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Rosenberg I.M. — Protein Analysis and Purification |
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2-mercaptoethanol (2-ME) 83—84
Acrylamide concentration 59—60
Affinity chromatography 19 303—322
Affinity tags, recombinant proteins and 341—361
Alkali extraction 138—139
Alkaline phosphatase, phosphorylation and 229
Amino acids, bonds and 9—10
Amino acids, histidine purification 321
Amino acids, hydropathy values of 9
Amino acids, N-terminal 199—203
Amino acids, nonpolar 15
Amino acids, nonpolar R groups 13
Amino acids, phosphohistidine residues 242—244
Amino acids, R groups 5—6
Amino acids, sequence analysis 217
Anti-CRD 256
Antibodies 34
Antibodies, antigen-antibody method 153—154
Antibodies, biotinylating 179—180
Antibodies, coupling 306—308
Antibodies, immunoblots and 179—180
Antibodies, monoclonal 35
Antibodies, polyclonal 34
Antibodies, production of 326—327
Antibodies, purifying 179—180
Antibodies, techniques 35—37
Antibody coupling 306—308
Antigen-antibody method 153—154
Antiparallel pleated sheets 11—12
Antiprotease cocktail 32—33
Autographa califomica 352
Autophosphorylation 233
Autoradiography 71—72 177—178 180
Bacillus sub tills 138
bacteria 139 169
Bacteria, purifying proteins from 101—102
Baculoviral vectors 352—353
Bead mill homogenizers 103
Bicinchoninic acid (BCA) method 110 115—116
Bioactivity, retention of 21
BioRad Mini Protean II 64
Biotin 28—29 171
Biotinylation of proteins 172
Biotinylation, domain-selective 29—31
Blotting methods 158—160
Blotting methods, blocking 163—164
Blotting methods, primary antibody and 163—164
Blotting methods, southwestern analysis 169—170
Bovine uroplakin, CNBr cleavage of 191
Bradford method 109 111—114
Bradford spot test 278
Buchner funnel 106
Butanol extraction 140—141
Carbohydrate analysis 222—223
Cell disruption 102—105
Cell extracts 32 101—109
Cell labeling 21—24 226—227
Cellulose films 68
Centrifuge speeds 3
Chemical cleavage 189—195
Chemical cross-linking 46—53
Chloramine T method 22 31—38
Chloroform/methanol extraction 21
Chromatofocusing 292—293
Chromatography 265—322
Chromatography, affinity 303—319
Chromatography, chromatofocusing 292—293
Chromatography, gel filtration 267—280
Chromatography, high performance liquid 2 266 279—283 294 300—303
Chromatography, HPLC-ion exchange 294
Chromatography, hydrophobic interaction chromatography 296—303
Chromatography, hydroxylapatite 321—322
Chromatography, ion exchange 283—293
Chromatography, lectin affinity 317—319
Chromatography, ligand affinity 312—313
Chromatography, membrane adsorbers 294—296
Chromatography, metal chelate 319—320
Chromatography, perfusion 296
Chromatography, reversed phase HPLC 300—303
Chromatography, terminology used in 266—267
Colorimetric detection 173—174
Consensus sequences, protein structure 17—18
Copolymerized substrate 93—94
Covalent modification 207—260
Critical micelle concentration (CMC) 142—144
Cross-linking 46—53
Cuatrecasas 312
Cysteine residues 81 194—195
Database searches 203—204
Davis, B. 56
Dayhuff, T. 70
DEAE-dextran 357—358
DEAE-dextran chloroquine method 358—359
Denaturation 91 99—132 136
Desialylation 220—221
Detergents 141—151
Detergents, choosing 146—147
Detergents, classification of 145
Detergents, critical micelle concentration 142—144
Detergents, gel filtration 146
Detergents, hydrophile-lipophile balance 145
Detergents, ionic 149—150
Detergents, nonionic 144—145 150
Detergents, nucleic acids and 109
Detergents, protein recovery and 162
Detergents, protein-to-detergent ratio 149
Detergents, protocols of 147—149
Detergents, removal of 149—150
Detergents, solubilization 146 148—149
Diagonal gels 84—85
Dialysis 121—123
Differential centrifugation 106
Dimethylpimelimidate 306—307
Direct autoradiography 177
Disulfide bond formation 83—85 119
Dithiobis 51—52
Dithiothreitol (DTT) 83—84
DMSO shock 356—357
DNA, cDNA 4 16 20
DNA, DNA-binding proteins 94—95 169
DNA, eukaryotic systems 354—355
DNA, probes 169
DNA, protein sequences and 8
DNA, radioactively labeled 94
DNA, replication of 353
DNA, template preparation 328—329
DNA, transfection of 355—356
Dot blots 156—157
Edman reagent 201—203
Electrophoresis 55—97 186—187 237—238
Electrophoresis, attaching gel cassette 62—64
Electrophoresis, BioRad Mini Protean II 64
Electrophoresis, buffer composition 236
Electrophoresis, comb removal 63
Electrophoresis, Coomassie blue staining 62
Electrophoresis, electrophoresis chamber 80
Electrophoresis, gel drying 68
Electrophoresis, gel staining 72—73
Electrophoresis, gradient gels and 66—67
Electrophoresis, nonreducing 52
Electrophoresis, postmitochondrial polypeptides 82
Electrophoresis, preparing the sample 61—62
Electrophoresis, safety considerations 71
Electrophoresis, two-dimensional gel systems 81
ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) 35 161
Elutrap™ 77 79—81
Endoglycosidase H analysis 219 334—335
Enhanced chemiluminescence 175—176
Enzymatic activity, staining for 91
Enzymatic cleavage 184—189
| Enzymatic dephosphoryltaion, protocols for 227—234
Enzymatic detection methods, target protein detection 172—173
Enzymatic prenylation 250—251
Enzymes 91—92 118 see
Enzymes, glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins 341
Enzymes, kinases 224—225 230—233
Enzymes, lactoperoxidase 26
Enzymes, N-glycanase 214—215 218—220
Enzymes, neuraminidase 219—222
Enzymes, potato acid phosphatase 228—229
Epitope mapping 165
Eukaryotic proteins, purification of 339—340
Eukaryotic proteins, transfection-expression and 354—355
Exchanger matrix 286
Extracti-Gel® D 150—151
Fasman, G. 325
Fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry (FAB-MS) 213
FLAG biosystem 346—347
Flourescamine protein assay 117—118
Fluorography 178—179
Formic acid cleavage 193—194
Fusion proteins 327 336—337
Fusion proteins, glutathione-S-transferase 341
Fusion proteins, maltose binding protein (MBP) 347
Fusion proteins, removing the GST 344—345
Fusion proteins, solubilization of 339
Gabriel, O. 91
Gel bonding, agarose in 81
Gel cassette, attaching to the apparatus 62—64
Gel filtration chromatography 267—280
Gel filtration chromatography, application-loading 275
Gel filtration chromatography, Bradford spot test 278
Gel filtration chromatography, buffers 123
Gel filtration chromatography, choice of buffer 270
Gel filtration chromatography, column size 270—271
Gel filtration chromatography, detergents 146
Gel filtration chromatography, equipment 269
Gel filtration chromatography, flow rate 273
Gel filtration chromatography, gel-degassing 271—272
Gel filtration chromatography, hydrostatic pressure 273—275
Gel filtration chromatography, molecular weight determination 276
Gel filtration chromatography, packing the column 272—273
Gel filtration chromatography, spin columns in 277—278
Gel reactions, post-electrophoresis and 93—94
Gersten, D. 91
Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fusion proteins 341
Glycerol shock 356—357
Glycopeptide sequencing 203
Glycoproteins 21
Glycoproteins in glycosylation 215—216
Glycoproteins, binding of 317—318
Glycoproteins, elution of 319
Glycoproteins, oligosaccharide removal from 214—215
Glycoproteins, oligosaccharides and 222
Glycoproteins, purification of 319
Glycoproteins, sialylation of 220
Glycoproteins, staining of 159—160
Glycoproteins, tunicamycin and 216
Glycosaminoglycans 21
Glycosidase inhibitors 211
Glycosyl phosphatidylinositol 252—253
Glycosylation 208—224
Glycosylation, endoplasmic reticulum and 209
Glycosylation, glycoproteins and 215—216
Glycosylation, golgi apparatus 209
Glycosylation, immunoprecipitates and 215—216
Glycosylation, N-glycosylation 213—216
Glycosylation, oligosaccharide removal 214—215
Glycosylation, proteoglycans and 223—224
Glycosylation, protocols for 213—224
Glypiation 251—253
GPI structure 256
Gradient gels 66—67
Green, N. 349
GST fusion proteins, purification of 342—344
Guanidine hydrochloride 91 138
Hemagglutinin 349—350
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) 2 266 279—283
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), column designs 280—281
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), helpful tips 281—282
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), HPLC-ion exchange chromatography 294
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), packing materials 280
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), reversed phase 300—303
High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), size exclusion 282—283
High pressure homogenizers 103—104
Histidine purification 321
Holzman, L. 338
HPLC see "High performance liquid chromatography"
Hydrogen bonds 11 13
Hydropathy scale 15
Hydrophile-lipophile balance 145
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography (HIC) 296—303
Hydrophobic sites 15—16
Hydroxylamine cleavage 192—193
Hydroxylapatite chromatography 321—322
Hydroxylation 257
Immunoaffinity matrices 310—311
Immunoaffinity purification 305—306
Immunoblotting 164—165 179—180
Immunodetection 170—180
Immunoprecipitation 35—36 215—216
Immunoprecipitation, nondenaturing 40—41
Immunoprecipitation, principles of 34—37
Immunoprecipitation, protocol for 37—39
Immunoprecipitation, sequential 39—40
In vitro transcription 327—328 329—330
In vitro translation 328—328 330—332
Indirect autoradiography 178
IODO-GEN® method 27
Ion exchange chromatography 283 286
Ion exchange chromatography, batch adsorption 288
Ion exchange chromatography, buffers in 287
Ion exchange chromatography, chromatofocusing 292—293
Ion exchange chromatography, exchanger matrix 285—286
Ion exchange chromatography, functional groups 284—285
Ion exchange chromatography, ion exchange column 289—290
Ion exchange chromatography, protocols for 288 291—293
Ion exchange chromatography, regeneration of sephadex exchangers 291
Ion exchange chromatography, regeneration of sepharose ion exchangers 292
Ion exchange chromatography, starting pH 288—289
Ion exchange chromatography, theory of 283—284
Ionic detergents 145 149—150
Isoelectric focusing (IEF) 84—88
Isoelectric point 15 84 284
Isoprenylation 247—250
Kessler, S. 36
Kinases 224—225 230—233
Labeling of cells 21—24
Labeling of protein 21—22
Labeling, Chloramine T method 22 31—38
Labeling, metabolic 22—24 226—227 249—250
Labeling, radioactive sugars 211
Labeling, surface proteins 25—29
Lactoperoxidase 26
lacZ fusion proteins 336—337
Laminin binding 166
Lectin affinity chromatography 317—319
Lectin binding 165 167—169
Lectin, radiolabeled 167
Lectins, carbohydrate analysis and 222—223
Ligand affinity chromatography 312—313
Ligand binding, protocols of 165—167
Ligand blotting 164—165
Ligand interaction 49—50
Linderstrom-Lang, K. 6
Linear gradient gels 66—67
Lipid bilayer 141
Lipid modification 245—256
Lipid modification, glypiation 251—253
Lipid modification, isoprenylation 247—250
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