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Monk J.D., Bonnet R. — Handbook Of Boolean Algebras Vol.2 |
Предметный указатель |
344 348ff 682 694 706 710
-system 616 622
392 403 634 639 665 671
-closed subset of a BA 315 322
-closed subset of a partial order 321
-dense chain 641
-distributive 319 339
-universal BAs 679
-universal homogeneous BAs 685
-like BA 414
-homogeneous pair 592
-weakly homogeneous pair 592
-power 452
-tree 643
(A) 424ff
-base for a space 424
-character 417 425 438
-weight 417 424 438
-unembeddable 483
-additive function 591
-closed group 592
-distributive BAs 667
-finite measure 591
( , , )-distributive 329
( , )-distributive law 624
( , )-distributive law 319
( , )-regular family 383
( , , )-distributive 329
A-bad 408
Absorption lemma for isomorphism types 688
AD family of sets 350ff 356
Addition theorem for weight 430 451
Additivity of a family of sets 351
Algebraic lattice 391
Almost disjoint family of mappings 373
Almost disjoint refinement 357
Almost disjoint sets 350 356 407 455 539 654
Almost rigid BA 510
Alternating cycle 410
Alternating sequence 410
Altitude 459
Anderson system 695ff
Anderson's theorem 694
Anderson, R.D. 694 699 714
Arhangel'skii, A. 429 433 441 448 466
Arithmetical properties of BAs 315
Atomless measure 591
Atomless measure algebra 330
Automorphism extension property 712
Automorphism groups 387 517ff 547 549ff
B-closed 576
Baire number 351
Baire property 335
Balcar, B. 315 333 349 368 379f 385f 462 466 527 546 610 620 623 629 635 678 681 715
Banach space 655
Base tree theorem 350
Baumgartner, J. 323 331 374 384 385 404 415 440 466 655 657 676
Bekkali, M. 387 389 637 678
Belhassan, M. 654 676
Below T 361
Bernstein set 335
Bernstein — Kuratowski — Sierpinski theorem 335
Bernstein's lemma 674
BG-pair 552
Bhaskara Rao, K. 392f 402f 407 416
Bhaskara Rao, M. 392f 402f 407 416
Birkhoff, G. 391 393 414 416 639 676
Blaszczyk, A. 676
Bonnet, R. 387 389 416 473 489 610 637 639 646 648 654 676
Bonnet-rigid 503 508 647 676
Boolean game 315 324 344
Boolean space 419
Boolean valued models 315 320
Borel field 551
Branch of a tree 643
Branched tree 666
Brenner, G. 527 545 643 674 676 684 694 714
Bukovsky, L. 322
CA 426ff
Candidate over a BA 504
Canonical decomposition in an interval algebra 400 641
Cantor property 349 361 372
Caratheodory extension theorem 597
Cardinal function 387 417ff
Cardinal sequence of a BA 473f
Carpintero, Organero P. 473 489
CCC 610 617 686 see
Cech, E. 443 466 639 674 676
Cellular family 426
Cellularity of a topological space 426
Center of a BA 607 624 684
Centered family of sets 344 434
ch 347 356 388 413 463 497 499 512 541 669 694 706
Character in a chain 642
Character of 423
Character of a space 423
Character of an ultrafilter 345
Chase, S. 531 545
Cichon, J. 676
Closed character of a space 423
Closed hereditary 422
Closed unbounded set 323
Co-retractive BA 403
Co-stationary 323
Cofinal 640
Cofinal type 642
Cofinality of a BA 417 458
Cofinality of a chain 360
Cohen Extension 513
Cohen real 349 356 368 371 512f 683
Coinitial interval 640
Coinitial type 642
Collapsing algebra 380 683
Comfort, W.W. 380 385 453 466
Commutator of f and g 694
Compact element of a lattice 391
Comparable elements of a BA 640
Compatible with 534f
Compatible with T 361
Complement in a lattice 391f
Complementary ideals 499
Complementation in the lattice of subalgebras 387ff 400
Complemented lattice 400
Complete BA 319ff 547
Complete ideal 572
Complete lattice 391
Complete rigid BA 674
Complete subalgebra 665
Complete weakly homogeneous BAs 388
Completely Ramsey 352
Completely separable almost disjoint family 336 359
Completion of a partial order 320
Complicated BAs 469 504
Component of 559
Concatenation 443
Congruence relation on a lattice 393 414
Congruences on the lattice of subalgebras 389
Conjugate of f by g 694
Constructive universe 322
Continuum Hypothesis 347 see
Countable BAs 547
Countable chain condition 331 407 see
Countable separation property 452
Countably generated ideal 404
Covering number of a family of sets 351
Cudnovskij, D. 384f
Cudnovskij, G. 384f
D(A) 422ff
de Groot, J. 639 677
| Decomposability 333 382f
Decomposable 335 337
DeMeyer, F. 531 545
Dense (for a subset of a BA) 404 425
Dense set in a space 425
Descending chain 346
Determined by an endomorphism schema 500
Diamond sequence 671
Diestel, J. 605
Discrete subset of a BA 432
Disjoint chains 361
Disjoint elements in a partial order 640
Disjoint ideals 528
Disjoint refinement property 315 333ff 337
Disjoint system 335
Disjoint union of structures 482
Distributive laws v 315ff
Dockalkova, J. 385 368
Dominating family of functions 347
Dordal 356 385
Dow, A. 341f 376 385
Dual atom 398
Dual hd(B) 434
Dual subalgebra 398
Dual-Bonnet-rigid BA 647
Dual-hopfian BA 508
Dually atomic lattice 398
DuBois-Reymond property 341 372
Duentsch, I. 389 392f 408 409 412ff 416
Efimov, B. 476 477 489
Ellentuck space 352
Ellentuck topology 336
Ellentuck, E. 352 385
Embedding 607ff
Embedding-rigid BA 486 646
End-extension 323
Endo-rigid BA 387 472 491f 498ff 674
Endomorphism schema 499
Endomorphisms of BAs 387 491ff
Engelking, R. 374
Erdoes — Tarski theorem 340
Erdoes, P. 340 360 374 385
Excellent subset 589
Extended kernel of an endomorphism 499
Extender 533
extends 687
F-space 452
Faithful class of BAs 550
Faithful class of pairs 549
Faithfulness 547
Final interval 640
Final segment 640
Fine structure of the constructible universe 322
Finite extensions of a BA 533ff
Finite intersection property 344
Finite-cofinite BA 450
Finitely additive measure 598
First-order interpretation 552
Flexible 555
Fodor's Theorem 655
Forcing 320ff
Foreman, M. 327 331
Franek, F. 379 380 385
Free -sequence 433
Free BA 343 417 464 476ff 611 682 699
Free products of BAs 343 349 356
Freeness of a BA 433
Freeness of a space 433
Freniche, F. 471 489
Frink, O. 391 416
Fubini's theorem 595
Fuchino, S. 694 703 715
Full ( , )-bigness property 483
Full subalgebra of 478
G-invariant measure 592
Gaifman, H. 685 715
Galois BA 536
Galois over A 532
Galois theory of extensions of BAs 517
Galois theory of finite extensions 533ff
Galois theory of simple extensions 528ff
Galvin, F. 352 385
Game-closed BA 326ff
Game-closed partial order 326
GCH 349 497 541 545
Geba, K. 654 677
Generic Extension 324
Gerlits, J. 446 466
Gilman, L. 674 677
Good equivalence relation 670
Good subgroup 706
Graetzer, G. 391 396 414 416 715
Grigorieff, S. 687 715
Grossberg, R. 677
Group-categorical 550
Haar measure 551 593
Hager, A. 453 466
Hajnal's free set theorem 456
Hajnal, A. 370 419 430 456 466
Hales, A. 685 715
Halmos, P.R. 536 546 597 605
Harrington, L. 323 331
Harrison, D. 531 545
Hausdorff, F. 374 465 466
Hechler, S. 359 368 371 374 385
Height (of an element in a tree) 643
Height of 349
Height of a tree 643
Heindorf, L. 333
Hereditarily 422
Hereditary cofinality 432
Hereditary cofinality of 437
Hereditary density 434
Hereditary Lindeloef degree 423 434
Hereditary saturatedness 337
Hewitt, E. 605
Hidden boundary 578
Hindman, N. 385
Hodel, R. 419 466
Hodkinson, I. 677
Homogeneous BA 387 388 519 549 609 679 681ff
Homogeneous universal BA 341
Homomorphism type of a BA 460
Hopfian BAs 387 491f 508
Ideal depth 435
Ideal generating number 435
Ideal height 435
Immediate successor 640
Incomparability number 433
Incomparable elements 640
Ind A 419 432ff
Indecomposable BAs 472 576
Independence 417 419 432ff
Independent matrix 374
Independent over A 538
Independent sets 479
Independent subset of a BA 432
Induced by 534
Ingraham, e. 531 545
Initial interval 640
Initialized term 482
Interpretation 550
Interval algebra 471ff 519 545
Interval BAs 471ff
Interval space 642
Interval topology 641
Invariant measure 595
Invariant subalgebra 523
Irreducible surjection 421
Isomorphism type 687
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