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Rao M.M., Swift R.J. — Probability Theory With Applications |
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Предметный указатель |
Levy's inversion formula 237
Levy, P. 90 93 99 103 140 147 240 289 293 306 331 335 336 341 390 391 395 397 466 470 483 485 494 499
Liapounov inequality 15
Liapounov's theorem 293
Liapounov, A. 4 293
Likelihood ratio 199
Linde, W. 396
Lindeberg — Feller theorem 325
Lindeberg, J.W. 292 293 325
Lindley, D.V. 77
Littlewood, J.E. 17 364
Loeve, M. 249 436 494
Ly, S.K. 502
m-dependent 378
Mahabharata 4
Mahalanobis, P.C. 4
Maistrov, L.E. 4
Mann, H.B. 95 347
Marcinkiewicz, J. 215 289
Marcus, M.B. 489 492
Markov chain 146
Markov chain, finite 146
Markov kernel 217
Markov time 411
Markov's inequality 18
Markov, A.A. 59 103 140
Markovian 141
Markovian, family 141
Markovian, strict-sense 152
Marshall, A.W. 97
Martingale 174
Martingale difference sequence 420
Martingale, asymptotic 456
Martingale, difference 175
Martingale, Jordan-type decomposition 177
Mathias, M. 257
Maximal ergodic theorem 451
McKean, H.P. 467 470
McLeish, D.L. 436 455
Median 96
Memoryless property 500
Mercer, T. 471
Metrically transitive 454
Meyer, P.A. 24
Mihaila, I. 501
Minimal sufficient -algebra 205
Minimally positive definite 397
Minkowski's inequality 14
Minkowski's inequality, conditional 116
Mixture 32
Moment generating function 278
Moment problem 234
Monotone class 10
Monotone Convergence Theorem 13
Mooney, D.D. 501
Morse, M. 495 497
Natural base 174
Neal, D.K. 95
Neuts, M.F. 4
Neyman, J. 205
Nobile, A.G. 504
Nonparametric statistics 197
Norming constants 332
Okazaki, Y. 487
Optional sampling theorem 422
Order statistics 88 153
Orey, S. 407
Ornstein, D.S. 85
Ottaviani, M.G. 97
p-Norm 14
Paley, R. 90 489
Parthasarathy, K.R. 207 274 351
Parzen, E. 72 505
Path reversible 212
Pauc, C.Y. 131 135
Permutable sequence 197
Phillips, R.S. 490
Pierre, P.A. 388 393
Pisier, G. 489 492
Pochhammer notation 502
Poincare's Formula 28
Poincare, H. 449
Poisson, S.D. 303
Polish space 173
Poly'a, G. 17
Positive subinvariant measure 212
Possible value 81
Post — Widder formula 98
Potential 218
Pratt, J.W. 31
Predictable 420
Predictable transform 213 420
Prekopa, A. 478
Probability generating function 499
Probability space 6
Process, -radial 492
Process, (c,p)-summable Cramer 506
Process, * 201
Process, additive 471
Process, birth-death 477
Process, catastrophe 503
Process, class (KF) 505
Process, class (KF,p) 506
Process, counting 475
Process, ergodic 454
Process, explosive 406
Process, F 201
Process, general birth-death 501
Process, generalized 507
Process, kth order 211
Process, Levy 485
Process, linear birth 500
Process, Markov 141
Process, multiple Markov 211
Process, Ornstein — Uhlenbeck 498
Process, Poisson 476
Process, pure birth 500
Process, stable 406
Process, stopped 420
Process, stopping time 411
Process, unstable 406
Process, wide sense Markov 152
Process, Wiener 343 344
Product class 10
Productlike measure 165
Productlike measure, generalized 168
Prokhorov, Yu.V. 342 351 358 363
Quasi-martingale 201
Queueing 77 213 477 502
Rademacher function 455
Radon — Nikodym theorem 20
Radon's theorem 268
Radon, J. 268
Raikov, D.A. 289
Rajchman, A. 61
Ramachandran, B. 397
Ramaswamy, V. 341
Random Ergodic Theorem 456
Random field, Markov 141
Random measure 483
Random process 158
Random sample 153
Random variable 7
Random variable, abstract 9
| Random variable, complex 10 22
Random variable, generalized 9
Random variable, lattice type 289
Random variable, multidimensional 9
Random walk 77 81
Random walk, persistent 84
Random walk, recurrent 84
Random walk, transient 84
Rao, C.R. 203 397
Rao, R.R. 72 302
Recurrent point 81
Reflection principle 357
Regular conditional distribution 125
Regular conditional probability 122
Renewal 286
Renewal Theorem 419
Renyi, A. 4 5 97 136 178 358 436 449 456
Resampling 71
Revesz, P. 364
Revuz, D. 470
Riemann zeta function 389
Riesz, F. 49 218 260
Robbins, H. 100 287
Royden, H.L. 13 90
Rozanov, Yu.A. 493
Rozanoz, Yu.A. 505
Rubin, H. 88
Salem, R. 489
Sample function 344
Sample mean 280
Sample variance 280
Savage, L.J. 5 44 205
Sazonov, V.V. 302
Schatte, P. 379
Schauder functions 461
Scheffe's lemma 26
Schilder, M. 487 491 505
Schultz, H.S. 87
Schwartz, J.T. 505
Semicontinuous function 231
Shanks, D. 95
Shepp, L.A. 499
Shiflett, R.C. 87
Shift transformation 457
Shohat, J. 234
Signum function 238
Simple stopping 415
Single server queueing problem 77
Sion, M. 13
Skorokhod, A.V. 32 89 337 351 358
Slepian, D. 133
SLLN 61 63 64 72
Slutsky, E.E. 96
Smirnov, N.V. 341 363
Spectral density 493
Spectral function 493
Spectral measure 488
Spitzer's identity 401
Spitzer, F. 81 401
Sreehari, M. 395
St. Petersburg paradox 95
Stable 331
Stable family 483
Stable function 396
Stable random measures 483
Stable type laws 332
Standard deviation 18
Star condition 201
State space 146
Stationary transition probabilities 212
Stationary, almost 506
Stationary, asymptotic 505
Stationary, Khintchine sense 493
Stationary, strictly 454
Stationary, weakly 282 493
Stationary, wide sense 493
Steady-state distibution 501
Steinhaus, H. 284
Stochastic base 174
Stochastic process 158
Stochastically continuous 474
Stopping time 411
Strassen, V. 363 374
Stromberg, K.R. 281
Strong law of large numbers (SLLN) 61
Strongly measurable 490
Strongly mixing 437
Strongly stationary a-stable 488
Sub-Markov kernel 217
Subharmonic function 217
Subinvariant function 217
Submartingale 174
Sucheston, L. 456
Sufficient statistic 204 205
Sufficient subfield 204
Superharmonic function 217
Supermartingale 174
Switkes, J.M. 501
Symmetric event 45
Symmetrically dependent sequence 197
Tail -algebra 39
Tamarkin, J.D. 234
Teicher, H. x 366
Three series theorem 56
Tightness conditions 364
Tjur, T. 136
Transition probability 150
Transue, W. 495 497
Tucker, H. 249
Tulcea, I. 136 164 165 171 189
U-statistics 197
Ulam, S.M. 456
Unfavorable game 175
Uniformly integrable 23
Uniformly integrable, conditionally 114
Urbanik, K. 490 491
V-bounded 490
Variance 18
Variation, Frechet 494
Variation, Vitali 494
Vitale, R.A. 88
Vitali variation 494
Vitali's theorem 24
Voiculescu, D. 341
von Mises, R. 4
von Neumann, J. 456
von Smoluchovski, M. 459
Wald, A. 95 347 415
Weak law of large numbers (WLLN) 58
Weakly sequentially compact 225
Wendel, J.G. 401
Weron, A. 492
Weyl, H. 95
White, J.S. 383
Wiener measure 344
Wiener, N. 90 459 465
Wintner, A. 91 374
Wirkus, S.A. 501
WLLN 58 59 61 62 95
Wold, H. 266
Wrench, J.W. 95
Yaglom, A.M. 493
Yor, D. 470
Zaanen, A.C. 20
Zolotarev, V.M. 296 327
Zygmund, A. 484 485 489
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