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Smart W.M. — Textbook on Spherical Astronomy
Smart W.M. — Textbook on Spherical Astronomy

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Название: Textbook on Spherical Astronomy

Автор: Smart W.M.


This well-established textbook gives a general but comprehensive introduction to positional astronomy. Originally based on the author's lecture courses at Cambridge University, it is intended primarily for undergraduates, but, due to its comprehensive nature, it is a very useful reference text for research workers in many branches of astronomy and space physics. The author considers the night sky as the celestial sphere and powerfully exploits the methods of spherical geometry. Most problems in which the precise determination of a heavenly body's position in the sky is important are considered in theoretical detail, and the necessary formulae are derived to a precision that is sufficient for all but the most specialist purposes. The present revision has ensured that the terminology and treatment correspond precisely to current astronomical practice. A guiding principle has been to re-establish compatibility with the Astronomical Ephemeris and, to a lesser extent, with the fuller explanations of the Explanatory Supplement to the Astronomical Ephemeris and the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac. Fairly frequent comments added to the text indicate the sometimes modified relevance of the subject matter to modern astronomy. A number of additional exercises help to illustrate the new material.

Язык: en

Рубрика: Физика/Астрономия/

Статус предметного указателя: Готов указатель с номерами страниц

ed2k: ed2k stats

Год издания: 1977

Количество страниц: 443

Добавлена в каталог: 17.06.2005

Операции: Положить на полку | Скопировать ссылку для форума | Скопировать ID
Предметный указатель
Aberration in astronomical photography      296
Aberration, annual      179
Aberration, constant of      185
Aberration, constant of (in relation to the solar parallax)      213
Aberration, differential      297
Aberration, diurnal      80 191
Aberration, ellipse      181
Aberration, law of      178
Aberration, planetary      193
Absolute proper motions      304
Adams, C.E.      125
Altitude      26
Altitude Tables      333
Altitude, parallel of      26
Analogies, Delambre's      22
Analogies, Napier's      23
Analogue-formula      10
Angle of refraction      61
Angle of the vertical      196
Angle, hour      29
Angle, parallactic      49
Angle, spherical      2
Angle, trigonometrical ratios for small      21
Annual aberration      179
Annual parallax      218
Annual variation      241 260
Annular eclipse      387
Anomalistic month      133
Anomalistic year      132
Anomaly, eccentric      111
Anomaly, mean      113
Anomaly, true      111
Ant-apex      264
Ant-apex, position angle of      265
Antarctic circle      48
Apastron      343
Apex, solar      261
Aphelion      99
Apogee      132
Apparent co-ordinates      259
Apparent noon      41
Apparent orbit of a visual binary      345
Apparent place of a star      245
Apparent sidereal time      138
Apparent solar day      41
Arctic circle      48
Aries, first point of      37
Artificial satellites      204
Astrand, J.J.      115
Astrographic plates, measurement of      298
Astrometric co-ordinates      300
Astronomical constants      420
Astronomical latitude      196
Astronomical unit, of distance      101
Astronomical zenith      196
Auxiliary ellipse      352
Axis, collimation      75
Azimuth      27 30
Azimuth error      76
Azimuth error, determination of      89
Azimuth Tables      323
Azimuth, rate of change of      48
Baldwin, J.M.      265
Ball, Sir R.S.      212
Batten, A.H.      366
Bauschinger, J.      115
Bessel's formula      80
Bessel's method of investigating an occupation      370
Besselian day numbers      184 244 246
Besselian elements, of a solar eclipse      390
Besselian elements, of an occupation      373
Besselian star constants      246
Besselian year      145
Binary star      340
Binary star, apparent orbit of      345
Binary star, elements of orbit of      342
Binary, eclipsing      366
Binary, spectroscopic      357
Bohnenberger eye piece      87
Boss, Lewis      241
Bradley      178
Bradley, formula for refraction      72
Brightness, of planets      169
Burdwood's Azimuth Tables      323
calendar      144
Campbell, W.W.      83
Cancer, Tropic of      151
Capricorn, Tropic of      151
Cardinal points      27
Cassini's hypothesis (refraction)      72
Cataloguing the stars      246
Celestial equator      28
Celestial horizon      26
Celestial latitude and longitude      40
Celestial sphere      1 33
Centering error      289 316
Centre, equation of the      119 148
Christie and Dyson, Method of determining plate constants      307
Chronograph      90
Circle, Antarctic      48
Circle, Arctic      48
Circle, great      1
Circle, position      320
Circle, small      1
Circle, vertical      26
Circumpolar stars      32
Clock stars      95
Co-ordinates, galactic      276
Co-ordinates, heliocentric ecliptic      122
Co-ordinates, heliocentric equatorial      124
Co-ordinates, heliographic      169
Co-ordinates, mean and apparent      259
Co-ordinates, standard      280
Coelostat      416
Colatitude      5
Collimation axis      75
Collimation error      76 78
Collimation error in sextant      316
Collimation error, determination of      83
Collimation plane      75
Collimator      84
Companion (of a binary star)      340
Comparison stars      304
Comrie, L.J.      375
Conjunction      129
Constant of aberration      185
Constant of aberration, measurement of      187
Constant of aberration, related to solar parallax      213
Constant of aberration, theoretical value of      190
Constant of gravitation      101
Constant of nutation      247
Correction for light-time      193
Cosine-formula      6
Culminate (to)      29
Culmination, lower      33
Culmination, upper      33
Curve, velocity      359
Day, mean solar      42
Day, sidereal      37 138
Day-Numbers, Besselian      184 244 246
Day-Numbers, independent      184 245
de Aquino, R.      333
Dead reckoning      322
Declination      29 35
Declination, measurement of      91
Declination, parallel of      29
Deimos      103
Delambre, analogies      22
Dependences      404
Dimensions of the sun, moon and planets      421
Dip of the horizon      317
Direct motion      162
Disc      167
Disc, heliographic co-ordinates of centre of      171
Distance, astronomical unit of      101
Distance, north polar      29
Distance, zenith      26
Diurnal aberration      191
Diurnal method (solar parallax)      210
Doolittle      316
Dynamical parallaxes      356
Dynamical principles of orbital motion      104
Dyson, Christie and      307
E-terms (aberration)      186
Earth, heliocentric rectangular coordinates of      126
Earth, orbit of      37 131
Eccentric anomaly      111
Eccentric anomaly as a series      117
Eccentricity      99
Eclipse, of the moon      378
Eclipse, of the sun      386
Eclipses, frequency of      398
Eclipses, repetition of      400
Eclipsing binary stars      366
Ecliptic      38
Ecliptic limits      381 388
Ecliptic, mean      238
Ecliptic, obliquity of      39
Elements of orbit of a planet      116 122
Elements of orbit of binary star      342
Elements of the planetary orbits      422
Elements of the satellites      423
Elements, determination of the      129
Ellipse, aberrational      181
Ellipse, auxiliary      352
Ellipse, parallactic      219
Elliptic orbits, elements of      116 122 422
Elongation      163
Ephemeris Time      139 424
Epoch      122
Epoch, mean longitude at the      122
Equation of a planetary orbit      106
Equation of the centre      119 148
Equation of the equinoxes      139
Equation of Time      42 146
Equator, celestial      28
Equator, mean      137 238
Equator, reduction to the      148
Equator, solar      170
Equator, terrestrial      4
Equator, true      242
Equatorial parallax, mean horizontal      200
Equinox, autumnal      40
Equinox, mean      137 238
Equinox, precession of the      226
Equinox, true      242
Equinox, vernal      37 39
Eros, opposition of      208 212
Factor, parallax-      222
Fictitious mean sun      140 424
Film-to-film method of measuring proper motions      306
First point of Aries      37
Flattening      198
Formula, four-parts      12
Formula, fundamental      7
Formula, haversine      18
Formula, polar      15
Formula, sine      9
Four-parts formula      12
Frequency of eclipses      398
Fundamental plane      369 390
Fundamental stars      95
G.M.T., note on      44
Galactic co-ordinates      276
Galactic latitude      267
Galactic rotation      273 275
General precession      237
Geocentric celestial sphere      33
Geocentric distance      128
Geocentric equatorial rectangular co-ordinates of sun      127
Geocentric motion of a planet      160
Geocentric parallax      199
Geocentric right ascension and declination of a planet      127
Geographical position      321
geoid      195
Geoid, dimensions of      198
Gibbous      168
Gladstone and Dale's Law      66
Gnomonic projection      337
Gravitation, constant of      101
Gravitation, law of      101
Great circle      1
Great circle, equation of, on Mercator's chart      335
Great circle, pole of      1
Greenwich mean astronomical time      43
Greenwich mean noon      43
Greenwich tables of refraction      68
Gregorian calendar      145
Halley      249
Haversine, definition of      18
Haversine, formula      19
Heliocentric distance      99
Heliocentric ecliptic rectangular co-ordinates      122
Heliocentric equatorial rectangular co-ordinates      124 125
Heliocentric rectangular co-ordinates of earth      126
Heliographic co-ordinates      169
Heliographic co-ordinates of a sun-spot      174
Heliographic latitude and longitude      171
Hill, S.N.      265
Hipparchus      226 249
Horizon, celestial      26
Horizon, dip of the      317
Horizon-glass      315
Horizontal parallax      200
Horizontal refraction      69
Hour angle      29
Hour angle of the mean sun      42
Immersion      368
Independent day numbers      184 246
Index error      316
Index of refraction      59
Index-glass      315
Inman's Nautical Tables      19
intercept      323
Julian calendar      144
Julian date      146
Jupiter, geocentric motion of      163
Kapteyn, J.C.      302 306
Kepler's equation      113
Kepler's equation, solution of      114
Kepler's laws      98
Knot      23
Kowalsky's method (visual binary)      346
Kuestner      190
Lambert's theorem      135
Laser, distance of the moon      203
Latitude, astronomical      196
Latitude, celestial      40
Latitude, galactic      267
Latitude, geocentric      196
Latitude, parallel of      5
Latitude, variation of      190
leap-year      144
Lehmann — Filhes      360
Level error      76
Level error, determination of      87
Light, velocity of      420
Light-year      224
Line, position      323
Line, rhumb      326
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