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Whitt W. — Stochastic-process limits and application to queues |
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Bremaud 71
Brownian motion, fluctuations of 28
Brownian motion, modulus of continuity for paths 28
Brownian motion, nondifferentiability of paths 28
C(S), cont. bdd. real-val. fcts. on S 1
Carson 75 91
Centering for convergence preservation linear 188
Centering in other direction 180
Central-server model 110
Characterizations of convergence in D, by linear maps 136
Characterizations of convergence in D, by visits to strips 138
Characterizations of convergence in D, main theorem 128
Characterizations of convergence in D, by linear maps 159
Characterizations of convergence in D, by local extrema 160
Characterizations of convergence in D, main theorem 149
Characterizations of convergence in D 131
Characterizations of convergence in D 155
Characterizations of feasible regulator set 199
Characterizations of local uniform convergence 126
Characterizations of multidimensional reflection map by complementarity 199
Characterizations of multidimensional reflection map by fixed-point property 199
Characterizations of parametric reps. 122
Chen 27
Choudhury 22
Chow 87
Closed queueing network 110
CLT equivalence for cting. fcts. 62
Comparison of and metrics 121
Comparison of and topologies 121
Complementarity and reflection 199
Complete metric space 139
Composition map 68 164
Composition map, continuity of 165
Composition map, not continuous everywhere 165
Composition map, with centering 173
Conditional prob. measure 14
Confidence set 74 76
conjugate see “Adjoint”
Conservation laws 52
Continuity of addition for 135 136
Continuity of addition for 159
Continuity of composition 165
Continuity of multidimension reflect, in uniform topology 202
Continuity of multidimension reflect, on (D, ) 203
Continuity of multidimension reflect, with topologies 210
Continuity of the inverse map 184
Continuity, right 114
Continuous-mapping approach 17 51 73
Continuous-mapping theorem 17 19
Convergence preservation, within bnding fcts. 161
Convergence preservation, with centering inverse map 188
Convergence preservation, with centering reflection map 182
Convergence preservation, with centering supremum map 174 180
Convergence, characterization of 128 138
Convergence, characterization of 149 160
Convergence, characterization of 131
Convergence, characterization of 155
Convergence, extending to product spaces for 134
Convergence, extending to product spaces for 158
Convergence, local uniform 124
Convergence, of prob. measures 1
Convergence, of restrictions 143
Convergence, of sets 246
Convergence, strengthening the mode for 134
Convergence, strengthening the mode for 158
Convergence, to Levy processes 45
Coordinate mapping 10
Corrections v
Counterexample for weak consistency 94
Counting fcts. 190—194
Counting fcts., asym. equiv., inv. fcts. 192 193
Counting functions 55
Counting functions, CLT equivalence 62
Counting functions, with centering 62
Counting process 190
Couplings 27
Covariance function 34
Crane 88
Csorgo 25 27—29
Cumulative process 37
Cylinder set 15
D, the space 161
D, the space, and topologies 144
D, the space, characterization of convergence 128
D, the space, characterization of convergence 148
D, the space, regularity properties 114
Damerdji 90
Derivative v
Derivative and convergence preservation 237
Derivative of inverse map 267
Derivative of supremum map 243
Derivative of the reflection map 259
Difference operator, fractional 48
Differences 47
Dirac measure 10
Disc(x), set of disc, pts. 19 115
Discontinuity points 115
Discontinuity points, jumps common sign 136 159
Distance, in-probability 17
Distance, order-consistent 119 131
Donsker’s theorem, rate of convergence in 25
Double sequences 41
Dudley 6
Dunford 16
Edgeworth expansion 24
Egoroff’s theorem 12
Einmahl 27
El-Taha 52 54 71 72 164
Equicontinuous 2
Errors v
Estimating a steady-state mean 89
Estimation process 74
Ethier 29 40
Extending, convergence to product spaces for 134
Extending, convergence to product spaces for 158
Extending, graphs for M' topologies 186
F(t), cdf 6
FCLT for a CTMC 34
FCLT for a DTMC 31
FCLT for regenerative processes 38
FCLT with weak dependence 30
FCLT, martingale 40
Feasible regulator, definition 197
Feller 22 24 41 44 45 140 230
Fishman 75 91
Fixed-point char, of ref. map 199
Fox 75 87 91
Fractional AR integrated MA, FARIMA 47
Fractional difference operator 48
Function, oscillation 125
Function, piecewise-constant 115
Functions of sample means 88
Fundamental matrix for a CTMC 33
Fundamental matrix of a DTMC 31
Gamma process 100
Generalized cont.-map. thm. 20
Generalized Pollaczek — Khintchine transform 22 98 99
Glazebrook 87
Gleser 87
Glynn iv 27 36 38 53 71—95
Gnedenko 41
Goldie 81
Govindarajulu 87
Granger 48
Graph, extended for M' topologies 186
Graph, thick 117
Graph, thin 117
Gut 71 72
Halmos 12
| Hausdorff metric on compact subsets of 246
Hausdorff metric on graphs for D 144
Heavy-traffic limit for nonstationary queues 262
Heavy-traffic limits for finite-capacity queues 217
Heavy-traffic limits for queueing networks 217
Heavy-traffic limits for stochastic fluid networks 217
Heidelberger 75 89
Helly selection theorem 140
Hill estimator 92
Horvath 25 27
Hosking 48
Hsu 27
Iglehart 90
In-probability distance 17
Infinitely divisible distribution 41
Infinitesimal generator matrix for CTMC 33
Inheritance of jumps from convergence 157
Innovation process 47
Innovation process, heavy-tailed 50
Instantaneous reflection map 204
Internet Supplement 164 167 210 220
Inverse map 183—194
Inverse map, continuity of 184
Inverse map, convergence pres. with centering 188
Inverse map, derivative of 267
Inverse relation for cting. fcts. 55 190
J, max-jump fct. 157
Jacknife 88
Jacod 40—42 45 46 142 178
Jenkins 47 48
Joint convergence of random elements for sup with centering 178
Joyeux 48
Kella v 98 218 224
Kelton 75 87 91
Kemeny 31 33
Kennedy 26
Kiefer — Wolfowitz stochastic approx. 91
Koenig 87
Kogan 111
Kolmogorov 41
Komlos 27
Kurtz 29 40
Laplace exponent 99
Lavenberg 75 88 110
Law 75 87 91
Left limits 114
Lemoine 88
Levy, exponent 42
Levy, measure 42
Levy, metric 18 140
Levy, process, convergence to 41
Levy, process, decomposition 43
Levy, process, model for input 223
Levy, process, reflected 98
Levy, process, strong approx. for 29
Levy, process, without negative jumps 98
Limiting stationary version, criterion for a 221—223
Limiting stationary version, of a reflected process 218
Linc(x), left inc. pts. of a; 248
Lindvall 27 142
Linear fcts. of coord, fcts. 136 159
Linear models 46
Linear process representation 46 50
Lipschitz, function 181
Lipschitz, lin. fct. of coord, fcts. 135 158
Lipschitz, mapping theorem 17 26
Lipschitz, property of multidim. ref. map 202 203 215 217
Liptser 111
Little’s law 52
Local uniform convergence 124
Local-maximum function for topology on D 160
Lucantoni 22 39
M/G/l queue 99
M/M/l queue 35 262
Maigret 36
Major 27
Mandelbaum v 27 112 235 276
Markov chains 30
Martingale 40
Martingale, difference 40
Martingale, in Levy pr. decomp. 43
Massey v 71 72 112 235 276
Matrix, norm 200
Matrix, reflection 197
Maximum norm on 114
McLeish 92
Measurability of addition on 136
Measurability of C in (D, ) 164
Measurability of Disc(x) 19
Measurability of subsets of D 184
Measurability of the inverse map 184
Metric, 118
Metric, 118
Metric, 145
Metric, 145
Metric, Hausdorff 144
Metric, Levy 140
Metric, product 145
Metric, uniform on D 114
Meyn 36
Miller 89
Mixture 11
Modulus of continuity of BM 28
Modulus of continuity, over a set 116
Multidimensional reflection 233
Multidimensional reflection as function of the ref. matrix Q 203
Multidimensional reflection, characterization of, by complementarity 199
Multidimensional reflection, characterization of, by fixed-point property 199
Multidimensional reflection, continuity of, as fct of x and Q 216
Multidimensional reflection, continuity of, in 210
Multidimensional reflection, counterexamples for 217
Multidimensional reflection, definition of 197
Multidimensional reflection, existence of 198
Multidimensional reflection, instantaneous 204
Multidimensional reflection, Lipschitz property for 217
Multidimensional reflection, Lipschitz property for 215
Multidimensional reflection, Lipschitz property for 203
Multidimensional reflection, Lipschitz property for uniform norm 20
Multidimensional reflection, one-sided bounds 202
Multidimensional reflection, properties of 202
Multiprogrammed computer system, input-output devices 110
Nadas 87
Nested family of countable partitions 7
Neuts 39
Neveu 15
Non-compact domains 142
Nonlinear centering 237
Nonstationary queues 262
Norm, matrix 200
Norm, maximum on 114
Number of visits to a strip 137
Numerical transform inversion 22 48 100
Order on completed graph 117
Order, total 117
Order-consistent distance 119 131
Oscillation function 125
Parametric representation, , definitions 118
Parametric representation, 148
Parametric representation, limits for 209
Parametric representation, reflection of 204
Partition 5
Partition of a set 7
Philipp 27
Piecewise-constant fct. 115
Piecewise-linear fct. 208
Planning queueing simulations 73
Poisson equation 31
Poisson equation for a CTMC 34
Poisson equation for a DTMC 32
Poisson random measure 43
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