force 3
Incompatibility, elastic 57
Incompatibility, tensor, Kroner’s 57
Incremental formulation 247
Indifference, material-frame 70
Industrial mechanics 6
Inequality, Clausius — Duhem 236
Inequality, Clausius — Duhem, dissipation 238 244
Infinitesimal four dimensional rotations 110
Infinitesimal generators 110
Infinitesimal strain 49
Inhomogeneity 15
Inhomogeneity, force 27 115 180 204 225
Inhomogeneity, force, material 78 85
Inhomogeneity, material 125 238
Inhomogeneity, material, pseudomomentum 78
Inner product 13
Integrable systems 215
Integrable systems, exactly 230
Integral, J-, electromechanical 202
Integral, J-, generalized 246
Integral, J-, in anelastic behaviour 246
Interaction, energy 20
Interaction, tensor 175
Intermediate configuration (elastically released) 243
Internal energy 13
Internal forces 63
Internal variables 234
Interpretation of pseudomomentum 82
Intrinsic spin 60
Invariance, Lorentz 226
Invariant 74
Invariant, topological 218
Inverse motion description 46 68 85 105
Inverse scattering 224
Ion-acoustic waves, Langmuir 229
Isomorphy material 128
Isotropic function, scalar-valued 71
Isotropy 71
J-integral in anelastic behavior 246
J-integral, electromechanical 202
J-integral, generalized 246
J-integral, Rice’s 32
Jones — Richards experiment 209
Josephson junctions 214
KdV 213 (see also“Korteweg-de Vries”)
Kinematical compatibility 51
Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) equation 213
Kroner’s incompatibility tensor 57
Laboratory referential frame 172
Lagrangian coordinates 14
Lagrangian strain tensor 47
Lagrangian variations 98
Lagrangian waves 36
Langmuir ion-acoustic waves 229
Lattice dynamics 18
Law balance, Euler — Cauchy 59
Law(s), balance of momentum, covariant material 131
Law(s), balance, Euler — Cauchy 59
Law(s), balance, material 73
Law(s), balance, Piola — Kirchhoff 63
Law(s), conservation 58 132
Law(s), conservation, energy 5
Law(s), conservation, soliton theory 212
Law(s), conservation, wave theory 211
Law(s), motion, Newton’s 3
Law(s), Newton’s first 41
Law(s), normality 34
Law(s), thermodynamics, first 60 234
Law(s), thermodynamics, second 235
Law(s), unbalance 74
Legendre — Fenchel transformation 119 188 240
| Lie — Poisson bracket 115
Linear anisotropic elasticity 81
Linear momentum balance, formulations 84
Local energy equation 62
Local reference configuration 42
Lorentz invariance 226
Lorentz invariance, magnetization 171
Magnetoelasticity 191
Magnetoelasticity in fracture 194
Magnetoelasticity, nonlinear 187
Magnetoelastostatics 196
Magnetostatics, quasi- 195
Magnetostriction 195
Manifold, material 15 20 42
Mappings material 142
Mass, concept of 2
Mass, effective 24
Mass, measure 43
Material angular-momentum 110
Material balance laws 73 86
Material completely, description of 138
Material continuum 40
Material coordinates 14
Material derivative 9 15
Material dissipation force 242
Material divergence 130
Material force 2 11 16 19
Material force in anelastic materials 234
Material force, Eshelby’s concept 17
Material formulation of Maxwell’s equations 177
Material frame, indifference 70
Material frame, rotation 110
Material homogeneity 70
Material inhomogeneity 125 238
Material inhomogeneity, force 78 85
Material inhomogeneity, pseudomomentum 78
Material manifold 15 20 42
Material mappings 142
Material metrics 46
Material particle 17
Material point 40
Material strain, relative finite 48
Material symmetry group 127
Material velocity 45 178
Material, anelastic, material forces in 234
Material, crystalline 66
Material, ductile 247
Material, elastic 66
Material, simple 62
Material, standard 34
Mathisson’s force 145
Maxwell’s (free-field) symmetric stress 175
Maxwell’s equations 30 172 177
Maxwell’s equations in matter 177
Maxwell’s equations, material formulation 177
Maxwell’s stress tensor 31
Measure(s) of strain 46
Measure(s), mass 43
Mechanics, analytical 6
Mechanics, continuum 9
Mechanics, continuum, analytical 96
Mechanics, Eshelbian 38
Mechanics, industrial 6
Mechanics, Newtonian 10
Mechanics, rigid-body 7
Memory shape-, alloy 222
Metric, deformed 46 82 105
Metric, material 46
Metric, Riemannian 134
Microscopic defect 18
Microstructure 112
Minkowski’s electromagnetic momentum 206
Mixed stress tensor 86
Mode, SH 230
Mode, surface, Rayleigh 230
Modulus, hardening 240
Moment of momentum 7
Momentum 2
Momentum, angular 10 86
Momentum, angular, current 112
Momentum, angular, material 110
Momentum, balance law, covariant material 131
Momentum, canonical 219
Momentum, crystal 20 84 205
Momentum, current 103
Momentum, electromagnetic 175
Momentum, electromagnetic, Abraham’s 2—6
Momentum, electromagnetic, Minkowski’s 206
Momentum, energy, canonical 144
Momentum, energy, tensors 207
Momentum, field 37
Momentum, field, density 83 210 216
Momentum, generalized 192
Momentum, moment of 7
Momentum, physical 9 65 179 205
Momentum, physical, balance of 75
Momentum, physical, equation 116
Momentum, tensor, canonical spin angular 145
Monochromatic wave 35
Motion 40
Motion, direct, description 46 103
Motion, equations of, Euler — Cauchy 176
Motion, inverse, description 46 68 85 105
Motion, law of 3
Motion, rigid-body 41 53
Nanson’s formulas 50
Natural boundary condition 9 67
Natural Eulerian boundary condition 120
Natural Hamiltonian principle 105
Natural state 66
Newtonian mechanics 10
Newtonian mechanics, space-time 40
Newton’s concept of physical force 1
Newton’s First Law 41
Newton’s law of motion 3
Newton’s law of motion, weak formulation 4
Noether’s theorem 100 105 183
Nominal stress. Piola — Kirchhoff 15
Nonlinear elasticity theory 220
Nonlinear electroacoustics 187
Nonlinear equation, Schrodinger’s 215
Nonlinear magnetoelasticity 187
Nonlinear system, Schrodinger’s 228
Nonlinear system, Zakharov’s 228
Nonmagnetizable dielectrics 189
Nonrelativistic approximation 171
Nonsymmetric Cauchy stress tensor 176
Normality law 34
Objectivity 14 188
Observer, geodesic 132
One-form 131
Operator, quasilinear hyperbolic 75
Ordinary parallelism 127
Pairs, conjugate 69
Parallel transport 54
Parallelism, absolute 128
Parallelism, distant 128
Parallelism, ordinary 127
Parallelism, path dependent 144
Parallelogram of forces 4
Particle, material 17
Particle, quasi- 216
Particle-like behavior (of soliton solutions) 232
Path dependent parallelism 144
Peach — Koehler force 19 20 122 135
Peach — Koehler force, electric force 198
Perestroika 232
Perturbation, reductive method 213
Phonon 20 35
Phonon, pseudomomentum 205
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