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Stokes G.G. — Mathematical and physical papers (volume 1) |
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Aberration of light 134 153
Aberration of light, Fresnel’s theory respecting 141
Airy, Sir G.B., on tides and waves 163 165 169 171
Angular velocities of a fluid 81 112
Axes of extension 82
Babinet’s result as to non-influence of earth’s motion on interference explained 142
Ball pendulum, resistance to 180 186
Ball pendulum, resistance to, in presence of a distant plane 43
Ball pendulum, resistance to, resistance to a, within a concentric spherical case 41 181
Ball pendulum, resistance to, within rectangular box 111 305
Bankine’s investigation of a special case of possible rotational waves 219
Bankine’s investigation of a special case of the limiting form of irrotational waves 225
Bectangle, different expressions for the permanent temperature in 290
Box, motion of fluid within a closed, of the form of a parallelepiped 60 66 194 288
Box, motion of fluid within a closed, of the form of a parallelepiped, elliptic cylinder 65
Box, motion of fluid within a closed, of the form of a parallelepiped, equilateral triangular prism 65
Box, motion of fluid within a closed, of the form of a parallelepiped, sector of cylinder 305
Cauchy’s proof of a fundamental proposition in hydrodynamics 107 160
Challis, Prof., aberration 138
Challis, Prof., aberration, ball pendulum 180
Challis, Prof., aberration, hydrodynamical theorem 160
Convergence, essential and accidental 241
Convergence, essential and accidental, infinitely slow 281
Current, superficial, in water an accompaniment of waves 208
Cylinder, motion of a piston and of the air within a 69
Cylindrical surfaces, (circular) motion of perfect fluid between 30
Cylindrical surfaces, (circular) motion of viscous fluid between 102
Cylindrical surfaces, (elliptic) approximate motion within or outside 54
Determinateness of problems in fluid motion 21
Discharge of air through small orifices, paradox relating to 176
Discontinuity, determination of, in a function expressed by series or integrals of periodic functions 239 271
Discontinuity, determination of, of motion in a fluid 310
Discontinuity, determination of, propositions respecting, in the sums of infinite series 279
Doubly refracting crystals, formula for determining the principal indices of 148
Earnshaw, S., on solitary waves 169
Eddies, production of 311
Eddies, production of resistance by 53 99
Elastic solids, isotropic, equations of equilibrium of 113
Elastic solids, isotropic, necessity of two arbitrary constants in the equations 120
Fresnel’s theory of non-influence of earth’s motion on the reflection and refraction of light 141
Friction, internal, of fluids, theory of 75 182
Friction, internal, of fluids, theory of, production of eddies by 99 311
Gerstner’s investigation of a special case of possible waves 219
Green, notice of his papers on sound 178
Green, notice of his papers on the motion of fluid about an ellipsoid 54 179
Green, notice of his papers on waves 162
| Hydrodynamics, report on 157
Impulsive motion of fluids 23
Instability of motion 53 311
Integrating factor of homogeneous differential equations 130
Kelland, Prof., long waves in canal of any form 163
Kelland, Prof., long waves in canal of any form, oscillatory waves in triangular canal 165
Lee-way of a ship, effect of waves on 208
Lines of motion see “Stream lines”
Luminiferous ether, equations of motion of 124
Luminiferous ether, equations of motion of, constitution of 153
Motion of fluids, some cases of 17
Motion of fluids, supplement 188
Newton’s solution of velocity in a vortex, correction in 103
Parallelepiped, rectangular, motion of fluid within 60 66 288
Parallelepiped, rectangular, motion of fluid within, different expressions for permanent temperature in 295 302
Parallelepiped, rectangular, motion of fluid within, experiments as to the motion 194
Parallelepiped, rectangular, motion of fluid within, expression for the potential in a hollow conducting, due to an interior electric point 303
Periodic series, critical values of the sums of 236
Pipe, linear motion of fluid in a 105
Pipe, linear motion of fluid in a, production of eddies in a 99
Poisson’s solution of the problem of a ball pendulum-, correction in 42 49
Poisson’s theory of elastic solids 116
Poisson’s theory of viscous fluids 118 182
Poisson’s theory, reduction of his two arbitrary constants in the latter case to one 119 184
Reflection, principle of, as applied to the motion of liquids 28
Resistance referable to instability of motion and eddies 52 99
Saint-Venant and Wantzel, discharge of air through small orifices 176
Saint-Venant, equations of motion of a viscous fluid 183
Sound, intensity and velocity of, theoretical effect of viscosity of air on 100
Spheres, motion of fluid between two concentric 38
Spheres, motion of fluid between two concentric, non-concentric 230
Steady motion of incompressible fluids 1
Stream lines, determination whether a given family of curves can be a set of, in two dimensions 5 9
Stream lines, determination whether a given family of curves can be a set of, in two dimensions, for motion symmetrical about an axis 15
Thomson, F.D., demonstration of a theorem due to him 7
Thomson, Sir W., hydrodynamical application of his method of images 230
Thomson, Sir W., hydrodynamical application of his method of images, expression suggested by, for permanent temperature in rectangular parallelepiped 301
Tides see “Waves”
Triangular prism, (equilateral) motion of fluid within 8 65
udx + vdy +wdz an exact differential, proposition relating to 1 20 106 158
Uniqueness of expression for p, q, or 23
Waves and tides, report respecting 161
Waves, theory of oscillatory, Gerstner and Rankine’s investigation of a special possible case of 219
Waves, theory of oscillatory, greatest height of, at the surface of a liquid 225
Waves, theory of oscillatory, of finite height 197 314
Waves, theory of oscillatory, of small, at the common surface of two liquids 212
Waves, theory of oscillatory, solitary 168 S25
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